Why Choose Glass Subway Tiles Over Ceramic

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nBeat The Cmpettn, Knw Mre Abut SGet

Why Choose Glass Subway Tiles Over Ceramic

n 1904, the wdespread use of the nterlockng pattern of rectangles
popularly known as "Subway Tle" frst appeared throughout the tunnels of
the newly opened New York Cty Subway system. Although the hghly
detaled and vared murals that lned the walls of the subway tunnels had
served as travelers' landmarks to toursts and natve New Yorkers alke, t s
the brck pattern of ceramc subway tles that has been most nfluental on
the tle decoratng world. Ths smple yet elegant desgn element was
orgnally expressed usng ceramc tles n the New York Subway, but
recently the use of glass subway tiles has ganed popularty. Home
mprovement shows on televson, such as, "Ths Old House," have
contrbuted to the growng use of glass tle by hghlghtng ther dazzlng
beauty. Whle the roots of subway tle le n ceramc, glass s quckly
becomng the materal of choce.

Over the past decade there has been a transton n tastes from ceramc to
glass subway tle whch s drven prmarly by the unque advantages of
glass as a buldng materal. Vsually, glass offers a depth and clarty that s
unmatched by even the most fnely glazed ceramc tles. The brllant colors
that shne through glass tles contrast sharply wth the dull, muted tones of
ceramc alternatves. Secondly, glass s mpervous to mosture makng
them an deal materal for hgh mosture areas such as bathrooms. Luckly
for homeowners, new manufacturng technques have made glass subway
tle avalable as a durable surface opton whle enhancng ts unque beauty.

Glass subway tles are an excellent choce n all sorts of applcatons. They
are able to be used ndoors or outdoors, n bathrooms, ktchens, and even
swmmng pools. They make a great addton to the ambance of any space
n whch they're used. Whether t's your ktchen backsplash or your shower
walls, ncorporatng glass subway tle nto your home mprovement project
wll endow your space wth a trendy vbe whle echong classc desgns of

the past. Because of ther classc appearance, you won't need to worry about
them appearng dated ten years from now. Subway tles have, and wll
mantan, a tradtonal appeal whle remanng contemporary at the same

nstallng subway tle s a fashonable choce for your bathroom or ktchen

constructon and renovaton projects. Desgners are now combnng the
vvd colors of glass wth the tradtonal desgn of ceramc subway tles to
create a new modern alternatve to ceramc subway tles. These new desgns
are beng featured n many hgh-end houses and commercal buldngs, but
that doesn't mean that glass subway tles aren't affordable to the average
homeowner who seeks to transform ther home nto a showcase.

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