Success Story of Elon Reeve Musk

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Okay, to start with, Elon Reeve Musk was born in 1971 in South Africa. He didnt
have much of a good childhood, cuz, he had kinda rough family.
Musk read a lot as a child. He started reading science fiction, then began reading
non-fiction. Elon thought of humans as machines, or rather, computers. The body
is hardware, mind is software and learning is downloading data. At school he
was,, lets just say he couldnt download data. Everything he knows now
comes from the books he read. He was really a genius at computers even as a
child. Well, he was better than me. Im 16 and Im still tryin to figure out how to
operate C++.
The guy left South Africa at the age of 17, and went to the Land of Maple, the
Land of Lilies (Canada). Few years later, Elon used a college transfer to the
University of Pennsylvania as his ticket to the US. The question that led to his
success was, What will affect the future of humanity the most?. The answer he
came up with was, the internet, sustainable energy, space exploration, Artificial
Intelligence, reprogramming of human genetic code.
He didnt know what kinda impact the latter two would have, so he ruled them
out. And, he believed that the probability of him getting involved in a space
exploration project was very less. So, whats left? Internet and sustainable
energy. Musk went with sustainable energy.
He enrolled in a Stanford PhD program to study something called high energy
density capacitors. After a couple of days into the program, he felt the urge to
leave sustainable energy. And, BAM, he jumped off to save the Internet.
FIRST MOVE: Get a job at Netscape.
1. Walk in, uninvited
2. Stand there, awkwardly
3. Be too shy
4. Walk out.
Then, Elon with his brother Kimbal made a web software company called Zip2.
After few years Zip2 was bought by Compaq. Musk walked off with $22 million in
his pocket.
MISSION ACQUIRED. MAKE X.COM., made by Musk, is an online bank. It faced competition from Confinity,
made by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin. The competition turned furious. At last, and Confinity merged into PayPal. [TA DAAAA]
PayPal was then bought by eBay in 2002 for $1.5 billion. Musk made off with
$180 million (after taxes).
In 2002, before sale of PayPal, Musk started reading up on rocket technology.
Later that year, with $100 million, he made the craziest move a man in his
position couldve made. He started a rocket company called SpaceX.

Then in 2004, Musk decided to pour in $70 million and make the second craziest
move a man in his position couldve made. He launched an electric car company
called Tesla Motors.
Well, why not?
I dont know what he was thinkin but, again in 2006, he started another
company called SolarCity with $10 million.
By 2008, SpaceX had finally figured out how to build rockets. SpaceX attempted
3 rocket launches, and guess what? All 3 of em failed. The rockets blew up even
before they reached orbit. Musk had just enough juice to attempt one more
launch. If this one failed, SpaceX will be blasted into oblivion. Musk mightve felt
like a truck just ran over him.
Meanwhile, Tesla was also going through a tough time. They had yet to bring out
their first car. To make matters worse, Tesla was running out of money fast. Now,
he mightve felt like the truck just backed up and ran over him again.
As if this wasnt enough, Elon just went through a heart-breaking divorce.
The truck just unloaded its contents on top of him.
By now some of you might think that, all SpaceX and Tesla needed was a little bit
more time, a little bit more fuel. Then it mightve succeeded.
BUT, when it seemed like a double-colossal failure was inevitable, the tables got
The fourth rocket of SpaceX was a success. Then, NASA came in and offered
SpaceX a contract of $1.6 billion to carry out 12 more launches. SpaceX got fuel.
SpaceX got saved.
Musk gathered up some money to help save Tesla. The next day, Tesla investors
agreed to match his investment. Then another investment came in, $50 million.
Tesla got fuel. Tesla got saved.
Since their first 3 fails, SpaceX has launched 20 times, and guess what? All of
them were successes. NASA is now a frequent visitor.
Whereas Tesla Model S has become a ground-breaking success. Now they are
planning to release their new car Model 3.
SolarCity came out into the open in 2012, and has become the largest installer of
solar panels in the US.
All this made Elon Reeve Musk a living LEGEND.

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