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C Vs Mac

Computer is an electronic machine that was programmed to help

people in various work suchas calculating. It can receive any data and
figure and process it to manipulate into the something that can be useful.
It was programmed to receive input and process it to produce output that
needed and it also can save any data to use in the future. Nowadays,
there are many computer market in the wolrd. The most popular and main
competitors in computer market in the worl are Microsoft P.C and Mac.
Both of them bear undeniable similarities as well as striking differences.
We can see the similarities and differences for both of them in aspect of
operating system type, prices and future.
Althought the P.C and the Mac were came from differences
company, we can see the similarities in the operating system wich is both
of them are crystal clear. Each possesses favorable traits that make them
the top two competitors in the computer market. The Mac, with its usefriendly interface, artistic software, and attractive appearance, is greatly
appreciated by those who value a perfect computer. The P.C, with its
affordability, unrivaled compatibility, and wide range is used by majority
of the computer-using population because it is easy to use. Besides, it
have same in range of pricess. If you decide to own a computer either
from Microsoft P.C or Mac, you must have among 1000$ to 5000$. You
may think it is too expensive but it is standard because of the future and
the usage. In the future, we can see both of Microsoft P.C and Mac have
similar facility. It include monitor and keyboard. When it comes to the
keyboard, both the PC and the Mac share the same twenty-six letter
formation, as well as the number keys, and the basic function keys which
include the enter, shift, and spacebar keys.
There are many differences between P.C and Mac. In the operating
system, P.C use
windows processor while Mac use IOS. Microsoft
computers use the Windows series, which include Windows XP,
Windows Vista, and Windows 7 to name a few. Each of these have their
own sub-versions, such as the Windows 7 professional. The Mac
software in contrast, can be neatly divided into two parts. The earlier and
first software is known as the Mac OS series. The second part is the
latest and most updated version of the Mac OS, renamed Mac OS X.
Among the Mac OS X series, they have been updated versions. The
general opinion strongly suggests that users prefer the Mac user interface,
often commenting that it is more fun and artistic. This ingenious
software undeniably has a higher resolution in screen display. The Mac

OS X is also known for less frequent technical problems-which include

freezing, bugs, and crashing-when compared with their P.C. counterparts.
However, the superior quality of the Mac software is compromised by its
compatibility with programs. The Microsoft P.C. has inferior graphics,
animations, and performance consistency; however, the vast majority of
programs and applications are built for P.C. users. This includes many
things such as computer games, editing programs, and office programs.
Therefore, the P.C. makes up for its dull interface with an unmatched
compatibility. We also can see the differences between both of them in
prices. Mac are more expensive compare to Microsoft P.C atlhought its in
the same range of prices wich is in thousand dollar. The prices of Macs
may vary from $1000 to $4000. P.C.s range from prices under $500 to
prices as high as $4000 (such as the AlienWare series). Taking a lower-end
Mac, and a higher-end P.C, a similar price range may occur, vice versa. In
the fututure we can see the design of the Mac are more artistic compare
to P.C. At the keyboard, some keys are named differently for Macs. This
includes the name of their backspace key in which they were forced to
rename delete. Asides from this, the use of the control and alternate
keys has switched roles in the use of quick key manipulations, replaced
mainly by the Macs unique command key.
I prefer to choose Microsoft P.C because it is quite easy to use and it
compatible anywehere compare to Mac that are using their own
proceesor. It may give me some difficulty to learn how to use it because
the differences in standard operating. Besides it is cheaper than Mac. Mac
are expensive because of it quality. It pricess may vary from $1000 to
$4000 and I may use half of my saving to own Mac. Besides I prefer
Microsoft P.C because it future are used anywhere and friendly. I will get
confused if I am using Mac because of the differences button in keyboard
such as backspace key in which they were forced to rename delete.
Asides from this, the use of the control and alternate keys has
switched roles in the use of quick key manipulations, replaced mainly by
the Macs unique command key.
For the conclusion, both of them P.C and Mac have their own
advantages. It is stand for us either to choose Mac or P.C. We can get
advantages from both of them. Their differences and similarities give us
opportunity to do the right decision in using computer.

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