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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

Triassic radiolarian faunas from the Mae Sariang area, northern Thailand
and their paleogeographic signicane
Yoshihito Kamata a,*, Katsuo Sashida b, Katsumi Ueno c, Ken-ichiro Hisada b, Nikorn Nakornsri d,
Punya Charusiri e
Department of Earth Sciences, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi 753-8512, Japan
Institute of Geoscience, The University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan
Earth System Sciences, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan
Department of Mineral Resources, Rama VI, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Received 6 September 2000; accepted 17 April 2001

Early to Late Triassic (Spathian to Carnian) radiolarians were obtained from the bedded chert sequence of the Mae Sariang Group
distributed in northern Thailand. Based on the similarity of radiolarian fauna and petrographical characteristics, it is inferred that the negrained siliceous and calcareous sediments of the Mae Sariang Group are equivalent to those belonging to the eastern marginal facies of the
Sibumasu Block. Moreover, the occurrence of an early (?) Carnian radiolarian assemblage from bedded chert shows that the closure of the
Paleotethys Ocean between the Sibumasu and Indochina Blocks in northern Thailand occurred after the early Carnian. q 2002 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Triassic radiolarians; Petrographical characteristics; Geotectonics

1. Introduction
In modern understanding of the geotectonics of
Southeast Asia, it is widely accepted that Southeast Asia
is composed of several terranes or continental blocks,
arcs, and accretionary complexes (e.g. Metcalfe, 1996),
and the origin of most of the continental blocks is
believed to be the northern margin of Gondwanaland.
These continental blocks drifted away from Gondwanaland
at different times, forming several stages of the Tethys
Ocean and nally amalgamated to form the Asian Continent. Mainland Thailand has been divided geologically into
two continental blocks, the western Sibumasu and eastern
Indochina blocks. The Nan-Uttaradit Suture is believed to
be the suture zone, represented by remnants of paleo-oceanic sediments and arcs, between the Sibumasu and Indochina continental blocks (Bunapas, 1981). However, the
timing of rifting, collision, and the position of the boundary
is still debatable (e.g. Tan, 1996; Ueno, 1999; Chonglakmani, 1999).
During the last three decades, geological and paleontolo* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Kamata).

gical data from Southeast Asia have been rapidly accumulating. However, these data were restricted to shallow-water
fauna, mainly from carbonate and coarse-grained sedimentary rocks. Recently, detailed age determinations, based
mainly on the radiolarian biostratigraphical data of pelagic
sediments, have been used for terrane analysis and to
understand the timing of terrane collisions (e.g. Sashida
et al., 1993, 1995; Sashida and Igo, 1999). The
distribution of the pelagic sediments and their geological
ages indicate the spatial extent of the Paleotethys Ocean,
its processes of development, and its times of opening and/
or closing.
In November and December of 1997, we undertook a
eld survey in the northern part of Thailand to collect
siliceous sediments and associated ne-grained clastic
rocks to clarify the detailed geological age of rocks belonging to the Mae Sariang and Mae Hong Son Groups. Fortunately, we recovered Triassic radiolarian faunas from rocks
belonging to the Mae Sariang Group. In the present paper,
we systematically describe Triassic radiolarian species, and
discuss the signicance of their occurrence to understand
the development of the Paleotethys Ocean which once
existed between the Sibumasu and Indochina Continental

1367-9120/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S1367-912 0(01)00047-5


Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

2. Geological setting

Fig. 1. Index map showing the tectonic subdivisions of mainland Thailand

and study area (Mae Sariang). Base map is from Ueno (1999). I: Sibumasu
Block, II: Inthanon Zone, III: Sukhothai Zone, IV: Indochina Block.

Mae Sariang is located in the northwestern part of

Thailand, near the border with Myanmar (Fig. 1). Along
the border, a tectonostratigraphic division, the Western
Mountains (Bunapas, 1981), occupies the western margins
of Thailand. This area is underlain by high-grade metamorphic rocks, gneiss, and sedimentary rocks of Precambrian, Paleozoic, and Mesozoic age (Bunapas, 1981). The
Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks have been
subdivided into three groups, the Hod Limestone, Mae
Hong Son, and Mae Sariang Groups.
The Hod Limestone is argillaceous and contains conodonts and megafossils of Early to Late Ordovician age.
Although the detailed stratigraphy of the Mae Hong Son
Group is unknown (Bunapas, 1981), this group is composed
of shale, chert, limestone, and sandstone. Late Silurian to
Late Devonian conodonts are reported from shale and chert
in this group (Baum et al., 1970). The Mae Hong Son Group,
which is widely distributed east and west of the Mae Hong
SonMae Sariang Highway, is basically overlapped by the
Doi Kong Mu Formation of red-sandstone and shale, but is
locally unconformably overlain by the Lower Permian limestone. To the west of Mae Sariang, it is unconformably
overlain by the Triassic Mae Sariang Group (Bunapas,
1981). The name of `Mae Sariang Group' was proposed
for the Triassic sandstones, shales and limestones which
are distributed in the Mae SariangMae Hong Son area
(Bunapas, 1981). This group has not been divided into
formations, and its precise stratigraphy is also unkown.
Calcareous shales of this group contain Daonella and Halobia of Carnian age. This group of Middle to Upper Paleozic
rocks unconformably overlies, and is overlain by a thick
Cenozoic cover.
The studied section belonging to the Mae Sariang Group,
is located about 500 m west of Mae Sariang (Fig. 2). The
section shows, exposed along the road in ascending order,
from east to west: (1) bedded chert, (2) alternations of chert
and siliceous shale, and (3) red shale with calcareous layers

Fig. 2. Map showing the locality of the studied section in the Mae Sariang area. Thin and thick solid lines indicate path and main road, respectively. Half-tone
thick line indicates river.

Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506


Fig. 3. Route map showing the occurrence of (1) bedded chert, (2) alternation of chert and shale, and (3) red shale with calcareous layers and sampling points.
Samples MSR-1118 yield Early ? to Late Triassic radiolarians.

(Fig. 3). The lower half of this section is composed of gray

to greenish gray, partly pinkish well-bedded chert, with beds
35 cm thick. This chert shows laminations of a few mm in
thickness. Under the microscope, the chert consists mainly
of microcrystalline quartz associated with very ne clay
minerals (Fig. 4B). Some stratigraphic horizons contain
numerous rhombus-shaped dolomite grains. The upper
part of this section consists of alternations of thin-bedded
chert and shale. Lithologic and petrographic characteristics
of the chert are similar to those of the bedded chert in the
lower part of this section. Shale is mainly composed of clay
minerals. The uppermost part of the section is made up of
red shale with occasional calcareous layers. The red shale
also consists mainly of clay minerals (Fig. 4D). The red
shale shows very thin laminations a few mm-thick and is
weakly bedded, with beds 1030 cm in thickness. Red and
lenticular calcareous layers are often intercalated in the
shale. These rocks trend northwest to southeast and dip to
the west at a high angle. The alternation of chert and siliceous shale overlies the bedded chert conformably, but the

relationship with the red shale is unknown, due to the lack of

outcrop. As stated later, radiolarians show that the beds
young from west to east in the bedded chert sequence.
Based on radiolarians, this section is inferred to be overturned. We collected 14 samples from this section. Radiolarian specimens were separated from the rocks by using
the dilute hydrouoric acid (HF).

3. Radiolarian fauna and age

Radiolarians obtained from nine samples are listed in
Table 1 and most of the identied species are shown in
Figs. 57. Fragments of conodonts and foraminifers were
also recovered from sample MSR-12, and from some calcareous red shale (samples MSR-18 and 20), respectively
(Table 1). We distinguished seven radiolarian faunas of
Early (?) to Late Triassic age (Fig. 3).
Sample MSR-18 contains the following species:
Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Sashida; Parasepsagon ?

Fig. 4. Polished surfaces and microphotographs (crossed polars) of the samples MSR-11 (A), (B) and MSR-23 (C), (D).


Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

Table 1
List of Triassic radiolarians from the study sections
Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis
P. sp.
Archaeosemantis cristianensis
A. sp.
Archaeothammulus ? Sp.
Tandarnia ? sp.
Eptingium cf. manfredi
E. cf. nakasekoi Kozur and
E. sp.
Parasepsagon ? antiquus
Pantanellium ? sp.
Poulpidae ?
Triassocampe eruca Sugiyama
T. coronata Bragin
T. campanilis (Kozur and
T. cf. sulovensis Kozur and
T. sp.
Striatotriassocampe cf.
laeviannulatum Kozur and
Spinotriassocampe spp.
Pseudostylosphaera japonoca
(Nakaseko and Nishimura)
P. spinulosa (Nakaseko and
P. longispinosa Kozur and
P. cf. longispinosa Koaur and
P. hellenica De Wever
P. cf. hellenica De Wever
Silicarmiger sp.
Spongosilicarmiger ? sp.
Triassospongosphaera cf.
multispinosa Kozur and Mostler
T. sp.
Planispinocyrtis ? sp.
Cryptostephanidium sp.
Plafkerium ? conuens
Dumitrica et. al.
P.? cf. rmum Gorican
P. cf. abbotti Pessagno
P.? rmus Gorican
Beturiella robusta Dumitrica et.
B. sp.
Muelleritortis cochleata
cochleata (Nakaseko and
M. cochleata tumidospina
(Nakaseko and Nishimura)
M. sp.
Falcispongus calcaneum



















Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506


Table 1 (continued)
F. curvispinus (Dumitrica)
F. cf. hamatus Dumitrica
Spongoserrula rarauana
S. ? sp.
Oertlispongus inaequispinosus
O. sp.
Anisicyrtis ? sp.
Latium ? sp.
Laxtorum cf. hindei Blome
Cryptostephanidium cornigerum
Dumitricasphaera cf.
goestlingensis Kozur and
Vinassaspongus subsphaericus
Kozur and Mostler
Paronaella ? sp.
Citriduma ? sp.
Astrocentrus ? sp.
Corum cf. regium Blome
C. ? sp.
Tritortis kretaensis dispiralis
T. kretaensis kretaensis (Kozur
and Krahl)
T. cf kretaensis kretaensis
(Kozur and Krahl)
T. cf. integrita (Cordey et al.)
T. sp.
Sarla ? sp.
Nassellaria gen. et. sp. indet.
Spumellaria gen. et. sp. indet.
















antiquus (Sugiyama); Pantanellium ? sp.; Eptingium sp.;

and a genus belonging to the Poulpidae. P. nakatsugawaensis is a diagnostic species of the P. nakatsugawaensis (Pn)
Assemblage Zone (Sugiyama, 1992) of late Spathian age,
and has a range from Spathian to Lower Ladinian
(Sugiyama, 1997). P. ? antiquus (Sugiyama) is a characteristic species of the Pn and the Hozmadia gifuensis Assemblage Zones (Sugiyama, 1992) of Anisian to Early Ladinian
age. Although other specimens are very poorly preserved,
this fauna is similar to those of the Pn Assemblage. Therefore, the geological age of this radiolarian fauna is estimated
to be Spathian (?) to early Anisian.
Sample MSR-17 yielded the following radiolarian
species: Triassocampe eruca Sugiyama; Eptingium cf.
manfredi Dumitrica; E. cf. nakasekoi Kozur and Mostler;
Archaeosemantis cristianensis Dumitrica; Triassospongosphaera cf. multispinosa (Kozur and Mostler), and others.
The rst three species are diagnostic of the Anisian TR2A
TR3B Zones of Sugiyama (1997).
Sample MSR-16 contains many species including: Triassocampe coronata Bragin; T. campanilis (Kozur and


Mostler); Striatotriassocampe cf. laeviannulata Kozur

and Mostler; Eptingium cf. manfredi Dumitrica; E. cf.
nakasekoi Kozur and Mostler; Pseudostylosphaera
japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura); P. cf. longispinosa
Kozur and Mostler; Pseudostylosphaera spinulosa (Nakaseko and Nishimura); Parasepsagon ? antiquus (Sugiyama)
and others. According to the biostratigraphical studies by
Sugiyama (1992, 1997) and Kozur and Mostler (1981,
1994), this radiolarian fauna may suggest a late Ladinian
Sample MSR-14 yielded the following species: Pseudostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura); P. cf.
longispinosa Kozur and Mostler; P. cf. hellenica (De
Wever); Plafkerium cf. rmum Gorican; Muelleritortis
cochleata tumidospina Kozur and Mostler; Falcispongus
calcaneum Dumitrica; F. cf. hamatus Dumitrica and others.
This fauna is characterized by the occurrence of Falcispongus calcaneum that has a range of latest Anisian to early
Ladinian (Dumitrica, 1982). Other species such as P. logispinosa, Plafkerium rmum, and Muelleritortis cochleata
tumidospina have been reported from the Ladinian


Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

Fig. 5. Scanning electron photomicrographs of Triassic radiolarians from siliceous rocks of the Mae Sariang area, northern Thailand.
Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Sashida, DEUY-YK4404; B. D. Archaeosemantis cristianensis Dumitrica, DEUY-YK4394, 4393; C. Archaeosemantis sp.,
DEUY-YK4390; E. Pseudostylosphaera cf. longispinosa Kozur and Mostler, DEUY-YK4387; P. P. japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura), DEUY-YK4382; G.
Pseudostylosphaera ? spinulosa (Nakaseko and Nishimura), DEUY-YK4385; H. Pantanellium? sp., DEUY-YK4402; I. Pseudostylosphaera cf. hellenica (De
Wever), DEUY-YK; J. P. hellenica (De Wever), DEUY-YK4352; K. Dumitricasphaera cf. geostlingensis Kozur and Mostler, DEUY-YK4346; L. Parasepsagon? antiquas (Sugiyama), DEUY-YK4388; M. Astrocentrus sp., DEUY-YK4320; N. Paronaella ? sp., DEUY-YK4348; O. P. Spumellaria gen. et sp.
indet. specimen A DEUY-YK4347, 4356.
Scale bars, 1 to 4 equal to 100 mm; 1 applies A, B, D; 2 to C, F, H, M; 3 to E, G, I, J, K, L, O, P; 4 to N.

Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506


Fig. 6. Scanning electron photomicrographs of Triassic radiolarians from siliceous rocks of the Mae Sariang area, northern Thailand.
A. Salra ? sp., DEUY-YK4340; B. Vinassaspongus subsphaericus Kozur and Mostler, DEUY-YK4361; C. E. Muelleritortis cocholeata tumidospina
(Nakaseko and Nishimura), DEUY-YK4326, 4325; D. Muelleritortis cochleasta cocholeata (Nakaseko and Nishimura), DEUY-YK4351; F. Tritortis
kretaensis kretaensis, DEUY-YK4338; G. H. Tritortis sp. DEUY-YK4337, 4324; I. J. T. kretaensis dispiralis, DEUY-YK4330, 4342.; K. L. Tritortis cf.
kretaensis kretaensis DEUY-YK4338; M. Spongoserrula sp., DEUY-YK4310; N. O. Spongoserrula rarauana Dumitrica, DEUY-YK4345, 4359.
Scale bars, 1 to 2 equal to 100 mm; 1 applies to B, M; 2 to A, CO.


Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

Fig. 7. Scanning electron photomicrographs of Triassic radiolarians from siliceous rocks of the Mae Sariang area, northern Thailand.
A. B. Triassocampe sp., DEUY-YK4373, 4374; C. Triassocampe coronata Bragin, DEUY-YK4384; D. Triassocampe cf. sulovensis Kozur and Mock, DEUYYK4341; E. Spinotriassocampe spp, DEUY-YK4395; F. Plaiespinocyrtis sp., DEUY-YK4386; G. Silicamiger sp., DEUY-YK4389; H. Nassellaria gen. et sp.
indet. specimen A DEUY-YK4357; I. Laxtorum cf. hindei Blome, DEUY-YK4350; J. Triassocampe spp., DEUY-YK4358; K. Nassellaria gen. et sp. indet,
specimen B DEUY-YK4354; L. Latium ? sp., DEUY-YK4353; M. E. cf. nakasekoi Kozur and Mostler, DEUY-YK4383; N. Eptingidae, DEUY-YK4406; O.
Falcispongus cuvispinus (Dumitrica), DEUY-YK4360; P. F. cf. hamatusDunmitrica, DEUY-YK 4377; Q. Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Dumitrica et al.,
DEUY-YK4380; S. Falcispongus calcaneum Dumitrica, DEUY-YK4357, 4381.
Scale bars, 1 to 5 equal to 100 mm; 1 applies to D, E, I, K, L; 2 to A, H, J, O, P, R; 3 to C, F, G, M, N; 4 to B, 5 to Q, S.

Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

(Kozur, 1988a; Kozur and Mostler, 1981; Gorican and

Buser, 1990; Sugiyama, 1997).
Although the radiolarian preservation is quite poor,
sample MSR-13 yielded the following species: Triassocampe cf. sulovensis Kozur and Mostler; Tritortis cf. integrita (Cordey et al.) and Plafkerium cf. rmus Gorican. We
tentatively assign the age of this fauna as Ladinian based on
the biostratigraphic work by Kozur and Mostler (1981) and
Sugiyama (1997).
Radiolarian faunas from samples MSR-11 and 12 are
characterized by the occurrence of Triassocampe cf. sulovensis Kozur and Mostler, Tritortis kretaensis kretaensis
(Kozur and Krahl), Muelleritortis cochleata cochleata
(Nakaseko and Nishimura), Muelleritortis cochleata tumidospina (Nakaseko and Nishimura), and Spongoserrula
rarauana Dumitrica. All of these species have been reported
from middle Ladinian to early or middle Carnian (Dumitrica, 1982; Kozur, 1988a,b; Kozur and Mostler, 1981;
Sugiyama, 1997). Dumitricasphaera cf. goestlingensis
Kozur and Mostler obtained from sample MSR-12 has
occurred in the early Carnian (Lahm, 1984). According to
the ranges of these species, the geological age of this fauna
is interpreted as late Ladinian to early Carnian.
4. Paleogeographic signicance
Recently, biostratigraphic and paleogeographic studies of
microfossils such as radiolarians and foraminifera in Southeast Asia have been undertaken to understand the development of the Paleotethys Ocean during the Paleozoic and
Mesozoic (e.g. Metcalfe et al., 1999; Sashida and Igo,
1999; Ueno, 1999). These studies have provided many
data to infer the timing of rifting, collision, and amalgamation of the continental blocks that came from Gondwanaland.
Sashida et al. (1999, 2000) summarized the sedimentary
facies and fossil occurrence of the Triassic sediments in
mainland Thailand and northwestern peninsular Malaysia.
They discussed the paleogeography of the Paleotethys
Ocean, mainly for Thailand during Middle Triassic time.
They claried the sub-parallel arrangement of three rock
units, from west to east: shallow to slope limestones, clastic,
and chert sequences, which extended from the areas of Mae
Sariang, Kanchanaburi, southern peninsular Thailand, and
northwestern peninsular Malaysia. The lateral lithological
transition of the sequence in the Triassic sediments reects
the change from shallow to deep marine environments in the
Paleotethys Ocean (Sashida et al., 1995, 1999). Considering
the fossil evidence and the lithological features of the
studied section at the Mae Sariang, the chert and red
shale, associated with calcareous layers of the Mae Sariang
Group, are thought to be equivalent to the limestoneclasticschert sequence.
Recently, new schemes of tectonostratigraphic division in
Thailand have been proposed by Ueno (1999) and Chon-


glakmani (1999). According to these studies, there are

several northsouth trending tectonostratigraphic units
between the Sibumasu and Indochina Blocks. Ueno (1999)
subdivided mainland Thailand into four tectonic divisions,
from west to east, the Sibimasu Block, the Inthanon Zone,
the Sukhothai Zone, and the Indochina Block. The Inthanon
Zone is composed of pelagicoceanic sedimentary rocks
representing Paleotethys remnants, and the Sukhothai
Zone consists of a volcanic arc sequence, including
PaleozoicMasozoic sedements. The arrangement of these
geological elements, from west to east, consistently extends
northwards into Western Yunnan. Ueno (1999) noted the
occurrence of a Tethyan foraminiferal fauna from Chiang
Dao in northern Thailand (Ueno and Igo, 1997), which,
according to the well-known paleotectonic reconstruction
(Bunapas, 1981; Hada et al., 1997; Metcalfe, 1998), is a
part of Gondwana-derived Sibumasu. He emphasized that
the change in Late Paleozoic foraminiferal faunas occurs
along the Mae Yuam Fault in mainland Thailand. This
fault is considered to be an extension of the BentongRaub Suture in Peninsular Malaysia. Ueno (1999) proposed,
on the basis of Late Paleozoic foraminiferal fauna, that the
area to the west of the Mae Yaum Fault was part of the
Gondwana-derived Sibumasu continental block.
Chonglakmani (1999) recognized four Triassic lithostratigraphical facies in mainland Thailand, namely continental,
continental platform, marine intra-arc, and deep marine and
oceanic. He further subdivided mainland Thailand into three
tectonostratigraphic units from west to east: the Shan
Mergui, the Chiang MaiMalacca, and the SukhothaiIndochina units.
In northern Thailand, the occurrence of Devonian to
Middle Triassic bedded chert has been reported from the
Fang area, north of Chiang Mai (e.g. Sashida et al., 1993,
1998, 2000). This area is close to Chiang Dao where Tethyan type fusulinecean-bearing limestones outcrop (Ueno
and Igo, 1997). This `Fang chert' is well bedded, with
beds of several centimeters intercalated with siliceous claystones a few milimeters in thickness. Under microscopic
observation it is composed of abundant radiolarian tests
and sponge spicules, with clay minerals and ne-grained
quartz (Sashida et al., 1998). This kind of chert that does
not include coarse-grained terrigenous material is thought to
be deposited in a pelagic environment far from land areas
(Matsuda and Isozaki, 1991). The `Fang chert' and Tethyan
fusulinicean-bearing limestone are included in the Inthanon
Zone of Ueno (1999) and the Chang MaiMalacca Terrane
of deep marine and oceanic facies proposed by Chonglakmani (1999). In contrast, the chert of Mae Sariang seems to
differ from the pelagic bedded chert, in its lithological characters, containing numerous rhombus-shaped dolomite
grains in many horizons and the co-occurrence of calcareous
red shale. The chert of the Mae Sariang Group seems to have
been accumulated on a continental margin rather than in a
deep ocean basin. According to the division of Ueno (1999),
the Mae Sariang and Mae Hong Son Groups are distributed


Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

to the west of the Mae Yuam Fault, along the eastern margin
of the Sibumasu Block.
The closure of the Paleotethys Ocean is thought to have
occurred during the Late Triassic, based on the distribution
of Middle Triassic radiolarian-bearing bedded chert (e.g.
Sashida et al., 2000). As mentioned above, radiolarianbearing cherts of the Mae Sariang Group may be the
eastern marginal facies of Sibumasu. The occurrence of
Late Triassic (early Carnian) radiolarians from the Mae
Sariang area indicates that the depositional basins in
which radiolarian-bearing bedded chert sequence were
accumulated, were present until the early Late Triassic
time in the western part of the Paleotethys Ocean.
5. Systematic paleontology
The radiolarians treated in this paper were paleontologically investigated by the rst author (Y. Kamata). All
gured specimens are deposited in the collections of the
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Yamaguchi
Subloss RADIOLARIA Muller, 1858
Order POLYCYSTINA Ehrenberg, 1838
Emend. Riedel, 1967
Suborder SPUMELLARIA Ehrenberg, 1875
Family Palaeoscenidiidae Riedel, 1967
Emend. Holdsworth, 1977
Genus Archaeosemantis Dumitrica, 1978b
Archaeosemantis cristianensis Dumitrica
Fig. 5BD
Archaeosemantis cristianensis Dumitrica, 1982, p. 423,
pl. 1, Fig. 11, pl. 3, Fig. 11, pl. 4, Figs. 5, 7, 11, pl. 6, Fig. 2,
pl. 7, Figs. 3, 12, 13.
Remarks. Our materials lack of some apical or basal
spines, due to poor preservation. The appearance of specimens which do show spicules of apical and basal spines,
however, is identical to the criteria for this species by Dumitrica (1978b).
Occurrence. Early to Late Triassic (Spathian to Norian).
European Tethys, Philippines, Japan, Thailand.
Archaeosemantis sp.
Fig. 5C
Remarks. Very poorly preserved specimens were examined. The illustrated specimen has lateral spines and its
appearance is similar to that of A. cristianensis, especially,
morphotype B of Sugiyama (1992). We tentatively assigned
this specimen to the genus Archeosemantis.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (Anisian). Northern Thailand.
Genus Parentactinia Dumitrica, 1978b
Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Sashida, 1983
Fig. 5A

Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Sashida, 1983, p. 172

173, pl. 37, Figs. 19
Remarks. An illustrated specimen lacks a loose latticed
shell, which is a diagnostic character of this species, due to a
poor preservation, but it is assignable to P. nakataugawaensis, because of possessing a short median bar, three apical
spines, and four basal spines.
Occurrence. Early to early Middle Triassic (Smithian? to
Anisian). Japan, Thailand.
Family Hindeosphaeridae, Kozur and Mostler, 1981
Genus Pseudostylosphaera Kozur and Mostler, 1981
Pseudostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura)
Fig. 5F
Archeospongoreunum japonica Nakaseko and Nishimura, 1979, p. 67 pl.1, Figs. 2, 4, 9
Pseodostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura),
Blome et al., 1986, pl.8, Figs. 1, 2.
Remarks. An illustrated specimen is poorly preserved.
Two straight and three bladed polar spines are equal in
length of the main axis of the shell, which is diagnostic
character of P. japonica.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (Anisian to Ladinian).
Pseudostylosphaera hellenica (De Wever)
Fig. 5J
Archaeospongoprunum (?) hellenicum De Wever, in De
Wever et al., 1979, p. 78, pl.1, Fig. 8.
Pseudostylosphaera hellenica (De Wever), Lahm, 1984,
p. 35, pl.5, Figs. 1, 2.
Remarks. Grooves and ridges of polar spines are
expanded and tightly twisted in their middle portion. The
length of the polar spines is equal to the diameter of outer
Occurrence. Late Triassic (Carnian or early Norian).
European Tethys, Northern Thailand.
Pseudostylosphaera cf. hellenica (De Wever)
Fig. 5I
Remarks. Grooves and ridges of two polar spines gently
twisted. The spines slightly curve. Polar spines of our specimens are slightly longer than the type species of P. hellenica.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (Ladinian). Northern Thailand.
Pseudostylosphaera spinulosa (Nakaseko and Nishimura)
Fig. 5G
Archeospongoprunum spinulosum Nakaseko and Nishimura, 1979, p. 69, pl.2, Figs. 3, 4, 6.
Pseudostylosphaera spinulosa (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Yeh, 1990, p. 15, pl.4, Fig. 14.
Remarks. The illustrated specimen has two polar spines,

Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

one of which is shorter than the other, and bi-spines on the

Occurrence. Middle Triassic (Anisian to Ladinian).
Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Russian Far East, European
Tethys, Timor lsland.
Family Pantanellidae Pessagno, 1977
Subfamily Pantanellinae Pessagno, 1977
Genus Pantanellium Pessagno, 1977
Pantanellium ? sp.
Fig. 5H
Remarks. Sashida (1991) introduced a species belonging
to Spathian Pantanellium which characteristically has rodlike bipolar spines. Our illustrated specimen also has rodlike bipolar spines.
Occurrence. Early? to Middle Triassic (Spathian? to
Anisian). Northern Thailand.
Family Actinommidae Haeckel, 1862
Emend. Kozur and Mostler, 1979
Subfamily Actinomminae Haekel, 1862
Emend. Kozur and Mostler, 1979
Genus Dumitricasphaera Kozur and Mostler, 1979
Dumitricasphaera cf. geostlingensis Kozur and Mostler
Fig. 5K
Dumitricasphaera geostlingensis Kozur and Mostler,
1979, p. 60, pl.3, Fig. 1.
Remarks. The illustrated specimen has a spherical spongy
shell and two polar spines, which have three spinules on the
top of the spines. Polar spines are three-bladed and very
stout, rather than spinules. Three spinules curved downwards following the outline of the spongy shell. This feature
is similar to that of D. geostligensis and the specimen is
distinguished from Dumitricasphaera trispinosa (Kozur
and Mostler), which has straight spinules on the top of
three bladed polar spines.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early ?
Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Genus Parasepsagon Dumitrica et al., 1980
Parasepsagon ? antiquas (Sugiyama)
Fig. 5L
Plafkerium (?) antiuum Sugiyama, 1992, p.1218, Figs.
18-4, 5, 6.
Remarks. Ramovs and Gorican (1995) pointed out that
this species should be assigned to the genus Parasepsagon
rather than Plafkerium. Our specimens have a spherical
outer shell and four straight-grooved spines. These characters are identical to those of the type species of P. tetracanthus Dumitrica et al. (1980).
Occurrence. Early to Middle Triassic (Spathian to early ?
Ladinian). Japan, Northern Thailand.
Subfamily Entactiniinae Riedel, 1967, emend.
Genus Astrocentrus Kozur and Mostler, 1979
Astrocentrus sp.


Fig. 5M
Remarks. This specimen has a spherical meshed shell
with numereous stout, grooved, and strongly tapered spines.
These spines are half the length of the shell diameter. We
tentatively include this form in the genus Astrocentrus
because of these features.
Occurrence. Middle to Late ? Triassic (Ladinian to early
? Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Family Capnuchosphaeridae De Wever, in De Wever et
al., 1979.
Emend. Pessagno, in Pessagno et al., 1979
Genus Sarla Pessagno, in Pessagno et al., 1979
Sarla ? sp.
Fig. 6A
Remarks. Several moderately preserved specimens were
obtained. The test consists of three main spines and a shell
that has a lot of small rounded pores. The shell is strongly
depressed at the contact with the three main spines. Three
main spines are thick, stout, and of the same length. Wide
grooves and narrow ridges are developed on the spines, and
the proximal portions of the spines are tri-radial. The
grooves and ridges sharply twist and expand in the middle
of the spine. The distal part is massive and has a thin terminal spine. The inner structure is unknown.
These characters may be analogous to those of genera
Capnuchosphaera and Sarla. Although Sarla has a shell
with polygonal framework, we tentatively included this
specimen in Sarla.
Occurrence. Upper Triassic (early Carnian). Northern
Genus Vinassaspongus Kozur and Mostler, 1979
Genus Vinassaspongus subsphaericus Kozur and
Mostler, 1979
Fig. 6B
Vinassaspongus subsphaericus Kozur and Mostler, 1979,
p. 66, pl.6, Figs. 57, pl.5, Fig. 5.
Remarks. Our specimens have three tightly twisted spines
and a small shell. These features are identical to the
diagnostic characters of the V. subsphaericus Kozur and
Mostler, 1979.
Occurrence. Late Triassic (early Carnian). Austria,
Slovenia, Northern Thailand.
Family Muellertortiidae Kozur, 1988a
Genus Muelleritortis Kozur, 1988a
Muelleritortis cochleata cochleata (Nakaseko and
Nishimura) Kozur, 1988a
Fig. 6D
Muelleritortis cochleata cochleata (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Kozur, 1988a, p. 53, pl.1, Figs. 18, pl.2, Figs. 1, 2,
pl.3, Fig. 1.
Remarks. Our specimens have a spherical to subspherical
shell and four main spines. Three spines are twisted tightly
and have deep grooves and ridges. An untwisted spine is


Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

slightly longer than the other spines. These are the identical
characters of M. cochleata cochleata (Nakaseko and Nishimura) by Kozur (1988a).
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (middle Ladinian to
early Carnian). European Tethys, Russian Far East, Japan,
Northern Thailand.
Muelleritortis cochleata tumidospina Kozur, 1988a
Figs. 6C and E
Remarks. Our specimens have three twisted spines and
one untwisted spine with a subspherical to spherical shell in
the polar view. The spines are almost the same length and
are wider than the width of those in M. cochleata cochleata.
Based on these features, we assigned these specimens to M.
cochleata tumidospina by Kozur, 1988a.
Occurrence: Middle to Late Triassic (middle Ladinian to
early Carnian). European Tethys, Russian Far East, Japan,
Northern Thailand.
Genus Tritortis Kozur, 1988b
Tritortis kretaensis (Kozur and Krahl, 1984)
Tritortis kretaensis kretaensis (Kozur and Krahl) Kozur,
Fig. 6F
Tritortis kretaensis kretaensis (Kozur and Krahl) Kozur,
1988b, p. 98, pl.4, Figs. 35.
Remarks. The illustrated specimen (Fig. 6F) does not
possess pore frames of the shell. The tests of our specimens
are made up of a spherical shell and two twisted and an
untwisted main spines. These characters are assignable to
T. kretaensis kretaensis. Therefore, we assigned this specimen to T. kretaensis kretaensis.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early
Carnian). British Columbia, European Tethys, Japan, Northern Thailand.
Tritortis cf. kretaensis kretaensis (Kozur and Krahl)
Kozur, 1988b
Figs. 6K and L
Remarks. Specimens shown in Fig. 5K and L have tightly
twisted spines and an outer shell without pore frames. One
or two main spines were broken.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early
Carnian). British Columbia, European Tethys, Japan, Northern Thailand.
Tritortis kretaensis dispiralis (Kozur and Krahl) Kozur,
Figs. 6I and J
Tritortis kretaensis dispiralis (Kozur and Krahl) Kozur,
1988b, p. 9192, pl. 3, Fig. 11.
Remarks. Several moderately preserved specimens were
examined. These specimens are characterized by a shell
with pore frames, and three main spines that are almost
the same length. Two of the spines are tightly twisted. All
the spines are wider than those of T. kretaensis kretaensis.

Therefore, we assigned these specimens to T. kretaensis

dispiralis as described by Kozur (1988b).
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early
Carnian). British Columbia, European Tethys, Russian Far
East, Japan, Northern Thailand.
Tritortis sp.
Fig. 6G and H.
Remarks. A few moderately preserved specimens were
obtained. Features of a shell and main spines resemble to
those of T. kretaensis. However, the length of the spines is
shorter than that of T. kretaensis. In addition, an untwisted
spine of a specimen (e.g. Fig. 6G) is much longer than the
other twisted ones, and the degree of torsion of spines of a
specimen (e.g. Fig. 6H) is less than that of the type species
of T. kretaensis.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early
Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Family Oeltrispongidae Dumitrica et al., 1980,
emend. Kozur and Mostler, 1981
Subfamily Oeltisponginae Dumitrica et al., 1980
Genus Oertlispongus Dumitrica et al., 1980
Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Dumitrica et al., 1980
Fig. 7Q
Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Dumitrica et al., 1980,
p. 5, pl.10, Fig. 7.
Remarks. We obtained poorly preserved specimens, most
of which show the rst polar spine without a spongy shell.
The shape of the rst spine is quite similar to that of O.
inaequispinosus described by Dumitrica et al., 1980.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic. European Tethys, Japan,
Timor Island, Northern Thailand.
Oertlispongus ? sp.
Fig. 5E
Remarks. An illustrated species is poorly preserved, but it
has bi-polar, rod-like, and long spines. Its appearance is
similar to that of the genus Oertlispongus.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (Anisian). Northern Thailand.
Genus Falcispongus Dumitrica, 1982
Falcispongus calcaneum Dumitrica
Figs. 7R and S
Falcispinongus calcaneum Dumitrica, 1982, p. 65, pl.1,
Fig. 1, pl.2, Figs. 2, 46, 8.
Remarks. Poorly preserved main spines without spongy
shell were obtained. The wing portion on the outer side of
the exion area of the main spine is broken in our specimen.
The appearance of the main spines is quite similar to F.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (late Anisian to middle
Ladinian). Japan, Northern Italy, Romania, Northern Thailand.

Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

Falcispongus cuvispinus (Dumitrica)

Fig. 7O
Baumgartneria curvispina Dumitrica, 1982, p. 71, pl.12,
Figs. 1, 2, 4.
Falcispongus curvispinus (Dumitrica), Sugiyama, 1997:
176179, Fig. 4913.
Remarks. Sugiyama (1997) investigated the evolutionary
relationship between B. cuvispinus and F. calcaneum with
the elongated external wing of the main spines, and transferred this species into Falcispongus.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (Ladinian). BosniaHercegowina, Japan, Romania, Northern Thailand.
Falcispongus cf. hamatus Dumitrica
Fig. 7P
Falcispongus hamatus Dumitrica, 1982, p. 1011, pl. 3,
Figs. 1, 4, pl.4, Fig. 1.
Remarks. A wide attened main spine, which has very
small external outer wing and wide inner wing, was
obtained. The appearance is similar to that of F. hamatus,
but the outer wing is not developed in this specimen.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic. Northern Thailand.
Genus Spongoserrula Dumitrica (1982)
Spongoserrula rarauana Dumitrica
Figs. 6N and O
Spongoserrula rarauana Dumitrica (1982), pl.5, Figs. 5
7, pl.6, Figs. 15, pl.7, Fig. 4, pl.12, Figs. 1013.
Remarks. Flattened wide spine is strongly curved and has
three or four teeth on the outer margin. The top of the teeth
is rounded.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (late Ladinian to
Carnian). British Columbia, European Tethys, Northern
Spongoserrula sp.
Fig. 6M
Remarks: Wide and attened main spine has several teeth
on the outer external margin of the spine, which are steeply
pointed in the end. Very short stem and fragmentary thorns
are observed on the root. The outline of the spine is similar
to that of S. rarauana. However, the original species
described by Dumitrica has rounded top teeth.
Occurrence. Late Triassic (early Carnian). Northern
Family Hagiastridae Riedel, 1971
Subfamily Patulibracchiinae Pessagno, 1971
Genus Paronaella Pessagno, 1971
Paronaella ? sp.
Fig. 5N
Remarks. Our specimens may be poorly preserved spongy
feet. We questionably included this form in Paronaella.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (late Ladinian to
early Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Spumellaria gen. et sp. indet. specimen A


Fig. 5O and P
Remarks. These unnamed specimens are characterized by
having a attened spongy shell and radial spines on outer
margin of the shell. The appearance of this species rather
resembles that of the genus Paecitriduma by Kozur (1984).
The latter genus, however, has a radial beam on the spongy
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early ?
Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Suborder NASSELLARIA Ehrenberg, 1875
Family Silicarmigeridae Dumitrica et al., 1980
Genus Silicarmiger Dumitrica et al., 1980
Silicarmiger sp.
Fig. 7G
Remarks. An illustrated poorly preserved specimen has
three-bladed apical horn and globular cephalis. Although
parts of the thoraxic segments are not preserved, we
included this form in Silicarmiger based on these features.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic. Northern Thailand.
Family Eptingiidae Dumitrica, 1978a
Genus Eptingium Dumitrica, 1978a
Eptingium cf. nakasekoi Kozur and Mostler, 1994
Fig. 7M
Eptingium nakasekoi Kozur and Mostler, 1994, p. 43,
pl.1, Fig. 5.
Remarks. Illustrated specimen has three main spines with
a shell. The surface structure of the outer shell cannot be
observed due to poor preservation. However the outline of
this specimen is quite similar to that of E. nakasekoi.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (Anisian). Northern Thailand.
Eptingidae gen. et sp. indet.
Fig. 7N
Remarks. Several poorly preserved specimens were
examined. They have a rounded subtriangular shell in lateral
view and three main spines which have almost equal angles
between the spines. We tentatively assigned this form to the
Occurrence. Early ? to Middle Triassic (Spathian ? to
Anisian). Northern Thailand.
Nassellaria Incertae sedis
Genus Triassocampe Dumitrica et al., 1980
Emend. Blome, 1984
Triassocampe cf. sulovensis Kozur and Mock
Fig. 7D
Triassocampe sulovensis Kozur and Mock, Kozur and
Mostler, 1981, p. 99, pl.13, Fig. 3.
Remarks. Poorly preserved specimens were examined.
These specimens have well-developed circumferencial
ridges and a horizontal pore low on the ridges, which are
diagnostic characters of Triassocampe sulovensis.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to
Carnian). Northern Thailand.


Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

Triassocampe coronata Bragin

Fig. 7C
Triassocampe coronata Bragin, 1991, p. 99, pl.1, Fig. 15.
Remarks. Several poorly preserved specimens were
examined. We assigned these specimens to T. coronata,
because they have well-developed circumferencial ridges
accompanied a single row of pores beneath each the ridge.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (middle Anisian). Russian
Far East, Greece, Italy, Japan, Northeast China, Northern
Triassocampe sp. A
Figs. 7A and B
Remarks. The shell consists of more than ten
segments with a very small dome-like cephalis. The thorax
is barrel-shaped and the abdomen is subtrapezoidal in
outline. One of the illustrated specimens (e.g. Fig. 7A) has
segments which increase slowly in width, but the height is
constant. On the other hand, the one of the specimens (e.g.
Fig. 7B) has segments which decrease to the under of
segments in width. Circumferencial ridge are moderately
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (Ladinian). Northern Thailand.
Triassocampe spp.
Fig. 7J
Remarks. Several poorly preserved specimens were
examined. This unidentied species is characterized by a
dome-shaped large cephalis and a discontinuous short costal
ridge on the outer surface of the test. These features are very
similar to illustrated species (Pl. 12, Figs. 7 and 8) of Gorican and Buser (1990). We tentatively included this form in
the genus Triassocampe.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early?
Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Family Planispinocyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler, 1981
Genus Planispinocyrtis Kozur and Mostler, 1981
Planispinocyrtis ? sp.
Fig. 7F
Remarks. Our specimens have a moderately large and
conical apical horn. Cephalis is large and subhemiglobular
in shape. Although lateral spines cannot be observed, we
questionably assigned these specimens to genus Planispinocyrtis.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (Anisian). Northern Thailand.
Genus Spinotriassocampe Kozur, 1984
Spinotriassocampe sp.
Fig. 7E
Remarks. Although our specimens are poorly preserved, we
assigned this form to Spinotriassocampe because of the long
and rounded spine, and the slender-subcylindrical shape.
Occurrence. Middle Triassic (late Anisian to early Ladinian). Japan, Philippines, Northern Thailand.

Cyrtoidea incertae sedis

Genus Laxtorum Blome, 1984
Laxtorum cf. hindei Blome
Fig. 7I
Laxtorum hindei Blome, 1984, p. 5657, pl.15, Figs. 4,
10, 17, 18.
Remarks. Test consists of cephalis, thorax, abdomen, and
post abdomen chambers. Cephalis is rather small, imperforate, and conical. Thorax and abdomen are barrel-shaped
and imperforate. Two post abdomen chambers are trapezoidal in outline, and the width and height of the segments
increases downwards. These chambers have irregularly
shaped pores. The genus Laxtorum described by Blome
(1984) has a two-layered test. We could not observe double
layers. We questionably assigned this form to genus
Laxtorum due to the similarity of the outline of the test.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early
(?) Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Genus Latium Blome, 1984
Latium ? sp.
Fig. 7L
Remarks. Several poorly preserved multisegmented
nassellarian were examined. The illustrated specimen is
separated into ve or six segments by a row of pores. The
segments are barrel-shaped in outline and expand distally in
width and height. We questionably included the specimen
into genus Latiumby similarity of its apppearance.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early?
Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Nassellaria gen. et sp. indet specimen A
Fig. 7H
Remarks. The illustrated specimen is poorly preserved.
Cephalis is rather large and imperforate, and has a large
apical horn. The feature of the thorax and abdomen are
unclear due to poor-preservation. Post abdomen chambers
are barrel-shape in outline and distally expanding in width.
Small and circular pores are horizontally aligned on the
surface of segments. This species may be included in the
genus Laxtorum, but the latter is distingished from the
former by a two-layered wall.
Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early ?
Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Nassellaria gen. et sp. indet specimen B
Fig. 7K
Remarks. Several poorly preserved specimens were
examined. The test has a conical shape and is composed
of four to six segments. The cephalis is dome-shaped without horns. The test is nodose and slightly elongated, and
horizontally arranged small pores constrict the segments.
The outer shape of this species is similar to that of Lantium
(Blome, 1984). But, the well-developed perforate circumferential ridge, which is characteristic of this genus, is

Y. Kamata et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2002) 491506

Occurrence. Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian to early ?

Carnian). Northern Thailand.
Our eld survey was funded by a grant under the
Monbusho (Government of Japan) International Scientic
Research Program and also supported by the Department of
Mineral Resources, Thailand. We thank Dr. A.J. Barber of
University of London, Dr. D. Helmcke of University of
Gotbingen, Dr. I. Metcalfe of University of New England,
and Dr. Q. Feng of China University for review of this
manuscript and useful comments.
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