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Assignment 1

My Core Values

Submitted by:

: Kiran .K. Shibag

Enrolment No. : 15BBA057

Programme: BBA+MBA Dual Degree

Semester: 3rd
Course: Values and Ethics (HS122 D)

Submission Date: 29 August 2016

My core values
Every person has his/her own values that makes him what he looks to
the outer world. Their values define their personality, their upbringing
and their behavioral attitude towards the society. One who holds some
values, their values will always be from their nature of behavior.
A man without value is like a mobile without internet.
Meaning:Now, what are values???
Values are a mental understanding of what is good or what is bad for a
person. And then to implement good things in his/her life.
Now, According to my point of view; every person is taught some values
since childhood, but he himself is unaware about the same.
For example: As a child our Mom always use to tell us that do not take if
strangers offer you something. And we always obeyed it blindly. So, this
is a value of self-care or self- security.
Likewise we are taught many values since childhood. So, there is no
person who is without values, but what happens is when we grow-up we
ourselves star knowing what is good or bad for ourselves but its the
company that changes our values. When we become young our friend
circle increases and many times we get attached to a bad friend circle
that made us to forget our values.
One who remains in the good friend circle adopts many good values like
honesty, loyalty, harmony, care, and relations handling.
Good values always fill you with happiness.








There are many incidents where I have been honest in my 18 years
of life. Im always honest towards my studies. I have never cheated
in any of the exams. Whatever marks I get is only because of my
honest efforts and hard work.
My mom says that Im the most honest child of her. My friends too
think that I always speak the truth. But no, its not so. I too lie many
times but only when it is a must or if Im joking.

One another incident I remember where I showed my honesty value

Once I went to the market for shopping, there I went to clothes shop
there I bought clothes for my birthday and then at the cash counter
the shop owner by mistakenly returned me 500 Rupees instead of
100 because he had an eye sight problem.
I counted the money and by myself added 400 rupees in his
counter and then returned home happily.
Be honest and gain happiness.

Helpfulness is in-built in me. That is known by all my nears and

For example, I always my juniors in their studies. Not only in studies
have I helped but I have also helped them out in their personal
problems. One of my junior call me Doreamon because I had
solved all her problems easily and never back footed in helping her
in any situation. Likewise Doreamon also solves all the problems of
his friend Nobita.
This value is good only to some extent. If you try to help each and
every person you always get into dilemma and have to face
For example, today in the morning one of my friends called me that
as her laptop was not in a working condition she wanted me to
prepare her presentation. But I too had the same problem that my
laptop was also not in a working condition. Then also as I was going
to come to the college I thought I will complete my work before
recess and then would prepare her presentation. But I faced trouble
that the internet was not working properly in the lab so was not able
to complete my work before recess so now I was kept in a dilemma
how to do her work so I had to lie her that internet is not working so
I would not be able to complete her work. That one lie makes me
feel sad that I had to lie with my friend but I had no option.

I have never surrendered my self-respect in any situation. A person
who does not have self-respect is never respected by others. Be
helpful, but not that much which may cost to your self-respect.
For example- Once I had a quarrel with my friend. It was a very big
mouth to mouth. At the end he told me not to talk with him. Till
today even if I want to talk with him I never talk with him because
he himself does not want to talk to me that its a matter of selfrespect so I too dont talk with him.
As a daughter I am very much dutiful to my parents. I have always
tried to obey whatever my parents say to me.
For example, once my mom and brother went to Delhi. I and my
sister have to be at home because of our pet. Dad use to go to the
office. At that time I and my sister had to handle the chores of
house. We did it very dutifully in the absence of my mom. Mom was
so happy when dad told her how we handled the home without her.
But sometimes Im unable to do so because of some frustration of
outside that I cant share at home.
I always care for everyone as a daughter, sister, friend, senior,
adviser etc.
For example, once my mother was suffering from heavy fever. I
bunked my college, stayed at home and did all the work that my
mom does at the home and then made my mother to sleep, gave
her medicines at time and did not allow her to do a single work.

At last to conclude, every person has some core values but, it has
both positive and negative sides of it. That value is of course good
for you but it may have some bad effects too. E.g.: Honesty.
Note: no references.

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