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Middleburgh Elementary School

School Guidance Curriculum

Classroom Instruction
Title of Lesson: Giving the Best High-Fives
Grade Level: PreK-6th grade
Topic: Introductory Lesson (updated yearly)
Time Required: 30-40 minutes
Materials/Resources Needed: Mrs. Joyce Gives the Best High-Fives read aloud
video, smartboard, markers/crayons, I need to see my counselor form, My school
counselor worksheet, cutout hands, sticky notes

Lesson Plan/Procedure:
1. Greet the students and introduce yourself.
2. Ask the students if they know what the name of our job is. Ask them what we
do for our job.
3. Explain to the students that we have a video we want to show that explains
what a school counselor does.
4. Play the Mrs. Joyce Gives the Best High-Fives read aloud book video:
5. Ask the students what they learned while watching the video to show
6. Go over the activity sheets with the students:
7. Grades 2-6Pass out the My school counselor worksheets. Go over the
worksheets with the students, and have them fill them out.
8. Tell the students that in order for it to be a great year, we all need to work
together! Explain how Our Hands Work Together to Make it a Great Year.
Show an example of a cutout hand, and explain how they will write their
name, and then something they will do to make it a great year for the school.
a. Grades 1-3Use the smartboard to list ideas as the class comes up
with them.
b. **Fill out the hands with students name and will for PreK and K
students. Write their answers as they tell them to you. For
differentiation of instruction, give sticky notes to any student who
seems to be struggling, so they can copy them on their desk.**

9. Pass out a hand to each student and markers/crayons. Allow a few minutes
for them to decorate.
Explain the I need to see my school counselor forms, and where they
will be if needed.
Put up students hands in the hallway for the rest of the school to see.
Evaluation: Students will recognize their school counselor, and what her job is
within the school.
Learning Targets:
1. I can identify who the school counselor is, and some of her jobs in our school.
2. I can write how I can make it a great year. (Pre-K, K I can tell how I can make it a
great year.)
ASCA National Standard(s):
2. Self-confidence in ability to succeed
3. Sense of belonging in the school environment
6. Positive attitude toward work and learning
o Learning Strategies:
2. Demonstrate creativity.
7. Identify long- and short-term academic, career and social/emotional
o Self-Management Skills:
1. Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility.
o Social Skills:
2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students
3. Create relationships with adults that support success
Counseling with Heart (2016). Mrs. Joyce Gives the Best High-Fives: Introducing the School
Counselor. Retrieved from

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