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International Maritime Bureau

The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) is a specialised division of the International Chamber Of Commerce (ICC).
The IMB is a non-profit making organisation, established in 1981 to act as a focal point in the fight against all types of
maritime crime and malpractice. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) in its resolution A 504 (XII) (5) and (9)
adopted on 20 November 1981, has inter alia, urged governments, all interests and organisations to cooperate and
exchange information with each other and the IMB with a view to maintaining and developing a coordinated action in
combating maritime fraud. The IMB has a MOU with the World Customs Organization (WCO) and has observer status
with Interpol (ICPO).
IMBs main task is to protect the integrity of international trade by seeking out fraud and malpractice. For over 25 years,
it has used industry knowledge, experience and access to a large number of well-placed contacts around the world to
do this: identifying and investigating frauds, spotting new criminal methods and trends, and highlighting other threats
to trade.
The information gathered from sources and during investigations is provided to members in the form of timely advice
via a number of different communication routes. It lists the threats and explains how members can reduce their
vulnerability to them. Over the years, this approach has thwarted many attempted frauds and saved the shipping and
trading industry many millions of dollars.
The IMB provides an authentication service for trade finance documentation. It also investigates and reports on a
number of other topics, notably documentary credit fraud, charter party fraud, cargo theft, ship deviation and ship
finance fraud.
As well as helping to prevent crime, the IMB also has a duty to educate both the shipping community and a wider
audience that comprises just about every entity engaged in trade. To this end, the IMB runs a regular series of courses
and training programmes that have a wide-ranging syllabus and many proven benefits. It also offers bespoke
consultancy services in areas such as ship and port security.
One of the IMBs principal areas of expertise is in the suppression of piracy. Concerned at the alarming growth in the
phenomenon, this led to the creation of the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre in 1992. The Centre is based in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. It maintains a round-the-clock watch on the worlds shipping lanes, reporting pirate attacks to local law
enforcement and issuing warnings about piracy hotspots to shipping.
With its multi-lingual and multi-disciplined staff, experience, unique structure, industry support and well-placed contacts,
the IMB can rightly claim to be the worlds premier independent crime-fighting watchdog for international trade.

1.1 Investigation Services
Losses due to official misconduct account for a great many maritime trade incidents. Each incident can be complex
and wide-ranging in nature. It is therefore unlikely that any one company will have the knowledge and resources to be
able to investigate it thoroughly.

If you need help, the IMB has a well-experienced investigation team on standby. In the past two decades, IMB staff
have successfully investigated hundreds of cases of maritime fraud, including some of the biggest and most infamous.
Importantly, our investigations do not just determine the facts, they are designed to limit the damage and enable losses
to be recovered.
We provide a professional and results driven service. Our investigators are drawn from a number of specialist
backgrounds, are multi-lingual and have the specific skills you require. We have worked in all sectors of international
trade, conducting investigations for a wide range of organisations, from ship owners and managers to insurance and
reinsurance companies, and from banks to law enforcement agencies.
For further information on the different areas we can conduct investigations in, please refer to the menu on the right.

1.2 Case Work

a) Asset Tracing
We can perform complex, multi-jurisdictional asset tracing and recovery operations for shipping companies, charterers
and lawyers.

b) Cargo Fraud or Theft

There are numerous scenarios whereby a beneficiary is denied legal receipt of cargo. We have investigated a large
number of these for shippers, receivers, freight forwarders, shipping companies, banks and lawyers.

c) Charter Party Fraud & Deviations

Problems arise whenever charter party terms are not met or the vessel and her cargo deviate from the intended voyage.
We investigate what happened, why and who was responsible for shippers, receivers, ship owners, banks and lawyers.

d) Debt Recovery
We are familiar with debts such as unpaid demurrage claims, arbitration awards, hire payments, freight balances,
bunker supplies, and disbursement accounts. Invariably, the problem is that the companies incurring them are
international by nature, often registered in offshore jurisdictions and operated through third parties in third countries.
They are thus difficult for an individual company to collect.
Using a combination of communication and other techniques to apply pressure on debtors, we are usually able to
recover outstanding debts for our members when we intercede on their behalf. The mere threat of being named and
shamed often goes a long way to resolving the situation. The service works and is extremely cost effective.

e) Hijacked and Phantom Ships

We track and trace vessels that have been hijacked or are operating as phantom ships and work with the parties
concerned to return them and their cargoes to their rightful owners.

f) Insurance Claims Hull and Cargo

We work with insurers to help validate suspicious claims in cases of damage or loss to hull and cargo.

j) Special Projects
When requested, we carry out bespoke research projects on behalf of companies, organisations and governments. A
specialty is port and ship risk assessments and security surveys. We have also conducted research into drug trafficking,
transit fraud, and non-marine asset tracing.

h) Vessel Tracking
Ships deviate or disappear for many different reasons. We use our network of contacts to track them down on behalf
of owners, managers, cargo interests and insurers.

k) Investigation Team
You can get further information about IMB investigation services by contacting the Investigation Team. We will be happy
to discuss your requirements and suggest an approach or remedy that can resolve your difficulties.

1.3 Due Diligence

a) Vessel Reports
Thinking of fixing a vessel but need to know more about her and her background? The IMB will look into the history of
a vessel at a members request and provide a comprehensive report that can help determine whether this vessel is
right for your needs.
Vessel reports also perform a useful background check should you be thinking of purchasing a ship.
Our reports not only supply the essential information about the dimensions of a ship, they can also examine her
ownership and management and their areas of expertise, her recent trading pattern, whether she is part of a fleet and
if so, what other types of vessel are operated. Together, all this information can help you determine whether these are
people you want to do business with and whether the ship is capable of performing the task you want it to do. Vessel
reports are a useful tool for saving time and money, and occasionally they provide early warning of malpractice.

b) Database Search
The IMB confidential database contains the details on tens of thousands of active (and non-functioning) ship owning,
management and chartering companies that have come to our attention since 1981.
It also provides current information on vessels, including the latest Port State Control, Casualty and P&I details, as
monitoring the recent activities of companies has proved to be a useful indication of determining their future
Primarily designed as a pre-fixture due diligence tool, our database search service provides an invaluable resource for
members wanting to obtain information enabling them to check out parties before committing to a trade.
It can also assist investigations into suspicious approaches from companies or individuals that may be fraudulent. In
cases whereby a non-performing entity merely continues under a different name, or parties have a history of collusion,
Enhanced by the latest analytical software, the database will additionally provide information based on the nature of
the crime being examined. It is regularly used by shipping companies, charterers, cargo owners and especially by the
trade finance departments of international banks.

c) Company Reports
Companies often need to know more about the parties they will be doing business with but do not have the necessary
resources, expertise or time to know where to look and what questions to ask.
The IMB will perform this service on request on your behalf. Using available public information and our vast network of
contacts we can find out what you need to know, whether this be part of due diligence checks before a transaction or

after a problem has occurred, when you may wish to know whether it is worth investing additional money to recover
assets or get a debt paid.
In a majority of cases, our search will reveal a host of information about the company concerned; who its shareholders
are, what its assets are, details of associated companies etc. The list is long and comprehensive, and reports can be
individually tailored to meet your specific requirements. They not only save you time and money; they may save you a
great deal of aggravation.

d) Trade Finance Documents Authentication

Fake or false trade and transport documents feature in the majority of modern maritime frauds and are the greatest
menace facing the international trading community.
Financial institutions, traders, insurance companies, shipping agents and other intermediaries all rely on transport
documents such as Bills of Lading, Seaway Bills, Airway Bills, CMR and FCR when making decisions. A document that
appears genuine can induce a bank to pay for goods or finance a trade. It can prompt an insurance company to grant
cover on a ship or shipment, or indemnify a fraudulent claimant. It may lead a shipping agent to release a cargo to
someone that is not entitled to it.
It is important to remember that any document can be forged. In the maritime industry, fake documents mostly copy
the style of a legitimate trader and it can be difficult for a non-experienced eye to spot the difference.
With many years experience and a sound knowledge of what to look for, our Information Department has a large
number of resources at its disposal that can swiftly confirm the authenticity of transport documents. We make a number
of independent checks with the parties named on documents and others, and these quickly indicate whether there is a
cause for concern. We will then flag this up to our member and make further enquiries to determine exactly what is
wrong and, more importantly, who is responsible.
Our tried and trusted system has proved invaluable on many occasions and is one of the best ways to verify the
performance of the underlying transaction.

1.4 Litigation Support

The complex nature of maritime and international trade, and the necessity to verify illegal practices to a sufficient
standard to satisfy a court of law has led to an increased need for litigation support.
We are frequently called upon to provide expert witness testimony in court cases around the world, and to supply law
enforcement with the degree of evidence they need to secure a conviction.
This can involve providing evidence in a specific case we have investigated or offering an expert opinion on the modus
operandi of a transaction that can be used to prove there was intent to defraud.
Our litigation support service is increasingly sought after and has contributed to the arrest and jailing of accused
fraudsters on several occasions.

2 Products:
2.1 Confidential Bulletin:
Exclusive to IMB members, the fortnightly Confidential Bulletin lists frauds, commercial failures and non-payment of
debts. It names and shames those responsible, listing their names, addresses, aliases and any other information that
is known or relevant.
Sent to members as a PDF via email, the Bulletin is presented in an easy to absorb short report format. Each issue
also contains an editorial addressing a particular concern or new criminal trend.
Accompanying articles explain the activities of fraudsters, referring to and showing where applicable, examples of the
documentation they use and the angle they approach victims. When considered necessary, the articles also include
warnings and advice on what to do and what to look out for.
The delivery format of the Bulletin allows members to index, store and cross-reference cases for their own use. It also
enables organisations to use the information as a means of warning others that may be targeted within the business
by a particular approach and need to know what to look out for.

2.2 Chartering Experience Programme

A large amount of the goods moving in international trade are transported on chartered ships under charter party
arrangements. Clearly, it is vitally important to know something about these companies and individuals before you
entrust them with your expensive vessel or cargo. You need to be confident they can perform as agreed.
Evidence confirms there is an increasing number of charterers and owners abandon their responsibilities. This leaves
the other parties to the agreement faced with the high costs and difficulties that arise when trying to resolve the situation
and complete the voyage.
Our Chartering Experience service can provide you with the timely information you need in order to make an informed
decision and help to reduce the risk of dealing with a company that has a poor record, is a habitual defaulter or already
has debts.
The service performs an important function, as once a chartering failure has happened the options facing those affected
are few and invariably expensive.
We will conduct pre-fixture checks on your behalf and the service is free to IMB members. We will research our
database, publicly available information and our vast network of sources to discover a companys origins and trading
record. We will obtain details on their experience in particular trades or with specific commodities, and we will try to
ascertain what others think of their ability and whether they have any debts or other encumbrances that may inhibit
their performance.
All the information we obtain is reported to you. It is also entered into our database to help other members that may
encounter the same or similar parties in the future. As part of this programme we also encourage members to report
their experiences and any difficulties encountered during charter party arrangements.
The service is proving invaluable to our members and has prevented substantial losses on many occasions.

The IMB is a specialized non-profit making membership organization of the International Chamber of Commerce. There
are a number of different membership levels available:
Level 1: 1,550 p.a.
Number of enquiries: 50
Level 2: 3,200 p.a.
Number of enquiries: 120
Level 3:
A quote for higher volumes of inquiries can be available upon request. Please be advised that it is possible to upgrade
the subscription rate at any time during the membership period should the need arise.
In addition to above all IMB members receive the following:

Confidential Bulletin - a fortnightly update to members that details those companies that have failed to perform
or default.

Commercial Crime International - a monthly publication that focuses on topical issues relating to commercial

Books and Special Reports - Our last Special Report is the Trade Finance Fraud Report which, among other
matters, looks at the way in which NVOCC and container bills of lading are misused by fraudsters in trade

IMB also offers due diligence checks on companies and offers advice on matters relating to the international sale of
goods. There are a number of cargoes on the market that are a favorite of the fraudsters and frequently feature in
contracts drawn up by fraudsters. We aim to respond to inquiries within one working day.

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