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Establish and define the structure of the learning context


Sense needs of the trainees on an individual basis and as a group

Plan learning context and experiences
Establish the length of training, size of group, number of hours and
Bring into focus the relationship between the training content and the
trainees day-today caregiving role
Facilitate the integration of content with the knowledge and experience of
the trainees

Guide the learner

A. Provide a philosophical overview of training content, process and context

Introduce ideas and concepts

Explain basic concepts
Stimulate thinking and dialogue

B. Use a variety of training strategies/learning experiences

Didactic mode/lecture
Group discussions
Role plays, simulations
Small group exercises
Individual reflection (e.g. journals, individual exercise, self-reflection
before group discussion exercise)
Multimedia (video, audio)
Hands on with materials
Feedback sessions (dialogue and exchange)
Goal Setting, Evaluative sessions (self-directed, group directed, trainer

Developed by Terry De Martini and Peter Mangione. WestEd, The Program for Infant/Toddler Care.
This document may be reproduced for educational purposes.


Facilitate group process


Serve as content resource person


Check in with training participants on an ongoing basis

Note quality of discussion and other contributions by trainees
Review written material of training participants

Incorporate and integrate the talents and resources of all of the

individuals in the group


Provide basic content for learners which is complete and up-to-date

Respond to questions
Guide group discussion
Serve as resource to individuals and group

Observe and track learning progress


Introduce members to one another

Support collaborative relationship in the group
Guide cooperative learning and problem solving

Get to know the group and help members of the group get to know each
Provide opportunities for individual members to contribute to the training
Create activities that allow for the active participation of everyone in the

Elicit feedback and modulate training based on feedback and learning

gained in training process

Seek written feedback from training participants

Reflect on your experience during the training process
Debrief with fellow trainers, if training is done by a team
Modify training approach and then observe the effects of the change

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