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Sabin Configuration Map

Class/Subject: Number of Students: Time of Day: Evaluator:

Mastery Integrating/Applying Emerging Awareness

Classroom Management: . Expectations are mostly met and processes are in . Expectations are sometimes, but not consistently The expectations of the class are not clear and
. Students know and follow a common set of place. met. there are no clear processes in place.
schoolwide and classroom expectations. . Instruction begins and ends on time. . Time on instruction manifestly exceeds time on . More time is spent on management than
. Instruction begins and ends on time. . Readiness to learn is evident. classroom management. instruction.
. All students are ready to learn. . Disruption is seldom a problem. . Instruction begins and ends on time. . Instruction begins and ends on time.
. There is bell to bell instruction with minimal . Accountability and follow-through are mostly . Most students are ready to learn. . Students may not have the appropriate
disruption. evident when expectation are met. . Disruptions are observable but do not predominate. materials and are not ready to learn.
. There is accountability and follow-through when . A safe and orderly learning environment has been . Holding students accountable is partially evident . There are multiple disruptions to learning.
expectations are not met. established. when expectations are not met. . There is no accountability or follow through
. A safe and orderly learning environment has been . A safe and orderly learning environment has been when expectations are not met.
established. established. . A safe and orderly learning environment has
been established.

95-100% of the students, 95-100% of the time. 88-94% of the students, 88-94% of the time. 80-87% of the students, 80-87% of the time. Less than 79% of the students, less than 79% of
the time.
Teacher: Teacher: Teacher: Teacher:
. Teacher is prepared. . Teacher is prepared. . Teacher is prepared. . Teacher is prepared.
. Teacher begins and ends instruction at the . Teacher begins and ends instruction at the . Teacher begins and ends instruction at the . Teacher begins and ends instruction at the
appropriate time. appropriate time. appropriate time. appropriate time.
. Teacher has communicated the common . Expectations are posted and communicated most of . Expectations are posted, but may not be . Expectaions are not posted and may not have
expectations. the time. communicated. been communicated.
. Teacher follows through with consequences when . Positive behaviors are modeled most of the time. . Positive behaviors are sometimes modeled. .Positive Behaviors are assumed but not taught
expectations are not met. . Teachers seldom need to re-direct students. . Teacher sometimes redirects student behaviors. or modeled.
. Positive behaviors taught, modeled and . Teacher needs to re-direct students on an
recognized. ongoing basis.
. Re-direction is minimal.
.Staff are accountable for enforcing and follow
through on school-wide and classroom

Sabin Configuration Map

Student: Student: Student: Student:

. Students follow the common expectations. . Students mostly follow common expectations. . Students generally listen to and respond to teacher . Do not understand or follow a common set of
. Respond positively to teacher direction. . Students usually listen to and positively respond to direction. expectations.
.Students engage in bell to bell learning. teacher direction. . Learning is less poradic and more evident tham at . Students ignore or respond negatively to
.Students monitor their own behavior. . Learning is mostly evident - bell to bell. non-use level. teacher direction.
. There is positive leadership that ensures that . Students most often monitor their own behavior. . Students show evidence of self monitoring. . Learning is sporadic and does not occur bell-to-
classroom expectations are met. . Students very often demonstrate evidence of positive . Students show evidence of positive leadership. bell.
. Students come prepared to learn by bringing all leadership. . Students are punctual. . Students do not monitor their own behavior.
necessary supplies. . Students are punctual. . There is no positive leadership apparent.
. Students are punctual. . Students are punctual.

Sabin Configuration Map

Student Engagement: Student Engagement: Student Engagement: Student Engagement:

. All Students are actively engaged in the learning . Most students are often engaged in the learning . Many students are often engaged in the learning . Students are often not engaged in the learning
process. (teacher to student and student to student) process. process. process.
. There is a comfortable earning environment that . Most students feel comfortable connecting to . Many students feel comfortable connecting to . Very few students feel comfortable connection
encourages academic involvement. discussions and/or answering questions. discussions and/or answering questions. to discussion and/or answering questions.
. All students are interested and involved in the . Most students appear interested and involved in the . Many students appear interested and involved in the . Students appear bored or uninvolved in the
learning. learning. learning. learning.
. Students are ready to learn.

95-100% of the students, 95-100% of the time. 88-94% of the students, 88-94% of the time. 80-87% of the students, 80-87% of the time. Less than 79% of the students, less than 79% of
the time.
Teacher: Teacher: Teacher: Teacher:
. Teacher uses a variety of effective teaching . Teacher does use many varieties of instructional . Teacher does use some variety of instructional . Teacher does not use a variety of instructional
techniques to address all learning styles. processes and uses lecture if appropriate. processes and does not use only lecture. processes and may only engage in lecture.
. Teacher is actively facilitating the learning by . Teacher is mobile in class and accessible. . Teacher may pend some time at desk, and . Teacher may spend much of the time at the
being mobile and accessible. . Teacher engages students with learning at the periodically moves around the room. desk and direct class from there.
. Teacher uses strategies that engage students such analysis level. . Teacher engages students with learning at the . Teacher only engages students with learning at
as higher order questioning and hands on at the application level. the comprehension and awarenesslevel.
synthesis and evaluation levels.. . There is no attempt to engage students in hands
on learning.

Student: Student: Student: Student:

. All students are dialoguing about the lesson or . Most students are engaged in the learning. . There are many students engaged in the learning. . There are fewstudents engaged in the learning.
content when appropriate. . Few students may need re-direction to accomplish an . Several students may need constand re-direction to . Many students may need constant re-direction
. All students understand and follow the directions activity. accomplish our activity. to accomplish an activity.
and complete lessons. . Most students are completing lesson, and following . Many students are completing lessons and . Students are not completing lessons or may not
. All students stay on task with little or no re- directions. following direction. be following directions.

Sabin Configuration Map

Positive Relationships: Positive Realationships: Positve Relationships: Postive Relationships:

.There is evidence of respect in the Sabin .There is respect demonstrated. .There is respect demonstrated. . There is a lack of respect in the Sabin
community. .There is sense of team or community. .There is sense of team or community. community.
. There is a sense of team or community (We are all .Students share or volunteer answers. .Students share or volunteer answers. . There is no sense of team or community.
in this together.) .There is a sense of well being. .There is a sense of well being. . Students are reluctant to share information or
. Staff and students feel safe to share freely. volunteer answers.
. There is a sense of well being. . There is not a sense of well-being.

95-100% of the students, 95-100% of the time. 88-94% of the students, 88-94% of the time. 80-87% of the students, 80-87% of the time. Less than 79% of the students, less than 79% of
the time.
Teacher: Teacher: Teacher: Teacher:
. The teacher knows each student by name. .The teacher knows the names of students. .The teacher knows the names of students. . The teacher does not know the names of
. The teacher is aware of individual student needs .The teacher addresses the learning needs of the whole .The teacher addresses the learning needs of the students and may need to use a seating chart to
and responds to those needs. class and is aware of individual student needs. whole class and is aware of individual student needs. call on students.
.The teacher listens to students and reflects before .The teacher does give students time to respond. .The teacher does give students time to respond. . The teacher does not address the learning needs
responding. .The teacher does value student input. .The teacher does value student input. of the whole class and is unaware of individual
. The teacher values student input. student needs.
.Teachers do give students time to respond. . The teacher does not give students time to
. The teacher does not value student input.

Student: Student: Student: Student:

. Approaches the teacher to share information. . Student do approach the teacher and does ask . Students do approach the teacher and does ask . Students do not approach the teacher and do not
. Speaking in a respectful manner. questions. questions. ask questions.
. There is a clear sense of school pride. . Students are respectful to adults. . Students are respectful to adults. . Students are disrespectful to adults.
. Students are encouraging each other. . Students are resepectful to other students. . Students are resepectful to other students. . Students are disresepectful to other students.
.Students are respectful of each other. . There is evidence of school pride. . There is evidence of school pride. . There is no evidence of school pride.
.Students are respectful of adults in the building. . Students do advocate for themselves. . Students do advocate for themselves. . Students do not advocate for themselves.
. There is a sense of belonging. . Students are encouraging each other. . Students are encouraging each other.
. Students do advocate for themselves. . There is a sense of belonging. . There is a sense of belonging.

Sabin Configuration Map

Rigor: Rigor: Rigor: Rigor:

.Students have access to instruction at grade level . Students have access to instruction at grade level or . Students have access to instruction at grade level or . Students have access to instruction at grade
or above. above. above. level or above.
.There is higher level thinking and questioning. . Questioning is at the analysis level. . Questioning is limited to the application level. . Questioning is limited to comprehension and
.All lessons are aligned to grade level standards. . All lessons are aligned to grade level standards. . All lessons are aligned to grade level standards. awareness.
.There is an environment of high expectations. . The environment pushes students to full effort for . Environment pushes students to full effort much of . All lessons are aligned to grade level standards.
Pushing students to give full effort all of the time. much of the time. the time.. . There is an environment of just doing enough
. There is ongoing use of formative assessments . Assessment is mostly formative and used to dirve . Assessment is formative and summative and is used to get by.
and the data is used to drive instruction. instruction most of the time. to drive instruction much of the time. . Most assessment is summative and the data is
not used to drive instruction.

95-100% of the students, 95-100% of the time. 88-94% of the students, 88-94% of the time. 80-87% of the students, 80-87% of the time. Less than 79% of the students, less than 79% of
the time.
Teacher: Teacher: Teacher: Teacher:
. There is clear evidence of planning that allows . Planning is done regularly with some evidence of . There is some evidence of planning and done .There is little to no evidence of planning.
for acceleration and scaffolding. allowing for acceleration and scaffolding. regulary, but it does not include acceleration and . There is little to no evidence of differentiating
. Teachers use questions that address all levels of . There is much evidence of differentiated instruction. scaffolding. instruction.
blooms. . Questions include awareness, application, . There is some evidence of differentiated instruction. . The teacher may not have knowledge of best
. The teacher assesses student learning on an comprehension and awareness levels of Blooms . Questions include application, comprehension and practices or may not have a firm grasp of their
ongoing basis and uses the data to drive Taxonomy. awareness of Blooms Taxonomy. content.
instruction. . The teacher assesses student learning on an ongoing . The teacher assesses student learning on an ongoing . Questions are limited to knowledge and fact.
. The teacher facilitates rich discussion on a basis and uses the data to drive instruction. basis and uses the data to drive instruction. . The teacher assesses student learning on an
consistent basis. . There is frequent evidnece rich discussion. . There is some evidence of rich discussion. ongoing basis and uses the data to drive
. Teachers has a deep undersanding of the content . The teacher has a lot of knowledge of best practices . The teachwer has some knowledge of best practices instruction.
and are involved in their own learning. and has na adequate grasp of the content. and some grasp of their content. . There is little to no evidence of exploration or

Student: Student: Student: Student:

. Students are willing to go beyond expectations. . Students consistently meet the work expecations and . Students meet the work expecations and are .Many students do a minimum of work and may
.Students demonstrate independent learning. are concerned with learning most of the time. concerned with learning expectations most of the not be concerned with learning expectations.
.Students complete all assigned work on time. . Students demonstrate independent learning most of time. . There is little to no evidence that students learn
.Students are engaged in rich discussion around the the time. . Students demonstrate independent learning much of independently.
content. . Students complete most of the assigned work on the time. . Work is often missing, incomplete or late.
. Students strive to produce exemplary work. time. . Students complete much of the assigned work on . There is little to no discussion related to the
time. content.
. Many students complete just enough work to
get by.

Sabin Configuration Map

Relevance: Relevance: Relevance: Relevance:

. Lessons have real life applications and resonate .Learning includes a variety of text and extra test . Learning is based on text and extra text materials . Learning is often text based and may or may
with the outside world. materials and is applicable to real world tasks and and is often relevant to outside world. not have relevance to the outside world.
. Academic success is encouraged. experiences. . Academic success is encouraged. . Academic success is encouraged.
. Teachers solicit and understand what is important . Academic success is encouraged. . Teachers sometimes solicit student input re: . Teachers are not concerned with what is
to their students. . Teachers frequently solicit student input re: learning learning. important to their students.
and instruction.

95-100% of the students, 95-100% of the time. 88-94% of the students, 88-94% of the time. 80-87% of the students, 80-87% of the time. Less than 79% of the students, less than 79% of
the time.
Teacher: Teacher: Teacher: Teacher:
. Teachers aware of the world around them and the . Teachers most often make relevant connections to . Teachers frequently make relevant connections to . Teachers are only aware of the next lesson in
21st century culture. engage students. the "Big Picture". the text and do not make the connection to 21st
.Teachers make connections to the real world. . Teacher focuses on making real-world connections> . Connections to real world concerns are evident. century culture.
. Teacherzs are prepared to answer the question of . Teacher frequently fosters collaborative work and . Teachers often seeks to make learning relevant. . There is little to no connection to the real
relevance. activities. . Teacher uses a variety of instructional tools to world.
. Teacher sets up a variety of instructional activities encourage collaboration. . Teachers may not be able to answer a question
that require students to work collaboratively. of relevance with any response other than grades
and needing the information to advance in
. Work is done in rows with little to no
collaboration or group work may be random
with little to no scaffolding for successful
Student: Student: Student: Student:
. Students can make the connection between their . Students are most often making real world . Students frequently respond positively to teachers . Some students feel the information is isolated
learning and the outside world. connections and are excited about their learning. attempts to make learning relevant. and have no bearing to the real world.
. Students value their education. . Some students do not value the learning and do
. Students connect their learning to their future. not see the connection to their future.
.Students are interested and excited about their . Some tudents are disengaged with the learning.
learning. . Group work often fall on one individual with
many group members not engaged in the

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