Project 2 Choosingadigitalspecialtyassignmentsheet

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What are We Doing?

Weve discussed and explored the basics of composition, but now were branching off and looking into
how consulting in spaces like FSUs Digital Studio functions. Throughout the rest of the semester,
youll see just how broad the topics of digital composition and consultation can be. As a result, for the
second project, you will be specializing in a particular type of digital composition you want to build
your skills in, or that you want to know more about. You dont need to become a full-blown expert on
this topic, but it should be a form of digital composition that appeals to you, and something youre
prepared to discuss with your peers. For this project, you will need to compile a set of resources for your
topic, annotate those resources, and present your findings to the class.

How are We Doing It?

In short youll want to:
1. Join a specific team based on the area of expertise youre drawn to.
2. Find a total of at least 10 solid resources dedicated to digital/composition theory, tutorials, or
other composing resources (like sound files, video files, YouTube channels or playlists, etc.).
3. At least 5 of those resources need to be theory-based on the topic youve selected.
4. The remaining 5 (or more) resources can be in whatever form you so desire.
5. Tailor your resources and annotations to the specific audience of your fellow classmates (new
RWC tutors or Digital Studio consultants) who dont know much about a specific kind of digital
composition, but need know the basics about it.

So, How Should I Approach This?

As noted previously, this is a list of digital composition categories commonly brought into the Digital
Studio, and while I encourage you to become familiar with these specific topics and choose one of them,
I am also open to you pitching a different idea/focus/category to me. That said, heres a short list of
Image Editing
Audio Editing
Video Editing
ePortfolio Platforms
Document Design

What are the Logistics for this Project?

The fundamental elements of your project youll need to make sure youre tending to in order to meet
the minimum requirements for this assignment include:
Compiling at least five (5) scholarly, peer-reviewed articles on this topic.
All scholarly sources must be accompanied by at least 300 words of text that explains
the article, and what we can learn about your digital specialty from it.
Compiling at least five (5) Resources focused on providing technical assistance.
All resources must be accompanied by at least 250 words of text that explains what the
resource is, what it does, who its for, and why it might be handy.
Spending 5-8 minutes sharing your work with the class.
Turning in a Reflection that accompanies your work.
Using MLA formatting: double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman font.

When is it Due?
Texts Due:
Monday, October 31st
Reflection Due:
Wednesday, November 2nd

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