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DOCKET NO, NO,216-SH-0114 CS re tend by an § hgh hana ds, CUA BEFORE A SPECIAL EDUCATION HEARING OFFICER HURST- EULESS.BEDFORD. INISHADEAT SCO sHae, | poten } vow rmsrarwovexas (MOTION FOR HXPEDITID REUKARING NOWCOMESC, =" JG. "the stdent" byand throug next fends, and natura pons, Me, Chases and Mrs. Krist Cis, ellectvely rofied ( a Psitioners hee, by mad though tc presales Matin J Ck nd Dil Giza Adoeys wih the Lae Hn of ikl & Asoc, PC, ani Deora Livax —=Eaton Avot ish tht Moron or Reena, in por ft contention tht he Hors ules ford Independent Sehol Dist (heen sf o “HB ISD" othe cholate ho vious ‘igh ofthe Stan nin suport ho Pettonrs would eet show telling: 1. INTRODUCTION AND BRIBE REVIEW OFT CASE 1. Onorabou hay 13,214, enrale intr Dn, danse dud wih the Ste Ofc Of Adminitrative Herings sed his Delon And Ode, in the ove- reflect and bye case 2, Onor about May 19, Mr Clipps wet fhe Hed Police Desa (6 isk wp GS \yphone, He was ol hat he Clerk to check with Detective Ripley to leur tho rea ofthe phone, Shot thst th eteive slew th phn or lease, Me pp picked itp on tho 21 4. Whore opened leis doe th ise ad ot es dee shothot butte wee il on thphone. Put, pen evi of the estinony of Me, Daton Bini the resent Due Process Hearing, such lean Was 8 goss vino om wht neti depleted inthe toga. ‘Maton Po gee Reng eB sD 074 DOCKET NO. NO.216-80-0114 KA C= the Student by nnd ioligh hi’next Weis, CHARLIS and BRFORK A SPECIAL EDUCATION [KRIST CRIPPS, Petitioners, TRARING OFFICER Tiunst: uvess-mennorn INDEMADERT SCHOOL DISTRICY, Respontteats, POR THE STATE OF TEXAS ‘MOTION HOR EXPEDITED RENEARING NOW COMI G =}. Ht student) bye rough ie ext Hens, tra Cripps, collectively refered to es Petitonees bec, by an nts, Me, Chase al Ms, Ka though thee ropresntatives Martin J Citkiol and Dane Gaza, Adornoys with the Law Cito & Associates, P.C, al Debora Live <—=)aton Advocte, files this their Morin Far Reconsideration in support ofthe contention tht the Hurst-uless-Beord Indepndent School Distiet (hereinafter refered to “HEB ISD” othe “school dsc) violated th various not tights ofthe Student, and in support thereof, Petitioners would espeotilly show the following LL INERODUCTION AND DRIEE REVIEW OF THE CASE ‘Onorabout May 13,2014, the Honorable Hunter Bukbaltex, Admnistative Law Jadgo with the State Ofice Of Administrative Hearings issued bis Decision dnd Onder, in thé abore- refed ye me, ‘Om oat May 19%, Mi. Cp wet th Ber! Pain Dpto pk ap [Porton Hoes od die Ck check wt Deets Rpt les he rele oft pon. Salter the Det ewed ta pons fr rk. Me, Cripps picked it upon the 21%, 3. When he opened up the telephonc he was suprised tose that plotures hd not beon deleted ‘she thought but rather wet tll on the phono, Further, and ypon review ofthe testimony ‘of Ma, Danton Bincty al the recent Due Process Hearing, such teslnony was ross ‘vation fiom what in actuality is depleted in the photographs ‘Motion Yor Bepedied Reon 1 Poe 24 fus-Hr-e014 16:52 FromonrssiseD ea/rrm4 18:69 wrreas7T49 Pack WA 4. wos tet elgnten nm sal Pt pf sk sin wt nh nanny ates ot bpm» pn on ay wy dese vam TOR. he A ear rae cen Go Cs. at ta nya nt sent indoshvateg le l s aat rapeptaynno "FAC #0110 san ton dlr tate RELRVANE PROCEDURAL AND.XACKUAL RESUME, 5, Pata on al amet tn yee Ragen Sn Dc wl ont i ben lt ried ny tat hee et oc 28, 6 Atti euring on Maoh 39, 2014 == 4 ——Vantted, among other things, ae to the ‘sta screener ervey ev... Fo: vn sh 1529 5.7 EE 602 22230 7% Ontho same orslailoe mater mor atts that [C7 Vol Ip 208, 17-25; p, 260, 1 1.2). When asked aout MBB “temeancr nth ploewes, inory soqpondedt (I 2 v .a0, ‘nd Ito af tho same quston about demeanor by tie eto! Dishes Canned, Matton (at 16): LT TT dg ton a HEB ISD 027 4. Moreover since the Hearing Office's Decision significantly relied upon Enery’stestimony, ‘nd In fot pat of the decision absolutly arned on such mislening tesimony, the Petitioner’ now ask that they be peta to presen more fll this newly discovered that their Motion For lxpedted Rehearing To. cvidones; 520 Tex. R. Civ. P, 3240 (Gov't Code $2001.145) be grate that Rnry' testnony be aiken Som {nthe alesatve given tle weigh that the Respondent be appropriately sanctioned 89 ‘T.A.C§69.1 170), and that previous Decision diet Order be mf acontingly. 1, RELALVANT PROCEDURAL AND YACTUAL, RESUME, 5. Pitoner ees upon al the slatements sa anuons provided by both the Respondent hoo! Disvot ns well a themscves in this cause, ns well the Dsslosues provided an he 20rd oF testimony rena atthe Du Process Heating af March 19-20,2014, 6. lhe Heating on Mar 19,2014 e—s» Css tested ong other things, a tothe {akingofpictres fg hile they ween tho bathroom, Most .levent (oth Moon ‘he eltecates that he followed Nand RMB to an open bathroom stall (Ty. Vol. I, p. 56,1. 11, hat he ehows nthe tall with no door (Pe: Vol p57, L811), tat Rigs _ twats were up aan he had a smick on his fee (Ty. Vol. I, p, $8, 1. 15-205 p, 39,1. 7-8), that bedi not cover up is feed stuck n pose with han Wp ("Tr Vol. p 62,1, 12-16) 7. Onthe same orsnllar mates Bovey sats that “Wnt sr nthe ios was tho othr stant, ho ws iting, tng on tho toll and he hed one han doin gasping his pats ‘tn the other han gasping his shit, And dat was prety much the pose forall eo _letures that were akon (Te, Vo. J, p- 249, l 17-255 p, 250, 1. 1-2), When asked about RABE “demeanor” in tho plots, Ener esponded: A.M He was vey upset” Te, Vol Tp, 250, 7); tx aera fo the save question about demeanor by the School Distiket's Counsel, Ms Mathews (1. 16) ‘A, “his demeanor was he doing everything he possibly could, not to be embarassed, (tigi Petton 2 cayenne 23189 orz6e6z749 ak HAL a % ase (Ts. v0 1p. 250,117.28, 0.0 = (ERY or. 9.251, 1.355 ‘A Yea ae, Sulton (0% Yo, p23 410-125 Q. (By Ms. Mattes “Aull reo platen depot what You've jut esrb ts ™ (Vol 1,p.251, 117-18); ‘A. es al hc tuo dd dopa ht (Tk. VoL 3p. 283 119) 1 {8 RUCORES OUREREON. ‘ied on ouorporaot heroin ans ally set ont, PetMionow proved ee plein in ‘vot itonnly dso them nthisneurtive.Hstand foremost al hapless how i plots ane simile 0 exch ote but ae somata ron a wel, “THB YIRSY PICTURE ‘Tho fistploteo show “This to wwe an bsoluey fils eprosuntation of wht the plohte(s) depin, Oe [ER "1 totem stove 10096 neonate the other Rar vg Peon a HED ISD 028 _Iumitinged tn such a roamnoe® (Ie, Vol fp. 250, 117-23); Q. @y the Heating Oftiese) ., re you Incating that he wae trying to iol (his private en his geniaia® (Te, Vol, p.251, 13-9}, lon (Lr Vol, p. 251, 1. 10-11), ‘4. *¥es, thts ny a ©. (By Ms Mathews) “And dal hes plots dept what youve st deseo to (Vol hp. 251, 17618) ‘A. “Yes theo pitue id depot that I: Vo. p. 251119), 1, ‘HE PICLORES IN OUESTION 4% ll and inconported etn oily st forth, Peon provide th tre piles in

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