Nicole Bobrowski CV 2015

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Curriculum vitae


: Bobrowski, Nicole

Date of birth

: 5.8.1976

Place of birth

: Hennigsdorf


: German

1983 1990 Albert-Schweitzer Oberschule
1990 1996 Alexander Puschkin Gymnasium
University studies:
1996 - 2002

Study of Physics in Heidelberg

WS 1999/2000 Interdisciplinary Study of Environmental Science

SS 2000

Erasmus Program at the University in Helsinki/Finland for year

WS 2000/2001 Mini Research Project: Construction of a test set-up for quartz optical

Diploma thesis: Volcanic Gas Studies by Multi Axis Differential

OpticalAbsorption Spectroscopy

2003 2005


August 2003

Participant at the Summer School Environmental Physics/ Heidelberg

2004 - 2005

Fellowship at the Max Plank Institute (MPI), Mainz

Career History
2006 2009

Assegnio di Ricerca at the INGV, Palermo, Italy

2009 2015

Akademische Mitarbeiterin, University of Heidelberg, Germany

2015 present Akademische Mitarbeiterin, University of Mainz, Germany

2009 2011


Spring 2012

Guest Professor at the University of Montevideo, Uruguay

2011 2014

Web-editor and Editor of the Newsletter IAVCEI-CCVG

2014 2017

President of CCVG


Fluently: German (mother tongue), English, and Italian;

Basics: Russian, Spanish

Teaching (Lectures and regular seminars)

FP experiments (Advanced Physics Lab) : Masspectrometrie SS 2003
FP18 experiment (Advanced Physics Lab) : DOAS WS 2003/2004 SS 2005
DOAS seminar (twice per month) at INGV, Palermo 2006 2008
Atmospheric Chemistry lecture (University of Heidelberg) WS 2011 and SS 2012 together with
Thomas Leisner
Exercises of Atmospheric Chemistry (University of Heidelberg) WS 2011 and SS 2012 together
with Thomas Leisner
Regular group meetings Heidelberg of volcanic gas measurements (since 2009 ongoing)
Volcanoes and the Atmosphere lecture (University of Mainz) SS 2015
Co-supervised theses:
Lena Kritten

(Diploma Thesis: Messung von Vulkangasen mit Multio-AxisDOAS am

Kilauea, 2004)
Ilia Louban
(Diploma Thesis: Zweidimensionale Spektroskopische Aufnahmen von
Spurenstoff-Verteilungen, 2005)
Ibrahim Ossama
(Project Practica: Multi-Axis DOAS applications)
------------------------------------Fabio Vita
(PhD Thesis:
Active and Passive DOAS Apllications at Vulcano Island,
------------------------------------Leif Vogel
(PhD thesis:
Volcanic plumes: Evaluation of spectroscopic
Measurements, early detection, and bromine chemistry
Johannes Zielcke
(Diploma Thesis: Direct moonlight studies of volcanic plumes using
differential optical absorption spectroscopy, 2010)
Peter Lbcke
(Diploma Thesis: Development of a new SO2 camera for volcanic gas flux
Measurements, 2010)
Sebastian Illing
(Diploma Thesis: Entwicklung und Erprobung eines kostengnstigen SO2Kamera Prototyps zur Messung von vulkanischen GasEmissionen, 2011)
Julian Wittmer
(Diploma Thesis: Development of an active alkaline trap to determine acidic
gas ratios in volcanic plumes: sampling technique and
analytical methods, 2012)
Marco Huwe
(Diploma Thesis: Remote sensing of SO2 Fluxes: further development and
upgrading of the SO2 Camera, 2012)
Jonas Kuhn
(Bachelor Thesis: Fabry-Perot-SO2-Kamera, 2012)
Constantin Mayer
(Bachelor Thesis: Vergleich der BrO/SO2 Verhltnisse aus Messungen mit
Direkt- und Streulichtspektroskopie am Vulkan Etna, 2013)
Angelika Klein
(Bachelor Thesis: Entwicklung einer SO2 Kamera mit einem FluoreszenzSchirm, 2012)
Stefan Flock
(Diploma Thesis: LED-Lidar - Theoretische und experimentelle Machbarkeitsstudie zur Realisierung eines bistatischen, LED-basierten Lidarsystems,
Benjamin Heinzmann (Staatsexamen: Frequenzanalyse von vulkanischen Schwefeldioxid-

Jonas Gliss
Hendrik Leuschner
Thomas Buchner
Peter Lbcke
Jonas Kuhn
Angelika Klein
Katja Bigge
Julian Ruediger
Jonas Kuhn
Simon Wahner
Christopher Fuchs
Solvejg Dinger
Daniel Koegel
Florian Dinger

Anna SOlveig

Emissionsraten, 2013)
(Diploma Thesis: MAX-DOAS measurements of chlorine and
bromine compounds in the volcanic plume of Mt. Etna, 2013)
Bachelor Thesis: Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zu automatischen
Fahnenfindung, 2014)
Bachelor Project: Aufbau, Charakterisierung und Testmessung einer
SO2 Kamera, 2014)
PhD Thesis: BrO and SO2 volcanic emission studies, long and
short- term variations, 2014)
Master ProjectAufbau eines Fabry Perot- Interferometers fr vulkanische
aSO2-messungen, 2015
sMaster Project: Frequenzanalysen von vulkanischen SO2 Ausgasungen,
eaMaster Project:Strahlungstransport in Vulkanfahnen, 2015
tre PhD Thesis: Vulkanemissionen von Kohlenwasserstoffe und halogen
started 2013, Mainz
e Master Project: Aufbau eines Fabry Perot- Interferometers fr
vulkanische SO2-messungen
ei Master Project: BrO/SO2 longterm Observation at Tungurahua
s Bachelor
Aufbau, Charakterisierung und Testmessung einer neuen
:i Project
SO2 Kamera, 2015
s Master Project: Direkte Sonnenlichtmessungen (Project APE)
Myonentomographie an Vulkanen, 2015
PhD Thesis
Satellite and NOVAC evaluations, inter-comparison, long
term BrO/SO2 time series in correlation with geophysical
parameters, started Sept. 2014

Workshop Organization:
May 2005

Organisation and performance of a 3 day MiniMAXDOAS worshop


January 2006

Organisation and performance of a 3 day MiniMAXDOAS worshop


November 2008

IAVCEI gas-workshop, part of scientific

organisation committee, Mexico

May 2009

Organisation and performance of a 1 day MiniMAXDOAS

workshop in Munic, Germany

February 2010

Organisation and performance of a 1 week MiniMAXDOAS

workshop in Quito, Ecuador

September 2011

Part of Organisation committee of the 11th CCVG workshop,

Kamchatka, Russia (together with Yuri Taran and Felipe

July 2013

Co-convener at IAVCEI General Assemble session: Volatile

tracking of magma degassing processes and volcanic eruptions

November 2014

Organisation of the 2nd Volcanic Plume Imaging workshop, Santiago

de Chile, Chile, (together with Ulrich Platt, Fred Prata and Alvaro

November 2014

Part of Organisation committee of the 12th CCVG workshop,

Northern Chile, (together with Felipe Aquilera (principal
organisator), Patrick Allard and Giovanni Chiodini)

April 2015

Convener at EGU, Vienna: Volcanic Gas Emissions

May 2015

Organisation with Robin Campion of the Radiative transfer

workshop, Costa Rica

Reviewer of article for Elsevier, EGU open access and AGU journals
Review Editor by Frontiers Earth Science

Field studies
July/August 2001

Participation at Field studies at the Dead Sea in Israel

April 2002

Field campaign at Solfatara, Italy

May 2002

Field campaign on Montserrat

October/ November 2002

Field campaign at the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

March/April 2003

Field workshop in Nicaragua and Costa Rica

Mai 2003

Participation at Field studies in Bretagne, France

September/October 2003

Field campaign at Etna, Stromboli and Vulcano, Italy

Januar 2004

Kiruna maintenance of an MAX-DOAS instrument

April/May 2004

Field campaign in Valencia and Alcaniz/ Spain

/October 2004

Fieldwork at Etna and Vulcano

November/December 2004 Fieldwork at Villarica and Ollague

May 2005

Field-campaign at Etna

September 2005

Fieldwork Etna

November 2005

Birmingham collaboration with Andrew Allen, joint

laboratory work

Spring 2007

Participation on surveillance during the Stromboli eruption

June 2007

Fieldwork Nyiragongo, Goma, DR Congo - in collaboration

with OVG and UNOPS

October 2007

Joint field campaign with University of Heidelberg at Etna

March 2008

Gothenburg, preparation of NOVAC instruments for

installation in El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, learning of
basics for installation of a WLan networks

July 2008

Joint field campaign with the University of Duesseldorf,

University of Heidelberg, University of Norwich, Chalmers
University of Gothenburg

November 2008

Fieldwork Mexico

March 2006 Feb. 2009

weekly measurements at Mt Etna and several small campaigns on

Vulcano Island and Stromboli every year

July 2009

Field-campaign at Etna, Italy

November/December 2009 Field-campaign at Etna, Italy

January/February 2010

annual NOVAC - meeting in Guatemala and fieldwork

June 2010

Field-campaign at Etna, Italy

July 2010

Fieldwork Nyiragongo, Goma, DR Congo - in collaboration

with OVG and UNOPS

February 2011

Field-campaign at Colima and Popocateptl, Mexico in

collaboration with UNAM

March 2011

Field-campaign at Masaya, Nicaragua in collaboration with

INETER, Nicaragua and University of Norwich, Great

May/June 2011

Fieldwork Nyiragongo, Goma, DR Congo - in collaboration

with OVG and UNOPS

June/July 2011

Field-campaign at Etna, Italy

September 2011

Field measurements during CCVG workshop at Mutnovsky and

Gorely, Kamchatka, Russia

October 2011

Field measurements Etna, Italy

December 2011

Fieldwork Nyiragongo, Goma, DR Congo - in collaboration

with OVG and UNOPS

March 2012

Field measurements Montevideo, Urugay

April 2012

Field measurements Vulcano Island, Italy

June 2012

Field measurements Stromboli/Etna, Italy

July 2012

Field measurements Etna and Stromboli, Italy

September 2012

Field measurements Etna, Italy

February 2013

short term stay in Norwich (chemical modelling)

-collaboration with Roland von Glasow

June 2013

Field measurements Stromboli, Italy

July 2013

Field measurements Aso and Sakurajima volcano, Japan

September 2013

Field measurements Etna, Italy

November 2013

Field survey at Nyiragongo, DR Congo

March 2014

Field survey at Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira, help for maintenance of

NOVAC- station DR Congo, DR Congo

April 2014

Short test measurements at Hamburg (ship emissions)

July 2014

Field measurements Etna and Stromboli, Italy

September 2014

Field measurements Etna, Italy

Oct./Nov. 2014

Field survey at Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira, maintainance of NOVACstation DR Congo

Feb. 2015

Field survey at Nevado del Ruiz and Galeras, Colombia

Feb. 2015

Field measurements at Lascar and Salar de Attacama, Chile

March 2015

Field measurements at Copahue, Argentinna

June 2015

Field measurements at Etna, Italy

Conferences (only first author contribution mentioned):

April 2002


March/April 2003

Field workshop in Nicaragua and Costa Rica

April 2003

EGS (oral presentation: Mini-MAX-DOAS for

measurements of volcanic emissions), Poster: Volcanic Plumes as a
new Source of Bromine Monoxide

September 2003

DOAS workshop in Heidelberg

(oral presentation: Development of Mini-MAX-DOAS with special
application in volcanic research)

Dezember 2003

AGU (oral presentation: Investigation of volcanic gas

emission by MAX-DOAS and I-DOAS )

April 2004

EGS (oral presentation: Bromine monoxide detection in volcanic

plumes, oral presentation: Trace gas measurements in volcanic
plumes by Mini-MAX-DOAS, Invited poster: I-DOAS a new
monitoring technique for the investigation of volcanic gas emission

November 2004

IAVCEI workshop(oral presentation: Trace gas

measurements in volcanic plumes by Differential Optical
Absorption Spectroscopy)

April 2005

EGU Vienna (oral presentation 1: Reactive bromine and

chlorine chemistry in volcanic plumes oral presentation 2: Halogen
chemistry in volcanic plumes

May 2005

IAVCEI workshop (oral presentation 1: Mt. Etna as a case

study for halogen chemistry in volcanic plumes, oral presentation 2:
DOAS evaluation basics)

March 2006

DPG (oral presentation: Schwefeldioxid and Halogenoxide

Messungen in Vulkanfahnen)

March 2006

DOAS-worshop in Bremen (oral presentation:

Measurements of Sulfur Dioxide and Halogen oxides
in Volcanic plumes, oral presentation:Topographic
Target Light scattering DOAS - ToTal - DOAS)

April 2006

EGU Vienna (oral presentation: Corrections for SO2 fluxes

by radiative transfer investigations in volcanic
plumes, oral presentation: Halogen chemistry in volcanic plumes,
poster: Volcanic halogen emission and their interaction with the

November 2006

annual NOVAC meeting in Granada/Nicaragua

April 2007

EGU Vienna (oral presentation: Bromine and sulfur studies

during the Mt. Etna 2006 eruption, poster:
Continuous SO2 flux measurements at Vulcano Island, Aeolian
Archipelago (Italy)

November 2007

AVCOR, Luxemburg (oral presentation: Nyiragongo a

significant global bromine and sulphur emission into the free

December 2007

Volcanic Halogen Workshop, Yosemite Park, USA (oral

Presentation (invited): Halogens at volcanoes and atmospheric effects)

December 2007

AGU San Francisco (poster: Bromine, chlorine and sulphur

emission into the free troposphere from a Rift volcano, poster: BrO/SO2
studies at Mt. Etna during 2006 and 2007)

November 2008

Annual NOVAC meeting, Mexico

November 2008

IAVCEI gas-workshop, part of scientific organisation

committee, Mexico

April 2009

EGU Vienna (oral presentation: Bromine oxidation in

volcanic plumes )

June 2009

Alfred Rittman Conference, Nicolosi (poster presentation:

Halogen/Sulphur Ratios in Connection to Volcanological
Observations at Mt Etna 2006-2009)

March 2010

VI Humboldt conference in Merida, Mexico

(oral presentation:Halogens and sulphur emissions of
volcanoes and their atmospheric effects)

December 2010

AGU San Francisco (poster: Halogen/sulphur variation over

the active lava lake of Niyraggongo, DR Congo)

April 2011

EGU Vienna (oral presentation: Can bromine/sulphur ratios

be used to forecast eruptions?, poster presentation: Gas
emission measurements of the active lava lake of
Niyragongo, DR Congo)

July 2011

Participation 5th DOAS workshop, Mainz, Germany.

September 2011

11th CCVG workshop, Kamchatka, Russia (oral presentation:

Can BrO/SO2 be used as a tracer of volcanic activity?)

April 2012

EGU Vienna (oral presentation: Variations in gas emissions

in correlation with lava lake level changes at Nyiragono
volcano, DR Congo, poster presentation: Bromine monoxide
evolution in early plumes of Mutnovsky and Gorely
(Kamchatka, Russia))

June 2012

AGU Chapman conference, Selfoss, Iceland, Volcanism

and the atmosphere (poster presentation: Bromine chemistry
of volcanic plumes)

March 2013

Hamburg, seminar: July-August 2012 campaign at Etna,

alkaline traps and DOAS applications

April 2013

EGU Vienna (poster presentation: Variations in gas

emissions in correlation with lava lake level changes at
Nyiragono volcano, DR Congo, poster presentation: Bromine
monoxide evolution in early plumes of Mutnovsky and
Gorely (Kamchatka, Russia))

June 2013

Volcanic plume imaging workshop, Stromboli (oral

presentation: Imaging DOAS applied to volcanic plumes)

July 2013

participation on IAVCEI General Assemble (oral

presentation: Gas emission measurements of the active lava
lake of Niyragongo, DR Congo, oral presentation: Reactive
Halogen Chemistry in Volcanic Plumes

November 2013

Geocycle workshop Mainz, oral presentation: Bromine chemistry

part two and 2) Variations in gas emissions in correlation with lava
lake level changes at Nyiragono volcano, DR Congo

November 2013

AVCOR workshop (Rwanda) (oral presentation: Gas emission

measurements of the active lava lake of Nyiragongo, DR Congo)

April/Mai 2014

EGU Vienna (poster presentation: (1) New insight into halogen release
from experimental studies on BrO/Br ratios in volcanic plumes, (2) Low
to negligible BrO/SO2 ratios at two subduction-zone volcanoes, (3)
Experimental studies on BrO/Br ratios at Stromboli, Etna, Masaya,
Gorely and Nyiragongo)

November 2014

CCVG workshop (oral: A wider view on possible causes of observed

BrO/SO2 varations during volcanic activity changes)

April 2015

EGU Vienna (poster presentation: (1) New insight into halogen release
from experimental studies on BrO/Br ratios in volcanic plumes, (2) Low
to negligible BrO/SO2 ratios at two subduction-zone volcanoes, (3)
Experimental studies on BrO/Br ratios at Stromboli, Etna, Masaya,
Gorely and Nyiragongo)

April 2015

NOVAC meeting (oral: Plume composition and volatile flux from

Nyamulagira Volcano, poster: Intercomparison of gas emissions from
the lava lakes of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira, DR Congo)

May 2015

Radiative Transfer Workshop workshop (oral: Radiative Transfer in

Volcanic Plumes - a few additions

N. Bobrowski, Volcanic Gas Studies by Multi Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
Diploma thesis, Institut fr Umweltphysik, Universitt Heidelberg, (2002).
N. Bobrowski, G. Hnninger, B. Galle, and U. Platt, (2003), Detection of bromine monoxide in a
volcanic plume, Nature, 423, doi: 10.1038/nature01625
G. Hnninger, N. Bobrowski, E. R. Palenque, R. Torrez, and U. Platt (2004), Reactive bromine
and sulfur emissions at Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L04101,
N. Bobrowski (2005), Volcanic Gas Studies by Multi Axis Differential Optical Absorption
Spectroscopy, Ph. D. thesis, University of Heidelberg.
N. Bobrowski, and F. Filsinger (2005). Mini-MAX-DOAS Manual. Institut fuer Umweltphysik,
Universitt Heidelberg.
C. Lee, H. Tanimoto, N. Bobrowski, U. Platt, T. Mori, K. Yamamoto, and Y. J. Kim (2005).
Detection of halogen oxides in a volcanic plume and observation of surface ozone depletion.
Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 32, L21809, doi:10.1029/2005GL023785.
E. Frins, N. Bobrowski, U. Platt and T. Wagner, Tomographic MAX-DOAS observations of sun
illuminated targets: a new technique providing well defined absorption paths in the boundary
layer, (2006) Applied Optics OCIS codes: 010.1290, 280.1120, 300.1030.
A. G. Allen, T. A. Mather, A. J. S. McGonigle, A. Aiuppa, P. Delmelle, B. Davison, N. Bobrowski,
C. Oppenheimer, D. M. Pyle, and S. Inguaggiato. (2006) Sources, size distribution, and downwind
grounding of aerosols from Mt. Etna. J. Geophys. Res., 111, D10 302, doi:10.1029/2005JD006
N. Bobrowski, G. Hnninger, F. Lohberger, and U. Platt (2006), IDOAS: A new monitoring technique
to study the 2D distribution of volcanic gas emissions, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.,
150, 329338.
C. Oppenheimer, V. I. Tsanev, C. F. Braban, R. A. Cox, J. W. Adams, A. Aiuppa, N. Bobrowski, P.
Delmelle, J. Barclay, and A. J. McGonigle. (2006) BrO formation in volcanic plumes. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 70 , 2935 2941.
N. Bobrowski, and U. Platt. (2007) SO2/BrO ratios studied in five volcanic plumes. J. Volc. and
Geotherm. Res., 166, 147 160.
N. Bobrowski, R. von Glasow, A. Aiuppa, S. Inguaggiato, I. Louban, O. W. Ibrahim, and U. Platt.
(2007) Reactive halogen chemistry in volcanic plumes. J. Geophys. Res., 112 , D06 311,
doi:10.1029/2006JD007 206.
R. von Glasow, N. Bobrowski, C. Kern, (2009) The effects of volcanic eruptions on atmospheric
chemistry. Chem. Geol doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.08.020
I. Louban, N. Bobrowski, D. Rouwet, S. Inguaggiato and U. Platt (2009) Imaging DOAS for
Volcanological Applications, Bulletin of Volcanology, DOI 10.1007/s00445-008-0262-6.

N. Bobrowski, C. Kern, C., Hrmann, T. Wagner and U. Platt, (2010) SO2 evaluation in the
wavelength range 360-390 nm, AMT doi:10.5194/amt-3-1-2010.
S. Inguaggiato, F. Vita, D. Rouwet, N. Bobrowski, A. Sollami, S. Morici, (2011) Geochemical
evidence of the renewal of volcanic activity inferred from extensive parameters: the 2007
Stromboli (Italy) eruption, Bulletin of Volcanology, Volume73, Number 4443-456, DOI:
N. Bobrowski, G. Giuffrida, Bromine monoxide/sulphur dioxid ratios in relation to Volcanological
Earth, 4, 475-505, 2012.
F. Vita., S. Inguaggiato, N. Bobrowski, B. Galle, F. Parello, Continuous SO2 flux measurements
at Vulcano island, Italy, Annals of Geophysics, 55, 2, 2012; doi: 10.4401/ag-5759, 2012.
N. Bobrowski, Reading Gas Emissions like Hieroglyphs. German Research, 34: 611.
doi: 10.1002/germ.201390006, 2012.
P. Lbcke, N. Bobrowski, H. Delgado Granados, S. Illing, C. Kern, J. M. Alvarez Nieves, L.
Vogel, J. Zielcke, U. Platt, Studies on the absolute calibration of SO2 Cameras, AMT, 5, 61836240, 2012.
C. Hrmann, H. Sihler, N. Bobrowski, S. Beirle, M. Penning de Vries, U. Platt, T. Wagner,
Systematic investigation of bromine monoxide in volcanic plumes from space by using the
GOME-2 instrument, ACP, doi:10.5194/acpd-12-29325-2012.
N. Bobrowski, U. Platt, Den Himmel betrachten um die Hlle zu verstehen, Telegramm aus dem
Innern der Erde, Forschungsmagazin - Ruberto Carola, Universitt Heidelberg, Vol. 2, 66-72,
P. Lbcke, N. Bobrowski, S. Arellano, Bo Galle, G. Garzn, Leif Vogel, U. Platt, BrO/SO2 molar
ratios from scanning DOAS measurements in the NOVAC network, Solid Earth Discussion 5,
1845-1870, 2013.
E. Frins, N. Bobrowski, M. Osorio, N. Casaballe, G. Belsterli, T. Wagner, and U. Platt, Scanning and
Mobile multi-axis DOAS measurements of SO2 and NO2 emissions from an electric power plant
in Montevideo, Uruguay, Atmospheric Environment 98, 1-10, DOI:
10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.03.069, 2014.
C. Voigt, P. Jessberger, T. Jurkat, S. Kaufmann, R. Baumann, H. Schlager, N. Bobrowski, G.
Salerno and G. Giuffrida, Evolution of CO2, SO2, HCl and HNO3 in the volcanic plumes from
Etna, GRL 2014, 2196-2203, DOI: 10.1002/2013GL058974.
S. General, D. Phler, H. Sihler, N. Bobrowski, U. Frie, J. Zielcke, P. Shepson, B. Stirm, W.
Simpson, K. Weber, C. Fischer and U. Platt, The Heidelberg Airborne Imaging DOAS Instrument
(HAIDI) A Novel Imaging DOAS Device for 2-D and 3-D Imaging of Trace Gases, AMT 7,
3459-3485, 2014.
S. General, N. Bobrowski, D. Phler, K. Weber, C. Fischer and U. Platt, Airborne I-DOAS
measurements at Mt. Etna BrO and OClO evolution in the plume, JVGR,
10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.05.012, 2014.

J. Kuhn, N. Bobrowski, P. Lbcke, L. Vogel, and U. Platt, A Fabry-Perot Interferometer based

Camera for two-dimensional mapping of SO2 Distributions, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 7,
5117-5145, 2014.
J. Wittmer, N. Bobrowski, M. Liotta, G. Giuffrida, S. Calabrese, U. Platt, Active alkaline traps to
determine acidic-gas ratios in volcanic plumes: sampling technique and analytical Methods, G3,
15, 27972820, DOI 10.1002/2013GC005133, 2014.
N. Bobrowski, R. von Glasow, G. B. Giuffrida, D. Tedesco, A. Aiuppa, M. Yalire, S. Arellano, M.
Johansson and B. Galle, Gas emission strength and evolution of the molar ratio of BrO/SO2 in
the plume of Mt. Nyiragongo in comparison to Mt. Etna, JGR 2015.
U. Platt and N. Bobrowski, Quantification of volcanic reactive halogen emissions, chapter in
"Volcanism and Global Change" 2015.
C. Kern, P. Lbcke, N. Bobrowski, R. Campion, T. Mori, J-F. Smekens, K. Stebel, G.
Tamburello, M. Burton, U. Platt and F. Prata, Intercomparison of SO2 camera systems for 1
imaging volcanic gas plumes, accepted to JVGR.
U. Platt, P. Lbcke, J. Kuhn, N. Bobrowski, M. Burton, F. Prata, C. Kern, Quantitative Imaging of
Volcanic Plumes Results, Future Needs, and Future Trends, accepted to JVGR.
C. Voigt, P. Jessberger, T. Jurkat, S. Kaufmann, R. Baumann, H. Schlager, N. Bobrowski, G.
Salerno and G. Giuffrida, Reply to Comment from Liotta and Rizzo on "Evolution of CO2, SO2,
HCl and HNO3 in the volcanic plumes from Etna" by Voigt et al. [Geophys. Res. Lett.; 41,
doi:10.1002/2013GL058974], accepted Bull. of Volcanology, 2014.
L. Surl, D. Donohoue, A. Aiuppa, N. Bobrowski, and R. von Glasow, Quantification of the depletion
of ozone in the plume of Mount Etna, ACP, 15, 2613-2628, doi:10.5194/acp-15-2613-2015, 2015.
S. Calabrese, S. Scaglione, S. Milazzo, W. DAlessandro, N. Bobrowski, G. B. Giuffrida, D.
Tedesco, F. Parello, M. Yalire, Passive degassing at Nyiragongo (D.R. Congo and Etna (Italy)
volcanoes, Annals of Geophysics, Fast Track 2/57, doi: 10.4401/ag-6637, 2014.
Gli, J., Bobrowski, N., Vogel, L., Phler, D., and Platt, U.: OClO and BrO observations in the
volcanic plume of Mt. Etna implications on the chemistry of chlorine and bromine species in
volcanic plumes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5659-5681, doi:10.5194/acp-15-5659-2015, 2015.

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