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Australia Study Tour 2010 Schedule

Wednesday 11th of August (Nagoya – Narita)

3:30-4:00pm meet at Meitetsu wicket at Centrair (Chubu kokusai kuko) Airport, double

check and confirm check list (passport, money etc), last minute baggage check (unnecessary

items), collect boarding passes. If time allows have a group meeting and afternoon tea with

parents at 2nd floor foyer area. Say farewell to parents and catch the plane.

5:25-6:40pm arrive at Narita airport and collect all baggage. Review check list as a group.

Collect boarding passes for JAL flight to Sydney and check in luggage. Pass through security

checks and immigration. Wait at the gate area of ready for boarding flight.

8:30pm-7:00am Board and fly on JAL plane bound for Sydney Australia.

Thursday 12th of  August (Sydney – Melbourne – Hobart)

7:00am Arrive in Sydney Australia, collect luggage, check list

8:30-10:05am Flight from Sydney to Melbourne

11:25am-12:40pm Melbourne to Hobart arrive in Hobart and catch bus to Angus’s parents


1:30pm onwards: English lesson one: basic introduction to life in Australia by practicing basic

conversation English with Angus’s family. Practice basic English expressions and then use

English at supermarket, catching Hobart buses etc. Short tour to Hobart Beaches, Hobart

parks other famous landmarks.

Friday 13th of August (Hobart and surrounds)

10:00am – 10:30pm: English lesson two: prepare essential English vocab, sentences and daily

conversation goals.

10:30am - 2:00pm: Day trip in Hobart to Bonorong animal park

2:00pm- 6:00pm: Visit classic traditional house for an Australian style tea party

Visit Hobart docks and try fish and chips for dinner at Fish Frenzy restaurant.

Visit a famous Tasmanian ‘Friday afternoon’ outdoor music concert. Return back to

accomodation and then sleep.

Saturday 14th of August (Hobart and surrounds)

7:00am – 10:00:Wake up, eat breakfast, pack bags ready for home stay.

10:00am – 10:30pm: English lesson three: review essential English vocab, sentences and

daily conversation goals for Home Stay family, review emergency English.

10:30am – 11:00pm Collect and pack essential items for shopping at Salamanca market and

prepare back for Home Stay.

11:00am 2:00pm: Travel by bus to Salamanca market, spend time shopping, relaxing and eat

lunch at the market from 11am 2pm.

2:30pm-4:00pm: Meet and greet Home Stay families. Students go to Home Stay families


Sunday 15th of August (Hobart and surrounds)

Students spend time with Home Stay families.

Monday 16th of August (Hobart and surrounds)

Students stay longer with Home Stay family house

10:00-10:30: English lesson four: preparing for meeting students and Australian school


10:30 -1:00pm: Visit and learn at Hobart high/primary School with Austalian students.

1:00pm- 4:00pm: Travel to Chocolate factory

4:00pm: Return to Home Stay families house

Tuesday 17th of August (Hobart and surrounds)

10:00-10:30: English lesson five: review essential English vocab, sentences and daily

conversation goals.

Optional study time (to be confirmed)

Wednesday 18th of August (Hobart and surrounds)

10:00-10:30: English lesson six: review essential English vocab, sentences and daily

conversation goals.

Optional study time (to be confirmed)

Thursday 19th of August (Hobart- Sydney)

9:00am -10:30 : Depart from Hobart (Tasmania) for Sydney

11:00am – 12:00: travel from Airport to Sydney Hotel

12:30pm- 6:00pm: Site seeing around Sydney: Sydney Opera house, Sydney harbour bridge,

Sydney lookout tower including lunch and dinner.

6:30pm: Return to backpackers and prepare for sleep

Friday 20th of August (Sydney – Narita)

8:00am: Eat breakfast and then check out of back packers. Double check and confirm check

list and prepare to leave.

9:00am: Catch train to Sydney International Airport

10:00am- onwards: Check in at airport, prepare to leave and double check passport, luggage


Saturday 21 of August (Narita – Nagoya)

7:00am: Arrive in Narita, collect luggage and prepare for connecting flight to Nagoya. Check

checklist for luggage, passports etc.

12:30: Arrive back in Nagoya, meet family and catch train home.


Wednesday August 11th Nagoya – Narita Transit
Thursday August 12th Narita – Sydney – Melbourne Transit, settle in Hobart,
– Hobart English warmup lesson 1,
city tour.
Friday August 13th Hobart and surrounds English lesson 2, Animal
park, tea party, fish and
chips, concert.
Saturday August 14th Hobart and surrounds English lesson 3, Salamanca
Market, Meet homestay
Sunday August 15th Hobart and surrounds Homestay activities
Monday August 16th Hobart and surrounds English lesson 4, School
tour, Chocolate factory and
stay with homestay.
Tuesday August 17th Hobart and surrounds English lesson 5, visit
northern Tasmania.
Wednesday August 18th Hobart and surrounds English lesson 6, visit
northern Tasmania.
Thursday August 19th Hobart - Sydney Transit, Sydney Opera
house, Harbour bridge,
Friday August 20th Sydney – Narita Transit
Saturday August 21st Narita- Nagoya Transit, return, final farewells


Lesson 1 Warm up, basic introduction to life in Australia, establish study goals.
Activity: talk to Angus’s mother, catch a bus, learn about transport.
Lesson 2 Prepare essential English vocab, sentences and daily conversation
Activity: Australian tea party, Australian Animals, Australian food.
Lesson 3 Essential English vocab, sentences and daily conversation goals.
Activity: buying goods at a street market.
Lesson 4 Essential English daily vocab, sentences and daily conversation goals.
Activity: making friends at School, comparing Japan to Australia life.
Lesson 5 Essential English daily vocab, sentences and daily conversation goals.
Activity: meet Angus’s uncle, check vocab list, check goals
Lesson 6 Essential English daily vocab, sentences and daily conversation goals.
Activity: check vocab list, check goals

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