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2012 | ISSUE 2

AVEVA acquires bocad

World-class structural detailing solution

Also featured in this issue:

z RusGazEngineering delivers faster projects
z AVEVA Plant enables global project execution at Pyry
z The new AVEVA Electrical a real industry-leader
z Guangxin Shipbuilding implements AVEVA MARS
z Announcing AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management

Corporate News

Cover Story: AVEVA acquires bocad

AVEVA The First 45 Years 22

An interview with Philip Aiken 24
AVEVA World Summit 2012 31
Keeping software healthy 35
AVEVA World Italy 42

Product News
The Future of Plant Design Software 10
Announcing AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management 16
Making connections in electrical engineering and design 36

Customer News

AVEVA Plant enables global project execution at Pyry 12

Wood Group PSN delivers offshore wind farm substations 20
AVEVA MARS at Guangxin Shipbuilding & Heavy Industry 27
Minera MILPO expands in Peru 32
Energetic India: Desein Indure 40

Cover photograph:
The museum, Le Muse des Confluences in Lyon, France, was designed
and is being constructed using structural design software from bocad.
Courtesy of SMB Constructions Mtalliques.
Statements and opinions expressed in AVEVA World Magazine do not necessarily
reflect the views of AVEVA. Brands and product names mentioned may be trademarks
and/or protected by copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this publication
may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from AVEVA. All stated
facts are believed correct at time of going to press.
AVEVA believes the information in this publication is correct as of its publication date.
As part of continued product development, such information is subject to change
without prior notice and is related to the current software release. AVEVA is not
responsible for any inadvertent errors. All product names mentioned are the
trademarks of their respective holders.
Copyright 2012 AVEVASolutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
Editor Magnus Feldt, Industry Marketing Manager, AVEVA


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

45 years of
continuous growth
When I sat down to write this introduction I looked
back at the previous issue of AVEVA World Magazine.
It may only have been six months ago but already
that seems like the distant past, so fast have been
our recent technology advances.
But six months is no time at all compared to the 45 years of continuous
growth that the company celebrated this summer. 45 years! Thats twice
the age of some of our younger colleagues, for whom the IT revolution of
the 1960s must seem like prehistory. We no longer have any colleagues
who were with us from the very start in 1967, but many have been here
for most of AVEVAs extraordinary history; a depth of experience that few
companies in this industry can match.
Meanwhile, AVEVA customers also continue to succeed and grow,
particularly in the BRIC countries, which are industrialising at an
exhilarating rate. It is pleasing to see our software being used to
transform low-tech mining and minerals production into sophisticated,
large-scale operations to meet growing world demand. As a result, we
have established a Centre of Excellence in Mining and Minerals to support
our growing customer community in Latin America. Russia, too, is rapidly
regaining its true industrial capability and we hope to bring you many
more impressive customer success stories from this region.

This endorses one of the principal

reasons for AVEVAs continuing
success: we truly are regarded as a
partner by our customers...

In June we held some modest anniversary celebrations in our offices

around the world. I was, however, astonished to learn from a director of
one of our most prestigious customers that this year they are actually
celebrating 25 years of working with AVEVA. To me, this endorses one
of the principal reasons for AVEVAs continuing success: we truly are
regarded as a partner by our customers. But of course, businesses
dont build partnerships, people do. This magazine regularly describes
outstanding results achieved by our colleagues working closely with our
The other reason for AVEVAs success is our continual delivery of ever
more powerful technologies that provide significant business value to
our customers. In the last issue we described how a careful balance
between in-house development and selected technology acquisitions
has expanded our offerings in 3D laser scanning solutions; now we have
acquired the leading solution in structural engineering and look forward
to bringing you future news of how this technology will progressively
expand the scope of AVEVA Plant and AVEVA Marine. A similar
combination of acquisition, product development and working closely
with customers has also created the brand-new AVEVA Electrical, which
has exceeded sales expectations from the day it was released.
On the information engineering front, our technologists have been
equally busy laying the foundations of what is rapidly becoming the most
powerful solution for Enterprise Resource Management. We have already
combined the best engineering and design technologies in the plant and
marine sectors. Now we are doing the same for resource management
But in all this fast-paced development we havent overlooked our core
strength in 3D plant design. Our next-generation solution is now well
advanced and you can gain an idea of its potential in this issue.
Just reading these articles leaves me out of breath; I hope you too will
share my excitement.

Richard Longdon
Chief Executive
AVEVA Group plc

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Greater structural
detailing capability gives
further depth to AVEVAs
3D plant and marine

Les Elby
VP Business
Strategy, AVEVA

The museum, Le Muse des Confluences in Lyon, France, was designed and is being constructed using structural design
software from bocad. Courtesy of SMB Constructions Mtalliques.


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

In the previous edition of AVEVA

World Magazine we introduced
you to AVEVAs acquisition of Z+F
UK and now, in this issue, AVEVA
is proud to provide an overview
of another acquisition. On 22
May, 2012, AVEVA completed the
acquisition of the bocad group of
companies, bringing a world-class
structural detailing solution to
bocad is a software company which develops
and markets the worlds best and most capable
structural detailing solution. The companys
origin is similar to AVEVAs, with its strong
historical links with academia. In the late
1970s, four PhD students and post-doctorates
from the University of Bochum were researching
structural steel design software. This research
led them, in 1980, to create and launch the
first release of bocad 3D. The product was an
immediate success and the sales grew fast, and
so bocad Software was born. Since then, the
solution has gone from strength to strength,
growing in capability through the addition of
glazing, timber, concrete and steel cutting
modules. Moreover, the software has seen
significant adoption across many industries,
having been used in power, oil & gas, offshore
and AEC (Architecture, Engineering and
Construction) projects.

Tighter integration
between piping
design and structural
steel detailing will
allow engineers and
fabricators to work in a
dynamic environment
for clash detection
and management
of change. This will
provide a major
improvement in quality
and efficiency...

The topsides of a major wellhead platform for an oil & gas project in the North Sea were designed and constructed using structural design software from bocad.
Courtesy of Dragados Offshore - driving technology forward.

We feel that this acquisition makes perfect sense and is in keeping with
AVEVAs growth strategy of acquiring the best technology to enhance our
overall portfolio and provide our customers with greater flexibility for
their businesses. AVEVA PDMS is the leading 3D design application, and
the addition of bocad to the AVEVA 3D stable is the perfect complement,
giving customers access to a formidable software line-up.
Weve been listening to customer requests for greater structural
detailing capability. The acquisition of bocad is a direct response to these
needs, giving even greater depth to our 3D plant and marine design
solutions. Tighter integration between piping design and structural
steel detailing will allow engineers and fabricators to work in a dynamic
environment for clash detection and management of change. This
will provide a major improvement in quality and efficiency, says Dave
Wheeldon, AVEVAs CTO.

Weve only just joined the AVEVA team, but these are exciting times and
we are busy planning the next evolution of our software, which we look
forward to sharing with our customers soon, Gerald Bodson, Head of
Product told AVEVA World Magazine.
The integration of the bocad team and technology is still in its early days.
There will be more information in upcoming issues of the magazine and at
the AVEVA World Summit later in the year.

The acquisition completed in May, and AVEVAs next move was to establish
a Centre of Excellence (COE) for Structural Design across bocads two
largest offices in Bochum, Germany and Ocquier, Belgium. The COE will be
run by the existing bocad management team and will be responsible for
growing the success of the bocad suite.

bocads founders show how hardware storage technology has developed during the lifetime of the company. From left to right, Matthias Schlensker, Peter Haake, Michael Falck, and
Ulrich Kammertns.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


AVEVA PDMS model of gas condensate treatment units for the Vankor Infrastructure Development project. Image courtesy of RGE.

Integrated design, fabrication and

construction at RusGazEngineering
delivers faster projects and rapid growth
In the space of only a few years, the
RusGazEngineering Group of Companies (RGE) has
become a leader in the design and construction
of complete oil & gas and chemical turnkey field
facilities. RGE has an impressive track record in
handling large oil & gas projects, both in Russia
and around the world. Many of these successful
projects have been geographically distributed, with
extremely tight deadlines. From a small company,
beginning with two people in 2003, RGE has grown
into a large enterprise with more than 1,800
employees. To find out more about this exceptional
progress, AVEVA met Ilshat Valiullin, President of
Elena Kolesnikova
Marketing Specialist, AVEVA


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Ilshat Valiullin began by giving us an overview of their operations. RGE

consists of a group of companies, he told us. Our original business of
supplying process equipment to the oil & gas and chemical industries
has evolved into the design and construction of turnkey facilities. RGE
now offers a turnkey solution, handling all stages of a project, from
the first preparatory phase and feasibility study, to construction and
commissioning of the facility. We have completed more than 50 large
projects and 250 smaller ones for a number of well-known oil & gas
customers such as LUKOIL, Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom, Novatek,
ITERA and Achimgaz, etc.
RGEs approach to process engineering
RGEs success is based on our methodology for the integration of
engineering and construction. Our integrated project engineering
concept allows us to efficiently manage projects with very short delivery
times, Ilshat Valiullin continued.
When RGE was set up, many existing oil & gas facilities in Russia
and other countries were already outdated and needed immediate
modernisation. The rush to revamp these facilities meant that many
competing EPC and EPCM companies would typically deliver construction
information to subcontractors only after the design was completed.

Ilshat Valiullin, President of RGE.

Photograph courtesy of RGE.

RGEs approach was to integrate design with manufacture and construction,

by controlling the work distribution across specialist companies in the group.
This makes it possible to start both fabrication and construction before the
design is complete, shortening project lead times and reducing costs. Now, the
construction of the facility almost always runs in parallel with the design work.
It was ambitious of us to develop our business in this way. However, oil & gas
clients urgently needed rapid construction of new facilities, so they were ready to
move to a new principle for project implementation.
Integrated project engineering concept
RGE realised early on that they needed new engineering tools to support their
integrated project engineering concept. After a thorough evaluation process
lasting almost a year, the AVEVA Plant portfolio of products was selected. With
support and training provided by AVEVAs Moscow office, AVEVA PDMS was
implemented in 2007 at NIPI NGH, RGEs engineering and design company.
Before implementing AVEVA Plant, Ilshat Valiullin told us, RGE had limited
experience with other 2D and 3D systems, but the results were not satisfactory.
There were a number of compelling reasons for choosing AVEVA Plant. It enables
concurrent working between different design disciplines, through its database
functions and clash-detection mechanisms. AVEVAs Integrated Engineering and
Design capabilities provide powerful management tools and weve been able to
scale our system implementation in line with the companys rapid growth. The
AVEVA team in Russia has been extremely supportive and has worked very closely
with us to help us achieve our ambitious goals. This support was critical to our
The Vankor Infrastructure Development is a prestigious project executed by RGE,
where the design part was executed by NIPI NGH using AVEVA Plant. The Vankor
oil & gas field in eastern Siberia is being developed by Vankorneft, an upstream
subsidiary of their customer, Rosneft. AVEVA Plant was used for the design and
fabrication of gas condensate treatment units.

Before implementing AVEVA

Plant, RGE had limited
experience with other 2D and
3D systems, but the results were
not satisfactory. There were a
number of compelling reasons for
choosing AVEVA Plant. It enables
concurrent working between
different design disciplines,
through its database functions
and clash-detection mechanisms.
AVEVAs Integrated Engineering
and Design capabilities provide
powerful management tools
and weve been able to scale our
system implementation in line
with the companys rapid growth.
The AVEVA team in Russia has
been extremely supportive and
has worked very closely with us
to help us achieve our ambitious
goals. This support was critical
to our success...

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


The Uritsa gas treatment plant designed in AVEVA PDMS. Photograph courtesy of RGE.

The Beregovoye gas condensate field in western Siberia and the Uritsa
gas treatment plant in the Czech Republic are two further comprehensive
projects among many in which RGE is using AVEVA Plant for the design
and engineering work.
Today, there are more than 150 engineers trained on PDMS working
at the head office in Podolsk and the branch offices in Ufa, Tumen and
Since 2007, RGE has been using PDMS to build complete, very detailed
3D models of oil & gas facilities for their customers. This high level of
detail in the digital models enables the automatic extraction of drawings,
Bills of Materials, and other documents and data for fabrication and
construction. The automation of these deliverables dramatically reduces
the time needed for the creation of production documentation, leading to
a shorter overall project schedule.

Right: AVEVA PDMS model

from the Uritsa gas
treatment plant project.
Image courtesy of RGE.


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Multi-site concurrent working

AVEVA Global, AVEVAs solution for multi-site concurrent working, was
implemented in July 2009 at NIPI NGHs head office and at its branch
offices in Ufa, Tumen and Stavropol. AVEVA Global enables distributed
engineering offices to work concurrently on the same plant model.
The Vankor Infrastructure Development project, mentioned above, is a
good example of the companys use of AVEVA PDMS with AVEVA Global.
This project, which was carried out by 42 PDMS specialists located at
several sites, started in 2010 and was completed in 2011.
Nikolay Maximenko, Head of the CAD Department at NIPI NGH said, The
use of PDMS and AVEVA Global allows us to deploy staff in a more accurate
and dynamic way. We are able to transfer the work to whichever team is
best qualified in a particular area or discipline. The transfer process is
quick and reliable. It also allows us to be sure that information is updated
on a regular basis and that project teams are always working with the

AVEVA PDMS model of a heat exchanger unit for the Beregovoye gas condensate field project. Image courtesy of RGE.

most accurate data. In addition, the management team has access to

this information at all times, which is very helpful in making informed
decisions. On our most recent projects, we have also deployed AVEVA
Diagrams. This works seamlessly with AVEVA Global and will give us the
same efficiency benefits we enjoy with the other AVEVA applications.
Construction control
Site supervisors provide overall coordination and control of separate work
stages, as well as managing the entire construction process. The progress
of work is continuously monitored and compared with the schedule.
Within the framework of technical supervision, the engineers control
the quality of construction and installation jobs, and check that the
parameters of building structures and utilities comply with design data.
Continuous information exchange between the site staff and designers
ensures that potential construction problems can be identified very
effectively and any required changes to the design documentation can be
quickly implemented.
AVEVA NET further increases productivity and efficiency
Ilshat Valiullin told us that, over time, the scope and volume of the
companys work had increased significantly. At the same time, the
information was becoming more and more difficult to control.
To address this, they decided to launch a programme to improve the
quality of their engineering information management.

Design stage
z AspenTech


About two years ago, RGE deployed AVEVA NET Portal, a web-based
solution for system consolidation and the management of engineering
data. This project has already borne fruit. The principle advantage for
project leaders and members is the ability to quickly locate critical
information, and they now have a consistent, full picture of all their
projects. This is essential for ongoing project checks and analysing
existing situations, providing a firm basis for timely decision making. In
addition, AVEVA NET Portal has made it possible to automate the process
of collecting design data and documentation from remote offices.
Most designers are now working on a single digital model of the project.
All project participants have controlled access rights, based on their roles
and, where necessary, they can edit and modify existing data. All changes
are made available and comprehensible to other participants in the
project. The digital model is a priceless repository of project information
which is key to optimising the design and controlling supply and
construction, while it also forms a valuable prototype for future projects.
About GC RusGazEngineering
In addition to their head office in Podolsk, RGEs other Russian offices
are in Gubkinskiy, Krasnoyarsk, Kirovo-Chepetsk, Moscow, Penza, Ufa,
Kazan, Tumen and Stavropol. The company has affiliate branches and
subsidiaries in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and the Ukraine.
Visit for more information.




z Autodesk

z AVEVA Cable

Procurement and
z Oracle

z Oracle

Integrated project engineering at RGE. Image courtesy of RGE.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


AVEVA Unveils New Vision

to Define the Future of
Plant Design Software
Our customers are facing different challenges to
those they faced just five years ago. Power and
process industries around the world are undergoing
a period of intense evolution.

To meet these demands, Owner Operators are moving into new

geographies in more remote, more hostile and higher-risk locations
such as the Arctic or deep-water environments. Plant lifetime extension
projects are also increasing as operators see opportunities to maximise
the output from existing assets.

The scale of the challenge is evident, particularly in

the energy sector. The International Energy Agency
(IEA) has estimated that a $38 trillion investment
will be required to create and modernise the worlds
energy system infrastructure, in order to meet
projected energy demand through to 2035. Chemical,
pharmaceutical and mining industries also face new
infrastructure investment demands.

For the Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) company this

means the creation and management of more complex process and
power assets which, in turn, places more pressure on the speed and
quality of project execution in order to maintain competitiveness. The
ability to orchestrate engineering skills, minimise costs and streamline
management decisions to respond faster to evolving market conditions
has never been greater.

...a new product for plant

design that will support
new and improved ways of
working, and facilitate faster
project deployment, as well as
embracing mobile computing to
provide even greater control and
visibility to stakeholders across
the design chain...

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

This changing environment places new demands on the processes

involved in capital projects and the supporting technologies that
contribute to their success, such as plant design software.

Dave Wheeldon, CTO, AVEVA introduces AVEVAs The Future of Plant Design
project at ACHEMA 2012 in Frankfurt.

To meet the needs of this changing market, AVEVA announced details of

its project to create a new product for plant design that will support new
and improved ways of working, and facilitate faster project deployment,
as well as embracing mobile computing to provide even greater control
and visibility to stakeholders across the design chain.

AVEVA revealed that the project to set new levels of performance for
plant design has already involved hundreds of its engineering specialists
acting on requirements captured from its customers and from industry.
The new product will be showcased at the AVEVA World Summit in October,
followed by first release in December 2012.

Energy, chemical and mining markets are undergoing unprecedented

market change, bringing new opportunities and fresh challenges, said
Dave Wheeldon, CTO, AVEVA, at ACHEMA in Frankfurt am Main in Germany.
The need to orchestrate engineering skills and management processes
to respond faster to changing market conditions has never been greater.
With more stringent control over compliance, and requirements emerging
from the new generation of engineers, AVEVA is planning for the future.

The technical vision for this new product is that it will provide:

We are addressing The Future of Plant Design by outlining how plant

design systems need to be instrumental in helping the power and process
industries meet these needs, supporting their new-build projects and
making fullest use of their investment in a digital asset for through-life
modifications. As we look to the future, we believe that plant design
software will play a vital role in delivering new levels of design efficiency,
collaboration and compliance management to drive competitiveness and

z A 3D modelling capability which provides real-world representation

quality by combining the best 3D graphics with laser scanning point
z A 2D drawing capability, fully automated and integrated with the 3D
z Full interoperability with other design systems in the design process
z An architecture that can support project reuse and modular design
z Integration with laser scanning point clouds for dimensional control in

AVEVA recognises the vast amount of intellectual

property and investment that our customers have put
into their PDMS models. In line with our commitment
to Continual Progression we will be creating this
new level of plant design in such a way that it is
interoperable with our existing PDMS product.

To be the first to receive updates about this exciting

new project, please subscribe to the weekly newsletter
on: Alternatively,
please contact AVEVA on
or +44 1223 556655 for more information.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Bigger and more complex projects

are the key to Pyrys growth
AVEVA Plant enables
global project execution

Magnus Feldt
Editor, AVEVA World Magazine

As industries consolidate and become increasingly global in scope, so

engineering contractors need critical mass in order to compete for ever
larger and more complex projects. This is clearly illustrated by the example
of Pyry, a leading technical consulting and engineering company, serving
industry, energy and the urban sector.
Pyry has maintained its competitive strength through a clear focus on efficient
working methods and a global business structure, all underpinned by AVEVA
technology. To learn more about Pyry and its expansion plans, AVEVA visited
Pyrys head office in Vantaa, just outside Helsinki, in Finland. Here we met
Andreas Palmlund, Senior Vice President and Head of Pyrys Global Engineering
Centres, Jani Peltopuro, Development Manager, Design Technologies, and Timo
Syrjnen, Vice President, Design Technologies. All three belong to Pyrys
Global Engineering Centres, so we first asked them to explain the nature of
these centres and the role that AVEVA PDMS plays in their projects.

MWV Rigesa is expanding its Trs Barras mill in Brazil. The expansion project involves the installation of a new, state-of-the-art paperboard machine, doubling the mills existing capacity.


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Global reach, local strength

To strengthen capabilities and processes to develop and execute larger
projects, Pyry has recently reorganised by concentrating its detail
engineering resources into its three Global Engineering Centres in
China, Poland and Thailand. These serve the whole group and provide
the capability to execute large, global projects. Smaller projects are
performed by Pyrys local offices. This combination of global and
local resources enables competitive tendering and delivery of the
widest possible range of projects. With a combination of high-speed
communications, robust working methods and effective management, the
physical location of individual offices becomes less important, as they can
readily form a virtual global office offering a very cost-effective solution.
Equally important is a standardised, uniform project set-up process. This
enables, not only rapid start-up of new projects, but also more efficient
and extensive reuse and management of standard data across projects.
The result is efficient sharing of engineering resources between the
centres which, in turn, enables Pyry to achieve shorter schedules and
consistent high quality.
The AVEVA PDMS advantage
This efficient business structure exploits the capabilities of AVEVA Plant.
Pyry had started to use 3D engineering tools in the early 1980s, but
first employed PDMS in 2001, on a pulp and paper project for Metso.

Since then, its use of PDMS has grown considerably and, in 2004, AVEVA
Global was used in a project for the first time. Today, the company uses
PDMS and Global as its preferred solution for 3D engineering design and
collaborative, global work sharing.
Pyry uses PDMS right from the proposal stage of a project, through
execution, to delivery of the final 3D model to the client to support
on-site construction. 3D visualisation greatly facilitates design
communication with the client. Finally, when a plant is being
commissioned, the Owner Operator receives the complete 3D PDMS
plant model to support its asset lifecycle management.
Striking the balance
Standardising on a particular design system brings many efficiency
benefits, but an engineering contracting company must satisfy itself that
its preferred solution balances efficiency against the flexibility to meet
the needs of a diverse customer base. To achieve this, Pyry performed a
comprehensive benchmark programme to determine which engineering
system best fulfilled its needs. AVEVAs solution outperformed its
competitors, both in technical performance and in the extent to which
it was already widely used among Pyrys customers. As a result, PDMS
is Pyrys preferred choice for 3D plant engineering. Whenever client
demand allows, the company is phasing out the use of other 3D CAD
applications in favour of PDMS.

We selected AVEVA PDMS as our preferred

tool for 3D engineering design due to its
ability to support global work sharing and
AVEVAs ability to support us in our offices
around the world. This enables Pyry to
work with the most advanced 3D technology
and deliver right-first-time design...
Below, from left: Jani Peltopuro, Development Manager, Design Technologies; Timo Syrjnen, Vice President,
Design Technologies; Andreas Palmlund, Senior Vice President and Head of Pyrys Global Engineering Centres.

Photograph courtesy of Pyry.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


We selected AVEVA PDMS as our preferred tool for 3D engineering design

due to its ability to support global work sharing and AVEVAs ability to
support us in our offices around the world, explained Andreas Palmlund.
This enables Pyry to work with the most advanced 3D technology and
deliver right-first-time design.
Increasing productivity
While this standardisation improved design efficiency and working
practices, Pyry realised that PDMSs ease of customisation would provide
further opportunities for increased engineering productivity. It also
enables Pyry to use a common component catalogue across all projects,
and easily manage it across multiple sites.

Delivering the results

Pyrys global resources and its AVEVA technology have together
delivered some impressive projects.
Future plans
As Pyry expands and takes on complex, high-profile projects around the
world, the overall workflow and priority of their business will continue to
evolve. To support global activities, it needs the right people, culture and
technology, and AVEVA is playing an important part in this process.
The AVEVA Plant portfolio already provides a set of core Integrated
Engineering and Design applications and offers Pyry a technology
growth path for the future that includes support for new disciplines.
Building on the strong existing relationship, AVEVA will be working hard
to contribute to Pyrys ongoing success for many years to come.

Waste-to-energy power plant in Finland

The new waste-to-energy power plant in the city of Vantaa in Finland, is being designed using AVEVA PDMS.
The early concept design pictures of the plant as illustrated here, are generated using data extracted from AVEVA PDMS. Image courtesy of Pyry.

Pyry has been contracted to provide engineering services to Vantaan

Energia Oy on a new waste-to-energy power plant in the city of Vantaa,
Finland, scheduled to be completed in 2014. These services include
environmental impact assessment (EIA), pre-engineering, and full
scope EPCM (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management)
services including project management, engineering, procurement and
construction management.
This advanced power plant will process 320,000 tonnes of waste
annually to produce approximately 78 MW of electricity and 120 MW of
district heating. It achieves its efficiency by superheating the steam
produced in grate boilers in a gas turbine-powered Heat Recovery


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Steam Generator (HRSG), supplemented by additional steam generated

from the waste heat of the gas turbine exhaust. As a result, it will
enable Vantaan Energia Oy to reduce its consumption of coal by some
30% and its total emissions by 20%.
The project makes extensive use of PDMS and AVEVA Global, together
with a third-party visualisation tool. This has greatly facilitated design
reviews for both detail design development and operations assessment.

About Pyry
Founded in 1958, Pyry is a global consulting and engineering company,
based in Vantaa, Finland. It has grown organically and through strategic
mergers and is, today, a public company, employing 7,000 people in over
50 offices across the world.
With a diverse customer base in the energy, industry, transportation,
water, environment and real estate sectors, Pyrys services encompass
the entire asset lifecycle, from feasibility studies and pre-engineering,
through complete implementation of projects, to operations and
maintenance services. It is the worlds leading design engineer to the
pulp and paper industry and has executed projects in over 100 countries.
It is committed to continual technological development, actively
developing its own tools and work processes, as well as working with
software partners like AVEVA, and academic and research institutes.
Visit for more information.

AVEVAs solution outperformed

its competitors, both in
technical performance and
in the extent to which it was
already widely used among
Pyrys customers. As a result,
PDMS is Pyrys preferred choice
for 3D plant engineering...

Paperboard mill expansion in Brazil

Brazils rapid economic growth is increasing
demand across many sectors, including high-quality
packaging. To meet this demand, MWV Rigesa is
expanding its Trs Barras mill. Pyry secured Open
Book EPC contracts for the Balance of Plant (BOP)
together with associated EPCM services, and overall
project management support to the client.
The expansion project involves the installation
of a new, state-of-the-art paperboard machine,
doubling the mills existing capacity. The new
machine will produce 300,000 tons per year of
kraft linerboard for use in the companys packaging
operations throughout Brazil.
On target for completion this summer, the project
embodies the most advanced technology to meet
stringent environmental criteria. For example,
the water management system will reduce water
consumption per ton of paper by 65%.
For Pyry, PDMS has played a key role in the
successful execution of the project. In the initial
concept stage it proved invaluable for clarifying
project scope and the degree of intervention
required in the existing mill, as well as supporting
concept reviews for project approval. The 3D
model was made available to equipment suppliers,
enabling them to tender with confidence and ensure
that their equipment would meet installation
requirements. Throughout, the use of 3D has
enabled efficient and thorough design reviews, and
clear communication with the construction team,
and 3D is now serving as a powerful aid to staff
training, operations planning and commissioning,
to enable early achievement of full production.

MWV Rigesa is expanding its Trs Barras mill in Brazil. The expansion project involves the installation of a new,
state-of-the-art paperboard machine, doubling the mills existing capacity. Photograph courtesy of Pyry.

In this early concept design picture of the Trs Barras mill plant, the green colour represents the new paper mill
and the blue colour represents the increased capacity in the existing process areas. This picture is generated
using data extracted from AVEVA PDMS. Image courtesy of Pyry.

AVEVA PDMS model of the white water

system. Image courtesy of Pyry.

AVEVA PDMS model of the cooling tower system and

related piping and equipment. Image courtesy of Pyry.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Announcing AVEVA Enterprise

Resource Management
AVEVAs latest integrated Plant and Marine solution improves
performance in materials management, construction and production
Regular readers of this magazine will know that
one of the principal elements in AVEVAs business
strategy is integration, not only of information
itself, but also of the tools for manipulating and
managing it. Perhaps the most conspicuous example
of this has been the creation of AVEVA Marine,
our biggest single development project, which
has integrated the worlds leading solutions for
shipbuilding and plant design. This created a true
technology multiplier, bringing to each industry
powerful tools from the other.
Danielle Page
Marketing Specialist, AVEVA

AVEVA Marine and AVEVA Plant address practical needs in engineering

and design. Now AVEVA has completed the first stage of an exciting
integration programme to create a similarly powerful technology
multiplier in the fields of project and resource management. The result is
AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management.
This new solution comes with an unrivalled pedigree. Like AVEVA Marine,
it began life following a technology acquisition when, in 2010, AVEVA
acquired MARS, the leading Enterprise Resource Management (ERM)
solution for the shipbuilding industry. Meanwhile, in the plant industry,
AVEVA VPRM has long been a proven, best-in-class solution. Together,
these two provide complementary features and functions from which
we have created the most powerful and comprehensive ERM solution
available to the worlds capital engineering industries. AVEVAs 45th
anniversary seems a particularly auspicious time for the first release of
AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management.

AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management will be as game changing for the

planning, materials and construction disciplines in our shipyard and EPC
customers as 3D was for the design disciplines back in the late 1980s...

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

COO Derek Middlemas, said, AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management

will be as game changing for the planning, materials and construction
disciplines in our shipyard and EPC customers as 3D was for the design
disciplines back in the late 1980s. It is the only fully integrated suite for
planning, material management and construction workface planning.
With its tight integration with AVEVA Marine and AVEVA Plant, and when
supplemented with AVEVA NET as a project cockpit for construction
management, we will see significant advances in productivity and quality
in the build phase of major capital projects. In acquiring MARS, our vision
was to create a comprehensive solution for material, production and
construction management, deeply integrated with engineering. This is
now coming to fruition.
Work to date has focused on building a foundation for the long-term
development of the solution. Part of this has included a brand-new
user interface; the adoption of the Microsoft Fluent UI and positive
feedback about other AVEVA product interfaces has enabled the
development team to create a more intuitive and familiar look and
feel. AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management combines an expanding
range of plant-specific capabilities, such as a new module to manage
catalogues and specifications, with extensive generic and marine-specific
capabilities. Customers can migrate from AVEVA MARS with minimal
disruption, while continuing to use existing data. Experienced users
will find all the familiar features and functions simpler to use, while new
staff will find it easier and quicker to learn the system. For AVEVA VPRM
customers, reference data, vendor databases and material catalogues
can be migrated and, as current projects run their course, customers
will easily be able to start new projects using AVEVA Enterprise Resource

As the name implies, AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management supports

the principal resource functions of planning, materials management
and production/construction. A modular solution, each of these areas
is served by a dedicated application with extensive capabilities but,
importantly, integrating seamlessly so that information can be shared
across the functions.
AVEVA Planning
The planning application provides the essential closed-loop control
between planned and achieved progress, balancing plans, material and
resources, even across multiple projects. Planners can make informed
decisions and act on the basis of up-to-date information, responding
effectively to changing circumstances. In turn, this enables effective
management of resources and the efficient development of accurate work
packages, promoting maximum schedule adherence and minimum rework
in construction.
A particularly powerful feature is AVEVA Plannings support for
hierarchical, top-down scheduling. This enables the distribution of
detailed schedules right down to shop-floor level, while retaining control
of the overall plan. AVEVA Planning can also integrate with widely used
third-party planning solutions, providing the management and reporting
of lower level tasks and activities at the workface.
AVEVA Material
AVEVA Material provides easy access to accurate material information
at every stage of a project, from planning through to outfitting,
commissioning and delivery.

Right: Intuitive tools and interfaces enable

efficient top-down planning, from initial
estimation down to detailed operational
control in a seamless, integrated,

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


It will handle a wide range of data, including design and engineering,

drawings, materials, equipment, Bills of Material (BOMs), requisitions,
procurement, expediting and logistics, and stock and warehouse
AVEVA Material comprises a rich set of functions. Among these are an
extensive set of procurement functions, including requisitioning, supplier
bid evaluation and currency management, all supported by a complete
audit history. Financial functions such as budget management and
invoice handling help managers keep project finances under control,
while template functions enable project data to be reused, speeding
up and simplifying the set-up of new projects. Like AVEVA MARS, AVEVA
Material also includes many functions optimised for the particular needs
of the marine industry. For our plant customers, specialised modules are
included for piping material management, enabling the managed control
of material requirements as piping isometrics progressively refine the
initial material estimates. More plant specialisations for procurement and
site material control are in development.
AVEVA Production
The production/construction phase of a project attracts the majority of
the cost and is extremely resource intensive, so even small efficiency
gains can bring big financial benefits. AVEVA Production enables efficient
detailed planning, monitoring and control of the entire lifecycles of shop
and work orders, from their creation through to selecting, reserving and
distributing materials. Combining top-down management with efficient
bottom-up scheduling provides tight control of the entire process.
AVEVA Production integrates with AVEVA Material to provide effective
materials management, and includes valuable functions for handling
prefabricated items such as pipe spools or access structures.

AVEVA Catalogue and Specification

A valuable element of the new product family, optimised for the plant
industry, will be the ability to rapidly generate and manage bulk material
catalogues and piping specifications. The variety of components needed
to meet different design requirements and fluid processes (temperatures,
pressures, corrosiveness) requires the use of piping specifications to
ensure that the right material is selected and is described consistently
across requirements, procurement and 3D design systems. AVEVA
Catalogue and Specification will not only provide an effective method
of generating the specification, but will also directly generate new
commodities and parts in a catalogue for use in procurement and design.
It is designed to be configurable to meet each customers particular
The power of integration
AVEVA has long recognised the importance of putting information, not
applications, at the centre of the working environment; users should be
able to access information from any solution in which they have invested.
The AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management products can each be
deployed independently and will integrate closely with many third-party
material, planning and production management tools to maximise the
value of an existing technology investment.
Deploying AVEVA products as a completely integrated solution always
increases the achievable benefits. It enables all resources in an
enterprise to be supported by a single source of information, maintaining
data integrity and providing a reliable basis for timely and effective
decisions. While achieving this with individual applications is possible,
implementing the full AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management solution
will maximise business efficiency, reducing project costs and delivery time
to increase profitability and competitive advantage.

AVEVA is confident
that AVEVA
Enterprise Resource
Management will
deliver outstanding
business value. Like
all our products, it is
a business enabler...
Production control functions provide visual representations of allotted and available time, and resource loading.


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Q: Im a MARS/VPRM customer what does this mean for me?

Leading the way

As always, AVEVAs development strategy with this new solution has been
to proceed cautiously, consolidating progress at every stage and working
with selected customers to ensure that the products fulfil practical
business needs and can be validated on representative project data. The
result has proved highly successful, with lead customers in the plant and
marine industries enthusiastic about this initial release and about the
longer-term programme for further integration and expansion of AVEVA
Enterprise Resource Management.
The solutions and technology offered meet our needs and those of
our customers, said Lukas Mensinck, Head of IT at leading shipyard,
Nobiskrug. We get many benefits, including more efficient, integrated
working processes and improved data quality, availability and visibility.
This results in our achieving an accurate and efficient project, delivering
the right information, material and resources to reduce risk, time and
AVEVAs plant industry customers can look forward to achieving similar
gains in project performance, as continuing product development
includes tight integration with AVEVA PDMS. The result will be a solution
which can be applied seamlessly over any type of capital project, whether
plant, marine, or an integration of the two.
Lars Riisberg, VP, ERM Centre of Excellence, is excited about the future of
these products. With a substantial customer base for both AVEVA MARS
and AVEVA VPRM all eager for more productivity and easier integration,
both of their own business processes and with collaboration partners,
AVEVA is confident that AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management
will deliver outstanding business value. Like all our products, it is a
business enabler. We look forward to making future announcements
as development progresses, and particularly to bringing you news of
customers success with it.

A: Your investments in AVEVA MARS and AVEVA VPRM are safe. We

recognise that, for many, your projects will run continuously
for a number of years. Therefore, for a period of three years,
we will continue to provide standard support, including fix
releases, and we are prepared to extend this support on special
agreement for an additional three years. However, there will
be no more major releases under these product names, as we
are confident that when you see AVEVA Enterprise Resource
Management (AVEVA ERM) you will be keen to use it for your
new projects. AVEVA will offer individual workshops in order
to develop the best migration strategy for you, considering
your current implementation and your business processes. The
right time for migration will vary from customer to customer.
If youd like to discuss the support and migration plan for your
organisation in more detail, please contact your local sales
Q: I was considering investing in MARS should I buy
AVEVA ERM instead?
A: This really depends on what kind of shipyard you are. We
recommend that our larger shipyard customers continue using
AVEVA MARS until version 10.2 is released later this year.
However, if you are not planning to implement a new resource
management solution before 2013, or if you run a smaller
operation, then we strongly suggest you consider AVEVA ERM.
Our sales teams will be happy to discuss the benefits of either
scenario with you.
Q: I was looking to buy VPRM should I wait for AVEVA ERM?
A: Not necessarily. The majority of plant capabilities will not be
available in AVEVA ERM until releases 10.2 or 10.3, currently
scheduled for late 2013. However, we recognise that, for our
Plant customers, it will be the implementation of individual
products that will be of most use. So, if you are only looking
for assistance in the engineering phase, for example, AVEVA
Catalogue and Specification and AVEVA Material will offer
considerable advantages by version 10.2. Please do make
contact and discuss your options with our sales team, but
be assured that, if you choose to purchase AVEVA VPRM
instead, you will still be buying a world-class solution for your
organisation that we will continue to support for a number of
Q: I am using AVEVA Marine or AVEVA Plant, will it integrate
A: Yes. We showcased the first stages of this integration at the
2011 AVEVA World Summits and will be demonstrating further
enhancements at this years event.

For more information about the AVEVA Enterprise Resource

Management solution please contact your local sales
representative, or visit:

AVEVA Enterprise Resource Managements user-friendly interface provides clear visibility

of component catalogues.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Images above, from left to right:

AVEVA PDMS model of one of the
offshore substations; a substation under
construction; the two substations being
transported prior to installation.
Images courtesy of Wood Group PSN.

Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm

substation delivery by Wood Group PSN
Matt Wren
Marketing Coordinator, AVEVA


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

One of the two 900-tonne Sheringham Shoal offshore

wind farm substations designed by Wood Group PSN.
Image courtesy of CHPV & Statkraft.

Surrounded as it is by sea, the UK has the largest offshore wind energy

resource in the world, estimated to be more than a third of the total
European potential. This is equivalent to three times the nations
annual electricity consumption.
On 2nd of August 2011, the first turbine installed and commissioned at
the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm started producing electricity
for the UK grid.
Owned and operated by Scira Offshore Energy Limited, a joint venture
between Statoil and Statkraft, the 317 MW wind farm will comprise 88
wind turbines and generate around 1.1 TWh per annum of green energy
for almost 220,000 homes. Compared to fossil fuels that is a reduction of
around 500,000 tonnes of CO emissions every year.
In 2009, Wood Group PSN, formerly Wood Group Engineering (North Sea)
Ltd, secured a contract for the design and project management of two
900-tonne offshore substations from AREVA T&D UK Ltd, with the design
undertaken in AVEVA PDMS.
As long-standing users of AVEVA PDMS, since the companys first
purchase in 1999, Wood Group PSN provided its team of engineers with
a comprehensive and detailed catalogue of predefined structural joint
and multi-discipline support templates. These standardisations, which
all conform to British Standards, included the development of design
rules and line styles that would consistently deliver the level of detail and
information to accompany each joint and support.
Incorporating the structural and draft enhancements into the design
of the substations allowed the engineering team to ensure that, when
constructed, the weight of the substations was within 10% and the
centre of gravity within half a metre, of the original design. This level of
accuracy was a key requirement for the project because the substation
modules each stand on a single monopod structure, designed and
installed at sea by a separate engineering company. The challenge from
the start for Wood Group PSN was designing a module that could be
shipped out to sea, lifted by a sea crane and placed onto the installed
monopod structures.
These project requirements led the team to use the intelligence within
the PDMS model to create accurate fabrication and installation drawings.
Colin Bannerman, Head of Structural Design for Wood Group PSN
said, The complexity of some of the structural modifications we have
undertaken on both existing plants and new-build projects, teamed
with the requirement for changes along the way, have made it almost
impossible to undertake design using 2D drafting alone. This led us to
embark on a project to generate and deliver information using PDMS. The
results of this project and particularly the ease with which we can now
produce high quality fabrication and installation drawings have been

Neil Hebden, Global Head of Technical Applications for Wood Group PSN
added, Providing a full catalogue of compound interlinked joints and
templates allows our design teams to focus on the, often very complex,
engineering task in hand. Standardisation of the software also means
that we can move engineers between projects with minimum disruption,
thus providing our clients with the full benefit of our engineering
To ensure a successful delivery of the project, Wood Group PSN regularly
met with AREVA during the design and construction phase of the
substations, using both the AVEVA Review model and the live PDMS model
to evaluate the current status of the design and discuss challenges and
options as they arose.
Man-hours and project costs are huge and grow exponentially with the
size of the project, Hebden continued. We focus on creating cost savings
for our customers, but in projects like this we are faced with the age-old
question of how to evaluate the impact and cost of change. With much of
our work constructed onshore and shipped offshore, there is no margin
for error.
About Wood Group
Wood Group is an international energy services company. The Group has
three businesses Engineering, Wood Group PSN and Wood Group GTS
providing a range of engineering, production support, maintenance
management and industrial gas turbine overhaul and repair services to
the oil & gas and power generation industries worldwide. Wood Group
PSN is the leading global provider of pre-operations, hook-up and
commissioning, operations and maintenance, engineering, construction,
project management, training, and decommissioning services, primarily
to the energy industry. For more information, visit

Project Update
Currently nearing completion and due to be fully operational
by late summer 2012, the 35km wind farm is located between
17 and 23km off the coast of North Norfolk in the UK. Scira
Offshore Energy has a 50 year lease on the wind farm site.
As well as the 88 turbines, which are positioned less than
a kilometre apart and supported by foundations secured to
the seabed, and the two offshore substations, the wind farm
comprises two submarine export cables of about 22km each
which transport the power onshore. A 21km cable then takes
the power inland to the new Salle substation, where it is fed
into the National Grid.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Were celebrating 45 years of providing engineering, design and information management software
solutions to the process plant, power and marine industries.
What has made AVEVA so successful over the last decades? Our visionary technology and global business
operations have certainly been key factors, but the real foundation of our success lies in the long-term
relationships we have established with EPCs, Owner Operators and Shipbuilders.
AVEVA has always operated, not as a simple vendor of technology, but as an active member of the industries we
serve. In our first 45 years, we have evolved with our customers and their markets, delivering software solutions
that fundamentally reshape the quality and competitiveness of their businesses.

Heres to the next 45 years!



z Defining exciting new engineering

and design possibilities

z Defining an integrated marine

and offshore strategy

z Creating the worlds most powerful

engineering and design solutions

z Creating the worlds most

comprehensive marine solutions

z Delivering an unrivalled standard

for engineering excellence

z Delivering next generation

shipyard efficiency

Established as



Worlds first 3D
plant design
system PDMS


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Worlds first
intelligent P&ID


Worlds first plant walkthrough visualisation

AVEVA Review

19 88

Worlds first
automatic clash

1 99 2

Worlds most powerful

solution for multi-site
projects AVEVA Global

2 00 1

4 5 YEAR S
z 45 years of pioneering technology
z 45 years of continuous business growth
z 45 years of partnership with the engineering community
Join the celebration at

z Defining digital assets across the
entire lifecycle
z Creating enterprise solutions for
project and asset performance
z Delivering the right information at
the right time to the right people

Worlds first commercial

deployment of


Worlds first integrated

3D laser scanning
solution AVEVA Laser
Model Interface


Worlds first integrated

marine and plant
design solution

20 07

Worlds first fully

interoperable plant
and marine design and
production systems

20 09

Worlds most
solution suite for 3D
laser scanning

20 12

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


An interview with Philip Aiken

AVEVAs new Non-Executive Chairman

On July 12th, Nick Prest retired after six years of service as Non-Executive Chairman of AVEVA. Nicks expert
guidance and insight has made an invaluable contribution to the growth of the company during these very
successful years.
Taking over this key role is a new face to AVEVA, Philip Aiken, who brings considerable experience and a fresh
perspective to the AVEVA Board. On a recent visit to AVEVAs Cambridge headquarters, Philip took time to
meet with Steve Tongish, AVEVAs VP of Marketing, to explain his new responsibilities and how he and the
AVEVA Board plan to address the many exciting challenges and opportunities now facing the company.
Q: Im sure our readers will be interested in knowing a little about your
background. Can I start by asking you to tell us some of your personal
A: Like many of the AVEVA executive management, I also have an
engineering background. In my case it started with a degree in Chemical
Engineering from the University of Sydney. I subsequently went on to
work for a number of global engineering companies, including BOC
Gases, BTR Nylex and BHP Billiton. My career has been very international,
working in the UK and Australia, and Ive been fortunate to have been
involved in long-term assignments around the world, spending a great
deal of time in SE Asia and China.
I have had a really interesting and varied career, ranging from very
technical engineering projects to strategic business activities. Since
2006 I have been able to split my time between a number of particularly
fulfilling activities and am now on the boards of several companies. Its a
pleasure to be involved in a range of different businesses and to share my
experience and perspective.
On the personal side, my wife and I live in London and also have an
apartment in Melbourne. Our sons currently live in Grand Cayman and
Melbourne and are also quite mobile.

Q: It would be impossible to review your entire professional career, but

can you share a few highlights that are particularly relevant to your
new role at AVEVA?
A: There have been so many, but I think I would focus on two in particular.
The first stemmed from a business course that I took at Harvard
some years ago, in which they explored the drivers behind successful
organisations and how they manage products, markets and geographies.
This is a difficult balance and companies can generally only optimise one
or two at best. Ive since been responsible on a number of occasions for
helping organisations better optimise their resources, including a major
sales refocusing project at BOC. Its all about changing our own business
to match that of our customers. This is never an easy process because it
can alter the fundamental culture of a business, but its essential in order
to remain competitive.
The other great influence on my career has been the many lessons Ive
learned from my international experience. Every country and customer
is different and organisations must respond to these needs. Some years
ago, for example, I was involved in negotiating what was, at the time, the
largest liquid natural gas contract in China and I spent many months with
the customer. It emphasised just how global the world has become and
how important it is to work with a customer on their own terms.

Photos by Linda Wilson


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Q: Have there been any individuals or experiences that have had a

notable influence on your career?
A: I cant say that Ive ever had a mentor, but several people have helped
to shape my approach to business. Ive been fortunate to work with Dick
Giordano, the former chairman of BOC and British Gas; Paul Anderson,
the former chief executive of BHP Billiton and, more recently, Sir John
Parker, the chairman of National Grid. While each of these individuals
have different styles, they are all exceptional at seeing the bigger picture
and knowing which questions to ask. Theyre not shy about questioning
the status quo. Today, more than ever, organisations are struggling with
a rapidly changing world, so you have to be constantly challenging your
assumptions. The combined influence of these three insightful men has
provided a constant reminder that we must always be striving to improve
our game.
Q: Im guessing that you dont get asked to take on the chairmanship
of a FTSE 250 company every day. What was the process that led to your
A: The appointment of a board member can happen in a variety of ways.
In my case, I was approached by a search company that was engaged
by AVEVAs nomination committee. I knew of AVEVA from my business
activities, but did not have any direct ties to the company. The process
was very open and independent.
Q: What were the principal criteria you used when deciding to join the
AVEVA board?
A: The decision to join a board is a two-way street. The company must be
certain that the candidates experience is appropriate and the candidate
must be confident that they can contribute to the organisation. In the
past I have turned down opportunities that I felt were not a good match
for my skills. With AVEVA there is a great deal of common ground and I
feel that my experience can be a real asset to the company. The other
import aspect is personal chemistry, and I must say that Richard Longdon
and I got along very well from our first meeting.
Q: Was there one particular thing about AVEVA as a business that
persuaded you to accept the chairmanship?
A: There were a number of factors. AVEVA has a very strong balance
sheet rather rare in the current economic climate. And AVEVA also has
a great foundation and a clear strategy for growth. This makes it a very
attractive company to work with and I believe that my own industry
and international business experience will add value to the future
development of the company.

Like many of the AVEVA executive management, I also have an engineering

background. In my case it started with a degree in Chemical Engineering from
the University of Sydney. I subsequently went on to work for a number of global
engineering companies, including BOC Gases, BTR Nylex and BHP Billiton. My
career has been very international, working in the UK and Australia, and Ive been
fortunate to have been involved in long-term assignments around the world,
spending a great deal of time in SE Asia and China...

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Q: Many of our readers may be unclear about the functions of a board of

directors. Can you describe the responsibilities of a board and the roles
of its members and the Chairman?
A: A board has three primary responsibilities. The first is to oversee
corporate governance. It has a statutory and market responsibility
to oversee the relationships between management, the board and
shareholders. The second role is to provide counsel for the executive
management, to ensure their plans are realistic, sensible and in the
interests of all stakeholders. And the third priority is to develop a
succession strategy to secure the long-term health of the organisation.
It is the responsibility of the board to find the right balance between
these three roles, delivering technical, financial and market insights and

Q: Weve seen unprecedented change in the process plant, power and

marine industries over the last decade, as a result of international
economic and political upheaval. With your industry and professional
experience, how do you see these markets evolving over the next few
A: These are certainly interesting times. The geographic balance is
changing and, at the same time, projects are getting more complex. For
an organisation working in our industry, you must be prepared to take on
these challenges. This means building an in-depth understanding of our
customers. I cant stress more that we must be on the ground with the
customers. This is essential to respond to this changing market. Its no
longer enough to know the technology. You must also understand your
customers business and culture.

To be clear, it is not the role of the board to define or to execute corporate

strategy. This is the responsibility of the executive management team
led by Richard. The boards role is to review, challenge and ultimately to
approve corporate strategy. The board should never tell the executive
team how to run the company.

Q: As these markets change, what do you think will be the biggest

opportunities and challenges to AVEVAs continuing success?
A: AVEVA is well positioned to respond to the new market realities. We
have the industrys most scalable technology and a growing global
network of sales and support centres. This said, AVEVA cannot rest on
its past success. I think the biggest challenge will be for AVEVA to stay
agile as the organisation grows. We must watch our markets carefully and
respond being honest with ourselves and our customers about what can
be achieved. AVEVA has a great reputation for building strong customer
relationships and this will become even more important in the future.
Q: AVEVA invests in academic and graduate activities to develop
engineering talent for the future. As an engineer yourself, is there any
advice you would offer to a recently graduated engineer entering the
A: Ive been asked to give advice to new engineers on a number of
occasions and Ive always said take one step at a time. In engineering
you need to get the fundamentals right before you can move to the next
stage. My other bit of advice is get as much international experience as
you can. You can learn so much from other cultures and it can open the
door to some fantastic opportunities.
I was very lucky to start my career as a commissioning engineer, which
gave me an excellent technical and business foundation. I never actually
looked for my next job. As I proved myself, the jobs came to me. There
were even times in my career when I took a deliberate step backwards
because I knew that I wasnt ready. In short: do well what you are doing
today and tomorrows success will come.
Q: As you embark on this next stage of your career with AVEVA, do you
have any other thoughts you would like to share with our readers?
A: Yes; Im very excited about the future of the company. AVEVA has
already proved itself over the first 45 years, but many challenges lie
ahead. I fully expect AVEVA to be in business for the next 45 years,
but this means working hard; internally, with our customers and with
our investors. I look forward to playing a role in AVEVAs continual

Im very excited about the future of the company.

AVEVA has already proved itself over the first 45 years,
but many challenges lie ahead...

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Leading from
the front
How AVEVA MARS resource
management software helped
create a world-class shipbuilding
business from a standing start

Guangxin Shipbuilding & Heavy Industries (GSHI) is located in the Linhai

Industrial Park, Zhongshan, China. Photograph courtesy of GSHI.

One of the most exhilarating aspects of working

with rapidly developing economies such as China
is their open-minded approach to adopting the
best available technologies when establishing new
businesses. The result is that these businesses begin
life immediately able to compete strongly in the
global marketplace. An excellent recent example
of this is Guangxin Shipbuilding & Heavy Industry
(GSHI), a Chinese-foreign joint venture specialising
in the design and construction of offshore vessels
and other special-purpose ships.

Wang HuaWei
Senior Business Development Manager Marine, AVEVA

GSHI started operations at the end of March 2009, delivering its first
vessel, an 11,000-tonne salt carrier, in early December of the same year.
This excellent performance on its first project was due in part to GSHIs
use of AVEVAs marine engineering and design solution but, even before
this project commenced, GSHIs management had already been looking
ahead to streamlining its business processes with a fully integrated
shipbuilding solution. As a result, in August 2011, the company
implemented AVEVA MARS Material.
Selecting AVEVA MARS
GSHI understood from the outset that it would take more than just
advanced machinery and facilities to make it a world-class shipyard; the
right Enterprise Resource Management (ERM) information system would
play at least as important a role. Mr JieNing Ma, Head of IT at GSHI,
explained, We needed to make strategic decisions on human, finance,
material and information resources even before the shipyard began to
be built, as well as during its construction. This was particularly true in
the case of the IT system. As a key strategic investment, it was vital that
it should support the overall company strategy, which reflected the high
expectations and in-depth commitment of the management.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Mr Ma continued, When we started construction of the shipyard, we

defined the company objective as, To build a world-renowned offshore
enterprise with leading technology, excellent management and superlative
efficiency. One of our main tasks was to choose a system able to handle
all the major workflows of a modern shipbuilder. We needed a proven
system, supported by an experienced implementation team who could
help us to standardise workflows and management processes during the
deployment of the IT system. From our initial objective of optimising
modern methods of shipbuilding through the use of Information
Technology, we will gradually perfect our desired information and
industrialisation strategy.
GSHI was meticulous in identifying potential solutions for evaluation.
After having shortlisted and compared AVEVA MARS and two other ERM
applications, GSHI decided to further evaluate AVEVA MARS. They were
particularly impressed with the way in which AVEVA MARS has been
designed by marine experts specifically for shipbuilding, and how it can
handle all the core business processes of a shipyard.
We had to be fully convinced that MARS could meet our requirements
before committing to it, said Mr Ma. In the months following our
initial evaluation, we held many meetings with AVEVAs consultants
who presented to us the detailed features, management concepts and
business workflows supported by MARS. These demonstrations were
essential to us because the information system would become the
companys core business system.

GSHI followed up this evaluation process by visiting other MARS

customers in China, before finally deciding on its acquisition. We
selected AVEVAs solution for two main reasons, continued Mr Ma. First,
MARS is a specialised system with a lot of built-in shipbuilding expertise,
covering all of a shipyards core business processes and workflows.
Second, AVEVA China has a very experienced implementation team, able
to provide a local consultation service and highly responsive technical
support. This is extremely important to us, he emphasised.
GSHI began its AVEVA MARS deployment with the Material management
application. Implementation began by the end of February 2011, with
a project team consisting of AVEVA consultants working closely with
GSHIs material, engineering, marketing, and finance departments.
After the introduction of the new technology, this team combined the
new management systems with their knowledge of the industry. They
defined and standardised material statement and coding rules, material
purchasing and stock handling flows, and operation of non-ship material
requisition, progressively streamlining all the various workflows. AVEVA
MARS went live at GSHI on August 8th, 2011, a speed of deployment
which owes as much to the commitment of the joint AVEVA/GSHI team as
it does to the maturity of the application itself.
We are not simply adopting a software application; we are looking at
the deployment of a strategic management system. So we must continue
to enhance and develop our systems throughout the execution of the
project, Mr Ma added.

We selected AVEVAs solution for two main reasons.

First, MARS is a specialised system with a lot of built-in
shipbuilding expertise, covering all of a shipyards core
business processes and workflows. Second, AVEVA China
has a very experienced implementation team, able to
provide a local consultation service and highly responsive
technical support. This is extremely important to us...

The bunker barge, Anlong, was designed and built using AVEVA technology. Photograph courtesy of GSHI.


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

GSHI are delighted with the performance of this first MARS deployment, which
immediately began delivering valuable business benefits, including those below.
z Improved timeliness and accuracy of information flows between departments,
improving collaboration and greatly reducing business risks caused by poor
information transfer.
z The definition of basic material management data standards across the
entire shipyard. This has raised business standardisation to a new level and
created a material categorisation and coding hierarchy which meets modern
shipbuilding practice.
z Optimised material operations workflows.
z With standards now defined for material lists and document output, a
document-centred architecture for warehouses has been set up, enabling
material handling to be based upon a robust management mechanism of lists
and documents. This replaces manual receipt and dispatch of ledgers and
reports and ensures consistency between reports and documents.
z Accurate material management at storage locations is greatly improved, with
digital information reducing disparities between the physical materials and
stock control.
z Tracking and control of materials for each individual ship are greatly
improved, as are delivery time management and quota control. Material costs
can now be quickly analysed in real time.
z The system meets the online supervision requirement of Customs, improving
the management of imported materials and simplifying the control of
Customs-bonded materials.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Guangxin Shipbuilding & Heavy Industries (GSHI) is located in the Linhai Industrial Park, Zhongshan, China. Photograph courtesy of GSHI.

The AVEVA MARS Material application has thus created an integrated

management system supporting effective business processes in
marketing, design, procurement, vendor, Customs, storage and
Continuous improvement
Encouraged by the success of this initial programme, GSHI immediately
began to identify opportunities for expanding the use of their AVEVA
MARS system. During 2012, the company has been carrying out further
optimisation and refinement of its business processes in areas such as
numbering rules, distribution tray management, storage safety, material
surplus, JIT, quota management, more efficient purchasing, material
location and card match, and material bar-coding.
The second stage of the programme will see GSHI implementing the
MARS Planning and Production applications, expanding its management
capabilities across the various aspects of plan creation, the estimation
and control of delivery time and project cost, and the control of work
packages and work orders. Together, this comprehensive AVEVA MARS
deployment will enable GSHI to achieve the most modern and efficient
management processes.
Mr Ma summed up GSHIs experiences of the project to date. Many of
my colleagues were most impressed by the way MARS handles practical
issues. Previously, for example, stock managers could not be certain
that the material they were picking was actually the item required by
production, as the material statement contained various definitions, such
as design, procurement, vendor, construction or stock administrator,
which would not necessarily match with the material requests. This
wasted a lot of time confirming requirements with production and caused
considerable material backlog and waste.

Now all the material codings are based on their MARS descriptions. This
has made it considerably easier to match the material in stock with what
production requires, because the request list generated by MARS uses the
same material codes. Together, all the many efficiency improvements like
this add up to a big increase in business performance, concluded Mr Ma.
AVEVA MARS is a shipbuilding process management system that
optimises project control, logistics, materials management, resource
and production planning. It has been designed specifically for the
shipbuilding industry, and significantly reduces cost and construction
time, thereby increasing a shipyards profitability and competitive
It consists of three integrated applications:
z AVEVA MARS Material for material management
z AVEVA MARS Planning for resource planning and control
z AVEVA MARS Production for production management.
Developed in close cooperation with some of the worlds leading
shipyards, AVEVA MARS incorporates many best-practice processes
vital for the most efficient shipbuilding. It is used at over 50 shipyards
worldwide. Visit for more information.
About GSHI
Formerly GMG Shipbuilding & Heavy Industry, GSHI is located in the
Linhai Industrial Park, Zhongshan, China. The shipyard facilities include a
30,000-tonne dock and a 600-tonne gantry crane, a 30,000-tonne semidock berth and a 200-tonne gantry crane, an 80,000-tonne outfitting
quay, and an 80,000m2 plant building. The yards annual capacity is one
million tonnes, with an output value of around RMB 4 billion.
Visit for more information.


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Paris Marriott Rive Gauche
Hotel & Conference Centre
Paris | France
1012 October 2012

The 2012 Summit brings together AVEVA customers from around the
globe and across the plant and marine industries.
Designed specifically for senior management and decision makers,
the Summit programme focuses on the strategic business and
technology issues that are critical to driving your organisation
forward in an increasingly complex world.
This years Summit theme of Defining the Future
explores this challenge and provides the
information, insight and contacts that will help
you build successful business strategies for
the future of your organisation.

See you in Paris!

Find out more and

register online at:
AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


The Cerro Lindo plant is located in a

desert zone 1,850 metres above sea level.
Photographs courtesy of Minera MILPO.

Minera MILPO plays an important role in the

expansion of the mineral industry in Peru
Even to those familiar with it, the scale of the
mining and minerals industry in Latin America
is impressive, supplying the bulk of the worlds
demand for essential metals such as copper, silver
and zinc.
The explosion in demand, and the rich resources
available here, have rapidly transformed
mining from a low-technology, labour-intensive
industry into a technically sophisticated and
environmentally responsible one which makes
a major contribution to the regions economic
Karla Moises
Marketing Communications, AVEVA


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

AVEVA customers are among the industrys most productive businesses, so

we were pleased to meet Minera MILPO in Peru to learn about its success
with AVEVA PDMS. Minera MILPO, a leading mining and metallurgical
company with more than 2,500 employees and headquartered in Lima in
Peru, plays an important role in the expansion of the mineral industry
in Peru. The company is currently engaged in several new large-scale
projects, and in projects for the expansion of existing mining plants.
First, we met Marco Zavala, Manager for Engineering and Projects at
Minera MILPO. Mr Zavala explained that Minera MILPO specialises in the
design, implementation and operation of medium-sized mines, producing
copper, zinc, lead and silver.
AVEVA Plant implemented to increase efficiency
Higher worldwide demand for metals has encouraged mining companies
in Peru to invest in expanding and modernising their operations, Mr
Zavala explained. Here at MILPO we realised that, in order to handle
larger projects, and to increase design efficiency and the quality of
production information, we needed to move from our original 2D
design system to a 3D solution that could support planning, design and

The single most important

advantage of PDMS is
its ability to generate
completely clash-free
designs. Now we can be
confident that everything
will fit during construction
of the plant. This saves us a
lot of time and money...

AVEVA Plant was selected after a thorough evaluation of several systems,

resulting in AVEVA PDMS being implemented in 2009. On-site support and
training was provided by staff from AVEVAs offices in Peru and Colombia.
Important factors in selecting PDMS were that the solution should enable
concurrent working between different design disciplines, it should be
capable of managing large quantities of data, and should be a wellrespected system within the industry.
It was very important for MILPO to find a system that could easily handle
a 3D model with a high level of detail, continued Mr Zavala. Our earlier
systems performed very poorly when handling large databases. With 2D
technology we often found limitations in clash detection, and essential
information for fabrication and construction was frequently missing.
Together, these led to costly rework due to design modifications late in
the design process, he concluded.
Training the trainer
MILPO established a small pilot group of skilled engineers, who were
trained by AVEVA. This group then trained other members of the
30-strong engineering department. The engineers found PDMS to be very
intuitive and easy to learn, which made full implementation quick and
efficient. Today, MILPO uses PDMS for all basic engineering, plant layout
and detail engineering.

MILPOs engineering department offers services from feasibility studies

to turnkey constructions, explained Mr Zavala. For each project, we
set up a dedicated project group incorporating design engineers from
all the different disciplines. This group acts as an in-house engineering
contractor, with full responsibility for the execution of the project from
design to commissioning.
AVEVA PDMS in action
Minera MILPOs first project with PDMS was the expansion of Cerro Lindo,
a polymetallic concentrate plant located in a desert zone 1,850 metres
above sea level. This successful project doubled production at Cerro Lindo
from 5,000 to 10,000 tons per day of zinc, lead, copper, gold and silver
concentrate. It took 19 months to build, coming on stream in June 2008.
Cerro Lindo was a particularly challenging project, explained Nicols
Mercado, Engineering Projects Leader at MILPO. There was scarcely
enough water even for the surrounding population. For this reason
we decided not to use water from the nearby river, but to set up a
desalination plant that processes sea water, sending fresh water to the
Cerro Lindo Mining Unit where it is used for all operational needs, both
industrial and domestic.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


From left, Marco Zavala, Manager for Engineering and Projects at Minera MILPO, Nicols Mercado, Engineering Projects
Leader at Minera MILPO.

Reaping the benefits

Mr Zavala and Mr Mercado described a number of important benefits that they had gained from
the PDMS deployment.
Apart from the ease of creating complete 3D models of plants, our engineers feel more
involved, said Mr Zavala. All disciplines in the project form a close-knit team, working on
the common 3D plant model. Any change has an immediate impact on the model, and all the
designers can see the change, he concluded.
For me, the single most important advantage of PDMS is its ability to generate completely
clash-free designs, explained Mr Mercado. Now we can be confident that everything will fit
during construction of the plant. This saves us a lot of time and money.
MILPO also appreciates another popular benefit of advanced 3D design tools: the ability to
perform virtual walk-throughs during design review meetings. This is greatly appreciated by
our Owner Operator clients, said Mr Zavala. We can work with them from an early stage to
identify and eliminate any operational problems well before fabrication starts.
In terms of man-hours, MILPO estimates that design productivity has increased by 2025%
compared to when they were using their previous 2D system. Add to that the ability to
generate layout drawings, isometrics, lists and reports, estimates and Material Take Offs
(MTOs) much more quickly, and with the quality and accuracy that comes from being generated
direct from the project model, and the overall business benefits become considerable.
About Minera MILPO
Founded in 1949, Minera MILPO, one of Perus leading mining and metallurgical companies,
is owned by the Brazilian company Votorantim Metais Ltda and is listed on the Lima Stock
Minera MILPO operates four mines in Peru: the El Porvenir and Atacocha mines, located in
Cerro de Pasco; the Chapi mine, located in Arequipa, and the Cerro Lindo mine, located in Ica.
In addition, MILPO operates the Ivan mine and refinery, located in Antofagasta, Chile. It is also
involved in three additional mining projects: Pukaqaqa and Magistral (both mines focusing on
the exploration and exploitation of copper in the departments of Huancavelica and Ancash),
and Hilarion, a polymetallic extraction project established in the department of Ancash.
Visit for more information.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

AVEVA opens a Mining

& Metals Centre of
Excellence in Chile
AVEVA has recently opened a Mining &
Metals Centre of Excellence (CoE) at
its new Chilean office in Santiago de
Along with serving a number of
Latin American countries the office
will be the main hub for the mining,
minerals and metals industry, taking
advantage of the extensive local
industry knowledge, both within
AVEVA and with our customers. The CoE
will develop customised applications
and configurations for the mining,
minerals and metals industry, as well
as special projects for our 3D Plant
Richard Longdon, CEO, AVEVA
added. The opening of the Mining
& Metals Centre of Excellence is a
reflection of the growth in the plant
industry in Latin America and our
firm commitment to engaging with
this market. We have already seen
tremendous growth in oil & gas and we
look forward to the same within the
mining, metals and minerals industry,
and to welcoming many more new
customers to the AVEVA community.

Keeping software healthy

How AVEVA is tackling the hackers and counterfeiters
These 45 years of dedicated technology development in close working
relationships with our customers have built AVEVAs worldwide
reputation for the quality and dependability of the software they use.
Sustaining this reputation against the relentless criminal activities of
hackers and counterfeiters, however, has become almost as much of a
challenge as creating the software.
Despite the use of sophisticated security and integrity features in our
software, cracked and illegal copies are not hard to find. And while free
copies of expensive software may seem superficially attractive, like illegal
drugs they are frequently a doorway into the criminal underworld. These
pirated products distort fair business competition and can put at risk
the management and the IT administrators of companies who, even if
unknowingly, own and use illegal copies.
This problem is shared by all in the software industry; the Business
Software Alliance (BSA), of which AVEVA is a member, conservatively
estimates that 42% of the worlds computers have illegal software
on them. This is an astonishing and worrying statistic, because it
highlights the extent to which each harmless copy of a program actually
feeds a massive global criminal industry.
AVEVA takes its responsibilities to its customers very seriously, which
is why we are tackling this challenge head-on with a global team of
investigators who work closely with others in our industry and with
international law enforcement agencies. But we are not doing this simply
to protect our revenues; illegal software damages everybodys interests.
Most visibly, it distorts competition by enabling unfair undercutting of
prices. Less visibly, it promotes a culture in which illegal or unethical
conduct becomes the norm, a corrosive situation which can lead to
catastrophic consequences. Counterfeit software can be as dangerous as
counterfeit pharmaceuticals.

Stamp rt in the fight

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David Griffiths
Head of Global Compliance

Our approach
As in many aspects of law enforcement, AVEVAs approach to the problem
is based on evidence and intelligence. Intelligence enables one to
gather a picture of a suspicious organisation or individual. For example,
an organisation may have one or two licensed installations and yet
the apparent number of users and the sizes of its projects suggest that
they must have many more. Such an organisation would be labelled as
potentially non-compliant. This is an obvious, and common, example of
the easier aspects of an investigation. At the other end of the scale more
sophisticated intelligence gathering may be required, for which there
are a number of specialised tools available. AVEVA makes extensive use of
sophisticated monitoring technology to target the hot spots of software
The ultimate aim of intelligence is to discover evidence which will
support successful legal proceedings. Evidence is gathered in a number
of ways, some highly technical and sophisticated, but often as simple as
information being provided by disgruntled ex-employees of the noncompliant organisation.
The appropriate action taken depends on the nature of the organisation
concerned and the extent of its non-compliance. AVEVA never looks for
punishment where encouraging a non-compliant customer to become
compliant would be effective. Often, this encouragement consists of
simply explaining the many benefits of becoming a fully supported
member of the worldwide AVEVA user community.
However, if encouragement fails, we will not hesitate to pursue legal
remedies through the criminal courts. AVEVA will use all lawful means of
obtaining evidence; on occasion this has included working with local law
enforcement agencies to raid companies offices. Conviction can have
serious repercussions for the non-compliant company; the punishments
can be severe and in many jurisdictions we find considerable support for
anti-piracy cases.
Despite such concerted efforts by AVEVA and others in the industry,
software piracy is an increasing problem. Worldwide, the future will
see greatly increased resources and more sophisticated measures
being applied against it. AVEVA in particular is increasing its efforts
in protecting its intellectual property because we have a duty to our
customers, from whom our revenues serve to continually create ever
more powerful products that improve the operation of their business.
About David Griffiths
David was formerly a senior police detective and has over 25 years
experience specialising in electronic crime, working with law enforcement
agencies around the world. He heads up AVEVAs global team of compliance
investigators, maintaining his contacts in law enforcement and
collaborating with them and with industry bodies in tackling software
piracy crime.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


Making Connections
How new AVEVA technology is transforming
productivity in electrical engineering and design

AVEVA Electrical Wiring Manager - Working on the same project,

electrical engineers can see instrumentation objects and vice versa.

In the hydrocarbon industry alone, Electrical &

Instrumentation systems (E&I) represent 29% of
the worlds capital expenditure on plant. In plant
operations, E&I typically accounts for 60% of
maintainable items, as well as being critical to safe
and efficient operation, so there is a premium on
right-first-time design, ease of maintenance, and
control of information.
Kelvin Davis
Marketing Communications Manager


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Yet E&I engineers have, until now, been poorly served, often obliged to
make do with spreadsheets and simple drafting applications. This leads to
considerable inefficiency and wasted effort. Worse still, such makeshift
solutions create too many opportunities for errors which, if undetected,
can give rise to potentially serious hazards. Even the most popular
special-purpose applications are considered difficult to use and do not
make sufficient use of the information they create.
In 2009, recognising this need, AVEVA released AVEVA Instrumentation, a
ground-breaking application which quickly became one of the companys
fastest-growing products. So successful did this prove that customers
almost immediately began asking for an electrical application with
the same power and ease of use. Earlier this year we delivered on our
promise with AVEVA Electrical, recognisably a sister product to AVEVA
Instrumentation and featuring many similar productivity features.

With AVEVA Instrumentation having set the benchmark for technology,

features and productivity in this important market, we were starting
from a very strong base. But we then invested a great deal of effort in
developing AVEVA Electrical, working closely with lead customers to
ensure that it fulfilled practical needs on real-world projects. They all
agree that it is a real industry-leader...

AVEVA Electrical Wiring Manager Module Management of cables and terminations.

Dave Gibson, AVEVAs Head of Business Management for E&I systems,

explained, With AVEVA Instrumentation having set the benchmark for
technology, features and productivity in this important market, we were
starting from a very strong base. But we then invested a great deal of
effort in developing AVEVA Electrical, working closely with lead customers
to ensure that it fulfilled practical needs on real-world projects. They all
agree that it is a real industry-leader.
With such a pedigree and an extensive range of functions and features
unmatched by any competitor, AVEVA Electrical really hit the ground
running, with early sales significantly exceeding expectations. Perhaps
the most obvious feature of the new product is its extensive use of
graphical engineering. This alone is a powerful boost to productivity; by
making repetitive or complex tasks considerably easier, it not only saves
a great deal of work, it also eliminates many sources of error. So simple
and intuitive is its interactive drag-and-drop interface that it is all the
more surprising that competitor products had not already adopted such
an approach.
Dave continued, We engineers tend to be very visual people, so
graphical interfaces are particularly productive features. But we also love
spreadsheets for working with tabular data, so both products feature
familiar spreadsheet interfaces for many of the engineering tasks. Users
feel at home immediately and require very little product training.
But the spreadsheet is more than just a familiar visual metaphor; it
reflects one of the most important features of both AVEVA Electrical and
AVEVA Instrumentation the ability to import legacy data.

As technology advances, handling legacy data assets can be a serious

obstacle to upgrading. And even when data conversion methods are well
understood, in practice many migration projects can run into unexpected
problems. But AVEVA Electrical is exceeding all expectations here also.
Because the product supports the Excel data format, it can import
data from any source or application that also supports it. And because
engineering data is invariably indexed by tag number, the imported data
can be immediately compatible, not only with AVEVA Electrical, but with
other AVEVA products, such as AVEVA Engineering. AVEVA Electrical can
actually add value to a companys existing data assets.
Dave Gibson commented, Already, customers have had impressive success
in this area. Without any training or support from our engineers, one user
imported an entire installations electrical systems data some 35,000
instruments, 20,000 cables and 16,000 loops with no difficulties at all.
AVEVA Electrical comprises three integrated modules, Engineer, Wiring
Manager and Designer, which share a common database and handle
complementary tasks and information. The Engineer module is used for
defining or importing equipment data, tracking changes, creating and
managing reports and documentation, and so on. Its unique feature
is its graphical engineering approach, whereby tabular information
is presented in easily understood diagram form, similar to Single Line
Diagrams (SLDs). It enables the creation of an unlimited number of
diagrams and levels of detail, from the complete power distribution
system right down to an individual switchboard tag.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


The Wiring Manager module handles the

creation and connection of cables. It enables
a user to create cable schedules, and handles
drumming and Bill of Materials outputs. It
shares AVEVA Instrumentations intuitive dragand-drop interface, a unique feature in this
class of application.
Finally, the Designer module enables the
efficient production of deliverables such as
schematic drawings and Single Line Diagrams
direct from the database, ensuring accuracy
and completeness of information.
AVEVA Electrical is not only a powerful standalone product, its value increases significantly
when integrated with AVEVA Instrumentation,
or with AVEVAs other plant and marine
solutions. For example, it integrates with the
cable routing functions in AVEVA PDMS and
AVEVA Outfitting. This alone is estimated to cut
around 30% off the man-hours required for
cable installation design.

Above: AVEVA Electrical Engineer Module Automatic creation of KOL and SLD diagrams.
Below: AVEVA Electrical Designer Module Automatic production of deliverables.

Cable routing is just one of AVEVA Electricals interoperability features.

Built on .NET technology, it meets practical needs in the real world
of multi-vendor, multi-site, multi-user installations. It can integrate
effectively with CAD systems, document management, materials
management, office applications, and so on. It can integrate with AVEVA
Instrumentation, providing a seamless environment for two closely
related disciplines which, until now, have been separated by incompatible
software tools. Now each specialist can see the others information,
making it easy to integrate electrical power with instrumentation and


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

Forgotten cables, or too few power terminals for instrumentation

equipment, can now be a thing of the past. Perhaps more importantly,
this business- and safety-critical engineering information is brought
under robust control in an integrated system which meets the needs of
both the engineering contractor and the asset operator.
At last, E&I professionals are getting the design tools they really need.

Information about AVEVA Electrical can be found at

AVEVA design, engineering and enterprise software

Building Reputations
Owner Operators, engineering contractors and shipbuilders the world over trust AVEVA to
create and operate the most complex engineering assets.
We empower our customers to make thousands of accurate design, engineering and
business decisions every day, across the entire project and asset lifecycle. You too can
benefit from improved productivity, minimised risk and reduced costs, resulting in
maximised ROI.
The leader in design, engineering, and information management software for the process
plant, power and marine industries, AVEVA invests in our customers success through a
global sales and support network in more than 40 countries.
AVEVA building solid reputations for 45 years

Energetic India
How AVEVA technology is helping to meet the energy demands of this vibrant economy
With its massive population and
increasing industrialisation,
energy demand in India is
growing strongly. Fortunately,
the country is blessed with
substantial hydrocarbon reserves
principally coal and worldclass engineering skills. Add to
this some world-class engineering
technology from AVEVA and you
have a recipe for some exciting
economic development.

AVEVA India has played a significant role in bringing in front-line technologies to enhance the quality
and efficiency of the power and marine sectors. Its head office in Mumbai consists of a highly skilled
sales and technical team to support the growing demand for customer deployments and new project
inquiries. Both offices in Mumbai and Hyderabad are fully staffed to support the growing customer
base involved in complex planning, procurement, design and engineering projects. AVEVAs powerful
matrix organisational structure provides a very strong local presence in combination with specialised
global resources to meet the needs of demanding multinational customers.
Meeting the energy challenge
The Desein Indure group of companies is a good example of the way Indian engineering is meeting the
energy challenge. A recognised leader in the countrys energy industry, the groups activities include
consultancy and EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) services for the energy sector,
both in India and abroad. Its services range from feasibility studies and multi-discipline engineering
projects to complete turnkey projects, including planning, engineering, construction, commissioning
and operational and maintenance support.
Upgrading to AVEVA Plant
To meet rapidly increasing demand for its services, the company recently upgraded to AVEVA Plant.
The General Manager of Desein Indures newly created 3D Plant Design division, Rohit Nath, explained
why. The company realised that, in order to achieve a considerable increase in production, we needed
to move from our existing 2D design system to a 3D solution for planning, design and construction.
We had often been hampered by 2D technologys limitations in clash detection, and by incomplete
information for fabrication and construction. This frequently led to late design modifications,
incurring costly on-site rework. We needed a more sophisticated engineering system.

The Kauther Gas plant in north Oman was designed and built by Petrofac for Petroleum
Development Oman using AVEVA Plant. The project involved the engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning and initial operation of a 20 million
standard cubic metres processing facility. Photograph courtesy of Petrofac.

AVEVA PDMS model of an ash handling power plant. Image courtesy of Desein Indure.


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

System performance, cost and vendor support were considered important

criteria in selecting a system and, after thoroughly evaluating several
systems, the AVEVA Plant solution was chosen. AVEVA PDMS was
implemented in March 2011. Staff from AVEVAs Mumbai office provided
very effective training, said Mr Nath. Our engineers picked up the new
tool very quickly.
To compare the achievable project performance of the new 3D PDMS
system with the original 2D system, two teams worked in parallel on part
of a design project for a new power plant.
The pilot exercise confirmed all our expectations, said Mr Nath. With
PDMS we were able to detect several major clashes very early, avoiding
potentially huge costs and delays in on-site rework. Design reviews were
easily performed with all engineering groups. The PDMS models allow the
engineers to walk through the whole virtual plant, so we can quickly
detect and eliminate potential design problems long before fabrication
has even begun, he concluded.
Comprehensive and accurate deliverables
The company greatly values the ability of PDMS to generate comprehensive
and accurate deliverables, overcoming another major shortcoming of
its old 2D system. All types of construction drawings, such as piping
isometrics and arrangement drawings, together with Material Take Offs
(MTOs) and Bills of Quantity (BOQs) for all disciplines are now easily
generated directly from the PDMS models. We now generate all our own
production deliverables, explained Mr Nath. Previously, we had to use
subcontractors to create many of these.
Desein Indures engineers also quickly discovered the benefit of being able
to import suppliers equipment models in PDMS. Several of our suppliers
of boilers and turbines also use PDMS, so they can provide us with accurate
3D models, commented Mr Nath. This saves us even more design time.
It has successfully completed a number of power plants, and many more
are currently under development, including a 2 x 525 MW project at Angul
in Orissa. Early successes with PDMS led the company to use it on several
other power projects. At the time of writing, it plans to execute an entire
new power plant project in late 2012, using PDMS right from the start,
from the first plant layout and through all stages of layout and detailed
design, including piping, ducting, equipment, electrical, instrumentation
and structural disciplines.
Outstanding ability
Moving from 2D to 3D has considerably shortened our design times and
greatly improved the quality of our design and construction information,
said Mr Nath. PDMSs ability to generate clash-free designs is
outstanding; it saves us a lot of time and money in construction. We have
been able to further increase efficiency in the design process, with more
concurrent working between the different design disciplines, and the
ability to handle much larger quantities of data. Besides, to collaborate on
large international projects, it is essential to be using an engineering and
design technology that is both state of the art and extensively used in the
industry worldwide, Rohit Nath concluded.
AVEVA is one of many international companies which take advantage
of Indias high levels of skills to improve their own competitiveness. It
is particularly pleasing to be able to return the compliment by helping
Indias own industries to reach their full potential with the best available
tools. We look forward to a long and successful involvement with this
dynamic country.

Rohit Nath, General Manager for the 3D Plant Design Division of Desein Indure
speaking at the 2011 AVEVA World Summit in Singapore.

About the Desein Indure group

The Group has over 1,800 staff, consisting of specialists, engineers, CAD
technicians and other supporting staff, covering all engineering disciplines,
with extensive experience in planning, engineering, procurement, project
management, construction, commissioning, and operation and maintenance
of power plants to international standards.
The Indure Private Limited, incorporated in 1970, is the contracting and
manufacturing arm of the Desein-lndure Group. The company is a world leader
in the manufacture and supply of complete ash handling systems, having
completed more than 230 turnkey ash handling projects for power plants in
India and abroad, with a total capacity of over 70,000 MW.
Indure is also a leading EPC contractor for complete power plants and balance
of plant packages, as well as coal and material handling systems for power
and other sectors. The company also offers EPC solutions for solar thermal
and PV power plants in association with well-known international technology
providers and EPC contractors. With two large manufacturing units, the
company provides a one-stop-shop service, comprising pattern shop, fully
automatic foundry with induction furnaces, CNC-based machine shop,
fabrication shop with CNC plasma cutting machine and assembly shop, all
under one roof.
Desein Private Limited, an IS0-9001:2008 certified company, has been
providing specialised engineering services for fossil fuel-based power plants in
India and abroad for over four and a half decades. The company provides total
engineering, procurement and construction from concept to commissioning
for unit sizes up to 800 MW, both super- and subcritical Rankine Cycle for
steam turbines and Brayton Cycle for gas turbines in combined cycle mode. It
has, to date, undertaken more than 140 engineering assignments with a total
power generation figure of over 32,000 MW.
Desein is currently providing complete operation and maintenance services
to five power stations, including the first coal-fired power plant in the UAE.
The company also carries out environmental impact assessment studies and
suggests measures to contain, within permissible limits for environmental
protection, pollution arising out of new projects.
Desein provides multi-disciplinary engineering skills to bring together civil,
structural, architectural, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and controls
and environmental engineering to provide a composite deliverable.
Visit for more information.

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


AVEVA World Italy

Software and Pesto
Genoa, Italy June 5th, 2012

In early June, Daniel Gennaro,

AVEVAs Italian Country Manager,
and his team hosted an AVEVA
World User Meeting for Italian
customers. Held in the Palace of
Angelo Giovanni Spinola (www. in the heart of Genoa,
over 100 customers attended for
an update on AVEVA products and
to exchange ideas with colleagues
from across a number of different
Steve Tongish
Vice President Marketing, AVEVA

Saipem Delivers
with AVEVA


AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2

The venue for this event was particularly amazing. Originally built in 1558, the dramatic frescos
throughout the palace formed an impressive backdrop that made a striking artistic contrast
with the state-of-the-art technology topics covered in the one-day agenda. While AVEVAs 45th
anniversary cant compete with the 450-year history of the palace, it still seemed an appropriate
location to celebrate the rich technology and business achievements of AVEVA and our customers
over the last four and a half decades.
AVEVAs Italian customer base has grown rapidly in the last 10 years, from a handful of smaller
engineering companies to an impressive list of leading EPCs and Owner Operators from the energy,
chemical and marine industries. The delegates attending the meeting reflected this dynamic mix
with representatives from ABB, Danieli, ENEL, Eni, Foster Wheeler, GE, Jacobs, Progetto 10, PMS
Engineering, Saipem, Tecnimont KT, and Walley Design, to name just a few. The AVEVA team in Italy
has grown with the business, providing customers with the local consultation and support that is
essential to their business. Recently moving into a new office in Genoas business centre, AVEVAs
Italian team is going from strength to strength and hosted a very productive meeting.
The agenda for the day contained both AVEVA and customer presentations covering a range of
topics which included AVEVA Engineering, AVEVA Electrical, AVEVA Instrumentation, AVEVA NET, the
future product roadmap, and customer success stories from Saipem and Tecnimont KT.

A particularly interesting presentation at

the Italian AVEVA World User Meeting was
given by Saipem, one of the worlds largest
turnkey contractors in the oil & gas industry
and a major player in the Italian market. Mr
Donato De Fiores from Saipem provided an
overview of their recent deployment of AVEVA
Instrumentation. After an evaluation in 2011,
Saipem selected AVEVA Instrumentation
as one of its engineering tools to increase
competitiveness and meet the needs of its
customers. They began the initial rollout on a
small project and the new application quickly
proved itself, allowing them to expand the
deployment to much larger projects.

The key to Saipems success with AVEVA

Instrumentation is its flexibility, rich
functionality and ease of use. Mr De Fiores
explained how Saipem were able to easily
work with custom datasheets using standard
Excel files. They can also collect data from
P&IDs, process and layout sources without
the need for specially developed tools.
AVEVA Instrumentation is helping Saipem
to quickly and accurately select the correct
instrumentation and the intuitive user
interface has dramatically reduced training
time for their engineers.
The bottom line for Saipem is improved quality
and reduced engineering time. Saipems
customers have very high project delivery
standards and their new deployment of AVEVA
Instrumentation is helping to give them the
flexibility they need to meet, and even exceed,
their customers expectations.

The agenda topics and the mix of companies

made for an informative and interactive day. During
the breaks, delegates had the opportunity to make new
contacts, renew past acquaintances and discuss their own
technology and operational experiences. The feedback from the
customers who attended was overwhelmingly positive, explained
Daniel Gennaro. Our goal is to provide our customers with a forum to
stay up to date on developments at AVEVA, but also to help them build
relationships and exchange ideas with other companies in their industry. This
is the vision of the AVEVA World Community and Im very pleased with the results of
the Genoa meeting. We will certainly continue to host more activities for our customers
in the future.
The delegates also found time in the busy schedule for a bit of fun. A local historian provided a
guided tour of the Palace history and they were given the opportunity to prepare home-made pesto,
a culinary speciality of the Genoa area. A famous local chef and his assistants guided everyone through
the deceptively simple process of creating this delicious sauce. A combination of locally grown basil,
garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, olive oil and a touch of salt, all hand-ground in a mortar
of Italian marble, filled the palace with an amazing aroma and a treat for the tongue. The
setting, meeting topics, history and pesto certainly stimulated all the senses and gave the
delegates a day to remember.
While the palace in Genoa is a unique venue, the Italian User Meeting was
typical of AVEVA World Community events being held in cities around the
world. Providing a mix of technology and ideas, they are designed to
be collaborative events that explore the challenges we all face, as
engineering projects grow in complexity and we constantly strive
to manage risk and improve operational efficiency.

To attend an AVEVA World

Community event near you,
visit the AVEVA website at

AVEVA World Magazine 2012| Issue 2


AVEVA Group plc

High Cross
Madingley Road
Tel +44 (0)1223 556655
Fax +44 (0)1223 556666

Headquartered in Cambridge, England, AVEVA Group plc and its operating

subsidiaries currently employ staff worldwide in Australia, Austria, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong
Kong, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Poland,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, South Korea, United Arab
Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States of America. AVEVA also has
representatives in additional countries around the world.
For more details on AVEVA Worldwide Offices, visit
AVEVAbelieves the information in this publication is correct as of its publication date. As part of continued product development, such information is subject to change without prior
notice and is related to the current software release. AVEVAis not responsible for any inadvertent errors. All product names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders.
Copyright 2012 AVEVASolutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. AWM/12/2

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