Utilizing Barcode Information On Computer Generated Challan Forms (32-A)

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In order to facilitate general public, the Government of Punjab has launched web based
system for generation and verification of all challans pertaining to Stamp papers. Each
computer generated challan has a barcode which is used by the treasury office when issuing
stamp papers. The use of barcode system at the Treasury office has not only reduced the
average time taken for each transaction significantly but it has also ensured consistency in
data and efficient utilization of human resource.
In order to explore the feasibility of utilizing barcode information at State Bank of Pakistan
SBP BSC (bank), Lahore office, a meeting headed by Ms. Samreen Tahir, Senior Deputy
Chief Manager (Banking Division) was conducted with Mr. Muhammad Ihsan Ishaq
(Automation Lead, Treasury Office Lahore) on 01-04-2016.


The following points were discussed in detail by the concerned quarters during the meeting.
Sr. No.


Action Required (If


Current mechanism
of Barcode System,
management and
Access points

- The current system was established by PITB

in consultation with the automation team at
the Treasury office Lahore.
- All client information is being stored on
servers maintained by PITB.
- PITB manages the database and treasury
office can only fetch information through
barcode (view only option)
- Treasury office accesses the database using
barcode scanners on a secure web portal. It is
currently using four User IDs to do so. All
entries are individually extracted from the
database and imported into SAP.

- Data can be fetched in

pdf and Excel format.

Technical Support,
Operational work
flow and
procurement of

- PITB provides round the clock technical

support. In addition to this, trainings were
arranged to familiarise the Treasury office
staff with the portal.
- Barcode scanners and latest computers (I-5)
have been installed.

- Cost of barcode
scanner is PKR
12,000/- Average time for each
transaction has
decreased by 30
Seconds (approx.)

Stamp Duty at SBP

- Stamp Duty received at the cash counters at
and the feasibility of
SBP BSC (Bank) Lahore offices makes up for
using barcode system.
around 65%-75% of the total daily
- The treasury office is willing to work on
developing a mechanism for SBP, in
collaboration with PITB, to explore the
possibilities of utilizing barcode information
for transaction purpose at SBP.
- It is possible to give access to SBP on existing
portal and develop an interface to import the
information in Globus.
- Another possibility is to Extract information
on daily basis and feed it into globus. In this
scenario, barcode scanner will be connected
to Globus, information extracted from portal
will only become a transaction when the
challan is presented at any of the cash
counters at SBP BSC (Bank) Lahore.
- Transactions can be carried out in real time
using the barcode mechanism, the issue of
time lag can be avoided.
- Treasury office has already worked on a
dedicated application for NBP and it is
willing to share the knowledge.

Agenda point

- Flexibility to customize
the format and generate

- To initiate the process,

a formal letter will be
sent to the Treasury
officer Lahore.
- SPD has been
contacted to discuss the
- System integration
- PITB will be taken in
the loop and a meeting
will be arranged with
Project Head EGovernance PITB.


Sr. No.

Agenda point

Timeline and
workable solution


Action Required (If


- As much of the work has already been done

on this front, the expected time to implement
barcode system at SBP is completely
dependent on which option is chosen. Factors
like data security and other risks will have to
be probed in-depth before any decision is
made on acquiring live access to database
through Globus.
- It seems though that workable solution is to
gain access to data in excel format and use it
at our end to generate transactions.

- An agreement with
PITB to create user IDs
for SBP BSC (Bank)
Lahore on the portal
- Format of customised
reports in excel format
which can be uploaded
on Globus will have to be
developed in coordination
with SPD.


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