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Because the Navier-Stokes Equation has as yet no

analytical solution, simplifications are resorted to for
specific fluid flow problems. Consider a simple problem
where it is desired to determine the friction loss per unit
length in a pipe that is contemplated for commercial



p2 D


It should not be difficult to take the one-dimensional

form of the N-S Eqn. and get the relationship between hl and
v, D, L, and fluid viscosity and density. The proper
experiment set-up can then be devised under the guidance of
the derived relationship.
In any problem, finding the guiding relationship is
crucial because the experimentation consumes plenty of time
and resources, trial and error becomes expensive. The
familiar pipe flow problem above is used to illustrate the
procedure for systematically finding the required
relationship, which can be used for more complex situations.
In any given problem, we aim to predict one or more of
the relevant dependent variables from a set of independent
variables. We call an independent variable, or a group of
independent variables, that is controllable in an experiment,
or is essentially constant during an observation of a natural
process, a parameter. Later on, we will learn to group
variables into products and ratios to simplify analyses. To
help us through the clutter, we classify them as geometric
variables, fluid properties, and flow properties.

Geometry: lengths (e.g. conduit width, depth, length, or

diameter); areas (e.g. cross-section or surface); volumes
Fluid Properties: , , , (kinematic viscosity),
(compressibility), (surface tension)
Flow Properties: time, velocity, acceleration (e.g. g),
discharge, force, pressure, work, energy, impulse,
momentum, power.
Any equation must have all its terms in the same
dimension (e.g. the energy equation). Complexity is reduced
if we can group variables into dimensionless terms with a
profound effect of making our equations applicable to any
scale of the problem (e.g. any size or type of pipe, any fluid).
1. Draw the free-body diagram
a. define the control volume
b. determine forces acting on the fluid
i. body forces
ii. forces exerted at and by the boundaries
2. Determine the relevant variables, their dimensions (MLT),
proper symbols, and classify them according to geometric,
flow, or fluid property.
3. Reduce the variables to mutually independent ones, e.g. in
area vs. diameter, diameter is more fundamental; velocity
should be retained vs. discharge. E.g. for the pipe
Geometry: L, r, D, (roughness height), A, L, D,
v, Q, p1, p2, F1, F2, , g, W, v, p1, p2, g
, , , , ,
p1 p2=p would express energy loss from 1 to 2, thus:

p = f(L, D, , v, g, , )
4. Group variables and arrive at a dimensionless equation
(e.g. use the Buckingham Pi Theorem)

The Buckingham Theorem: For n independent

variables in m dimensions, there exists n-m
dimensionless parameters (products).
1. From f(A1, A2, , An) = 0
e.g. f(p,l,D,,v,g,,) = 0,
We get f(1, 2, , n-m) = 0.
2. Select m repeating variables: One geometric, e.g. L (A1);
one flow property, e.g. v (A2), one fluid property, e.g.
(A3); A4=p, A5=D, A6=, A7=g, A8=.
3. Form dimensionless products:

1 A1x1 A2y1 A3z1 A4

1 Lx1 v y1 z1 p

2 A1x2 A2y2 A3z2 A5

2 Lx2 v y2 z2 D

nm A1xnm A2ynm A3znm An 3 Lx3 v y3 z3 ;

4 Lx4 v y4 z4 g ; 5 Lx5 v y5 z5
4. Solve for x1, x2, , xn-m, y1, y2, , yn-m, z1, z2, , zn-m,when
dimensions are substituted, e.g.

Lx L y L z L L
M: 0 + 0 + z1 + 1 = 0 z1 = 1
L: x1 + y1 z1 1 = 0 x1 = 1
T: 0 y1 z1 2 = 0 y1 = 1

-1 -1
1 = Lv p = v ; Check:

ML1T 1 LT 1 ok.

2 Lx2 L y2 L z2 L L
M: 0 + 0 + z1 + 0 = 0 z2 = 0
L: x2 + y2 z2 + 1 = 0 x2 = 1
T: 0 y2 z2 + 0 = 0 y2 = 0

2 = L D =

3 Lx3 L y3 L z3 L L
z3 = 0,

x3 = 1,

y3 = 0

3 = L =

4 Lx4 L y4 L z4 LT -2 L
M: 0 + 0 + z4 + 0 = 0 z4 = 0

4 = Lv g = 2

L: x4 + y4 z4 + 1 = 0 x4 = 1


T: 0 y4 z4 2 = 0 y4 = 2

5 Lx5 L y5 L z5 ML3 L
M: 0 + 0 + z5 + 1 = 0 z5 = 1

5 = Lv =

L: x5 + y5 z5 3 = 0 x5 = 1


T: 0 y5 z5+ 0 = 0 y5 = 1
The guiding relationship can now be obtained:

Lp D gL vL
, , , ,
f(1, 2, , n-m) = 0 v L L v 2

vL gL



p L v 2 vD
, , , , 0
gL D D gL

Further manipulation yields:

L v 2 vD L v 2



D D gL D gL D

L v2
hL f D 2 g (Darcy-Weisbach headloss equation)

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