AVEVA World Magazine 2016

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2016 Issue 1


Building the Biggest

How Hyundai delivers the worlds largest ships

Dragados Offshore gains the

AVEVA Bocad advantage

Delivering the Digital Asset to

Russias oil & gas industry

New functionality unveiled for

mining in AVEVA Everything3D


Page 34

Corporate News
Getting data-savvy

AVEVA Wins Management Today Award 17

AVEVA Customer Highlights 24
AVEVA World Summit 2015 Review 31
AVEVA World Community Events 44

Page 4

AVEVA Welcomes Our New Customers in 2015 50

Product News
Opinion: The Technology Lifeline

AVEVA Experience 11
Realising the Digital Asset: AVEVA Engage 18
AVEVA Everything3D for Mining 40

Page 18

Customer News

Page 14

Cover Story: Hyundai Heavy Industries

Page 40

Case Study: Central Marine Design Bureau 12

Wuhuan Engineering Corporation 14
Case Study: FZETA 22
Dragados Offshore S.A. 26
Lengiproneftechim 34
Case Study: Deltamarin Poland 38

Page 46

Tekfen Engineering 46
Cover photographs:
Main image: courtesy of HHI.
Lower images, left to right: courtesy of Dragados Offshore S.A.;
courtesy of Lengiproneftechim.
Copyright 2016 AVEVASolutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording
or any information storage and retrieval system, without the express
written consent of the copyright holders. Licences issued by the Copyright
Licensing Agency Limited or any other reproduction rights organisation do
not apply to AVEVA World Magazine.
The views expressed in AVEVA World Magazine by any contributor are
not necessarily those of AVEVA. Continued product development means
that information relating to AVEVAs products is subject to change. No
responsibility can be accepted by AVEVA for action taken as a result of
information contained in this publication.
Editor Andrea Topet Bisbiglio, Creation & Digital Media Specialist, AVEVA
Design Steve Talbott, Graphic Design Manager, AVEVA





AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

Page 31

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Respected industry analyst Monica Schnitger was right
on target when she said recently that EPCs have to
get data-savvy. I think I would expand that trenchant
observation to include their Owner Operator clients;
both sides of the engineering industry work in lockstep
and the information advantage has never been as
important to both as it is now.
The truth of this is brought into sharp focus by the case studies
we feature in this magazine. This issue in particular shows how,
across different industry sectors, those businesses that are
already data-savvy are better able to weather the continuing
global economic downturn. In the shipbuilding industry, which
has suffered a market downturn longer than most others, we
find that AVEVA Marine is enabling shipyards to thrive by being
more efficient at building ever more advanced vessels that can
turn a profit for their operators in the face of stiff competition
and more stringent environmental regulations.
The story is similar on shore. Plant builders are not only turning
to AVEVAs proven integrated technologies to increase their
efficiency and capabilities especially in brownfield projects
they are also seeing the benefits of harnessing information
to create Digital Assets from the outset. So the Digital Asset
approach is being both pulled by the increasingly data-savvy
Owner Operators, who need it to more efficiently manage their
assets, and pushed by EPCs who understand its competitive
advantage in a buyers market.

The Digital Asset approach is being

both pulled by the increasingly
data-savvy Owner Operators, who
need it to more efficiently manage
their assets, and pushed by EPCs
who understand its competitive
advantage in a buyers market....

Its no coincidence that these successful businesses are AVEVA

customers; we develop increasingly powerful technologies
to make them successful. But, importantly, we also strive to
enable their business value to be realised without users having
to get bogged down in the technology itself. HHI have told
us how they appreciate AVEVA Marine for it not requiring IT
experts just to enter design information. And the response to
AVEVA Engage from customers who need to make decisions
based on information, not data, has been overwhelming. So I
would qualify Ms Schnitgers assertion by saying informationsavvy, rather than data-savvy. Thats where AVEVA has always
been leading the market.
Of course, we dont neglect the more practical aspects of
using our technologies. Our first steps into Cloud deployment,
in the form of the AVEVA Experience hands-on trial of
AVEVA Everything3D (AVEVA E3D), have met with great
success. PDMS users have registered for it in large numbers
and together we are learning much about Cloud provision of
high-end engineering design software. And AVEVA E3D isnt
standing still either; we have now added valuable new features
and functions for the specialist needs of the mining industry.
Squeezed between falling demand and prices, and increasingly
challenging regulation, this sector continues to rapidly raise
its game by using sophisticated technology to be ever more
efficient and agile.
I was delighted to see AVEVA once again being recognised
as Britains Most Admired Company. But I am even more
delighted at the success we enable in our customers, and their
willingness to showcase their successes in the pages of this
magazine. Thank you all.

Richard Longdon
Chief Executive
AVEVA Group plc

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


Have your say...


Building the Biggest

How Hyundai uses AVEVA Marine to efficiently
deliver the worlds largest ships
Sangwook Ham
Vice President, Head of EPC and
Marine Sales, NEA, AVEVA

The CSCL Globe undergoing sea trials. Photograph courtesy of HHI.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

From the early days of Koreas rapid economic development, Hyundai Heavy
Industries (HHI) has played an important role in establishing the country
as the economic and technological powerhouse it is today. To maintain
its world-leading position in the face of a volatile marine market, the
companys shipbuilding division has actively diversified into more profitable
opportunities in offshore projects. But diversification alone is not enough;
HHI needed competitive advantage, not only in the breadth of projects it can
deliver, but also in the way it delivers them. AVEVA Marine has provided the
foundation of that competitive advantage.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


HHI wanted to establish a design system, optimised for its

production facilities, that could be deployed rapidly and that
would enable faster, better coordinated working across its
design teams. With its breadth of capabilities and an established
track record in the industry, HHI chose AVEVA Marine as the best
solution to quickly optimise its productivity.

Designers in individual areas such as hull and outfitting now

have full visibility of what every other group is doing. The 3D
model is shared across the entire design team in real time,
which boosts the efficiency of collaboration, helps to quickly
eliminate errors such as design clashes, and reduces overall
design time.

After four decades working with its original CAD system, HHIs
designers faced a challenge in adapting to AVEVA Marine, but
soon began seeing real benefits. In the beginning, we saw
an increase in man-hours, but as our designers started to get
the hang of it the number of man-hours fell sharply, said Jong
Shik, Kim, Head of CAD Development team, General Manager,
HHI. In spite of the surge in the amount of information we can
now generate for production, design man-hours have dropped
drastically as compared to CAD.

The advantages of AVEVA Marine have enabled HHI to take on

ever more complex and ambitious projects of increasing scope
and scale. No surprise, then, that HHI can set new records; one
of their latest vessels designed in AVEVA Marine is the CSCL
Globe, which surpassed the massive Maersk Triple E to become
the worlds largest container ship.

Cost-cutting software for a cost-cutting strategy

The shipping industry is currently still depressed, so cost
savings are more important than ever. AVEVA Marine has proved
an important enabler of efficiency increases in HHIs day-today business. The strength of AVEVA Marine is that it doesnt
require IT experts to input data; our designers can easily enter
their accumulated knowledge to the system, explained Young
Seuk, Han, Head of Engineering & Design, EVP, HHI. This
continually builds up a resource of cost-saving and optimised
designs that enable us to improve design efficiency and
productivity on every successive project.

The largest vessel in the world: CSCL Globe

Building ever larger container ships in a market burdened
with acute over-tonnage may seem counter-intuitive, but the
economic pressures are relentless. Low freight rates, more
stringent emissions regulations and the enforced switch to
more expensive diesel fuel force operators to seek greater
economies of scale and more fuel-efficient design.
Shipbuilders are responding to this demand by increasing
their abilities to build ever more massive vessels of ever more
sophisticated and efficient design. But it still remains a buyers
market, so they must also be able to build these new vessels
ever more quickly and efficiently. This is where HHI can exploit
its competitive advantage.

Aerial view of the HHI

shipyard. Photograph
courtesy of HHI.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

As a result of these market conditions, large shipping

companies such as Maersk and CMA CGM have been
continually ordering record-breaking ultra-large container
ships (ULCS) to achieve much needed economies
of scale, explained Young Seuk, Han. At the time of
launching, HHIs CSCL Globe was the world record holder
at a whopping 19,000 TEU.
With its huge size and high-efficiency engines, CSCL
Globe will burn 20% less fuel per TEU than 10,000 TEU
container ships. But this advantage will be reduced if the
vessel is not operating at full capacity, as has been the
case with the Maersk Triple E series, Young Seuk, Han
warned. On the other hand, shipbuilders have introduced
the ULCS in response to market demand, so it is hard to
say whether or not these vessels will actually run under
capacity. Maersk took the lead with their Triple E and
others have just begun catching up. Amid the ongoing
battle for cost control and market share among shipping
alliances, it is highly likely that we will see ships beyond
20,000 TEU in the near future. Container ships are likely
to keep growing and shipbuilders need the tools to be
able to handle those types of projects.

The strength of AVEVA Marine is that

it doesnt require IT experts to input
data; our designers can easily enter
their accumulated knowledge to the
system. This continually builds up a
resource of cost-saving and optimised
designs that enable us to improve
design efficiency and productivity on
every successive project..

The CSCL Globe sitting in the docks. Photograph courtesy of HHI.

AVEVA Marine played a vital role in our development of

the CSCL Globe design, Jong Shik, Kim said. We could
efficiently categorise a large number of models into
different design zones, and operate the system with ease
thanks to the relatively simple 3D models. In particular,
the use of HHIs proprietary configuration design, based
on AVEVA Marine, helped to increase the recycling ratio
of models, so the design lead time was shortened.
The future
Like many shipbuilders, HHI faces strong economic
headwinds but has a number of strategies in place
to protect its market position. The company believes
that, in the increasingly competitive environment, it
will be able to maintain and build on its differentiated
competitiveness with continued technology innovations
epitomised by the fuel-efficient CSCL Globe, and through
the accumulation of experience and knowledge from
using a best-in-class design system like AVEVA Marine.
About HHI
Hyundai Heavy Industries is a global leader in the heavy
industries sector. Since its establishment in 1973, HHI has
grown into the worlds leading heavy industries company
by successfully diversifying from shipbuilding into
offshore plant, engines and machinery, electric systems,
construction equipment and green energy.

3D model of the CSCL Globe. Image courtesy of HHI.

The CSCL Globe sitting in the docks. Photograph courtesy of HHI.

Hyundai Heavy Industries Group aims to be a global

leader that places top priority on achieving ultimate
customer satisfaction. To this end, they are strengthening
their competitiveness in key business areas and are
creating new synergies by expanding into other areas of
strategic importance.
To learn more, visit www.hyundai.eu/en.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


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The Technology

How technology helps you take advantage of hard times


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

It is easy to profit from an upswing in the economy, but the

most successful businesses are those which can also find ways
to take advantage of the downswings. The current sustained
depression in world energy prices is creating both winners and
losers; upstream Exploration & Production is being hit hard,
while downstream value chains are benefitting from cheaper
feedstocks. But history teaches us that, sooner or later, the
pendulum will swing back, even if we cannot predict when, why,
or by how much. Perhaps unexpectedly, there is a common
technology strategy that plays to your long-term advantage
whether you are currently on the winning or losing side of the
economic cycle; its all about information.
The challenge of primary production
At AVEVA, because we have been serving all the worlds capital
engineering industries for nearly 50 years, we understand
not only their short- and long-term challenges but also how
a solution applied in one sector can be applied in others. At
present, for example, we see similar short-term challenges
being met in similar ways by primary producers in both the oil
& gas and the mining & minerals industries. Collapsing world
demand and/or prices makes investment in new capacity
difficult or impossible and puts increased pressure on operating
costs. Mothballing new projects and slashing investment in
improving existing assets may seem a necessary survival tactic,
but it constrains your profitability and leaves you trailing the field
when your market picks up again. In both sectors, we are seeing
forward-looking companies focussing their reduced resources
on brownfield projects and improved asset management
capabilities, both to reduce operating costs in the short term
and to sustain profitability in the long term.
Both tactics require a baseline of reliable knowledge of the
current state of the assets to be improved; information which,
in many instances, is fragmented, of uncertain reliability,
hard to access and use, or even completely missing. Until
only a few years ago, overcoming this problem was costly,
time-consuming and error-prone, usually limiting its scope
to only individual projects rather than the entire asset. Today,
however, the necessary technologies are readily available,
affordable and proven, and offer transformational changes
in business processes. The first of these is high-resolution
3D laser scanning, which can capture an as-operating asset
quickly, safely and cheaply, and to a level of accuracy and detail
not achievable by any other method. It is a powerful tool for
creating an accurate baseline of the plants true as-operating
design. But scan data not only provides an essential resource
for efficient, right-first-time brownfield projects; it can now
also be a maintainable long-term resource for asset life cycle
The second enabler is data-agnostic Information Management
technology, which can turn a disparate collection of
incompatible types of information into a coherent, validated
and easily usable resource the Digital Asset. Together, these
two enabling technologies are being used by Owner Operators
to upgrade decades-old assets and to put them, and their asset
management processes, on a solid foundation for decades
more profitable production.

We are seeing forwardlooking companies focussing

their reduced resources
on brownfield projects and
improved asset management
capabilities, both to reduce
operating costs in the short
term and to sustain profitability
in the long term...
In the mining sector, we are seeing the industry rapidly shed
its low-tech image to take advantage of modern 3D design and
Information Management technologies to complement and
implement increasingly sophisticated processes for extraction
and refining. Easier reuse of more modularised design enables
quicker and cheaper reconfiguration of material handling and
processing facilities as the mine is worked. Mining companies
are thus able to drive down costs and be more agile in
responding to a volatile market.
The downstream challenge
With cheaper feedstocks, the downstream industries should be
enjoying boom times but, of course, the global downturn is also
squeezing demand. Increased margins from lower input costs
are being eroded by price competition to maintain output and
market share. This sector is thus generally faced with the same
challenges as the primary producers, so it is not surprising to
see the same technology tools being applied in the same ways.
However, new builds are not completely extinct; they just
face even greater pressures on cost and delivery time, on
top of increasingly stringent regulatory and environmental
requirements. Here, we see the challenges being met by the
use of more powerful and more tightly integrated technologies
in 3D design, engineering, collaboration and communication
to cut costs, time and rework in project execution. These
are complemented by the same Digital Asset approach to
Information Management to progressively transfer validated
engineering master data from the contractor to the client. This
has been proved to save considerable direct costs in project
handover, but it also reduces time to nameplate capacity at
start-up and helps to maximise the new assets profitability from
the outset.
The contractors opportunity
With demand for big new-build projects at a low and all projects
being squeezed on price and delivery, contractors must turn a
challenge into an opportunity by using technology to increase
their ability to add value to their clients. Here we see a number
of interlocking strategies.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


First, EPCs must increase their ability to do more

with less, and to do it more quickly and reliably
without compromising on project quality. This
requires accelerating and reducing the number of
iterative steps in design development by mastering
change instead of being a slave to it. Todays highly integrated
technology supports tightly integrated, collaborative workflows
that manage the great many successive, interdisciplinary
changes in a controlled and efficient manner. This certainly
reduces costly design effort, but it represents only a small
fraction of a projects total cost. Because design directly
determines all subsequent costs there is a bigger benefit in
reduced construction costs, risks and timescale. At AVEVA, we
regularly find EPC customers achieving 100% clash-free design
and minimal, or no, construction rework. As a result, contractors
can tender more confidently and with reduced contingencies.
A further benefit is that more efficient design processes can
create more operations-friendly design, adding value to the
client by reducing their operating costs.
Second, the days of over the wall project handover
are history; todays opportunity is to increase the
extent of collaboration between EPC and client.
Technology now extends efficient multi-site
collaboration across an EPCs entire network of
design offices, project partners, suppliers and subcontractors.
But the big breakthrough has been in the use of Information
Management technology to begin creating a Digital Asset
from the earliest stages of FEED. Sharing this with the clients
CAPEX team enables them to play a more active role in
achieving design for operability, and to also begin populating
key operations systems with master data as soon as it reaches
the necessary level of maturity. Where once it was common for
tag completeness to lag months or even years behind start-up,
today it is possible to achieve close to 100% tag completeness
at start-up.

Third, and of particular importance when

brownfield projects may be the only ones on offer,
is the ability to offer 3D data capture as part of
Integrated Project Execution. As described above,
laser data capture is now quick, cheap and safe,
and its exploitation has reached a high level of sophistication.

The latest 3D design solution can use and manipulate laser data
directly within the design environment itself, even to the extent
of incorporating it into construction deliverables. Older plants
may often have no reliable design data, and modelling a plant
into a 3D CAD model, just to be able to produce deliverables,
can be costly, so this capability offers a way to install right-firsttime upgrades with minimum downtime and risk.
Driving down project risk
The Digital Asset approach can do much to reduce project
costs arising in the engineering, design and construction
domains but, as projects become ever more complex, so too
do contractual relationships, which increases commercial
risk. Managing this class of complexity requires dedicated
technology solutions that support contract administration and
the supervision of compliance by the contracting parties.
It is therefore becoming increasingly common to find contract
management software being used alongside other businesscritical systems. While such tools can be used retrospectively
to resolve claims on the other parties, this should become a
last resort; greater benefits accrue to all parties by ensuring
that they all fully meet their obligations to each other during
the project. Contract variations can be formally managed
and controlled, avoiding the misunderstandings that verbal
instructions can create. The ROI in such software can be
substantial, both in pure financial terms and in fostering better
collaboration between the project participants. There is an
obvious business case for such investment during hard times,
but it will continue to pay increasing dividends when project
investment increases.
Technology is the lifeline
Slashing costs and investment are necessary survival tactics
in hard times, but it is clear that well-planned (and often quite
modest) investment in technology can deliver disproportionate
benefits by driving out avoidable costs, streamlining business
processes to do more with less, and increasing the control of
risk. And whereas ruthless cost-cutting can often impair your
ability to recover quickly when markets improve, technology
investment in hard times can actually put you in a stronger
position when the good times return.

Technology investment in hard times can

actually put you in a stronger position
when the good times return...


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1




AVEVA Experience is a self-training

environment with a cloud-hosted
deployment of AVEVA Everything3D. It
provides 20 hours of free self-service training
using sample data and on-going access to
course material, anywhere, anytime.

z Gain new skills

z Train for tomorrows business
z Retain essential cutting-edge
engineering and design skills



Register for AVEVA

Experience at

Access to 20 hours of
free self-training. Work
through easy-to-follow,
well-structured exercises
at your own pace.

Explore the self-training
environment and the
cloud-hosted deployment
of AVEVA Everything3D

Sign up to try it for yourself at


AVEVAs cloud-enabled
technology is built on AWS
(Amazon Web Services)

There are a number of prerequisites that

you need to be aware of before you register
for AVEVA Experience read about these at

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1



Central Marine Design

Bureau Implements

AVEVA Marine
to Maintain its Design

Shipbuilding is today a highly concurrent process. Engineering & Design

bureaus must work in parallel with construction, so keeping project data
accurate throughout the project is crucial. The Central Marine Design Bureau
(CMDB Almaz) realised that to achieve this they would need an integrated
approach to Engineering & Design supported by the appropriate tools.
CMDB Almaz decided to migrate all work
onto a common platform supporting
all project disciplines. The company
already had extensive experience with
Tribon, so in 2012 it migrated to AVEVA
Marine, AVEVAs specialised Integrated
Engineering and Design solution for
Now, CMDB Almaz uses a wide range of
AVEVA Marine products which together
form AVEVAs Integrated Engineering
& Design solution: AVEVA Hull Detailed
Design, AVEVA Outfitting, AVEVA
Cable Design, AVEVA Assembly
Planning, AVEVA Hull Finite Element
Modeller, AVEVA Diagrams, and
AVEVA Review. The company also uses
AVEVA Global to synchronise project
data among users and AVEVA NET
Workhub and Dashboard to ensure the
quality and consistency of all types of
engineering information.
Results and business benefits
CMDB Almazs deployment of AVEVAs
Integrated Engineering and Design
solution helped the company to cut
project timescales and costs. Immediate
benefits included coherence between
design elements and the ability to work
from a common database, and the

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

more efficient design of flat and curved

hulls. Automatic production of outfitting
drawings and deliverables is also a big
advantage, as is increased efficiency in
system administration. CMDB Almaz
now benefits from seamless integration
between outfitting and hull design.
The company is now able to deliver
accurate and detailed 3D design models
to construction teams. For CMDB
Almaz, it is the only way to work; the
bureau always delivers the 3D model to
customers as a matter of course, unlike
many other Russian design bureaus.
This enables significant reduction in
hull construction and outfitting time,
and cost savings through being able
to accurately procure and schedule
AVEVA Marine is flexible enough to
support all Russian standards and
requirements, which is important for
CMDB Almaz as the majority of its clients
are located in Russia. However, it also
broadens the companys horizons,
enabling it to confidently respond to
opportunities to work globally. After
implementation, key CMDB Almaz
specialists agreed that AVEVA Marine is
the number one system for CMDB Almaz
in supporting design activities.

A landing craft project designed in AVEVA Marine.

Images courtesy of CMDB Almaz.

Key projects
The companys innovative designs have been implemented
in a number of unique ships, including Uragan, a small
automatically-controlled hydrofoil missile ship, and a Dergach,
a surface-effect missile ship later named Promornik ACV. Other
projects include surface vessels, technical research ships and
docks. As a result, CMDB Almaz possesses unique experience,
not only in ship design and engineering, but also in collaborating
with other shipyards.
About CMDB Almaz
Founded in 1949, CMDB Almaz is a leading design and
engineering organisation in the Russian shipbuilding industry,
distinguished by its range of designs and their complexity. It
is the leading Russian designer of high-speed craft, small and
medium-size surface warships, landing air cushion vessels,
mine countermeasures vessels, special purpose vessels and
floating docks.

AVEVA NET provides a great integration platform for data coming from
AVEVA Marine and many external systems. Image courtesy of CMDB Almaz.

The companys designs have been embodied in about 26,000

combat craft, ships and vessels of various applications, built
in many different countries. Since 1957 CMDB Almaz has
delivered ship designs to over 40 countries and gained an
excellent reputation for the quality of its work. Worldwide,
seven shipyards are currently building vessels to CMDB Almazs
Find out more at www.Almaz-kb.ru.

All the projects of the company

are performed in one single
environment irrespective of
the type or scale of the vessel.
Images courtesy of CMDB

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


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expands deployment of
Integrated Engineering &
Wuhuan Engineering Corporation is an international EPC, based
in China and active in the petrochemicals, chemicals, fertiliser and
coal-derivative industries. Its sustained growth is due to its ability to
deliver increasingly large, complex capital projects on time and on
budget. A key enabler of this success has been AVEVAs Integrated
Engineering & Design solution, which integrates and streamlines the
companys design and engineering processes.

Ryana Chen
Marketing Specialist, AVEVA China


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

Now, with its extended IE&D solution, WUHUAN has achieved further
benefits, enjoying reduced project risk through clear visibility and early
notification on status and progress...
Wuhuan Engineering Corporation (WUHUAN) was founded
in 1958, so it has seen its design tools progress from drawing
boards, through 2D CAD, to powerful, sophisticated 3D
technologies. Today the company benefits from a wide
deployment of AVEVAs Integrated Engineering & Design
(IE&D) solution suite, including AVEVA Diagrams, AVEVA
Engineering, AVEVA Schematic 3D Integrator, AVEVA
Instrumentation and AVEVA PDMS.

Impressed by the capabilities of AVEVAs Integrated Engineering

& Design solution, WUHUAN began a comprehensive
investigation into its suitability for their own needs. The
company was quickly convinced by the potential for significant
increases in design efficiency provided by integrating P&IDs,
engineering data, instrumentation and 3D models. They were
further convinced by good communication with AVEVA and the
high level of service provided by its technical teams.

Integrated Engineering & Design

In the highly iterative engineering and design process, an
unstructured, fragmented approach to the management of
change across disciplines poses a serious threat to project
timeframes and profitability. Lack of visibility of change across
design disciplines leads to decisions being based on information
of unknown or incorrect status. Errors creep in and can
proliferate undetected to create costly rework and programme

Contact with AVEVAs Business Development and Sales teams

gave us a deeper insight into AVEVAs solution, and showed
us how its adoption could really improve our existing business
processes, explained Mr Li, technical expert, WUHUAN.

The core of AVEVAs vision for Lean Construction, AVEVAs

IE&D solution, enables EPCs such as WUHUAN to overcome
these potential threats. An integrated suite of products, it helps
businesses to accelerate and control the iterative processes
of design and engineering. By integrating information into a
common, controlled dataset it enables multi-discipline project
teams to collaborate on design development, in real time, from
anywhere in the world.

As a long-established user of AVEVA PDMS, WUHUAN had

considerable experience with it on a variety of projects.
Extending its AVEVA deployment to include schematics and
engineering data would enable tighter integration between
WUHUAN had already gained significant reductions in costly
on-site clashes through its use of AVEVA PDMS. Now, with
its extended IE&D solution, WUHUAN has achieved further
benefits, enjoying reduced project risk through clear visibility
and early notification on status and progress. Accurate, rapidly
produced designs mean better quality with improved multidiscipline consistency, saving project cost and time, Mr Li
commented. As a result, the company has not only become
more competitive when bidding, but is also able to deliver more
projects with the same resources, increasing its profitability.

3D model of chemical plant frame structure design

in AVEVA PDMS. Image courtesy of WUHUAN.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


3D model of chemical plant

piping design in AVEVA PDMS.
Image courtesy of WUHUAN.

Efficiency has improved significantly, which is a competitive

differentiator for us, Mr Li went on. The use of these products
greatly increased our engineering and design efficiency. We
have accelerated information flow and considerably reduced
WUHUANs use of AVEVA PDMS had already allowed project
deliverables, such as piping isometrics, layout drawings and
materials lists, to be generated automatically, with little or
no manual intervention. The huge time saving achieved by
extending their solution to include IE&D now means that the
bulk of WUHUANs time is spent on design, rather than on
production deliverables.
The Nantong polyformaldehyde project
The first project on which WUHUAN used AVEVA products was
the Nantong polyformaldehyde project in 2002. Introducing
PDMS provided the designers with some challenges, which
were overcome within the first month as experience and
familiarity with the solution increased. They successfully
integrated equipment, structure and piping (including process
and instrumentation piping) disciplines into a single PDMS
The realistic 3D plant model of this project enabled WUHUAN
to dramatically reduce design clashes. Other benefits included
database-structured design data, automatically generated
isometric drawings, materials lists and layout drawings, and a
greatly improved design process which sharply increased data
Nantong was followed by a number of equally successful
petrochemical projects, including the Shenhua coal gasification
project in 2005, the Pakistan carbamide project in 2006, and the
Tianjin Soda Plant polyformaldehyde project in 2008.
The Shenhua strong brine project
One key project on which AVEVAs support team played an
important part was the Shenhua strong brine project in Xinjiang.

This nine-month chemical project required WUHUAN to

manage a highly collaborative multi-disciplinary design process.
Multi-disciplinary collaborative design on the same platform is a
unique innovation for which we had no precedent to refer to, so
we inevitably encountered a few problems at first, noted Mr Li.
AVEVA helped to resolve these by sending a professional team
on site to support our project personnel.
They also ran a programme of tailored technical training
sessions for us. Not only are the improvements in efficiency
enabling us to undertake more projects, our advanced design
tools enable us to confidently tackle much more complex ones,
Mr Li concluded.
WUHUAN plans to extend its use of AVEVA products as it
continues to take on large domestic and foreign projects.
Wuhuan Engineering Corporation was founded in 1958 as the
4th Design Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of
China. The company was a wholly owned subsidiary of the
China National Chemical Engineering Group Corporation,
directly under the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council. It was
also one of the main scientific and technological businesses
within the chemical industries. Today, it sits directly underneath
the design division of China National Chemical Engineering Co.
WUHUAN is an international engineering enterprise, able to
execute and manage the entire life cycle of any engineering
and construction project. The company holds many Class A
certificates in engineering design, consulting, supervision, cost
consultation and environmental impact assessment, as well
as overseas engineering consulting, design and contracting. It
has become one of the first engineering businesses in China to
obtain the AAA credit rating.
To learn more, visit www.cwcec.com/english/index.html.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

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Alan Edwards, Senior Vice President Marketing and Martyn Ward, Executive Vice President Operations at AVEVA receive the BMAC award from Lady Heseltine.

AVEVA named Britains Most Admired Company

in the Software and Computer Services Sector
In December, AVEVA was selected for the Management Today award ahead of peers such as Sage, Micro Focus and
Fidessa. AVEVA has also reached the top 24 in the overall Britains Most Admired Companies (BMAC) list 2015 which
includes names such as Unilever, Royal Dutch Shell and AstraZeneca. AVEVA was recognised after scoring highly in
categories including quality of products and business innovation. This highly respected award celebrated its 25th
anniversary this year in a ceremony at Claridges, in London.
This award is testament to AVEVAs resilience, said Richard
Longdon, CEO, AVEVA. Since we won the award last year, we
have continued an active acquisition strategy while investing
in our technology leadership, including the release of our new
decision-support solution, AVEVA Engage. In addition, our
business strategy of creating greater market diversification and
expanding our solution footprint within existing customers is
building strong momentum.

AVEVA has demonstrated that it has once again stood

out amongst its peers and is truly admired by its industry
counterparts. I would like to congratulate AVEVA on
accomplishing the double, a great achievement in a
competitive, innovative environment.

While this is a British award, it certainly reflects our success

as a global business, which relies on our talented international
teams in over 30 countries. I am proud that we have continued
to sustain a high level of success, despite the current challenges
within some of our key markets. The BMAC award is a credit to
my AVEVA colleagues around the world and a great way to start

About Britains Most Admired Companies

Now in its 25th year, MTs Britains Most Admired Companies
awards offer a unique insight into the real factors behind
corporate reputation. Winners are identified by peer review:
Britains top companies and their bosses are asked to assess
their rivals, a revealing exercise that really gets to the heart
of what makes businesses succeed. Britains Most Admired
Companies awards celebrate that vital ingredient: what it takes
to be admired by your closest rivals.

AVEVA continues its dominance in this category by winning

Britains Most Admired Companies software & computers award
for the second year running, said Matthew Gwyther, Editor of
Management Today.

The complete BMAC award list is available here:


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


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Realising the
Digital Asset
How new technology is creating a new future for decision support


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


The purpose of any technology is to give us

humans more and greater capabilities. But power
must be harnessed if it is to serve our needs
without creating more challenges. In the capital
engineering industries, software tools now
enable us to create and operate assets of almost
unlimited scale and complexity but, in doing
so, they have created the challenge of making
effective decisions when faced with complex
information of many different types, from many
different sources, and often of uncertain reliability.
For some years, the engineering software industry
has been exploiting the intuitive nature of the 3D
metaphor to support tasks beyond the traditional
areas of engineering and design. Popular examples
include the ability to apply colour coding to a 3D
plant model to display project information such
as construction status, or operationally important
information such as pipe corrosion degradation.
But the potential is considerably greater, both in
projects and in operations.
At AVEVA, we have invented the concept of the
Digital Asset; the information mirror image of the
physical asset. In itself, this is not a new concept;
every asset has associated digital information such
as documents, 3D models, tag registers and so
on. The breakthrough has been the development
of an Information Management technology that
can aggregate, contextualise, validate and make
readily accessible the complex and disparate
information that comprises the entire Digital
Asset. This Digital Asset approach supports the
entire asset life cycle, from the very beginning
of the FEED stage, through project execution,
progressive handover, start-up and operational life
cycle management.
Of the many ways in which the Digital Asset
approach supports projects and operations,
the most fundamental is decision support.
One cannot make timely, effective or reliable
decisions without access to complete and trusted
information in a form that facilitates decision
making. The need to improve such capability
drove AVEVA to establish its Future of Decision
Support programme, which has created a new
class of decision support software in the form of
AVEVA Engage.
This new product brings together three state-ofthe-art technologies: data-agnostic Information
Management, real-time Ultra-High Definition
(UHD) 3D model rendering and touch-screen user
interaction. Even to the non-specialist, the sight
of this product in action is startling. A massively
complex, photorealistic 3D model can be rotated,
zoomed into and sectioned in real time, just with
the simple finger gestures familiar to anybody with
a smartphone or tablet device.

Real-time manipulation of entire models in UHD.

In split view, use hotspots in 2D drawings to synchronise the 3D view.

Powerful, thematic, visual queries bring data from design, construction and operations
systems to life.

Measure and inspect the model in collaborative reviews.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


In the capital engineering industries, software tools now enable us to create and operate
assets of almost unlimited scale and complexity but, in doing so, they have created the
challenge of making effective decisions when faced with complex information of many
different types, from many different sources, and often of uncertain reliability...

At its launch at the recent AVEVA World Summit, delegates were

able to experience this on one of the new 84 Microsoft Surface
Hub touch-screens. It made manipulating the Digital Asset feel
almost like manipulating the real thing.

AVEVA Engage takes the visualisation and use of asset

information to a new level so, with customers already deploying
it, we expect soon to hear reports of equally impressive

But AVEVA Engage is far more than just eye candy for engineers.
Underpinned by AVEVA NET technology, it brings the entire
Digital Asset to life. Zooming in to the smallest object and
touching it brings up immediate access to all of that objects
available information, of whatever type or source.

Certainly our customers have needed no convincing. AVEVA

has worked closely with a Special Interest Group drawn from
leading companies in the global hydrocarbons industry to
ensure that the products development was aimed squarely at
their needs. But even these individuals have been astonished by
its performance, making comments such as: Where we can go
with this product is unimaginable, There is massive potential
for both sides of the business and AVEVA Engage provides a
window onto data that weve simply never had before!

The scope of application is almost unlimited, whether in

projects or operations. In the project phase, because it
automatically presents information most recently published
to the Digital Asset, it enables project teams, programme
managers and even the clients CAPEX team to review design
evolution as it progresses. Formal or informal design reviews
become easier and more efficient as one can quickly get
answers to questions such as whats that?; what is its current
status?; who supplies it?; where does it appear in the P&ID?,
and so on. Collaborative reviews for constructability or ease of
operations become easier and more effective as the technology
hides in the background while it puts actionable information
literally at the users fingertips.
Just as the Digital Asset is something that can be shared
between the EPCs project team and their client, so too can
AVEVA Engage support closer collaboration for more efficient
design for operability and better preparation for handover and
The underlying technology has more than proved its worth
in this area. Woodside Engineering, for example, reported
achieving a dramatic 85% reduction in project handover
costs and other users of AVEVA NET have found many similar


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

This select group included several from the operations side of

their companies, who could see the potential benefits of easy
access to all types of current, trusted asset information. The
capability can be applied non-invasively over existing systems
and data sources, and complements those provided by existing
Asset Management solutions for purposes such as Risk-Based
Inspection or Work Order management. In the operations
environment, easily answerable questions could include: show
me this objects maintenance history, give me the spares stock
status for this pump, remind me about the access to service
this heat exchanger or show me where all similar items are
And one would not need specialist skills or training to ask such
questions; the intuitive touch-screen navigation makes the
entire Digital Asset easily accessible to any personnel with the
appropriate permissions. Importantly, AVEVA Engage can be
used at any locations throughout the enterprise. This enables
engineers in the design office to review and understand
information about any asset, anywhere in the world. The value
for tasks such as upgrade planning of remote assets or the rapid
analysis of incidents and alerts is clear.

So if AVEVA Engage is todays future of decision support,

what is tomorrows? There are several obvious and desirable
developments in view as various 3D and Information
Management technologies continue to converge. One of these,
of particular interest to asset operators, is the integration of
laser scan data, something which AVEVA has already taken to
a new level in its latest design solution, AVEVA Everything3D.
Current capabilities here are based on the concept of
the Trusted Living Point Cloud, whereby an accurate and
photorealistic 3D scan of an in-service plant can be maintained
up to date by local data demolition and integration of re-scans
as modifications are made. This can provide, at low cost, an
accurate, navigable, intelligent and maintainable 3D rendering
of an asset, avoiding the cost of maintaining an as-operated 3D
CAD model.
A recent introduction, which also offers avenues for interesting
developments, is what AVEVA describes as Context Technology.
Available now in three of its Engineering & Design applications,
this is also underpinned by AVEVA NET and makes Digital Asset
information directly available to the project engineer from within
the application itself. It avoids the disruption of leaving the
design application to find and verify information from another
source. The term context refers to the fact that information
presented is only that directly related to the selected object, not
a torrent of mostly irrelevant information.

As Context Technology is progressively rolled out to more

products, convergence will increase between the functions of
AVEVA Engage and these products, enabling the development
of more integrated and efficient working methods.
AVEVA NET technology also enables the integration and
presentation of real-time asset information, from a process data
historian for example. We plan to work with our Owner Operator
customer community to identify the benefits of exposing such
information via AVEVA Engage and, if desirable, to develop
similarly intuitive ways in which to do so.
The excitement of those who have experienced AVEVA
Engage is hard to overstate. Even engineers used to working
with high-quality 3D models have been impressed with its
capabilities. But, importantly, those who have already worked
with pre-release versions on live projects have become still
more enthusiastic as they find decision making so much easier,
quicker and more effective. Ultimately it is all about the bottom
line and, whether through more efficient project execution,
better quality assets or safer operations with less downtime,
our customers confidently expect AVEVA Engage to deliver rapid
ROI to their businesses.
To learn more, visit www.aveva.com/futureofdecisionsupport.
This article was first published in the January 2016 edition of Hydrocarbon Engineering Magazine.

AVEVA Engages touch interface dramatically reduces learning time,

enabling you to more quickly derive value from your Digital Asset.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1




Keeps FZETA at the

Forefront of Structural
Steel Design
FZETA specialises in, and excels at, the kind of complex structural
steel projects that others struggle with. Such competitive advantage
is increasingly valuable as the AEC sector drives towards ever more
sophisticated design, so FZETA needed a tool that would keep them at
the forefront of their industry. They chose AVEVA Bocad.
FZETA recognised that AVEVA Bocads
market-leading power and sophistication
required a longer learning curve, but they
also regarded its long-term advantages
as a decisive investment. Once trained
in its use, the companys designers
confidently and efficiently execute the
most complex projects for a variety of
Results and business benefits
AVEVA Bocads ability to handle a
wide variety of complex designs is an
important business driver, mirroring
FZETAs own unique selling proposition.
While its competitors struggled during
the difficult years following 2007,

FZETAs versatility and large market

footprint enabled it to grow steadily.
Using AVEVA Bocad, FZETA can visualise
the entire 3D model of a structure, to
quickly locate key information such as
weld identification or specific details of
Automatic creation of accurate
production deliverables eliminates
sources of error, helping to keep
the project on schedule. FZETA also
appreciates Bocads powerful clash
detection capabilities; the ability to
specify clash tolerances and accessibility
dimensions reduces checking time and
the risk of costly rework.

Shuttle Bridge People Mover, Venice. Photograph courtesy of FZETA.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

AFD Conference Centre Parcel A.01, Riyadh (exterior, left and interior, right). Photographs courtesy of FZETA.

Key projects
Over the years, FZETAs projects have grown considerably
in both complexity and tonnage. One of its first was the
challenging curved structure of the Tronchetto Bridge in Venice,
comprising multiple unique diaphragm plates and bridles.
AVEVA Bocad enabled an optimum detailing process that not
only saved time but also enabled FZETA to go on to detail many
more bridges of all types.

FZETA was also contracted to detail the roof arches of New

Yorks World Trade Center Transportation Hub. These arches
consist of continuously twisted steel sections that run from one
end of the building to the other.

In 2014, FZETA completed the impressive geodesic roof

structure of The King Abdullah Financial District Conference
Centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. AVEVA Bocad not only handled
all the many complex and unique cylindrical, box beam and
drum node connections, it also automatically generated the
weld preparations and the vast number of detailed section
views needed on the fabrication drawings.

Based near Treviso in northern Italy, FZETA is an innovative
structural detailing company serving international clients on
many prestigious projects across a number of industries,
including architectural, transport, oil & gas and power.

The project clients belief that only AVEVA Bocad could execute
such sophisticated geometry was borne out by on-schedule,
right-first-time production and construction.

Find out more at www.fzeta.com.

Porta Susa Train Station, Turin under construction. Photographs courtesy of FZETA.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


AVEVA Customer Highlights

AVEVA enables our customers to engineer, design and manage increasingly complex projects
and assets for the process plant, power, mining and marine industries. In the past six months,
clients in these industries from around the world have begun, or expanded, their collaboration
with AVEVA in order to better serve their business needs. Here are just a few of the highlights.
To keep up to date, visit www.aveva.com/news.

Statoil signs new multi-year

agreement with AVEVA for
AVEVA Everything3D
AVEVAs flagship, multi-discipline, 3D plant design
solution defines a new strategy for Statoil
AVEVA has entered a multi-year agreement with Statoil
ASA for AVEVA Everything3D (AVEVA E3D). The
Norwegian Energy Owner Operator has selected AVEVA
E3D to be its strategic 3D design software platform.
Following the migration to AVEVA E3D by a number
of other companies, Statoil selected it as the natural
upgrade of its existing design system, AVEVA PDMS.
Statoil will benefit from improved design efficiency and
AVEVA E3Ds simple migration from AVEVA PDMS means
there will be no disruption to existing projects.

Leading EPC company deploys AVEVA Bocad

for efficient structural steel design, detailing and
Following a rigorous competitive evaluation, Kvrner
Verdal AS has selected AVEVA Bocad Steel and AVEVA
Bocad Offshore for use at its design and fabrication
yard in Verdal, Norway. Kvrner required a specialised
structural steel design solution that provided out-of-thebox functionality and powerful integration.
Through the use of AVEVA Bocad Offshore, Kvrner
benefits from software that is specifically created for the
design, detailing and fabrication of all forms of offshore
steel structures.


AVEVAs Integrated Engineering
& Design solution

AVEVA signs new multi-year

agreement with Aker Solutions
for AVEVA Everything3D

AVEVA software is implemented for increased

quality, data reliability and consistency on Mexican
turn-key Cogeneration project

AVEVA establishes long-term partnership

with Aker Solutions for the use of AVEVA
Everything3D as a core part of the companys
strategic design platform

SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT America Latina, is deploying a

fully Integrated Engineering & Design (IE&D) solution for
the first time on a major capital project. AVEVA software
has been used for the Design, Build and Operation of
Cogeneration Ciudad Juarez, an energy generation
system from biogas.
It will benefit from a suite of integrated 2D and
3D applications that improves the consistency of
deliverables across engineering disciplines, while
increasing quality and data reliability.


Kvrner Verdal AS selects


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

AVEVA has entered a multi-year agreement with Aker

Solutions for AVEVA Everything3D (AVEVA E3D). The
Norwegian oil service company has selected AVEVA E3D
to be its strategic 3D tool on plant design, modification
and maintenance projects.
This agreement is a continuation of a long-standing
successful working relationship that spans more than 20

Progen reaps benefits on major

EVONIK project using AVEVA 3D
modelling solution

Brodosplit increases efficiency

with AVEVA Integrated

Leading international EPC uses AVEVA PDMS to

increase quality and efficiency on major chemical
processing contract

AVEVA Marine and AVEVA Enterprise Resource

Management software combine to increase
profitability for Croatian shipyard

Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e Engenharia S.A.

(Progen), a leading Brazilian engineering company,
has gained impressive benefits by using AVEVA PDMS
software on a major greenfield project in Brazil, for
multinational EVONIK.

Brodosplit, a leading Croatian shipyard, has implemented

an AVEVA Integrated Shipbuilding solution. The solution
optimises the design of vessels and offshore assets and
the procurement, material management and production
across the entire shipyard.

We have experienced significant advantages by using

AVEVA PDMS on EVONIKs BOOST project, a new plant
that will produce products for the cosmetics industry,
explained Renato Marquesano, Engineering Systems,

The AVEVA solution will help Brodosplit to reduce project

time, increase productivity and lower production costs.
BrodoSplits key objective was to improve shipyard
efficiency and productivity by selecting AVEVA, said
Robert Peut, R&D Director, Brodosplit.

Spains TSK standardises on

AVEVA Integrated Engineering
& Design for multi-discipline

Leader in Russian metallurgy

and mining market standardises
on AVEVA for 3D design

Multi-discipline integration increases design time

savings and eliminates rework
TSK, Spains leading specialist in Renewable Energy
projects, has selected the AVEVA Integrated Engineering
& Design (IE&D) software solution. Initially requiring a 3D
design tool, TSK was shown the full benefit of AVEVAs
complete IE&D approach.
By integrating all engineering and design disciplines to
share common information, TSK benefits from reduced
design time and the elimination of rework associated
with inconsistent information.

City institution for designing metallurgical plants

adopts AVEVA Everything3D and AVEVA Bocad
LLC City institution for designing metallurgical plants
(MOSGIPROMEZ LLC), a leading design institute in
the Russian iron & steel industry, has implemented
AVEVA Everything3D (AVEVA E3D) and AVEVA Bocad
software. MOSGIPROMEZ LLC recently determined that
the functionality of its previous 2D software could not
meet its rise in project demand or the increase in design
MOSGIPROMEZ LLC needed a solution that could offer
tight integration between plant design and structural
steel detailing in order to increase efficiency and improve
its business process.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


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Gaining the AVEVA

Bocad Advantage
How a progressive
deployment of AVEVA
Bocad has delivered
benefits for Dragados
Offshore S.A.
Ramn Nez Tenorio
Engineering Director,
Dragados Offshore S.A.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

Dragados Offshore S.A. is a leading EPC contractor

for the oil & gas and other energy-related industries.
The company provides comprehensive solutions from
concept to delivery. Its services include: concept design,
detail design, construction engineering, procurement,
construction, transportation, commissioning, offshore
installation, and hook-up of offshore fixed platforms,
offshore floating platforms, offshore wind power,
subsea systems, shallow water pipelines and onshore
modular fabrication.

It also carries out special projects based on large steel

structures, such as structural components for bridges
and dam gates. Efficient execution of such projects
requires both expertise and powerful tools. Faced with
increasingly diverse and complex projects, Dragados
Offshore wanted to upgrade to a design system that
would not only meet its specialised needs but which
would also be flexible enough to enable engineers to
use the same software on different types of projects.
Dragados chose AVEVA Bocad.

Mariner jacket EPC contract for Statoil ready for load-out.

Photograph courtesy of Dragados Offshore S.A.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


Mariner jacket EPC contract for Statoil full 3D detail design. Image courtesy of Dragados Offshore S.A.

Previously, Dragados Offshore had been using AutoCAD for

2D and AVEVA PDMS for 3D work. A survey of steel detailing
solutions led them to AVEVA Bocad, which stood out, not only
for its best-in-class specialised capabilities, but also for being
open and customisable. As an existing user of PDMS, Dragados
Offshore was naturally very interested in the potential for
integrating the two solutions.
The type of complex, high-risk projects in which Dragados
Offshore specialises require complete real-time association
between the 3D model and its 2D deliverables, so that accuracy
is ensured throughout the design and fabrication workflow.
AVEVA Bocad not only maintains such an association, but also
enables designers to use either the 3D or the 2D design views
when editing a design.

Below: Vega Pleyade EPC project for Total full 3D structural detail design.
Image courtesy of Dragados Offshore S.A.

In addition, AVEVA Bocad saves time and eliminates many

sources of errors by automatically generating high-quality,
detailed deliverables that require very little subsequent editing,
if any. Importantly for Dragados, it also offers highly productive
capabilities for efficiently designing specialised structures such
as offshore platforms.
In the contracting business, tendering involves being able to
demonstrate the necessary capabilities. AVEVA Bocads support
for complex geometry eases the process of the first stages of
structural design, allowing Dragados Offshore to respond faster
in the market.
As a result of in-depth research and collaboration between
AVEVA and Dragados, AVEVA Bocad also incorporates valuable
features for fabrication quality assurance, such as the treatment
of welds as tagged objects instead of manual drawing
annotations, and the automatic creation of optimised weld
preparations on even the most complex joints.

Right: Jasmine project fab contract for ConocoPhillips WHP

structural design. Image courtesy of Dragados Offshore S.A.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

This is a clear example of how the know-how

and expertise of Dragados Offshore can be
combined with the potential of AVEVA Bocad to
successfully meet users requirements and to
incorporate new features in response to specific
But capability must be backed up by efficiency,
so AVEVA Bocad enables, not only more
standardisation, but also the reuse of previous
designs and the automation of repetitive
or commonly-used designs by developing
new macros in house. Together, the new
incorporated features and the continuous
in-house improvements provide Dragados
Offshore with a greater competitive advantage,
not only when bidding for new projects, but also
in all their processes.
Implementing any new software solution is
always likely to create disruption. With their
heavy workload and tight project deadlines,
Dragados Offshore chose to play the long game,
implementing AVEVA Bocad progressively over
two-and-a-half years. This phased approach
proved very successful; the design team began
to use the software, enjoying the benefits
of the 3D model and design features, while
experienced users shared their skills and needs
with the AVEVA team on site, to create together
a perfect tool to cover all offshore needs with
little or no disruption to ongoing projects.
Another advantage of this approach was that
it provided the time to fully customise the
software to meet Dragados Offshores specific
requirements. AVEVA worked with the company
to detail the respective needs of the fabricator
and the builder, deciding together which new
features should be implemented into the
software, and how AVEVA Bocads deliverables
could be configured to make their work easier,
reducing errors from fabrication right through to
It took a while to get internal buy-in, said
Ramn Nez, Engineering Director, Dragados
Offshore. We had to adapt our long-established
ways of working. But it was clear to our
management that we had to make the final
switch to 3D, not only because we wanted
to increase our efficiency, but also because
our clients increasingly expect it and we want
to continue growing our business. Once our
designers saw the software and recognised
its potential, they were convinced. Within a
year, we had 70 people fully trained on AVEVA
Bocad and nowadays we have engineers able
to program further customised macros for our

Project successes
AVEVA Bocad has enabled Dragados Offshore to complete,
on time and on budget, a series of extremely complex
projects of unprecedented scale for major clients
worldwide. These projects, outlined below, comprised both
new-build and brownfield work, for hostile environments
such as the North Sea or the Southern Atlantic Ocean.

Mariner: bigger than ever

Statoils Mariner offshore field lies in water depths ranging between
97 and 112 metres, approximately 130 km off the British coast. Its
production platform separates gas and water from the oil before
piping it to an FSU vessel for storage and offloading to shuttle
tankers. Dragados Offshores scope of work included all of the EPC
work, mechanical completion, load-out and sea fastening of the
22,400 tonne Mariner jacket. Delivered in June 2015, this was the
largest jacket ever built at Dragados Offshores Cadiz yard, and the
largest ever commissioned by Statoil.

Vega Pleyade offshore project

Vega Pleyade is a gas field located 20 km offshore Tierra del Fuego,
Argentina. The field is developed by Total Austral with one platform
serving three dry gas wells and piping the gas to the onshore Rio
Cullen plant. Dragados performed the complete EPC project of
the normally unmanned wellhead platform, including full in-house
detail design, covering pre-commissioning and commissioning of
the wellhead platform topsides, four-legged jacket and piles.

Eldfisk 2/7S integrated platform

As part of the Greater Ekofisk Area Development, operated by
ConocoPhillips Scandinavia, Eldfisk 2/7S is an integrated platform
comprising a 154-cabin accommodation module, a wellhead
facility and a processing facility, all supported by an eight-leg
jacket structure. Dragados completed all EPC work on the project,
including onshore commissioning assistance, load-out and sea
fastening of the 13,400 tonne jacket, 4,000 tonne bridge support
jacket and piles.

Jasmine: old and new

The Jasmine field, operated by ConocoPhillips UK, is located
in blocks 30/6 and 30/7 in the British part of the North Sea.
The project will harness the existing processing capacity of the
nearby Judy platform, 240 km east of Aberdeen. The Jasmine
development consists of a wellhead platform with 24 well slots, a
bridge-linked accommodation platform, a multi-phase pipeline that
links Jasmine and Judy, and a brand-new reception and separation
platform at the Judy development, as well as modifications to
Judy to process the additional fluids once Jasmine comes on line.
Dragados undertook the construction and shop engineering of the
project, partial procurement, fabrication, mechanical completion,
pre-commissioning, commissioning, load-out and sea fastening
of the Jasmine wellhead platform topsides (7,425 tonnes), Judy
platform topsides (9,320 tonnes), Jasmine wellhead platform bridge
(590 tonnes) and the Judy platform bridge (895 tonnes).

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


This cooperation between AVEVA Bocad and Dragados Offshore
in increasing the programs features soon showed its worth.
The ability to exchange model data with structural analysis
programs, and to create detailed, multi-discipline models and
accurate layout drawings means better ownership of data, fewer
clashes, less rework in construction and shorter schedules.
Overall, faster and more efficient steel detailing and creation of
fabrication deliverables save Dragados Offshore a considerable
percentage of project time; project quality has also been
improved. On-demand generation of shop-ready fabrication
deliverables makes it possible to delay creation of drawings
and CNC data until the last possible moment before fabrication
must start. The maximum number of design optimisations
can therefore be incorporated to achieve better quality in the
fabricated parts and less rework in construction.
AVEVA Bocads interoperability, both with AVEVAs 3D design
solutions and with third-party software, adds great value to
Dragados Offshores projects. It adds value because it allows
design integration in the first phases of a project and makes
it easier to work on difficult details. In addition, our clients
normally work with PDMS and that creates synergies, continued
Ramn Nez.
Companies using other systems can spend huge amounts
of time manually editing 2D deliverables. But AVEVA Bocads
fabrication drawings and CNC data are automatically generated
and substantially shop-ready. AVEVA Bocads CNC files have
been optimised for all our CNC machines, and new output
types were created to communicate with our automated beam,
plate and pipe/tube cutting robots, Ramn Nez explained.
This investment has greatly enhanced our performance by
eliminating errors and enabling us to reliably deliver on time.
Dragados Offshore S.A. is a results-oriented company,
committed to offering a best-in-class approach to integrated
project execution, safety, quality and schedule compliance,

while maintaining the flexibility to work to each clients specific

needs. It therefore needed a software solution that would
continue to support it as its projects become ever larger,
more complex and more diverse. AVEVA Bocad has proved its
ability to do so and enables Dragados Offshore S.A. to deliver
successfully impressive projects the world over.
It is relevant to state that AVEVAs integrated design and
structural detailing solution (PDMS and Bocad) and the acquired
experience of Dragados Offshore S.A together have provided
maximum benefits from this powerful approach.
About Dragados
Founded in 1972, Dragados Offshore S.A. is a leading
engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor
for the oil & gas and other energy-related industries. Their four
decades of experience in both offshore and onshore projects
give them a solid track record, ensuring their clients that their
most complex and challenging projects will be successfully
planned, executed and delivered.
They are a solutions-based company with a lean and effective
corporate structure that allows them the flexibility to tailor their
work to each clients specific needs, while providing a best-inclass approach to integrated project execution, safety, quality
and schedule compliance. They are committed to excellence in
everything they do.
For more information, visit: www.dragadosoffshore.com.
ACS Group (Actividades de Construccin y Servicios)
Dragados Offshore is part of the ACS Group. Headquartered
in Madrid, Spain, the ACS Group is a global leader in the
development, construction and management of infrastructure
and related services, with operations and offices worldwide and
more than 162,000 employees.
To find out more about ACS and its subsidiaries, please visit the
company website at www.grupoacs.com.

Above: The mariner jacket EPC contract for Statoil. The top view of the modelled pile cluster is shown alongside the fabricated pile cluster. Images courtesy of
Dragados Offshore S.A.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

Talk to us...


2015 Summit Review

Putting the Summit in context
The 2015 AVEVA World Summit was held in Dubai The City of Innovation. Sheikh
Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, recently
announced the Dubai Innovation Strategy, making the city an even more appropriate
setting for the AVEVA World Summit. Hosted at the elegant Grand Hyatt, the event
attracted over 320 AVEVA customer delegates, representing 137 companies from 42
countries around the world.
The Summit programme was designed specifically for senior managers and decision
makers who have responsibility for strategic business operations. With attendees
from EPCs, Owner Operators (OOs) and shipbuilders from across the process plant,
power and marine industries, the Summit agenda provided valuable insights for all
business needs.
Setting the stage
The Summit keynote sessions were presented by Richard Longdon, AVEVAs CEO,
and Danny Forster, the Emmy-award-winning producer and host of the Discovery
Channels Build it Bigger series.
Richard reinforced the importance of the Summit and the unique opportunity it
creates for AVEVA to keep abreast of the evolving requirements of its customers
and for us to work together to meet the increasingly complex challenges that
we all face. He focused on the principle of providing access to critical project and
operational information for all stakeholders throughout the asset life cycle and how
this lies at the very heart of AVEVAs Digital Asset approach.

Danny Forsters very engaging presentation capitalised on the theme of innovation,
sharing his unique insights into the world of engineering. He began with a short
history lesson on architectural design and quickly moved on to some intriguing
contemporary buildings that directly reflect the environmental context in which
they sit. Two excellent examples were the Al Hamra Tower in Kuwait and the Yas
Viceroy Hotel in Abu Dhabi. The Al Hamra was designed to meet the unique climatic
conditions of the gulf state, twisting the structure to shield its glass facade from the
intense heat of the sun. This context-based design approach was also illustrated
by the Yas Viceroy Hotel, with its amazing high-tech armour that protects the
building from direct sunlight while creating a flowing aesthetic that complements the
adjacent F1 race track with amazing coloured light shows in the evenings. Both are
strikingly beautiful buildings and excellent examples of how architects and engineers
can together create structures that respond to the context of their environment.
AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


Delivering innovation
The importance of context within design and engineering, introduced by Danny
Forster, was carried forward in the final AVEVA keynote session entitled Delivering
Innovation. Presented by Dave Wheeldon, AVEVAs CTO, and his Solution Strategy
team, this session introduced four exciting new solutions that work together to
provide individuals with the context-based information they need to make the right
decisions. Using a theme of Data Information Knowledge Action, delegates
were given a unique insight into AVEVAs latest technology.

Integrate your laser

scan data directly within
your plant environment.
Watch the AVEVA E3D
webinar to find out more.

Increase your
knowledge and experience
of AVEVA E3D in a free
Cloud environment.
Register now at

Instantly action
live data and foster
decision support
with AVEVA Engage.

Representing the Data element of the theme was the latest laser scanning
technology that builds on AVEVAs BubbleView functionality to create an even
more powerful HyperBubble capability. This connects individual BubbleViews
to enable users to dynamically move through a laser scanned 3D rendering of an
entire physical site. In addition, laser scanned content can now be removed or
demolished and replaced either with intelligent model components or with local
re-scan data, following modifications, for example.
This led neatly to Information, which was illustrated by the latest release of
AVEVA Everything3D (AVEVA E3D). An enhanced user interface and seamless
integration with the latest laser scanning tools means that users can easily include
laser scanned data directly within their 3D model, giving context to the combined
greenfield and brownfield environments. This is totally integrated within the design
and engineering process, even enabling production drawings to include a mix of
laser data and modelled information. The new laser and AVEVA E3D technologies
would be powerful enough on their own, but the fact that they work together so
harmoniously sets new standards for delivering comprehensive and contextual
information that improves project quality and performance.
This interesting session continued with a review of AVEVAs unique hybrid Cloud
strategy that supports incremental implementation of Cloud technology. Particularly
in our industries, organisations have been hesitant to fully embrace Cloud
technology for a wide variety of reasons. The AVEVA approach enables companies
to overcome their concerns by supporting a combination of on-premises and Cloud
deployments. You can roll out a Cloud environment to meet the pace of your own
business, making the Knowledge provided by AVEVAs software available when
and where you need it. Delegates were also invited to participate in the recently
launched AVEVA Experience, a free Cloud-based training resource for AVEVA E3D.
Those who register for AVEVA Experience will be given hands-on access to AVEVA
E3D running in the Cloud. You can see for yourself the advanced capabilities of
AVEVA E3D while evaluating the performance and flexibility of a Cloud environment.
But the highlight of this session was surely the formal launch of AVEVA Engage,
AVEVAs powerful and intuitive decision support application. Using touch-screen
technology, AVEVA Engage puts your 3D model and all of its associated Digital Asset
content literally at your fingertips. Models can be explored and interrogated in real
time, instantly presenting contextualised business-critical information. This groundbreaking new application improves the quality of decision making, enabling both
project managers and asset operators to take rapid and accurate Action.
From Data to Action, AVEVA clearly demonstrated to the Summit audience its
commitment to delivering innovation across the asset life cycle.
More in-depth information on the subjects presented in the opening keynote was
provided in later sessions, together with other AVEVA presentations on CAPEX
optimisation, brownfield engineering, structural steel detailing, Enterprise Resource
Management, and constructing a Digital Asset for operations and brownfield


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

Real-world customer stories

AVEVA greatly values the very active participation of its customers each year at the
Summit and 2015 was no exception. We had an impressive list of 20 customers
and partners from around the world presenting their individual stories. EDF
Energy-NNB Generation and Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy both shared their project
and operational experiences in the nuclear power industry. Codelco, Sinopec,
Suncor and Total reviewed their experiences of using AVEVA NET within their
Information Management strategies across different industries and four different
continents. Toshiba Plant Systems & Services, L&T Valdel Engineering and Technip
Geoproduction also had insightful stories to tell about their use of AVEVA products
to create an Integrated Engineering and Design strategy.
Technip France and Petrofac presented on the modularisation of Mega Projects
using applications such as AVEVA Engineering, while Jacobs and D3SCOM
discussed their use of laser scanning technology in brownfield operations. We were
particularly pleased to have Shell share independent initiatives they have been
working on to improve information standards in the OO industry, while Byzantec
provided an overview of their experience with AVEVAs recently acquired ProCon
contract management software from 8over8.
The marine-specific topics were equally enlightening, with presentations on
Lean shipyard design and production from Sumitomo Heavy Industries and, on a
related subject, Arctech focused on the benefits of Lean Construction using AVEVA
Marine. International Contract Engineering explained their use of AVEVA Global
to control costs and integrate project teams across multiple continents, and EXMAR
Offshore demonstrated their innovative approach to project optimisation on
complex semi-submersible platforms and vessels.
While the challenges and AVEVA product conversations were different for each
customer, the theme of contextualisation continued to emerge as a key advantage.
The project predictability and operational reliability achieved using AVEVA
technology invariably came down to having the right information within a
consistent context, enabling accurate and timely decisions.
Networking and exhibition
Even though the Summit agenda was bursting with excellent sessions, there was
still ample time for networking and technology demonstrations. An exhibition area,
featuring software and hardware from AVEVA and its partners, was open during
social activities, breaks and lunch, enabling delegates to get some hands-on time
with the technology and make new industry contacts. The exhibition area buzzed
with activity around demonstration areas for AVEVA software and from technology
sponsors Capgemini, EMC, GF Piping Systems, Leica Geosystems, Orinox, Riegl and
Trimble. However, the star of the show was undoubtedly the Microsoft 84-inch, 4K
Surface Hub touch-screen running AVEVA Engage.
This outstanding AVEVA World Summit brought the innovation story full circle,
closing with the traditional look into the AVEVA technology laboratory to see what
the future might hold. Arne Winkler, AVEVAs Deputy CTO, discussed technology
trends and provided a glimpse into some of the exciting projects that AVEVA is
exploring. It was an inspiring view of how we may be continuing to meet the needs
and aspirations of our customers over the next five years.

The AVEVA product

experience was fantastic.
Shivanand Kurabetti,

The interaction with

AVEVA gave us the
opportunity to create new
opportunities for growth
Kimberly Vaccaro,

This was really a

session for getting
motivation and to
understand how other
companies think, work and
see the future.
Elinor Meling

The 2015 AVEVA World Summit was an enjoyable and

very productive conference for delegates and AVEVA
alike. To ensure you dont miss the 2016 Summit,
register your interest at www.avevaworld.com.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


Tell us what you think...


Delivering the
Digital Asset
How AVEVA technology is enabling a world-class
design and management team to deliver Digital
Assets to Russias oil & gas industry
Elena Kolesnikova
Marketing Manager
Russia & CIS, AVEVA

Right: Combined LK-2B Unit.

Image courtesy of Lengiproneftechim.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

LLC Lengiproneftechim is one of the leading providers

of engineering services for Russias oil refinery and
petrochemical industries. In 2009 Lengiproneftechims
Executive Board launched a strategic programme
of investment in world-class capabilities. Today, its
extensive adoption of AVEVA technology, combined
with best-practice methodologies in engineering, design
and project management, have made the company a
committed and successful exponent of the Digital Asset
approach in the Russian oil & gas engineering industry.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


As part of the companys long-term development strategy,

Mikhail Lebedskoy-Tambiev was appointed to the position of
General Director in 2012. He told us about the direction in which
he and the Executive Board were taking the business, and the
success they had already achieved. In 2009, the Board decided
to adopt AVEVA technology as the design platform to achieve
their objectives in engineering and design capabilities. There
were two main reasons for this. First, we had to move away
from a piecemeal approach to design automation and establish
the 3D model as the primary data source for all functional
departments. The second reason was to achieve much more
concurrent workflows, reduce the number of approvals
bottlenecks and shorten project schedules. Together, these
improvements would enable us to improve design quality and
deliver better projects quickly and at a lower cost to clients,
explained Mikhail.
The strategy is clearly working. Today Lengiproneftechim
counts a great many major Russian oil refineries as satisfied
customers and Mikhails leadership was recently recognised by
his being awarded the Russian Federation Government Prize
for science and technology achievements. This success has
been built on an extensive AVEVA deployment which includes
AVEVA Everything3D (AVEVA E3D), AVEVA Diagrams, AVEVA
Global, AVEVA Instrumentation, AVEVA Review and AVEVA
NET Portal. In addition to process, piping and instrumentation
disciplines the companys engineers customised their AVEVA
E3D installation for structural and steelwork design to enable
the construction department specialists to be fully involved in
the 3D design process. Today, they are further expanding their
AVEVA toolset with AVEVA Electrical and AVEVA Engineering.
Sergey Lebedev, AVEVAs Area Operations Manager, Russia
& CIS, told us, Lengiproneftechim is a company focused on
continual development and well aware that the better it serves
its customers, the stronger its reputation in the EPC market.
We are proud that AVEVA has become such a good partner
to Lengiproneftechim and has contributed to its excellent
reputation. The companys success clearly illustrates the
benefits to both contractor and client of Digital Assets created
by design engineers. We often find that it is the ability to
create and deliver a Digital Asset that is decisive when Owner
Operators choose a design contractor, because its use saves
time and cost both during the project and throughout the
assets life cycle.

We often find that it is the ability

to create and deliver a Digital
Asset that is decisive when
Owner Operators choose a
design contractor, because its use
saves time and cost both during
the project and throughout the
assets life cycle...

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

Yes, added Mikhail, full integration of all digital model data

and development processes is the basis of our entire business
Alexandra Miroshnichenko, AVEVAs Technical Manager, Russia &
CIS, has worked closely with Lengiproneftechim and gave some
insights into the companys approach to its use of technology.
A distinctive feature of this very creative team is its thoughtful
approach to all tasks, he explained. Special attention is paid
to automating the more routine procedures, so as to reduce
engineers workloads and make it easier for them to achieve
high quality, clash-free designs. Not only do they strive to use
the full functionalities of each AVEVA application, they have also
very carefully explored the integration between them. Properly
designed workflows enable all the project participants to work
in a unified information space, so that they can access relevant
information, monitor changes and release accurate design
documentation, as well as collaborate efficiently with other
EPCs on joint projects. Lengiproneftechim has been one of the
most striking examples of the successful implementation of
AVEVA solutions in our region.

Dmitry Pavlenko, Head of Lengiproneftechims CAD department

agreed. When creating the Combined Unit No. 4 model for the
Tuapse refinery, we created our own utilities to automate many
of our routine repetitive tasks. This saved significant time and
allowed our designers to focus fully on the engineering tasks.
This project was also the first time we tested AVEVA NET Portal
for effective interaction with Owner Operators. We uploaded
the Tuapse refinery project data and provided our customer
with full access to the intelligent 3D model. They subsequently
used this model for staff training and skills development.
Mikhail added: We need solution vendors offering an open
approach that enables the integration of data regardless of what
it was created in. Thats why we are so encouraged by working
with AVEVAs specialists. Increasingly, we find the use of 3D
technologies for design and engineering data management is a
key requirement when developing engineering projects. So we
can see that investments in AVEVA solutions are investments in
our sustainable future.
Today, Lengiproneftechims management is confident that
no challenge is beyond such a professional team. They are
completely committed to AVEVAs Digital Asset approach for
plant engineering and have a clear vision for the companys
long-term development through a combination of leadingedge technology and a growing team of creative and highly
motivated specialists.

Mikhail is justifiably proud

of what the company
has achieved under his
leadership. We have a
lot to be proud of: a rich
seventy-year history of
industrial achievements
and a highly qualified team
who show extraordinary
abilities and initiative.
Today, our integration of
new technology with bestpractice working methods
and modern management
Mikhail Lebedskoy-Tambiev, General
practices has enabled us to
Director at Lengiproneftechem. Photo
courtesy of Lengiproneftechim.
consistently deliver on-time,
high-quality and profitable
projects to a growing customer base. I am very optimistic about
the companys long-term future.
About LLC Lengiproneftechim
Founded in 1945, LLC Lengiproneftechim initially specialised
in gas plants, expanding into oil industry projects in the 1950s.
It is today an important subsidiary of OJSC Surgutneftegaz,
one of Russias major vertically-integrated oil and gas
producers. Through establishing strong partnerships with
leading Russian and foreign Owner Operators it has built up
an impressive project portfolio. Within the Russian oil refining
industry its customers include: LLC PO Kirishinefteorgsintez,
LLC RN-Tuapse Refinery, the Yaysky Refinery Branch of CJSC
NefteKhimService, LLC Severny Kuzbass Refinery, LLC Ilsky
Refinery, JSC TATNEFT and JSC Achinsk Refinery. For more
information please visit www.lgnch.spb.ru.

Combined LK-2B Unit. Image

courtesy of Lengiproneftechim.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1



Deltamarin Poland
Benefits by Migrating
from Tribon to

AVEVA Marine

Deltamarins office in Poland had been a long-established user of the Tribon

design solution. However, as client demands continued to grow for more
advanced and complex vessels, Deltamarin Poland quickly decided to
migrate to AVEVA Marine to increase its capabilities and gain the efficiency
advantages of a next-generation solution which was rapidly becoming the
industry standard.
From the extensive AVEVA Marine
product portfolio, Deltamarin Polands
selection included AVEVA Hull Structural
Design, AVEVA Hull Detailed Design
and AVEVA Surface Manager. For
piping, cabling and equipment layout
they are using AVEVA Outfitting, with
AVEVA Marine Drafting being used for
the creation of deliverables.

Results and business benefits

Almost immediately, AVEVA Marine
enabled closer and easier collaboration
between designers in Deltamarin
Polands hull and piping departments.
And, as one of the first users of AVEVA
Outfitting, the company was able to be
a front runner in developing valuable

Completed Eckert Oldendorff B.Delta37 open hatch general cargo carrier.

Photograph courtesy of Oldendorff Carriers.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

AVEVA Marine also enables Deltamarin Poland to further

develop its proprietary expertise through the easy
development of custom macros to cater for specific
project or user needs.

Various renderings of the Arctech NB510 icebreaker created using AVEVA


As hull and outfitting design are now tightly integrated,

clashes can be quickly identified and eliminated, which
streamlines the design process. AVEVA Marine also
enables engineers from multiple locations to work on
the same model; Deltamarin retains full control over the
model as it develops.Throughout the workflow, AVEVA
Marine increases efficiency and quality.
It can automatically generate an easy-to-understand
error report that enables Deltamarin Polands engineers
to eliminate design mistakes before the fabrication
stage. Deltamarin Poland has benefitted from offering its
customers higher-quality production information in other
ways as well: for example, they can now precisely define
plate- and pipe-bending parameters according to the
individual machines to be used.
Standard construction elements, such as brackets,
cut-outs, notches and clips can be easily created, while
AVEVA Marines powerful parts-nesting application
ensures that they can be efficiently cut from the
minimum quantity of raw plate. This has reduced costly
post-fabrication rework and materials wastage for
Deltamarin Polands customers; a strong selling point for
the design firm.

Diesel-electric machinery, powering twin podded-type rudder propellers fore

and aft for propulsion. Image courtesy of Deltamarin Poland.

The vessel is intended for year-round independent operation in thick first-year

ice. Image courtesy of Deltamarin Poland.

In their daily work, engineers can readily optimise the onscreen layout of toolbars and icons to cater for specific
tasks or personal preferences. Deltamarin Poland can
now speed up its design work through the use of a batch
system for modelling structures. But, as design is by
nature an iterative process, AVEVA Marine also makes it
easy to progressively refine a design by changing pipe
sizes and specifications, and easily adjusting equipment
positions and pipe routings.
Key projects
Deltamarin Poland, together with Deltamarin Finland,
has prepared the 3D model of machinery, piping and
outfitting for Arctechs NB510 icebreaker.
Due for delivery in 2016, the vessel will be operated by
the Finnish Transport Agency in the Baltic and will be the
first LNG-powered icebreaker ever built. The vessel will
be able to move continuously through ice up to 1.6 m
thick, and the service speed of the vessel in open water
will be 16 knots.
Other important projects include:
z The B.Delta bulk carrier series project, in which
Deltamarin Poland played an important role in both
class and detail design phases.
z Oldendorff B.Delta37 open hatch general cargo carrier
vessel; Deltamarin Poland provided basic design with
an extensive package of hull strength calculations.

Owner of the vessel is the Finnish Transport Agency. Operation area is the Baltic
Sea, especially Bothnian Bay. Image courtesy of Deltamarin Poland.

About Deltamarin
Deltamarin Sp.z o.o. is a subsidiary of Deltamarin Ltd., Finland, a ship
design, offshore engineering and construction group operating in
the marine and offshore industries worldwide. The Groups services
include the full range of consulting, design and engineering, as well as
procurement, construction and installation. All phases and all disciplines
in new building and conversion projects are covered, as well as project
management and operational support. Deltamarins customers include
major international ship owners, offshore contractors, shipyards, and
equipment and system suppliers.
Find out more at www.deltamarin.com.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


Want to comment?


Striking a Rich Vein

How new functionality in AVEVA Everything3D
will help the mining industry survive tough times


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

Minerals mining and processing has an undeserved image of

being an unsophisticated, low-tech industry. Today, nothing
could be further from the truth. Profitably winning increasing
quantities of primary commodities against a backdrop of
falling world prices, less accessible resources and increasingly
stringent environmental constraints demands very
sophisticated engineering.
Sound familiar? If you work in the oil & gas industry it certainly
will, and most other primary producers have long faced similar

Meeting these challenges has driven the development of

increasingly powerful engineering and design software. AVEVAs
flagship multi-discipline design software, AVEVA Everything3D
(AVEVA E3D), enables the most productive integrated
engineering and design processes for the power, oil & gas and
process plant industries.
Now its latest release has added a wide range of tools that are
specifically designed for the mining and minerals industries
and which will give them a much-needed boost in capabilities,
efficiency and productivity.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


Above: AVEVA E3Ds mining ribbon bar for creation, modification and manipulation of conveyor
arrangements and other parametric equipment.

Above and below: AVEVA E3D includes different conveyor arrangements design with a friendly
and comprehensive interface.

It could hardly come at a better time;

commodity prices have been falling
since 2010. When you cannot control
your output prices you can only survive
by driving down your costs. This means
focusing on core business, increasing
productivity and efficiency in existing
operations, carefully selecting new
projects and executing these on time and
on budget. AVEVA E3Ds new features
support this strategy in the vital minerals
Sounds great, but what is it?
Part of AVEVAs Integrated Engineering
& Design (IE&D) solution, AVEVA E3D
combines the latest 3D graphics, laser
scanning and user interface technologies
with state-of-the-art data management
to deliver the most comprehensive,
productive and tightly integrated 3D
design solution available. Extremely
powerful, but quick to learn and easy to
use, it enables fully clash-free designs
to be created accurately and efficiently,
ensuring minimal rework on site.
For our mining customers, this
productivity is now increased with new
features that include:
z A utility for conveyor design that creates
basic conveyor arrangements directly
from calculation reports. With a friendly,
intuitive interface for adjusting design
options and parameters, it enables
rapid preliminary conveyor sizing and
bulk handling estimates. Belt conveyors
can be quickly modelled within the
3D environment and orientated in any
direction. Drawings and Bills of Materials
(BOMs) are generated within minutes
instead of days.

Above: Imported terrain to create an AVEVA E3D object with contour lines that is modifiable
and reportable.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

z Parametric templates for the efficient

design of the most common types
of chutes, hoppers and major pieces
of equipment. Simply by choosing
appropriate options and setting key
parameters, a designer can save many
hours as the software automatically
generates the new equipment item
in the design project. The time this
saves enables easier evaluation of
alternative layouts and faster initial
cost estimates. The use of a shared
database enables equipment, chutes
or hoppers to be created once and
then reused (or adapted) as needed on
any number of projects. Unnecessary
design duplication and redrawing are

z Terrain modelling. Unlike other kinds of project, mining

projects are inherently a feature of their surrounding
landscape. AVEVA E3D now reflects this by enabling a
designer to work with both the engineering design and the
terrain itself in the same 3D design environment. The terrain
can be marked up with civil infrastructure, cuts, fills and
other relevant information. Drawings can be extracted with
elevations and tagged contour curves.

For the engineering contractor, AVEVA E3D provides

competitive advantage, enabling a project to be delivered more
quickly and at lower cost. Those who specialise in minerals
processing projects will benefit from building up a proprietary
resource of parametric design modules that can be readily
reused. Contractors tackling a mining project for the first time
will find the specialist features a valuable means of reducing risk
on an unfamiliar type of project.

AVEVA E3D is interoperable with AVEVA Bocad, enabling

structural standards and fabrication design details to be
effortlessly exchanged between the two systems. This saves
time in fabrication detailing and enables the early elimination
of steelwork design clashes, accurate steel BOM estimates and
accurate fabrication.

For the mine operator, benefits begin to accrue from being able
to achieve full production earlier. But handling and processing
facilities need continual, and often quite extensive, modification
and upgrade, both because a mine changes physically and
because the characteristics of the ore can change as the pit
is worked. Such projects can be quite disruptive, so executing
them quickly requires both efficient tools and an accurate
knowledge of the as-operating facility. Often, the existing
installation has no 3D model to work with. This limitation can
now be overcome at low cost by 3D scanning, creating new
design in AVEVA E3D and incorporating the scan view directly
into the 2D construction drawings, using the new Laser in
Draw function. The result is that an expansion or modification
project can be planned with confidence and executed with
minimal disruption to the mines output.

Laser technology
An important capability that AVEVA E3D provides is to exploit
the rich data that can be obtained by 3D laser scanning. As
scanners have become ever more versatile, powerful, easy
to use and affordable, AVEVA and LFM Software have led the
way with similar advances in the software to take advantage of
them. AVEVA E3D integrates photorealistic laser scans (known
as BubbleViews) in the 3D design environment, enabling a
designer to align 3D model elements accurately with existing
This offers many advantages. For example, fabrication must
often take place at considerable distances from the operational
site. The costs and delays of incorrect fabrication can therefore
seriously hamper a project. AVEVA E3Ds support for laser
scanning means that fabrications can be scanned quickly
and cheaply at the fabricator site and the data sent directly
to the design team for verification against the 3D model. Any
necessary corrections can be made quickly and cheaply before
dispatch to site, enabling right-first-time construction.
Mining the benefits
AVEVA E3Ds new industry-specific utilities, functions,
templates, catalogues and terrain functions immediately
remove the need for time-consuming workarounds to
overcome the limitations of general-purpose CAD systems. This
alone saves valuable time and cost, not only in the design phase
but also in the fabrication and construction phases, because
better-quality deliverables and more accurate BOMs can be
created directly from the definitive 3D model. Importantly, it
also enables pre-feasibility work to be carried out more quickly
and thoroughly, reducing commercial risk.
By integrating topographic data and civil engineering into
the 3D model, errors due to miscommunication between the
disciplines is reduced and the overall layout can incorporate
essential features such as access roads, or obstacles such
as rivers. But it also enables the more effective presentation
of a project proposal to key stakeholders such as investors,
regulatory authorities, local, regional or national governments,
or local communities. This capability is now made even more
effective with the introduction of AVEVA Engage, which
provides powerful hands-on manipulation and interrogation of a
complex 3D model and its associated engineering information.

Above: Major mining equipment inside AVEVA E3Ds design template

library with customisable parameters.

Taking mining into a new era

The minerals processing industry is becoming increasingly
sophisticated and efficient through the application of innovative
technologies in many areas. Now AVEVA E3D brings to it many
powerful design and engineering tools pioneered and proven
in demanding sectors such as oil & gas, complemented by
dedicated functions specially developed for its unique needs.
The minerals industry is an important part of AVEVAs customer
community and is vital to the global economy. This exciting
advance in our flagship software product demonstrates our
commitment to this industry, which will continue to gain even
more capabilities from AVEVA technology.
To learn more about AVEVA E3D, please visit

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1



Be Part of the Growing

AVEVA World Community!
2015 saw a record number of regional AVEVA World events take place around the world. Attended by hundreds of representatives
from our customer community, these events provide a unique opportunity to hear about the latest developments from AVEVA
staff, see the latest AVEVA products being demonstrated, discuss key industry issues and network with professionals from your
local market. Regional AVEVA World events that took place in 2015 included:

Very enjoyable
and relaxed

AVEVA World AVEVA Everything3D Workshop

9 January 2015 | Vungtau, Vietnam
AVEVA World Nordic User Meeting 2015
1314 January 2015 | Oslo, Norway
AVEVA World User Meeting Abu Dhabi
23 February 2015 | Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

A great
to learn
about AVEVA

AVEVA World User Meeting Dubai

23 February 2015 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
AVEVA World UK User Meeting 2015
1425 February 2015 | Surrey, United Kingdom
AVEVA World Russia & CIS User Meeting 2015
2224 April 2015 | Saint Petersburg, Russia
AVEVA World Finland User Meeting 2015
78 May 2015 | Tampere, Finland
AVEVA World User Meeting Sweden & Denmark
2122 May 2015 | Copenhagen, Denmark
AVEVA World France User Meeting 2015
18 June 2015 | Paris, France
AVEVA World Spain User Meeting 2015
25 June 2015 | Madrid, Spain
AVEVA World Integrated Power Seminar
26 June 2015 | Hanoi, Vietnam


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

This was the

first AVEVA
event I had
attended and
I was very

AVEVA World Technology Day

AVEVA World DACH User Meeting 2015

29 June | Vadodara, India

2426 September 2015 | Potsdam, Germany

AVEVA World Greater China User Meeting 2015

AVEVA World User Group

1417 July 2015 | Guilin, China

30 September 2015 | Perth, Australia

AVEVA World Conference

AVEVA World Technology Day

5 August 2015 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

9 October 2015 | Hyderabad, India

AVEVA World User Meeting LatAm 2015

AVEVA World Bocad User Meeting 2015

6 August 2015 | So Paulo, Brazil

12 November 2015 | Essen, Germany

AVEVA World Conference

AVEVA World Technology Day

12 August 2015 | Jakarta, Indonesia

17 November 2015 | Miri, Malaysia

AVEVA World Technology Day

AVEVA World North America User Meeting 2015

28 August 2015 | Mumbai, India

1719 November 2015 | New Orleans, USA

AVEVA World Italy User Meeting 2015

AVEVA World Poland User Meeting 2015

15 September 2015 | Bologna, Italy

1820 November 2015 | Katowice, Poland

A great chance to meet

other users in our industry
and to get an update on
new developments in
AVEVA tools

AVEVA World User Meeting SEE 2015

2325 November 2015 | Felsotarkany, Hungary
AVEVA World Korea User Group
2627 November 2015 | Busan, South Korea
AVEVA World Owner Operator Industry Day
30 November 2015 | Brisbane, Australia

AVEVA World Japan User Group 2015

3 December 2015 | Yokohama, Japan

To find out more about the regional AVEVA World events

taking place in 2016, visit www.avevaworld.com/events.
AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


Get involved...


3D model of the OCP slurry pipeline project in Morocco. Image courtesy of Tekfen Engineering.

How AVEVAs Solutions

Have Revolutionised the
Way the Industry Works
Innovation, a competitive advantage for Tekfen Engineering
Keeping in regular contact with our customers is
essential, both to ensure that they are able to make full
and effective use of our products and to understand
how AVEVA can support their business aspirations.
It also means that we learn quickly of the successes
that AVEVA technology has brought them. Tekfen
Engineering is a multi-disciplinary Engineering,
Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM)
contractor and the largest engineering company
in Turkey. The company maintains its leadership in
this sector by continually investing in software and
engineering tools to handle increasingly demanding
projects. It therefore became an early adopter of AVEVA
Everything3D (AVEVA E3D). Two years on, we were
impressed to learn from Mr Tolga Timirci, Plant Layout
and Piping Department Manager at Tekfen, of the
success that this quickly brought them.

This investment made Tekfen the first EPCM in Turkey to

offer integrated laser scanning and 3D design as part of its
capabilities. AVEVA E3D and LFMs laser scanning software have
revolutionised the way we work, explained Mr Timirci. Being
able to work with such integrated solutions makes the design
and construction process much easier.

Andrea Topet Bisbiglio

Creation & Digital Media Specialist, AVEVA

How have AVEVA E3D and LFM changed the way the industry
In the past, during the construction process we used to have
to send two, three or even four members of our team on site,
doing jobs such as revisions and piping changes manually, he


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

The new AVEVA technology quickly began to play a key role in

Tekfens business. AVEVA E3D brought capabilities that enabled
Tekfens designers to interact with 3D models in ways not
previously possible. The ability for the designers to work with
the laser scan and the 3D model in the same environment has
ensured they can see exactly how the new plant or modification
will match with the existing site situation. This means that any
potential problems are solved in the design office long before
they reach the construction site. The full software migration
gave Tekfen new opportunities to improve its processes,
delivering excellent results on a number of important plant
projects. Mr Timirci explained how.

From left: Emre zsoy, AVEVA Country Manager; Alparslan Gre, Tekfen General Manager, and Tolga Timirci, Tekfen Plant Layout and Piping Department Manager.

In many cases, we found that trying to solve one

problem just created another one. A common example
was, when going to install a pipe, no one knew exactly
where the next pipe would be, which could cause
major disruptions and long hours of work to solve the
problem. Now a single series of scans can be produced
quickly and cost-effectively; these scans can then be
brought back into the 3D modelling environment to
enable the designer to see the exact site situation.
These new and more efficient design tools have
reduced inconsistencies and data loss, helping us to
move projects more quickly into production with far
less on-site problem solving and rework.
Nowadays, the whole process is very smooth,
organised, and more cost- and time-effective. Revision
work has decreased and the quality of the work has
increased. And because we are able to have a broader
view of the whole project in advance, we can anticipate
many potential problems and put a plan into action to
avoid or solve them without causing any disruption
or delays. BubbleView enables us not just to spot
problems but, if there are any, it also helps us plan how
to overcome them, Mr Timirci added.
Measurable benefits of using AVEVA E3D
Mr Timirci went on to highlight a number of impressive
benefits that Tekfen had gained, including:
z A 60% reduction in engineering man-hours for
drawing production on an NPK plant revamp.
z Shaving three months off the survey time on a
z About 30% less on-site rework compared to similar
previous projects.
z Significantly reduced installation errors by using
AVEVA Review in the design stage.
z Reduction of potential Health & Safety hazards
arising from engineering decisions being based on
incomplete or inaccurate information.
z New standards have been set for delivering
comprehensive and contextual information that
improves project quality and performance.

3D model of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) plant in Turkey.

Images courtesy of Tekfen Engineering.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


3D model image of the LPG terminal in Port Sudan. Image courtesy of Tekfen Engineering.

AVEVA has represented a great investment for us, continued

Mr Timirci, as it is constantly innovating, bringing new solutions
and new updates which have enabled us to respond to our
customers demands for having integrated software. This is
why over the years we have progressively adopted a number
of AVEVAs Integrated Engineering & Design solutions, such as
AVEVA Diagrams, AVEVA Instrumentation, AVEVA Electrical
and now AVEVA E3D. We will soon start to also use AVEVA
So we have now achieved seamless integration across multiple
disciplines, from engineering to the design process. I am
particularly excited by our new ability to create construction
drawings that include a mixture of laser scanned and modelled
information, he concluded.

Laser scan data integrated with the 3D model image of the Toros Tarim
Samsun fertiliser plant. Image courtesy of Tekfen Engineering.


AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

Key projects
Tekfen uses multiple AVEVA solutions when managing
greenfield and brownfield projects across a wide range of areas
within the upstream/downstream oil & gas, pipeline and power
plants and infrastructure sectors.
The Toros Tarim Samsun fertiliser plant development in
Tekkeky, Turkey, was one of Tekfens most significant projects.
Representing an investment of over USD 300 million, it began
in 2012 and was completed in 2016. The project scope included
new sulphuric and phosphoric acid plants, which involved
the revamping of the existing nitrogen, phosphorus and
pottassium (NPK) plant, the addition of raw material handling
systems, a new sulphur and phosphate storage warehouse, and
interconnected piping.

Rendered model image of the Toros Tarim Samsun fertiliser plant. Image
courtesy of Tekfen Engineering.

The OCP slurry pipeline project in Morocco. Image courtesy of Tekfen Engineering.

Other distinguished projects on which AVEVAs latest

technology has been used include:
z Various plant revamp projects in Turkey, including refineries.
z A solvent recovery plant for AKSA in Turkey.
z Basic and detailed engineering of a cogeneration power plant
in Turkey.
z The second phase of the Sangachal gas terminal project in
z An LPG terminal in Port Sudan.
z An OCP slurry pipeline project in Morocco.
z The Maritza East 1 lignite-fired power plant in Bulgaria.

About Tekfen Engineering

Established in 1984, Tekfen Engineering is a multi-disciplinary
EPCM company active in the oil & gas, power plant and
infrastructure industries. Having enjoyed increasing demand
for its services since 2010, particularly on brownfield projects,
Tekfen Engineerings main challenge was to maintain its
competitive advantage by continually improving the speed,
quality and profitability of its projects. In order to keep ahead
of this challenge, Tekfen Engineering migrated to AVEVA E3D,
becoming Turkeys first provider of 3D laser scanning services
within the plant engineering sector. The company completed its
first laser scan project in 2013.
To find out more, visit www.tekfenengineering.com.tr.

The Tekfen design office at the companys head office in Turkey. Photograph courtesy of Tekfen Engineering.

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


AVEVA Welcomes Our

New Customers in 2015
AVEVA enables our customers to engineer, design and manage increasingly complex projects
and assets for the process plant, power, mining and marine industries. We aspire to build
long-term relationships with the companies we serve and are proud to add the following new
customers to the AVEVA community in 2015.
Ace Engineering Co., Ltd., Korea
Advanced Watertek, United Arab Emirates
AGIR, France
Alliance 4D Consultoria e Projetos de
Engenharia Ltda, Brazil
Al Odan Sons and Company, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
Amana Pipeline Construction - Dubai
Office, United Arab Emirates
American Tower Corp, USA
Anhui Huadong Chemical and Medical
Engineering Co., Ltd., China
Arab Shipbuilding and Repair Yard
Company, Bahrain
Arabian International Company, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia
Archidom KonstrUnited Kingdomcje
Budowlane Maciej Zawada, Poland
ArchiRodon Construction Overseas Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
AREVA NP Uddcomp AB, Sweden
AREVA Taishan Contracts Performance
Department, China
Aristi Projects and Engineering Pvt. Ltd.,
Armada Cabaca Ltd, Malaysia
Armada Dinamik Resources Sdn Bhd,
Armada Madura EPC Limited, Malaysia
Artelia, United Arab Emirates
ASP Rhne Alpes, France
Atec, Italy
Atkins Denmark A/S, Oil & Gas division,
AUSAY, France
Axima Concept, Malaysia
Balfour Beatty | Services | Power T&D,
United Kingdom
Beijing Sanlian Hope Shin-Gosen Technical
Service Co., Ltd., China
Beijing Shenkeyushi Information
Technology Co., Ltd., China
Biprotech Sp. z o.o., Poland
Borsig Process Heat Exchanger GmbH,
Bosch Project, South Africa
Box Encapsulation Plant Delivery Team
(BEP), United Kingdom
B.P. Niebudek 2 sp. z o.o. spolka
komandytowa, Poland

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1

British Pipeline Agency Limited, United

Brownfield Solutions, Canada
BSG Metallbau GmbH, Germany
BSiPE Energoprojekt-Poznan S.A., Poland
Burrow Global Technical Solutions, USA
BUTEC S.A.L, Lebanon
BW Offshore Singapore Pte Ltd.,
BW Offshore USA Management, USA
Cadvista Project Inc., Canada
Capital Engineering Corp, Canada
LTD., China
China Chemical Engineering Second
Construction Corporation, China
China Merchants Heavy Industry (Jiangsu)
Co., Ltd., China
China Nuclear 404 Co., Ltd. No. 4 Branch,
Chongqing Chuanwei Petrochemical
Engineering Co., Ltd., China
CMPC Celulose Riograndense Ltda, Brazil
CNOOC Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing Branch, China
Consrcio Potencial Engecampo, Brazil
Construcciones Electromecanicas Delcrosa
S.A, Peru
Construcciones TOYPAV S.A de C.V.,
Contract Design Northern (Ltd.), United
Cutech Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, India
Cylingas Company LLC, United Arab
Daikin MR Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan
Dalian Jiang He Ship Design Co., Ltd., China
Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Corporation
(Group) Engineering Co., Ltd., China
Decatech Corporation, Korea
Degremont, Oman
Denka Performance Elastome, USA
DF Engineering GmbH, Switzerland
Doris Engenharia Angola Ltda, Angola
DP Clen Tech Sp. z o.o., Poland

Eastman Chemical Company, USA

Eggersmann Anlagenbau Kompoferm
Polska sp. z o.o., Poland
ELECTROMONTAJ S.A., Sediul central,
Encotec, Azerbaijan
Engineers and Constructors, USA
EPC Group, Germany
ETDI Duque de Caxias SPE Ltda, Brazil
Etteplan Oyj, Finland
EWK Inc., Korea
Exon Tech Ltd, United Kingdom
FabTech International, United Arab Emirates
FATA EPC (Power), Italy
FMT Engineers Pvt Ltd, India
Franz Kassecker GmbH, Germany
Fuji Technical Research Inc., Japan
Gemini Corp, Canada
GHI FormWorks, United Arab Emirates
Gipromez, Russia
Gmunu, Nigeria
Gonvarri MS Colombia S.A.S, Colombia
Gow Services de Mexico S.A de C.V., Mexico
Grandweld Shipyards, United Arab Emirates
Guilin University of Technology, China
Gulf Jyoti International, United Arab
Heavy Engineering Industries and
Shipbuilding Company, Kuwait
Hess Exploration & Production Malaysia BV,
Hunan Baili Engineering Sci&Tech Co., Ltd.,
Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co.,
Ltd., Korea
IHI Transport Machinery Co., Ltd., Japan
IMPAC Nigeria, Nigeria
Ing.-Bro Auerswald, Germany
Ingenieurbro Schfer, Germany
Inhwa Engineering Co., Ltd., Korea
InSteel Engineers Pvt Ltd, India

Institut de Formation Capgemini Sogeti,

Intech, Nigeria
io oil & gas consulting, United Kingdom
IPE Bolivia SRL, Colombia
ITER, France
Jiangsu Hantong Group Co., Ltd., China
Jorge Vivar Servicios Ingenieria Mecanica
Cia. Ltda., Ecuador
Kai Frhlich Metallbau + Planung, Germany
Kemuncak Lanai Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia
Keppel Offshore & Marine Engineering
Services Mumbai Pvt Ltd, India
Kian Sin Engineering Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia
KM-Projekt s.c., Poland
Kohasa, Nigeria
Konstruktionsbro Kloetzing, Germany
Konstruktionsbro Tim Spesser, Germany
Konstruktionsbro Wolodarski, Germany
Korea Petrochemical Ind. Co. Ltd., Korea
Kurary America Inc., USA
LCI Engineering Inc., Canada
Lembaga Pusat Studi Ilmu Teknik,
Matczak Krzysztof, Poland
McCoy Architectural Systems Pvt Ltd, India
MCL 3D Training LTD, Canada
Mech-Tool Engineering Limited, United
Mech Weld C & S Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia
Metallbau Quaing GmbH, Germany
Meyer Turku Shipbuilding School, Finland
Middle East Engineering Centre of CPECC,
United Arab Emirates
Morson Projects, United Kingdom
MTA Engineering sp. z o.o, Poland
MUE Group, Jordan
Nakilat - Keppel Offshore and Marine Ltd.,
NanTong Best Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.,
Nantong SITA Waste Treatment Limited,
Neo Spectrum Engineering, Qatar
NEOKON, Poland
New Tech, Italy
Nikitha Build-Tech Pvt Ltd., India
Nikotec GmbH, Germany
Ningbo University, China
NLNG, Nigeria
North West Redwater Partner, Canada
NOWAK Konstrukcje stalowe Sp z o.o.,
Office HAL75 L.L.C, Japan
Optecha Lighting, Canada
Opu-Con s.p., Serbia

Orgneftekhim Holding, Russia

Orwell Offshore, United Kingdom
Outotec Oyj, Finland
PAI, Nigeria
Pakistan Petroleum Ltd, India
Paramasivam Rathi trading as Bala
Engineers & Projects, India
PD&MS Group, United Kingdom
Perenco Cameroon, Cameroon
Perfectprojects, Inc., USA
Petroprism, Nigeria
PetroTiger Services Mxico S. de R.L. de
C.V., Mexico
PIM Projekt, Poland
PKB-I Pikus Adamski Sp.p., Poland
Planave S/A Estudos e Projetos de
Engenharia, Brazil
PlantAsset Technology Inc, Korea
Polimex Engineering Sp. z o.o., Poland
Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd, India
PPUH STALBUD Mariusz Caka, Poland
Prime Control, L.P., USA
Proersys SLP, Spain
Progeco Engineering Services, Italy
Progra, Italy
PromKhimProekt, Russia
PROZAP Sp. z o.o., Poland
PT. Gunung Steel Construction, Indonesia
PT Wijaya Karya Industri & Konstruksi,
Qatar Fertiliser Company, Qatar
Quest Global Engineering Private Limited,
Ramboll India Pvt. Ltd., India
Rayong Engineering & Plant Services Co.,
Ltd. (REPCO), Thailand
Repsol E&P Bolivia S.A, Bolivia
Result Marine Private Limited, India
Ritta Co., Ltd., Thailand
RSZ GmbH Bro fr Statik und
Konstruktion, Germany
RYYM Engineers Pvt Ltd, India
SAM Progetti, Italy
Samkang M&T Co. Ltd., Korea
Schormeier GmbH, Germany
SCG Chemicals Co., Ltd., Thailand
SCIP SITA Waste Services Co., Ltd., China
Seitz Stahl- und Metallgestaltung GmbH &
Co. KG, Germany
Seoil Engineering, Korea
Seoul Urban Science Technical High School,
Shandong Qilu Petrochemical Engineering
Co., Ltd., China

Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics,

Chinese Academy of Science, China
Siam Telecom CTX Co. Ltd., Thailand
Shoft Shipyard Pvt. Ltd., India
Sikla United Kingdom Limited, United
Sinpec Henan Petroleum Engineering
Design Corporation, China
Smart Multimedia, Inc., USA
Sonara, Cameroon
Southern Company Services, USA
SPEC Energy DMCC, United Arab Emirates
SPG Steiner GmbH, Germany
Staray (Shanghai) International Engineering
Co., Ltd., China
STEELU Sp. z o.o., Poland
Steval, South Africa
STM Montage GmbH, Germany
LTD., China
Tech-Flow Engineers India Pvt Ltd., India
Tech Mahindra Limited, India
Technische Universitt Dortmund,
TECHNOMAK, United Arab Emirates
Tecno Cad Services, Italy
The Chemours Company LLC, USA
The University of Queensland, Australia
Thom Metall- u. Maschinenbau GmbH,
Tong Sheng Engineering Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
TOTAL E&P Angola, Angola
TZ(Tianjin) Binhai Heavy Machinery Co.,
Ltd., China
U-SIM Co., Ltd., Korea
Ulf Tauschke GmbH, Germany
Uniprojekt Sp. z o.o., Poland
University of Science and Technology,
URUK Engineering and Contracting Co.,
United Arab Emirates
UT Battelle, LLC for the Dept, USA
Varna Ship Design Ltd, Bulgaria
VEC Engineering, Oman
Voith Paper, Spain
Wee Meng Stainless Steel Engrg, Singapore
Wenglorz Agata Wenglorz-Dorosz, Poland
Whessoe Engineering Ltd, United Kingdom
WitSoft Co., Ltd., Korea
WSP Group, Canada
Wuhan Petrochemical Engineering Co.,
Ltd., China
Yancoal Canada Resources, Canada

AVEVA World Magazine 2016 | Issue 1


AVEVA Group plc

High Cross
Madingley Road
Tel +44 (0)1223 556655
Fax +44 (0)1223 556666

Headquartered in Cambridge, England, AVEVA Group plc and its operating

subsidiaries currently employ staff worldwide in Australia, Austria, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong
Kong, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia,
Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, South Korea, the United Arab
Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. AVEVA
also has representatives in additional countries around the world.
For more details on AVEVA Worldwide Offices, visit www.aveva.com/offices

AVEVAbelieves the information in this publication is correct as of its publication date. As part of continued product development, such information is subject to change without prior
notice and is related to the current software release. AVEVAis not responsible for any inadvertent errors. All product names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders.
Copyright 2016 AVEVASolutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. AWM/16/1

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