Uninstall GG

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Uninstall GG

DDL Remove
(Valid when the DDL trigger is being used to support DDL replication.) This procedure removes all
of the Oracle GoldenGate DDL objects from the DDL schema on a source system.
1. Log on as the system administrator or as a user with permission to issue Oracle GoldenGate
commands and delete files and directories from the operating system.
2. Run GGSCI from the Oracle GoldenGate directory.
3. Stop all Oracle GoldenGate processes.
Log in to SQL*Plus as a user that has SYSDBA privileges.
4. Disconnect all sessions that ever issued DDL, including those of Oracle GoldenGate
processes, SQL*Plus, business applications, and any other software that uses Oracle. Otherwise
the database might generate an ORA-04021 error.
5. Run the ddl_disable script to disable the DDL trigger.
Invoke sqlplus from gghome
SQL> @ddl_disable
SP2-0310: unable to open file "ddl_disable.sql"
SQL> @/home/oracle/gg/ddl_disable
SP2-0310: unable to open file "params.sql"
Enter value for ddl_trigger_name: GGS_DDL_TRIGGER_BEFORE
6. Run the ddl_remove script to remove the Oracle GoldenGate DDL trigger, the DDL history and
marker tables, and other associated objects. This script produces a ddl_remove_spool.txt file that
logs the script output and a ddl_remove_set.txt file that logs environment settings in case they are
needed for debugging.
SQL> @ddl_remove
DDL replication removal script.
WARNING: this script removes all DDL replication objects and data.
You will be prompted for the name of a schema for the Oracle GoldenGate database objects.
NOTE: The schema must be created prior to running this script.
Enter Oracle GoldenGate schema name:ggs_owner
Working, please wait ...
Spooling to file ddl_remove_spool.txt
Script complete.
7. Run the marker_remove script to remove the Oracle GoldenGate marker support system. This
script produces a marker_remove_spool.txt file that logs the script output and a
marker_remove_set.txt file that logs environment settings in case they are needed for debugging.
SQL> @marker_remove
Marker removal script.
WARNING: this script removes all marker objects and data.
You will be prompted for the name of a schema for the Oracle GoldenGate database objects.
NOTE: The schema must be created prior to running this script.
Enter Oracle GoldenGate schema name:ggs_owner

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Sequence dropped.
Table dropped.
Script complete.
Oracle Goldengate Uninstall
1. Log on to the database server (as oracle) where the GoldenGate software is installed.
2. Change directory to the GoldenGate home:
cd /home/oracle/ggs
3. Start GGSCI:
4. Stop all GoldenGate processes:
GGSCI (dbserver1) 1> stop EXTRACT *
GGSCI (dbserver1) 1> stop REPLICAT *Chapter 2 [ 53 ]
GGSCI (dbserver1) 2> stop MGR
Manager process is required by other GGS processes.
Are you sure you want to stop it (y/n)? y
Sending STOP request to MANAGER
Request processed.
Manager stopped.
GGSCI (dbserver1) 3> exit
5. Change directory to the installation directory:
cd /home/oracle
6. Remove the GoldenGate files:
rm -rf ggs
7. Logon to the Oracle database as SYSDBA and drop the GoldenGate Admin user. Include the
CASCADE keyword:
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> drop user ggs_admin cascade;
User dropped.

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