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Alessandra Marchetti

Assistant Professor at University of Florence

I would describe myself as a well presented, hard working person who thrives at the chance of learning new
I always love to get the task I have been given done in a professional and efficient manner and I have proved
these skills though my studies at the University and work placements.
I work well alongside others and I am easy to get along with as I am a sociable person.
My study career and my work experience meanwhile have helped me build my confidence as a person and
hopefully will carry on so.
I am also willing to take any training necessary to enable me to carry out my work well.

Assistant Professor at University of Florence
September 2015 - Present (1 year 1 month)
Architect Collaborator at RRS STUDIO
May 2015 - Present (1 year 5 months)
Architect Collaborator at Studio Architetto Francesca Di Maggio
January 2011 - November 2011 (11 months)
Architect Collaborator at ACT Studio
June 2009 - November 2011 (2 years 6 months)
Architect Collaborator at Alveolater
October 2009 - October 2011 (2 years 1 month)
I was helping the consortium Alveolater during the SAIE event in Bologna, informing and advising
professionals and technician about the new consortium's products.

IELTS - International English Language Testing System (Academic)
British Council
September 2013 to September 2015

Universit degli Studi di Firenze


Masters Degree, International course of Architectural Design (Icad), 2014 - 2016

University of Westminster
Master of Arts (MA), Architecture, 2013 - 2014
Universit degli Studi di Firenze
Bachelors Degree, Science of Architecture, 2007 - 2011
Grade: 107/110

Bachelors Degree, Science of Architecture
Universit degli Studi di Firenze
Design Workshop In USA - OHIO and ILLINOIS
Lilong housing in Shanghai - SHANGHAI, CHINA


(Full professional proficiency)

(Native or bilingual proficiency)

CONCORSO DI IDEE A INVITI - Riqualificazione dell'ingresso principale del palazzo della carovana
2010 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
CONCORSO DI PROGETTAZIONE - complesso scolastico Bisceglie (BA)
2010 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
CONCORSO DI IDEE - masterplan: edilizia residenziale Venezia (VE)
2009 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
2016 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
The project consists of three separate volumes and each one hosts the student's apartments. The two sides
exposed to the sun are completely glazed and host the greenhouses at the disposal of the apartments, while
the two sides facing north are covered with wood. Access to the three buildings is through the blocks placed
at the center of the concrete volumes. The basement is public and hosts the gym, the reading room, the coffee
shop and the markets for the direct sale of products derived from the farm. It is accessed by two flights, and a
large window allows you to enjoy the river.
Life-Cycle. All the buildings, underground and ooutside are thinked in wood structure system and wood
panels; all the glass facades are thinked in recycled rough glass system; all the water system is set for a
complete recover from rain that is a large parte of the years season.


COMPETITION - ITA>HK Nuovo insediamento Sha Tin in Kowloon, Hong Kong - Honourable
2015 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
Abbiamo sviluppato un progetto che fosse in grado di generare una successione di spazi pubblici, interrelati
tra di loro e serviti da percorsi pedonali e ciclabili, sui quali si aprissero un gran numero funzioni diverse
e variegate, capaci di creare un vibrante asse di attivit, pensato per le persone, non solo come un mero
punto di passaggio. Una serie di piazze e parchi, ricche di carattere e vitalit, in grado di stimolare le
interazioni sociali ed economiche. Il progetto si articola intorno ad un nucleo centrale di spazi flessibili per
la comunit che offrono una serie di servizi pubblici multifunzionali diventando una nuova serie di luoghi di
incontro per tutto il vicinato. Lutilizzo di strutture ad uso misto permette di concentrare le attivit, ridurre
il pendolarismo e incrementare la convenienza, facilitando uno stile di vita comunitario di 24 ore, riducendo
le emissioni di CO2 grazie allintegrazione del trasporto pubblico e generando nuove opportunit di lavoro.
Se la fascia lungo mare si articola lungo una serie di diverse attivit, che variano da quelle ludico sportivo,
a quelle di intrattenimento, educative e culturali (grazie ad un esteso parco lineare a sud e alla successione
di porti attrezzati a nord), la fascia prossima alla collina ospita invece delle micro fattorie per la produzione
biologica ed ecosostenibile di prodotti alimentari, lavorati e confezionati nelle micro aziende previste in
prossimit delle stesse. Valutando un'appropriata densit, in relazione ai parametri urbanistici locali, abbiamo
rilocato il 50% delle unit abitative in alcune torri, dislocate in posizione strategiche, lasciando spazio cos
allo sviluppo di aree pubbliche, verdi e non, con un carattere decisamente a scala umana e concentrate sui
collegamenti pedonali e ciclabili. Ogni singolo edificio inoltre accuratamente progettato secondo criteri di
sostenibilit ambientale ed economica integrando tecnologie e soluzioni innovative.
COMPETITION - New Museum of the Knowledge, Chandigarh - Project Shortlisted
2015 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
Quartier de lEtang, Equipements publics, Vernier (GE) Switzerland
2016 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
COMPETITION - 1+1 Freeport Art Centre, Pechino.
2015 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
Interior design for a new exibithion space in Beijing.
COMPETITION - Hybrid Housing complex, Hamburg.
2015 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
COMPETITION - Europan 13. Vitalization of the inner city. Selb (De)
2015 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti


New path of contemporary living is a brand new approax for Selb site deveoped to accomplish different scale
of involvement. Citizens as well as private investors could be attracted to develope a new center in Selb all
for living together.
COMPETITION - Europan 13. The adaptable city 2. Schwabish Gmund (DE)
2015 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti
Connect different parts of the site is the aim of the main design, as well as support innovative use of ground
leaving it free as much as possible. Turning the site as specific icon point recognizible from far away is the
idea that creates the tree tall buildings.
COMPETITION - University Campus Poveglia Island (Venice) YAC - Finalist Project
2016 to Present
Members:Alessandra Marchetti

Skills & Expertise

Architectural Design
Historic Preservation
Sustainable Design
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Office


Alessandra Marchetti
Assistant Professor at University of Florence

Contact Alessandra on LinkedIn


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