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Gentil 1

Kelsey Gentil
Jennifer Rodrick
QS 115
3 October 2016

Exercise #1
Write 1-2 pages (250-550 words) on Ted Talk video, summarize & analyze
In the Ted Talk video, The Danger Of Hiding Who You Are by Morgana Bailey, starts of
by talking about where she was from, how she wasnt afraid to be out of the circle and try new
things, she even shows picture of what she used to dress and look like, but she didnt really care
if anyone thought she was different or weird. But on a semester abroad in London, she realized
something about herself, something unique, that changed and shaped her life to be different from
there on. But when she noticed something different about her, the fear paralyzed her, she began
to hide herself, she stopped socializing and she didn't want to be part of the crowd anymore, she
even had a cover up story for what she was going to talk about on this Ted Talk. But after, 16
years through all the rough times and all the hiding she finally had the guts and realized that she
didnt want to be hiding anymore, that her secret had to be out. But what was her secret?

Through the tears she was holding back while saying it, she finally said it. She is a
lesbian. It took her a long time to come out and finally say the truth about herself because she
didn't want lesbian to define her as my gay coworker Morgana or lesbian friend Morgana
because she just wanted to be know as Morgana and nothing else. She also noticed that so many
people have hid themselves just like her, that scared her. But life and death consequences come
to those who hide and she couldnt longer keep quiet so she had to come out and say what she
was, the person she really is. Around earlier in the year before she came out a bill was trying to

be passed that would deny the rights and services to gays. She had a former coworker, friend that
had a dad who serves in the Kansas House of Representatives, and he voted in favor of that bill.
Morgana felt guilty and negligence of not having came out before, because her friend didnt
know she was a lesbian so MArgan didnt know how she felt because she was never honest with
them. She felt that maybe her friend could have helped her, supported her and stopped her father
for being in favor of that bill. But she realized she never did anything. Her not having been out of
her comfort zone and told people anything made her feel that she hadnt done anything, and
something still had to be done. Even having wrote down a quote from her semester abroad in
London she realized that she was missing the big picture, what that quote really meant, and what
she the real fact she trying to say to herself.

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