What Are We Doing?: What An Audience of Fellow Writing Tutors

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What are We Doing?

Now that weve discussed and explored the basics of understanding writing and how tutoring writing can
function, youve likely noticed just how broad the topics of writing and tutoring can be. As a result, for the
second project, you will be required to choose a specialty area that appeals to you that you want to know
more about. You dont need to become a full-blown expert on this topic, but it should be something
revolving around writing and tutoring that appeals to you, and something youre prepared to do research on
for both this project and the next. This research will be presented to the class in a few ways. You will need to
create an annotated bibliography I will share with the class on our class website, and a 5-8 minute in-class
presentation where you share your findings.

How are We Doing It?

In short youll want to:
1. Choose a topic in the sphere of writing tutoring that you find particularly appealing.
2. Start doing in-depth research into it.
3. Find a total of at least 10 solid, peer-reviewed articles that discuss your topic, preferably those that
either show a range of scholarly opinions, or work together to make a larger argument.
4. Create a series of annotations for those 10 articles that both summarize the articles and outline
what an audience of fellow writing tutors can benefit from these pieces.

So, make sure youre writing in a way you think other writing tutors will understand, provide a
basic overview of the text, and tell the reader what the most important lesson(s) of the text are as
they relate to tutoring practice or theory.

So, How Should I Approach This?

I imagine the hardest part of this will be deciding what you want to specialize in this semester and as a tutor.
As such, here is a list of potential topics to get you thinking about ways you can research and specialize in a
topic in the writing center:

Digital composing practices and the Digital Studio (The second track of this course).
Strategies for working with student athletes.
Strategies for working with students with disabilities.
Strategies for working with international students.
Strategies for working with ESL students.
Strategies for working with graduate students.
Strategies for tutoring reading.
Strategies for integrating grammar without line editing.
Workshopping personal writing, including writing about trauma, abuse, etc.
Workshopping creative writing, including poetry, prose, etc.
Workshopping professional writing, including resumes, statements of purpose, etc.
Online writing center pedagogies.
Issues of race in the writing center.
Issues of gender in the writing center.
Issues of sexuality in the writing center.
Dealing with racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., in the writing center.
Conducting research in the writing center.
Other topic (see me).

As the final item here notes, this is not an all-encompassing list, and Im more than happy to discuss
anything else with you that might appeal to your interests and research agenda in the context of the writing

What are the Logistics for this Project?

The fundamental elements of your project youll need to make sure youre tending to in order to meet the
minimum requirements for this assignment include:
Creating at least ten (10) entries in an annotated bibliography.
All annotations must be at least 250 words each.
Including an MLA citation for each article.
Spending 5-8 minutes sharing your work with the class.
Turning in a Reflection that accompanies your work.
Using MLA formatting: double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman font.

When is it Due?
Texts Due:
Monday, October 31st
Reflection Due:
Wednesday, November 2nd

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