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Tanka Farms Field Trip

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Time: 9:00am 2:00pm
Grades TK 8th Grade

Reminders for Thursdays field trip:

Need to be at school no later than 8:30 a.m. We will be leaving at 9:00am.
Bring your own lunch from home and water bottles.
Will not be able to pick vegetables or pumpkins (Students Only)
Will not be able to help children carry their vegetables or pumpkins, children must do this on
their own.
Need to wear their closed-toed shoes, PE T-shirt, and pants (jeans). NO SHORTS!!!!!
(Students will get dirty)
Bring their own lunch from home and water bottles.
There are no water fountains on Farm
Need to bring a small reusable shopping bag to carry vegetables and pumpkins (Please write
their name on the bag) I will be giving chaperones a marker to write students names on
their pumpkins.
Do not need money.

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