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Earthquake is the vibration which is felt of the earths surface. It normally happens when
two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another, or break apart from each other as a result
of earths plate movements. Earthquake is classified into two cattegories, they are by cause and
by vibration speed.
Based on the cause. there are four diffrent types of earthquake, tectonic, volcanic, collapse,
and explosion.A tectonic earthquake is any earthquake is one that occurs when the earths crust
breaks due to geological forces on rocks and adjoining plates that cause physical and chemical
changes. A Volcanic earthquake is any earthquake that results from tectonic forces which occur
in conjunction with volcanic activity. A collapse earthquake is small earthquakes in underground
caves and mines that are caused by seismic waves produced from the falling rock in caves or
mines. An explosion earthquake is an earthquake that is result of the detonation of nuclear and or
chemical device.
Based on speed vibration, there are three diffrent types of earthquake, Longitudinal,
Transverse, and Long Wave. Longitudinal Vibration is vibration which has the biggest vibration.
The vibration speed is around 7-14 km / hour. This vibration comes first on earthquake. That is
why also called primary vibrations. This vibration does not cause damage since it appears on a
short time. Transverse Vibration is vibration which the speed vibration between 4-7km / hour.
This vibration comes after the longitudinal vibration. That is called the secondary vibration. This
vibration also does not cause damage since it is only shift period. Long Wave Vibration is the
vibration which the speed is between 3.8 - 3.9 km / hour. This vibration comes last and has
longer period. Since it has long period, this vibration causes damage.
There are some bad impact of earthquake are Physical Impact and social impact. Physical
impact that can occur are Building collapse, Fire, The fall of casualties, Land lonsor due to
shocks, ground level into the glue and the road to be broken, Flooding due to damage to the dike
and seabed earthquake caused a tsunami. Social Impact that can occur are Poverty, Hunger,
Cause of disease and If the scale is so large (causing huge tsunamis) can Knocking out the
political, economic systems etc.

In Indonesia, there are some big earthquake that occur on the past, like in Padang Sumatera
Barat, tectonic earthquake happen there on September 30 of 2009, the power of the earthquake
is 7,6 SR. It caused 1.100 people die.
Kanto, Japan, Sept. 1, 1923
Another earthquake that happened in Asia especially in Japan. This
earthquake brought extreme destruction in the Tokyo-Yokohama area, both
from the temblor and subsequent firestorms, which burned about 381,000 of
the more than 694,000 houses that were partially or completely destroyed.
Although often known as the Great Tokyo Earthquake (or the Great Tokyo
Fire), the damage was most severe in Yokohama. Nearly 6 feet of permanent
uplift was observed on the north shore of Sagami Bay and horizontal
displacements of as much as 15 feet were measured on the Boso Peninsula.

1. How is the process of earthquake ?
It normally happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another, or break
apart from each other as a result of earths plate movements.
2. Since it has long period, this vibration causes damage the underlined word refers to...
Long wave vibration
3. How can collapse earthquake happen ?
The collapse earthquake happen when there is falling rock in caves or mines
4. Why the longitudinal vibration doesnt make any damaged ?
since it appears on a short time.
5. adjoining plates that cause physical and chemical changes, the underlined word can be
replaced by ......
(berhubungan satu sama lain) adjacient and bordering, abutting, neighboring, near,
juxtaspose, contiguous, connected, touching. Lining.

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