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International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol:16 No:03

SoftSwitched Interleaved Boost Converter with

Quadratic Voltage Gain for Renewable Energy
Joo Dallamuta, Marcelo Fiori, Mikael Oliveira, Aziz Demian and Lcio R. Barbosa
Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina Paran, Brazil
Abstract An efficient soft switching interleaved boost
converter with quadratic voltage gain is presented. Two boostquadratic-topology switching cells are interleaved to minimize
EMI while operating at lower switching frequency and soft
switching to minimize losses. The result is a system with high
conversion efficiency, able to operate in a pulse-widthmodulation (PWM) way. Seven transition states of the soft
switching converter in one switching period are described. In
order to illustrate the operational principle key implementation
details, including simulations, are described. The validity of this
converter is guaranteed by the obtained results.

Index Term Interleaved, Quadratic, Soft-Switched,.

The demand of efficient step-up dc-dc converters has been
rising due to the increase of battery powered applications and
low voltage storage elements. Typical applications are
embedded systems, renewable energy systems, fuel cells,
mobility applications and uninterrupted power supply (UPS)
[1], [2] and [3]. These applications demand high step-up static
gain, high efficiency and reduced weight, volume and cost.
Buck, boost, buck-boost, cuk, sepic and zeta are the basic
single-switch topologies that can be used in non-isolated, high
frequency, switch-mode power converters. They are used
mainly in dc-dc converters [4], but sometimes in ac-dc
converters, and are effective in converting the supplied input
voltage to the required output voltage. There are, however,
applications where none of the basic converter topologies are
suitable and alternative topologies need to be considered.
Topologies with different values of voltage gain ((G) can
be produced if basic converters are cascaded with each other.
It is an attractive solution for extreme voltage gain
applications [5], [6]. Nevertheless, it is complex and the cost
is high because two sets of power devices, magnetic cores and
control circuits are required. The system stability with cascade
structure is a big issue and the control circuit should be
designed carefully [7], [8]. The rectifier reverse-recovery
problem is serious in the high voltage side because a high
voltage level should be sustained for the rectifier used in the
high voltage side [9]. Therefore, the efficiency is not high and
the electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise problem is

It was shown in [10] that such cascaded converters can be

implemented with only a single switch and thus single switch
converters with non-standard conversion ratios can be
synthesized. These converters are frequently referred to as
quadratic converters as G(D) is related to the square of D
(duty cycle).
How to avoid the extreme duty cycle and how to minimize
the current ripple are the major considerations in these
applications. In order to minimize the current ripple, reduce
the passive component size; improve the transient response
and increase the power level, the interleaved structure is
applied in many large current and high power density
The concept of interleaving several switching cells is not
new, and was originally used as a method for overcoming the
limitations of ordinary power conversion techniques and
device technologies [11]. Recognition of the general merits of
interleaved conversion has prompted a diverse variety of
subsequent investigations, as reflected in the literature.
A number of quadratic converters have been proposed in
the power electronics literature [12-15]. In order to maintain
high switching frequency operation while maximizing the
converter efficiency, soft switching cells are introduced to the
Most recent development in high frequency converter
configuration is a hybrid of resonant soft switching and pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) control. This group of converters is
called soft switching PWM converters, an example of these
converters are presented in [16]. In the soft switching PWM
converters, the switches operate in resonant mode only during
switching transitions and then, return to PWM operation for
the rest of a switching period.
A comparison of soft switching methods for PWM
converters had shown that passive method has better
efficiency in the high power operation region, while active
method outperforms the passive method in the low power
regions [17]. However, this small improvement in efficiency is
partially countered by higher gate drive losses, higher control
complexity, and lower reliability compared to the passive
In this article, the interleaved power conversion refers to
the strategic interconnection of two switching cells for which
the conversion frequency is identical, but for which the
internal switching instants are sequentially phased over equal
fractions of a switching period. This arrangement applied to

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol:16 No:03

quadratic boost converter[18] shown in Fig. 1, combined with
the soft switching technique to lower the switching losses in
the approach proposed in [19-21], can reduce the net ripple
amplitude and raises the effective ripple frequency of the
overall converter without increasing switching losses.

I LB 2






1 D 4 R
1 D 3 R

Fig. 1. Quadratic Boost Topology.

The main goal of this system can therefore realize a savings

in filtration and energy storage requirements, resulting in
greatly improved power conversion densities without
sacrificing efficiency.
The features of the proposed converter are discussed in this
paper and the principle of operation, simulation and
experimental results are presented to validate the proposed
A. Circuit Description
A configuration of the proposed structure is shown in Fig.
2. This quadratic converter is based on the interleaved Boost
converter, integrated with the proposed soft switching
auxiliary circuit. The quadratic boost converter with a single
active switch is shown in Fig. 1 where Vi is the input voltage,
Vo the output voltage and D the nominal duty ratio. This
converter contains two LC filters, one active switch and three
passive switches. This converter uses only one control circuit
instead of two control circuits required when two basic boost
converters are connected in cascade. In this converter, the DC
voltage gain is a quadratic function of the nominal duty ratio
D, i.e., Vo/Vi = 1/(1-D)2.
As the proposed structure is derived from the quadratic
boost converter, there are two filter inductors for each stage
connected in parallel. The input current ripple is reduced by
the parallel stages operating with different phases. The diodes
DA1 and DA2 are the output diodes and operate like the output
diodes of the interleaved boost converter. The output filter and
load are represented by Co and Ro.
The steady-state operating conditions in continuous
conduction mode can be derived from the ON and OFF
operating conditions of the active switch and diodes.
Continuous conduction mode assumes that the peak inductor
current ripple is smaller than the DC component of the
inductor current; therefore, the total current is always positive.
When all losses are neglected, the steady-state operating
conditions [19] are given by:
VC1 [Vi / (1 D)]


Vo [Vi / (1 D) ]


Fig. 2. Proposed Interleaved Boost Converter.

However, the above equations change when interleaving

technique is applied as:
I LB1 I LB 3
I LB 2 I LB 4





1 D 4 2 R
1 D 3 2 R

The benefits of interleaving can be understood intuitively

using a simple graphical analysis to show how the output
power is shared between two boost switching cells connected
in parallel.
For simultaneous synchronous operation (wherein the
commutation instances of the two controlled switches are
identical), the circuit performance is equivalent to a single
boost converter with equal total energy storage and equal total
semiconductor die area. The inductor and diode ripple current
waveforms that result are shown in Fig. 3 as solid ones.
If these same converter cells are interleaved, such that the
commutation instances of the second switch are delayed
relative to those of the first switch by half a switching period,
the resultant ripple waveforms are those shown as dashed lines
in Fig. 3. Compared to the non-interleaved case with equal
energy storage, the interleaved ripple waveforms have smaller
amplitudes and increased frequencies, reducing the filtration
requirements, as in [19].
In order to simplify the description and the explanation of
the proposed converter, filter inductances LB1, LB2, LB3 and
LB4 are assumed large enough to be considered as ideal current

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol:16 No:03

sources. The voltage across Co present no ripple, all
components are treated as being ideal, and the input current
flows through freewheeling diodes DA1 and DA2 until switch
S1 or S2 are turned on at time to. According to its working
cycle, operations modes are described as follows.


B. Topological States and Mathematical Analysis

The operation of the circuit will be described considering
the branch 1 (S1), since the branch 2 (S2) operates in the same
way. Based on these assumptions, circuit operations in one
switching cycle can be divided into ten stages. The ten
dynamic equivalent circuits of the new converter during one
switching period is shown in Fig. 4 where the main switch S1
starts conducting at t=t0 and turns off at the time interval t4.

Fig. 3. Dual boost converter ripple waveforms.

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol:16 No:03


Fig. 4. Topology modes.

In this section, the analytical expressions describing the

operation of the proposed converter are presented. The
following definitions are assumed

o 1 /







t 2 (t ) 2 / o


sin(o )t

iLR1 (t ) I LB 4 Vo

vCR1 (t ) Vo cos(o t )


1 LB 2

iLR 2 (t ) (VC1 / LR )t

t 2


cos (VC1 / Vo )


At the end of this stage iLr1 is equal to:

iLR1 (t 2 ) I LB 4

G1 Vo / VC1


G2 VC1 / Vi


G Vo / Vi
The resonant components are assumed to be with the same
values: LR1=LR2=LR3=LR and CR1=CR2=CR.
1) First Mode [t0, t1], Fig. 4(a): Before t=t0, the main
switch S1 maintains turn-off state, the current I LB1 flows
through DB1 and ILB2 through DA1. This stage begins when S1
turns on with ZCS at t=t0. The resonant inductor LR1
discharges linearly due to output voltage Vo from ILB2 + ILB4 to
ILB4. The stage ends when diode DA1 turns off at t=t1. The
resonant iLR1(t), iLR2(t) and vCR1(t) can be respectively
described as:
iLR1 (t ) I LB 2 I LB 4 (Vo / LR )t
vCR1 (t ) Vo


iLR 2 (t ) 0
t1 1 / o


2) Second Mode [t1, t2], Fig. 4(b): In this stage, the

resonance begins when DR1 turns on at t=t1. The resonant
route proceeds by way of LR1, CR1, S1 and DR1. The resonant
current iLR1(t) decreases and the resonant voltage vCR1(t) also
decreases via the resonance of LR1 and CR1. The resonant
inductor LR2 charges linearly from zero to ILB1. This state ends
when the voltage vCR1(t) reaches capacitor C1 voltage VC1 at
t=t2. The resonant iLR1(t) and vCR1(t) can be respectively
described as:

I LB 2



3) Third Mode [t2, t3], Fig. 4(c): In this mode iLR1(t)

becomes ILB4 due to capacitor voltage VC1. The expression for
iLR1(t) and vCR1(t) are:

iLR1 (t )

t I LB 4 LB 2 1 2



vCR1 (t ) VC1


cos (VC1 / Vo )


4) Fourth Mode [t3, t4], Fig. 4(d): The main switch is

conducting and the currents ILB1 and ILB2 flow through the
power switch. All branch 1 diodes are blocked and the
inductors LB1 and LB2 store energy. The equations that
describe this mode are:
iLR1 (t ) I LB 4
vCR1 (t ) VC1


t 4 t5 t 4


5) Fifth Mode [t4, t5], Fig. 4(e): At the instant t4, switch
S1 is turned-off in a ZVS way and the energy stored in the
inductors LB1 and LB2 is transferred to the resonant capacitor

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CR1 through the diode DR2. In this time interval, CR1 linearly
charges to zero voltage. The resonant iLR1(t), iLr2(t) and vCR1(t)
can be respectively described as:
iLR1 (t ) I LB 4
iLR 2 (t ) I LB1
vCR1 (t ) VC1 [( I LB1 I LB 2 ) / CR ]t


t5 1 /( 2o 1o G1 )


6) Sixth Mode [t5, t6], Fig. 4(f): In this stage, the

resonance begins when DB1 turns on at t=t5. The resonant
route proceeds by way of LR2, CR1, DR1, DB2 and DB1. The
resonant current iLR2(t) decreases and the resonant voltage
vCR1(t) increases. This state ends when the current iLR2(t)
reaches zero at t=t6. The resonant iLR2(t) and vCR1(t) can be
respectively described as:
iLR 2 (t ) I LB1 cos(o t )
vCR1 (t ) I LB1

sin(o )t

t 6 /( 2o )



At the end of this stage, iLR1 is equal to:

iLR1 (t8 ) I LB 4 I LLB 2 1 1



9) Ninth Mode [t8, t9], Fig. 4(i): When capacitor CR1

voltage becomes Vo diode DR1 is turned on and LR1 current
increases linearly. This stage finishes when the LR1 current
becomes equal to ILB2 +ILB4.


(1G1 ) 2 1


iLR1 (t ) iLR1 (t8 )


10) Tenth Mode [t9, t0], Fig. 4(j): During this stage
transference of energy from source to load occurs through
diode DA1, starting another switching cycle.


7) Seventh Mode [t6, t7], Fig. 4(g): At the instant t7,

switch DB2 is turned-off and the energy stored in the inductor
LB2 is transferred to the resonant capacitor CR1 through the
diode DR2. In this time interval, CR1 linearly discharges to VoVC1. The resonant capacitor voltage vCR1(t) can be described
iLR 2 (t ) 0
vCR1 (t ) 2VC1 ( I LB 2 / CR )t


t7 (G1 1 2 ) /(1o G1 )


iLR1 (t ) I LB 2 I LB 4
vCR1 (t ) Vo


iLR 2 (t ) 0


B. Main Waveforms and Static Gain

The ideal relevant waveforms of the proposed converter is
shown in Fig. 5.

8) Eighth Mode [t7, t8], Fig. 4(h): In this stage, the

resonance begins when DA1 turns on at t=t7. The resonant
route proceeds by way of LR1, C1, DR2, CR1, DA1 and Co. The
resonant current iLR1(t) increases and the resonant voltage
vCR1(t) also increases via the resonance of LR1 and CR1. This
state ends when the voltage vCR1(t) reaches output voltage Vo
at t=t8. The resonant iLR1(t) and vCR1(t) can be respectively
described as:
iLR1 (t ) I LB 4 I LB 2 (1 cos(o t ))
vCR1 (t ) Vo VC1 I LB 2

sin(o t )

sin 1


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Fig. 6. Static gain curves.


Design of conventional quadratic and interleaved PWM
converters have been well presented in literatures. Thus, it is
more significant to focus on design procedures of the auxiliary
circuit [20]. The resonant inductors and resonant capacitor are
the most important components when designing the auxiliary
circuit. The proposed auxiliary resonant circuit provides softswitching conditions for the main switch. The following
design procedure is developed considering procedures such as
those presented previously in [12-16].
Snubber inductor LR1 is selected to allow its current
decreases from the maximum current (I LB2+ILB4) to ILB4 within
tr time periods, during the turn-on of the main switch. In this
case, from (13), it can be written:
LR1 (Vo / I LB 2 max )t r


Fig. 5. Ideal relevant waveforms of the topology.

The static gain, which represents the ratio between the

output and the input voltages as function of the duty cycle, can
be obtained by analyzing the voltage waveforms of the
inductor LB1 and/or LB2 observing the time intervals.
After the mathematical analyses, the expression of the static
gain can be obtained:


1 / 1 D


1 / 1 D


2 2 (1 G1 )


2 2 (1 G1 )

G Vo / Vi G1G2

Snubber inductor LR2 is selected to permit its current to rise

up to at most the maximum input current within tr time
periods, during the turn-on of the main switch. In this case,
from (17), it can be written:
LR 2 (VC1 / I LB1 max )tr

- the switching period.
Theses equations provide ZCS turn-on for the transistor.
Snubber capacitor Cr is selected to be discharged from VC1
to zero with the maximum LB1 and LB2 currents over at least
the time period tf during the turn-off of the transistor. For this
state, according to (25) it is obttained
CR [( I LB1max I LB 2 max ) / VC1 ]t r

S - the switching period.
The expression of the static gain is illustrated in Fig. 6.
According to the expressions, it appears clearly that total static
gain G (Fig. 8, when 1=2=) is always higher compared to
the conventional boost converter. Thus, it seems more
appropriate to develop the new quadratic converter, which has
high conversion ratio in a large range of duty cycle.



- the fall time of the transistor.
The converter was simulated using simulation software
ORCAD. Figure 7 (a-d) shows the simulation results of the
proposed converter. A prototype of the proposed converter, as
shown in Fig. 2, has been built in the laboratory. The

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol:16 No:03


experimental waveforms obtained in laboratory are shown

from Fig. 8 (a-d) and were acquired using a THS720
Tektronix oscilloscope and a Tm 502A Tektronix current
gauge The newly proposed converter operates with an input
voltage Vi=50V, output voltage Vo=150V, output power of
400W and a switching frequency of 100KHz. The major
parameters and components are given in Table I.
Components Used in the Proposed Converter
Main switches (S1 and S2)
Resonant inductor (LR1)
Resonant inductors (LR2 and LR3)
Resonant capacitors (CR1 and CR2)
Filter inductors (LB1 and LB3)
Filter inductors (LB2 and LB4)
Filter capacitor C1and C2
Output capacitor Co

15 H
3.5 H
20.4 nF
450 H
545 H
330 F
330 F

SK 60 GAL 125
APT 30D100B
15 H
3.5 H
20.4 nF
450 H
545 H
330 F
330 F


Fig. 7. Simulation results.

It is noted from Figures 7(a) and 8(a) that the main switches
are turned on under ZCS. The main switches take the load
current and the charging current of the resonant capacitor. The
resonant capacitor starts to transfer its stored energy to
resonant inductor LR1 during the turn-on period of main
switch. The converter has not exceeded the voltage limits;
however, the current stress is slightly higher for a very short
period. The main switches also turn off under ZVS. The
current and voltage wave shapes are similar to theoretical

It can be seen in Figures 7(b) and 8(b) that after switches

are turned off under ZVS; capacitors CR1 and CR2 are charged.
As soon resonant capacitors reach (Vo-Vc1), the resonance
starts between resonant capacitors and LR1. Figures 7(c) and
8(c) shows the currents in the two input inductors, LB1 and
LB3. In this figure can be verified the delay of half operation
period among the command of these devices. This delay is
responsible by minimization of the input current ripple.



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Fig. 10 shows the voltage step up obtained with the

proposed circuit. As expected, one can see that input voltage
increases in the converter.
The efficiency of the power circuit reached at nominal load
is equal to 88%, as shown in Fig. 11. These values were
obtained using a Yokogawa WT230 Digital Power Meter. To
provide a comparative analysis about the efficiency levels
achieved with the laboratory prototype, a converter without
the proposed soft-commutation cell was also built in the
laboratory using the same layout and the same components.
Thus, in this situation, one can conclude that significant
efficiency improvements can be achieved with the application
of the proposed soft commutation cell.


Fig. 10. Output voltage (Vo) and capacitors voltage (VC1 and VC2).

Fig. 8. Experimental results.

Fig. 9 shows the current in filter inductor LB1 and input

current Ii. The small oscillation is due to the inductance value.

Fig. 11. Curve of efficiency versus output power.

The design and performance of a highly efficient
interleaved quadratic boost converter have been described.
Due to the use of standard components, converter can be
considered a viable product prototype for applications where a
high voltage ratio is necessary, what can be the case of fuel
cell applications, but only when transformer isolation is not
Fig. 9. Current in filter inductor ILB1 and input current Ii.

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol:16 No:03

The use of interleaving permits the reduction of conduction
losses in the switches, maintaining a good quality of the input
current, resulting in higher conversion efficiency compared to
non-interleaved quadratic converters. A method for combining
interleaved and quadratic converters to predict ripple
amplitudes has been demonstrated and applied as a design
tool; the use of the auxiliary commutation circuit providing
soft switching of the main switches enable optimization of the
conversion efficiency.
This Project was financed by the CNPq (150627/2010-6

















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