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The Constitution of Somalia

We the People of Somalia, in order to form a united and equal body, establish integrity,
ensure fairness to all people, provide justice for the common good, promote happiness
to all people, and protect the rights of Our liberty and Our future, do ordain and establish
this constitution for Somalia.

Article. I. Parliamentary Democracy

Section. 1.
1. The legislation of the Somali refugees will be a Parliamentary Democracy that
will consist of a chancellor and his cabinet with a Executive branch and a Judicial
2. Legislature will select the government in accordance to the party strength in
Section. 2.
1. The chancellor shall be selected by the people and his cabinet will consist of
member that the chancellor has personally chosen.
2. The requirements of being chancellor will that that their age must be past the
point of twenty five, but they are not allowed to be older than sixty. They must
also have the highest amount of votes than their competitors.
3. Once appointed, the chancellor and his cabinet shall serve for 3 years if they
people feel that their chancellor is great enough they may run for another 3
years. Once the time has passed a chancellor can only serve for 2 terms and
their cabinet must follow suite.
4. The job of chancellor is to be the representative of the people and to be the voice
heard in senate meetings. The decision of the chancellor can affect the people in
good terms or bad, which is the reasonings for adding a Executive and Judicial

Article. II. Executive Branch

1. The role of the executive branch shall be to enforce the laws created by the
chancellor such as basic laws against violence and theft and to be a strong
central government to be sure no one gain too much power.
2. To be appointed a role in the Executive branch, the common man will be
selected by the people through popular sovereignty and they must follow the
same guidelines as the chancellor and serve the same amount of time.
3. This branch shall be the representative for what the American people see, so
they must leave a good impression. If the Somalia government feel that their
chancellor has gotten out of hand or become a tyrant, the Somali people have
the right to veto the current chancellor.

Article. III. Judicial Branch

1. The the type of judicial system that the Somali people shall follow will be a
provisional constitution judiciary the system shall follow as such: Constitutional
Court, Federal Government level courts, and lastly Federal Member State Level
2. Our court members shall be selected by the people and shall serve in the court
system until they retire or die.
3. Every common man shall have the right to a trial by jury and is innocent until
proven guilty.

Article. IV. Checks and Balances

Section. 1.
1. A system of checks and balances shall be implemented into the Somali
Government and must be enforced or else it will result in chaos.
2. The purpose of checks and balances is to allow other branches of government to
check in on each other this is so that no single branch or individual has a greater
power than anyone else because this can also lead to chaos in the people.
Section. 2.
1. This system creates roles for the different branches of the government such as
the legislative branch make laws, the executive branch enforces laws, and the
judicial interprets the laws
2. The balances come into effect when the branch do their roles such as the
following: legislative branch making a law, but the executive branch vetoing the

law with the Presidential veto and the Judicial branch can decide if the law goes
against the constitution. This is necessary for every branch so that means that
when each branch makes a decision it must go through the other branches
before it can become official.
3. The Legislative branch has the power to remove the President from the office,
control the budget, and approve the nominations.
4. The Executive branch can announce Executive orders, but the Judicial can claim
them as unconstitutional.

Article. V. Popular Sovereignty

1. People of Somalia shall be guarantee to elect their representatives and that
ultimate power resides in the People.
2. By establishing a Parliamentary Democracy, the authority of the government is
created and rested by the consent of the People of Somalia.

Article. VI. Bill of Rights

Section. 1.
1. Somalia shall guarantee a Bill of Rights and that each person will be entitled to
their own unalienable rights.
Section. 2.
1. People have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of
the press; they are allowed to petition the government if any grievances occur.
2. People are guaranteed to the right of public education and shall not be
discriminated based on sex and race in educational institutions.
3. The right of citizens of Somalia to vote shall not be denied or abridged by

Conclusion Questions
Compare and Contrast your government/constitution to the United States
Constitution. Specifically, explain how your laws and government differ or are similar to
the American Constitution and Bill of Rights. Does the central government in the
capital hold more power than the state or does the state hold more power than the

central government? Why? Why not?

The similarities between our constitution and the US constitution is that they both agree
of people having human rights, popular sovereignty, Executive branch, and Judicial
branch. The difference between our constitutions is that we have a parliamentary
democracy where it leader is either a priest and or chancellor while for the US it's just a
president. In our government the central government has more power than the states
due to the refugees not necessarily having any states and cannot due to location they
are living in does not have enough room to have multiple states more like just one state.
Cite at least three founding ideals and why you agree or disagree with them.
1) Checks and balances - I agree with this founding ideal because the powers between
the branches need to be distributed equally and fairly, or else a branch will dominate the
other two. Furthermore, it is important that each branch checks the other to make
important decisions and that each branch plays their own dutiful role in the government.
2) Popular sovereignty - This ideal is another ideal I agree with because the people of
the country need to correspond with the government in order to have a stabilize
government. The people are what makes a country, and they need elected
representatives to share their ideas. However, it is important that the people do not
abuse this power. 3) Limited government - I agree with this last ideal because the
power of the people and the government needs to be limited by a force which is the
constitution. It is essential that power is not dominated and used for someone elses
gain; we are bound by certain principles to avoid conflict. In addition, the fact the
constitution is still used today with this ideal indicates that the people and the
government are stronger together than ever.

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