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Inside Mind of Nathuram Godse : His Last Letter

Nathuram Godse killed Mahatama Gandhi. Nathuram Godse loved his country but
he was misguided person. It has always been a curious query in my mind that what
would have been going in nathuram godse's mind for 6 months time period till he
killed gandhi.

This is letter he wrote from jail after Mahatam Gandhiji was killed by this misguided
person. As most of human beings , he too believed what he did was right .

"You both are acquainted with the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and have
thoroughly studied our shastras. Bhagavan Sri Krishna had preached the 'Gita'. The
name Sri Krishna with his powerful weapon 'Sudarshan Chakra' had decapitated
'Sishupal', an Aryan King; not in the battlefield but on the land of the Rajasuya
Yagna. Who can dare call this very act of Sri Krishna a sin? Sri Krishna had killed so
many persons both in wars and on other occasions for the sake of establishing
universal happiness. For the sake of one 'Seeta Devi' the Ramayana story was
developed. Only for the sake of one 'Draupadi' the history of 'Maha Bharat' had
been born. Today, in front of our own eyes the chastity of thousands of women is
being violated. The persons who are committing these monstrous atrocities on
women, are being helped in all possible ways. In such horrible circumstances, either
for fear of our lives or for fear of public criticism, it was not possible for me to be
silent without doing anything. I strongly believe that the blessings of thousands of
women are backing me and substantiate my act. I am laying down my sacrifice at
the feet of my beloved Motherland. My sacrifice may cause a bit of a loss to our own
family. But, the destructed, demolished temples, the heaps of decapitated heads,
the cruel murders committed on boys and girls and the atrocities on women...are
reeling every minute before my eyes. I felt it was my utmost duty to cut off the help
that was being carried to the wicked committing these cruel deeds. My mind is
clean. Though many would entertain varied thoughts regarding my act, my mind is
not perturbed even for the fraction of a second. If there is anything such as heaven,
my place has been assured there and hence there is no necessity for me to offer a
special prayer. If at all there is anything as such salvation, I am eligible to it. I do not
in the least wish to live at the mercy of amnesty. I feel that a life obtained by an act
of mercy is the real death for me. Death has not come in front of me. I myself have
gone to the face of death. I am seeing with my smiling face, the Goddess of death.
That Goddess of death also is so eagerly waiting to embrace me as a friend. Death
has no power to distort the image of the 'realized ones', with sorrow. To fulfil the

dream of my ideal that, from the river 'Sindhu' to the seas, this whole land of Bharat
should become independent...this body of mine must essentially die. This selfsacrifice of mine for which the eyes of lakhs of people of this country that are
shedding tears will share your sorrow. Akhand Bharat Amar Rahe! Vande Mataram!!"
~Nathuram Godse, Ambala Central Jail, Nov. 12, 1949

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