Ensure On Time Delivery For Maintenance/Qa Projects - Rekha Ramrakhiyani Santosh Kumar (Birlasoft)

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Ensure On Time Delivery for

Maintenance/QA Projects
-Rekha Ramrakhiyani
Santosh Kumar

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Ensure On-Time Delivery for
Maintenance/QA Projects

Author- Rekha Ramrakhiyani

Co-Author- Santosh Kumar
Business Excellence
Key Delivery Challenges - Managing Maintenance/QA

 Estimation accuracy

 On Time delivery

 Managing the deliveries within stipulated effort

 Trade off between Schedule and effort

 Proactive Project management

Project Management with leading indicators

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Possible solution to address -Key Delivery Challenges

 Modeling around :

• Prediction Of Timely Delivery

• Prediction Of Meeting Effort Targets

• Validation of Estimates

• Guidance towards optimum team composition

Modeling around leading indicators


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Solutions provided by Maintenance/QA Project Model

 Predicting confidence interval for On time Delivery

 Predicting certainty for meeting effort targets

 Suggesting Optimum Process composition

 Enabling What If Analysis

 Identifying Critical Sub process for statistical control

Modeling around leading indicators


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Frame work -PPM Model for Maintenance/QA Projects

No of Small Tickets 2
No of Medium Tickets 5
No of Large Tickets 4

Total number of Tickets 11

Available Team Size 2

Hours Per Manday 8
Planned Start Date 1-Nov-09
Planned End Date 30-Nov-09
Planned Release Duration in Days 21
Total Available Effort in Hrs 336

Certainty of On Time Delivery -115.30

Forecast for OTD

PPM for Prediction of On Time Delivery


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Features for-Maintenance/QA Project Models

 Inputs Required for Model

 Estimated work packets/Tickets

 Estimated team composition
 Release start and end dates
 Probability Distributions for effort baselines

 Frequency for PPM Execution

 Start of the Release

 During release with real process behavior

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Pilot Implementation of Maintenance Model

PPM Execution at start of the release

Certainty of meeting OTD Target

Only 63% Certainty for meeting OTD Target


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Pilot Implementation of Maintenance Model

Identifying Critical Sub process

Large Ticket’s CUT activity is

contributing most for
variation in OTD

Large Ticket's CUT Phase effort is statistically tracked

and strong code review has been identified as corrective action

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Pilot Implementation of Maintenance Model

PPM Execution -Post Corrective actions

Certainty of meeting OTD Target

Post Corrective Actions-Certainty for meeting OTD Target

Has improved to 97%.

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Critical Success Factors

 Easy to understand and execute

 Customizable as per Project Specific Requirements

 Does not require any Organization specific base line values

 Can be used for QA as well as Maintenance Type of Projects

 Re-calibration with real time process performance


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 Providing leading indicators

 Productivity Improvement

 Helping Projects in the estimates

 Improved OTD delivery for projects

 Reduction in effort over run for Projects

 Improved Customer confidence


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Thank You

Author- Rekha Ramrakhiyani

Senior Manager – Business Excellence
Email- Rekha.ramrakhiyani@birlasoft.com

Co-Author- Santosh Kumar

Head - Business Excellence Process Group
Email- santosh.kumar@birlasoft.com


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