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mue-o7-2014 16141 Froaten essa) Pave tars earor/za14 3:89 o1760s7769 rc HL ne ot gust 7.2014 1 or ont alabtrtinhetkee pd ha debvered Aug, 2004, asta Moin rs tulad ndepareet School Okt 3049 cota be edn 76022 HeioUrso, CHS Ma. Marin {ncesponoto your Level ieance Response, wo wa the lowing ‘Tho gelmone orga Danan Emery’ ke etna nat when} led Up owen a ni. The vance va try. thGrvanc ws fled tnly wn 5 usu dy ofthe eacng Offa’ econ asd on Mr. Drm Eery fale ethno ft wns moter eat ‘ecion Yount tots not eet fot regard Hut ues edord dependant Schoo Die’ Adntstrate’ ao tstinany tne further obsteton fo psoth ath ‘molt the neg of earn ven tan Arata tg] ‘used on yor timetne: Febru 2, 2043; Gammom us ronan i to 0 day ONE? fre hayes ig brows by the tt dat es the ence deaty ‘Mor 20 as you know ‘eval, ‘4, 201 You ac wrt thot hare wren feony ene thfrefor, hares 9 Paton to conte 260 day OAD, Cam Crips at ge 12 was cleared of pillehurgan nee the Atha: ‘revienad the pltures an oviance themselves and deteraned there whe no charges ond there was no felony. ‘Mare 4940, 2014: A Heavies Suge washed here Damon nary eve fle ‘extinony andthe lil © e=crnpsrsintaled hones testimony ony comes wre wot reel egrdng tho ltrs ¢ aptly and ith severanefey sed won tauh chat ‘recs a 2 yar of age on Ap 4 2018 viable hanes hd edb, There war no charges nd na flo. Rees avo propa wth honest dbl tpt al ron Me Innctnce, "Moy, 2 The Hes Ofer tnd don bese oa an ate Dann ery med the offont of way tliay ores ter having taken na oth HEB ISD 007 ‘nag 7, 2084 Vl enallto Laatste and hand delverod August 7, 2014 Ms ty Martin Hurst-Euess Boor indopendene Schl District 1049 central br, Bedtord, 1.76022 Ro: ourson, CR Cpe Ms, tarts In response to your Lol Grlovance Response, wo wt the fellow ‘The vevanco stn regard to Damon Emery’ false testimony; not when We pled up ou sons ell hone The gevance was fled ney. The Glevance was od tnaly wit 15 business days ofthe eartng otc’ delson based on Mr. Daman Emery’ fas etinony that was material to that decson. Your Intentional effrts oto rvtew the facts regarding Hure-Ees don Independent ‘Schoo! Diss Administrator's as testimony further obstruction to uphold the uth and ‘malta the Intoity ofa Hearing ven tan Admits la hd. Base om your tlie February2s,2013:¢ _waserroncousy sent oa 60 day OAE for als chargesbing bought by the ant due to aot stents very ponent heaton, ‘Mach 201: As you kn there were NO enn ters the bithran as th enone ley ‘oval ‘Ani 4,201: You nit n wtng that there were no felony charges: therfor, there was reston to contin 0 60 day OAEP.C mmr Cripps ago 12 wae cleared of al charges once the thors ‘evlewed the pctres and evidence themselves and determined there were no charges and there was no feony. ‘Moreh 1920, 2014: A Hearing by an Administrative Law Judge was held where Osman Emery gave alse testimony and the cil, Came Cripps mantaned honest tstnon. Felony charges wee nt beng re-decdod exon the pltures. C ee panty and with ever agony aon wot through thet Process at 12 yeors of age on Al 4 2013 with absolute honesty andere. There were no charges nd no felony, Regardless, Cm was prepared with hones credible testy aga proving his Innocence. "May 23,2014: the Hesrg Officer made decon based upon and after Mr, Damon Emery made the ‘offnsoof wilfully tell untrue ater ving taken an oath oavon/zan4 13:89 a176087749 cx Wa ase 0s ‘a2, 201 pon ing topes on he phone vA of the Hurst nes toed dopant Soe DAW, fasotastnony rte hing ours, Mi Dao ee fb tet ae eran ad beret tanto tha dda Judge hares in estén a had nasa ur pene wd ery ean aap Cm Capea hath anno wk EIS ae past As Pp Danan Emery, ho ha beleved vas pretet in ‘wt the truth oss cantina to har ent ta earl atlas testimony, Mr rary further erode hve c = intron beyond June 220%, te Copan fay gave sha fo ut fr Yh owes procedure ater ‘a wero od thre wera fost ot- Texte we hae sige aa tty ol rected the ‘Grievance Jon 2.2014, Wont bt Chipman of seh al han ~ as war recto th foes ‘efi by an, 2034.Thn Geevane va ofall fle aa 2, 2044, ‘mresponse tauren: et ets pray them he pe) ae wake tot rete forthe You gos" dona ta my of thes cononons ob eon" Invy competing becae ews ths eudenea hatte dared yp nth stent stron fly ergs» 1 ye ot ign rar he tacos tre 9k over. Ai ater th autres eve the ues fo | ‘hs ondance on Ao, 28, toy determined thar vere o ngs sn ela {ar Damen Ear fo tstinony vstreta nthe Hsing Or acon. it paraonne havean spite respons tn provid nest tetany wa oe neg that one wou exe (ha tus tues edfrtndapandent Seo Baik ts Ul fay HD enployees repr. ‘thar pston, tuk ost moran a Adnsttor. Had hnestetinony en prove, ‘re wld nt have bes nee othe riwace precede, Ts isnake quan of whet ‘nalagation aan ul ragrdg or fo the grvonce of ono of your Dist waatore “ot te to phd hs sor trate Ln Judge, wel to upol the Integy ofthe ise at hs character asa employe of HED. ‘nea tg Die ely opcusnd Came, fea nd wont, continued to paces 60 dy ‘On though ny thf tht haa ws any ara as ave tt i you reson, {the Dire thare vs lon) weaned to wal ha einen of pte 88 kn inert, et ba toa abst wel. o hfdeu eld at. Don Enary 1m Adnisotr protect ho wo bony te suden ond very young edooson fet nd fret ‘Without fale amon Emery consiteny dl nto is reasonable ine to pote th ei ond Important protect the ey of Doe ces orn Hat ery prot rand ted testinory, lof te afaremendonsd wuld othove taken ple, Tareveere topple it cures nearing, the ei mCi alos ee wo ho Web 12 yen ld uit slant Papal Canon nay. Bou gave testinay.C som hao etn th trot tu Feusry21, 2023 ale da ot ag whe Me, amon nora pre, aah ell ‘hon wa nthe tt poss unt fll ek er meeogeng naceeraly roumating ‘ur very our Comm Cp Hore tha gy ofthe Hea on Rc 1,204 and HEB ISD 008 ‘May 21, 2014: Upon finding the pctures on the cel phone ofthe heat elothed student, we dlscovered a Adnstratr of the tls oor Independent choo Disc Mr, Damn Ener gave fase testimony uteri curso. on ry fle testnony was wey ewe ly an delbertely atest oe Adastra ge ane reese nesta ste had shsltl Seen th pcre. With very severe angi => Cp realest an Amanstatr ‘wa HEAISO an hi past stant rina Mr. Damon Emery, ho he bloved was torte im wth the truth gross continuo arm in wth fas coeuly rtclte estinny. Emery further ameslanaly a mentally hard C= In etimony andl beyond ‘ne 4, 2014 Mr. Steve Chapman fly gave ste form to flout for the Gilevance pred after ‘we were tld there were to forms tof out Therofore, we have sed cpl that yal receled the Grievance on ne 2, 2014, We noted ar chapman of sich al then we were rected to the forts nn nai June 4 2014. the Glevanca wae ofl ne 2, 2014, |mtesponse to our ei: “the Dist dl not prvi ther (he pltres eter asked the Ott ‘repeated for them” Your response: "do nt find any ofthe contentions oho competing {svery compeling because it was ths eudence that the tt rebel upon in ther attempt to le ‘ronous felony chorges against 12 yar ol stuggtng tent. The teachers sons pletres were not broke eter. Ay ter the uthors eave te pres ofthe hay lati stant and the evidence on Api, 2013, they deteined there were no charges nd felony. wr. Damon Emer’ fase tstinony was matellin the Hearing Oficersdecon, Dis personnel ‘hae an absolut respons to provide hanes testimony ad tothe Integy that one would expect tho Hurst-Eues-Bedord independent Schoo Pst to upto of any HISD employee egress ‘oftheir poston, butmastnportantyan Adminstrator. Had honest tetany been onde, there woud not have been a ned forthe Grlevace proce Ths snot a question of whether ‘analegation was upheld regarding our son, tls riovance of one of your Ditilt’swdnintrators lating his dite to uphold Ue lw bofore an Admstatve Law hue, a wel as to uphold the Integy ofthe Distr an his wn characte as an employee of HEBSD Since the Dis flely accused C == ofa ene anda worst, continued to place Hm i 60 day ‘ONE although knowingly ofthe fac that there were no felony charges es even tte in your response, ‘he District new there was no felon) and conthued to withthe evdence ofthe pletues I wos only Imperative ethical and to thealsoltewel- beng of hl, ow eil that Me. Damon Emery 'an Adminstrator protect the welling of the student and very young adolescent fist ond foremost. Without ft. Damon Emery consistently dd not do hsreasonahle igen to protect the cid and Importantly protect the nteaty of bue Process Hearings. Hed Mme rovded rede an etleal testimony allothe aforementioned would not havo takon pace. Thero were two people thats the ‘letures nthe Hering the cid, mmm Cripps asst seen be he wes 12 years an the ‘ult Assistant Principal, Mt. Oamon Emery. Both ave testimony. Camm had nt seen the pltures ‘nce February 21,2013 and we do ot ow when tt. Danan Emery last sa the pletres, bu he cll hone Was nthe Distrt’s posession unt Ul wee after errogating and severely ana ‘uF very young son. === Cripps honored the tery ofthe Hearing on March 19,2014 and aye/zai4 13:59 817646748 nck HA, Page as Provided strona see conseious neat tostinony. Damon ery ld ot. We Damon nr proud fl tetany oan Arvo ar dd hat va rater Hearn essen hing hth proce anh lon gree snd condnuny rod Wail ure, cme Cp, Wo conn vast othe idl su the pees? We av tht amar ot wall Dd the tone orth tts the plane tn ne? Wha othr ators th ptr? We silo that. ‘gan wo oslo orton feo be retubus lof oss ana econ We eapungd Undine aey, mann Every borprinanded tothe ost extent psn a wow else ‘now a ofa estinany owas vole wit tha fl testimony Wort oxk hr, Damen [ry wet ta esos, dra tow ude aa iat tention sulstonand restora th gy fhe Hanon pokes, (We we nt atte wth yourespanse nd appeal your response to the Leve Shou oer The reson usd ne Th Gevaes vas ed regards, Daten ver fae tno, Youre Tay, huts it crepe Noroureoy,¢ tome cpr arate Daniel aren De th HEB 1sD 009 rovidestrlgtforward,snoro, consclentous ad reise tettinony. Mr Damon Emery dd no, Mr, ‘Damon Emery provide false testinony to an Admlstratve audg that ws materi oa Hearn ‘ecson, harming both the process and his actions roslyn conti atime tho eld our on, 6S Cripps, We continue toaswhat othe indvduals ow the pltirs? We swat tht answer aswell Di the attornoy fr the district soe the pletures at ny tne? What other Aistrators saw the pictures? Wo stil wale that answer ‘Again we ask that alo our attorney fes be relmbuse al of our sons sine records be expunged, that Adminstrator, tr Danan Emery be reprimanded tothe fle een posstie and whoever ese ‘now ofthe fase testimony or was awolved with the fle gsinony. We also ask that Mr, Daman Eamery wt the State Hearing Offer, Amst Lae dg to hve soso avulatetestinny sicko ad to rostare the integrity ofthe Hearing procs. ‘We are not satisfied wth your response andl we appeal your response tothe Level Il Sc Boer, Tho {rtvance was ed tnely Te Grievance was fled n regards to Mr, Osnon Emery’ false testimony. Yours Try, ‘Charles and ite Capps Re: our son, Cripps ce: Martin. Cle anol Gaea Debra to

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