LESSONS Njeri Mucheru

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August 8, 2013
Life is made up of many different situations. Everyday is a new day. Every day presents a
different situation from any other day. Every woman needs to learn to know what God wants her
to do, then do that which God wants her to do and then know herself in the process; every day.
And in this way, a woman gets to KNOW more and more and more and more and more and
endlessly more of herself every day as she develops the gifts of the Spirit: love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, humility and self-control and realizes her destiny.
There is no woman alive today who does not want to know herself.
I am here to teach the women of the world, how to know themselves.
The beginning of this lesson is to know that there is only one God. The one, true living God. The
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego and Daniel and David son
of Jesse and Isaiah ad Jeremiah and the Father of Jesus, My Saviour. He alone is God and beside
Him there is no other.
I apologise if you find that statement hard to believe and/or if it offends you in any way. I am
here to tell you the truth about how I know who I am and this is the truth. My journey to
knowing who I am began with knowing who God is first and where to find Him. This is my
story; not yours so do not let it disturb your peace. Let it just teach you about me.
To know what God wants me to do, I must do three things, every day:
1. Pray to God to show me what He wants me to do; and
2. Let God lead my hands to open my Bible and let God lead my eyes to read; and
3. Listen to the thoughts and messages that enter my mind as I read.
I purpose to do these three things every single day without fail and if I fail, I start again every
single day without fail and if I fail, I start again every single day without fail, until, I get to know
what God wants me to do.
This is the gateway to the Highway to Heaven which leads to eternal life. It is a never-ending
cycle. God is infinite. He will never run out of days for me to live. He will never run out of
things for me to do. He has created me just like Him as an infinite being who can never exhaust
in her knowledge of herself.
Imagine that. I am endlessly explorable. Every time I think I have found something outstanding
about myself, something new takes over. I have become to myself the most interesting person I
know. I dont want to know or be with anyone else other than myself. I can never know myself
enough. The more I know myself, the more I want to know of myself forever and ever amen.
Summary for This Lesson:-

Begin every day by praying, then reading your Bible. Do this so that you shall know what God
wants you to do. Then, do what God wants you to do. Do this so that you shall know who you
are. Whatever it is that God wants you to do is what will show you who you are. You will never
ever know who you are until you do what God wants you to do. You cannot know yourself any
other way.
Tip for this lesson:First, pray to God to reveal to you what He wants you to do in this day, then open your Bible to
whichever page your hands lead you to and read the section in that page that your eyes lead you
to. Do this with a mindset of prayerfully seeking what God wants for your day and focusing
more on the thoughts entering your mind rather than the words that you are reading.

August 8, 2013
On the night of Friday 5th July 2013, my husband came and knocked on the door to the room I
was sleeping in. I had been sleeping in the visitors room for several months after I decided to
end my marriage. I would not have opened the door had I not been sleeping.
I never spoke to my husband. I stopped speaking to him many months before I moved out of our
bedroom and eventually even stopped picking his calls. For many months we lived in complete
silence. I never asked him for anything at all. Thanks to my God, I have a successful career and
was making my own money which was enough for me to provide for myself and my three
children sufficiently.
On that night, when I opened the door and saw my husband standing there, I almost collapsed. I
quickly came to my senses and listened to what he had to say. Fortunately he had not learned of
what I had been doing for the last 4 days. I had been moving mine and my childrens clothes and
personal effects to my mums house with the intention of leaving him and taking the children
with me. He was not aware that this night was the very last night I was ever to spend in that
He said that he wanted to talk to me and I quickly said that I couldnt talk because I was sleeping
and perhaps we could talk on the next day. I will never know what it was that he wanted to talk
about because the next day I left before he was awake. I did not want to talk. The last time we
talked, I expressly told him that I was done talking. There really was nothing left to say. I had
said, heard and seen enough to know that I was never meant to have survived my marriage. I was
never meant to have had any children and if I had any, even my children were never meant to
survive the marriage.

God is good. He is a good God. He taught me to forgive my husband and move on with my life.
Forgiveness really truly is not for the person who hurts you but for you who is hurt. What my
husband had done was unforgiveable. I was nevertheless able to forgive him when I realized that
what he had done had destroyed him and not me or my children. Like Shadrack, Meshack and
Abednego, I had been put into a burning furnace and came out not even smelling of smoke!
Today I want to teach you about forgiveness and just how easy it is when you know what it
means to forgive.
You can only forgive a person when you are able to rise above your own pain and hurt and
realize the following:1. Anyone who hurts you has been hurt. More often than not, that person was not hurt by you.
2. Anyone who hurts you hurts too.
3. You will never understand why anyone hurts you.
4. You can understand that anyone who hurts another is motivated by his/her own pain and not
by his/her own pleasure.
5. Being hurt by someone is a choice.
6. The only alternative choice to being hurt is to change. You either hurt or you change.
7. Never wait for the person who hurt you to change. More often than not, that will never
8. It is you, and not the person who hurt you, who has to change for you to stop hurting.
9. Even if, by some miracle, the person who hurt you changes, you will never stop hurting until
you change too.
10.The change you have to make is to strive to become a better person.
11. You cannot change yourself.
12. Only your maker; your creator; the one true living God, can change you and make you a
better person.
13. Forgiveness is the only means by which to stop hurting and choose to change.
14. Forgiveness comes when the hurt is worth the change you see in you.
15. You can never become a better person if you never get hurt.

Summary for This Lesson:Do not let the pain hurt you, let it change you.
Tip for this lesson:The lesson is in the doing. Dont try to understand forgiveness; just do it.

August 9, 2013
The first thing that I did when I discovered what my husband had been doing is to stop lying
I used to lie to people. I was not a pathological liar but I was comfortable with some lies. I
believed that I needed to lie. I was a fearful person. I feared being myself. I thought that if I said
what was in my heart all the time, I would be harmed in some way. So I needed to lie.
I lied because I did not want to be hurt. What a fool I was!
The truth does not just hurt; it hurts like hell. But the hurt you get from truth is nothing compared
to the hurt you get from lies. This is precisely because the hurt you get from truth is only
temporary; it only lasts as long as it takes you to change.
Do not be deceived. The hurt you get from lies lasts for ETERNITY!
It was so painful to tell the truth when I was so used to lying to defend myself against the world.
Even now, sometimes, rarely, thankfully, I still get fearful and tell a lie. I have not yet been able
to be completely truthful with everyone, all the time.
Being truthful in a world ruled by lies and deception is like going to war against Goliath with just
a sling and one stone. Understand that Goliath is not the war. Goliath is just a battle and yes, a
sling and a stone will slay Goliath and win you the battle.
The war however, is much bigger than Goliath. The war requires much more than a sling and a
stone. It requires complete obedience to God.
Complete obedience to God is what I strive for. It is what motivates me. It is my drive. I do not
live by bread alone; meaning, I do not just obey my physical hunger. I also live by every word
that proceeds from the mouth of God; meaning I also obey my spiritual hunger.
Women who live on the Highway to Heaven desire only to please God and what pleases God is

For me, a lie is not just an outright untruth. Any lack of honesty is a lie. If I know that you have
misunderstood something I have said to you, I will endeavour to clear up the confusion so that I
am satisfied that you truly get me.
The effort to clear things up arises from the fact that the fear I used to have that drove me to lie
has now been replaced by an adoration that I have for who I have become which has
overpowered the fear and which makes me hate lies. I hate lies. I love me. I love that I can never
be overcome by lies. Greater is the power that is in me than that which is in the world.
Women who live on the Highway to Heaven are not fearful. They are adorable.
I stopped lying because, as I prayed and read my Bible, the Holy Spirit told me something I had
never ever known about lies. He told me that the reason I had been lied to was because I lied to
Have you ever been fully conscious of the wise saying: YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW? I am
and so I do not lie.
Understand that the saying you reap what you sow does not mean that if you do not lie you will
not be lied to. No. It means that if you do not lie, lies told to you cannot hurt you or harm you in
anyway. In other words, if you do not lie, you are under the protection of the truth and any lies
told to you cannot have any power over you. Hallelujah! No weapon formed against you can
The truth will guard you and save you from falling or being in any danger and from harm. The
truth will cover you with His wings and you will be safe in His care. The truth will protect you
and your descendants for thousands of generations to come. Thousands will fall dead beside you;
ten thousands all around you but you will not be harmed. The truth will take the lies and turn
them around to your advantage. The truth will turn tables around for you so that you will always
be the head and not the tail.
Lies will expose you to all manner of dangers that you cannot control or save yourself from.
Enough lies will kill and destroy you. Lies can and have destroyed generations. The ripple effect
of the hurt that comes from lies is uncontrollable. It persists for up to four generations of your
When you lie, you hurt others and if those others do not choose to change and instead choose to
hurt, they perpetuate the lies and the hurt until the day when someone, anyone, someone like me
chooses to change and declares that the lying will end with him or her and stops lying
Lies cannot be stopped by human power. Humans are powerless against lies. Lies are so close to
the truth that detecting them requires more than common sense or intelligence. There is
absolutely no lie that does not have any truth in it. Lies can only be stopped by supernatural

power the power of the Holy Spirit. Success in the war against lies is not by power or might
but by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit also told me another very powerful truth that sounded strange to my ears. He
said that only a person who does not love herself or himself is able to lie. Did you get that?
To know whether you love yourself, check whether you are comfortable with telling lies. If you
are comfortable with telling lies, then know that you do not love yourself.
Believe it or not, that is the truth. Love and lies cannot co-exist.
The same applies to the people you lie to. You cannot lie to anyone and then tell her or him that
you love her or him! You cannot love someone you lie to. You cannot lie to someone you love. If
you can lie to someone, then know that you do not love him or her.
The same applies to the people who lie to you. A person who lies to you cannot love you.
Love is a choice. You cannot choose to love and to lie at the same time. You either choose to love
or you choose to lie.
With those lessons from the Holy Spirit, I stopped lying. I got hurt and instead of letting the pain
hurt me, I let it change me. The change in me was so awesome, I even chose to forgive. I was so
happy with who I had become that I had nothing at all to say to the one who hurt me into
becoming me. When I said thank you and tried to help him, he did not understand.
In his world, I am the one who is hurting and I am the one in danger of being destroyed. I am the
one who needs help. Not him. Never.
Lies are powerful enough to kill every living thing and destroy the world. It saddens me to know
just how powerful lies are by seeing what they have done to my husband. It gives me joy to
know that there is a power greater than the power of lies and that there is hope for my husband
and for the world; if only enough of us can choose to stop lying.
Women who live on the Highway to Heaven DO NOT LIE. They do not lie because they want to
live and not die.
You lie, you die.
Summary for This Lesson:Stop lying for your own good. Choose love over lies.
Tip for this lesson:-

You can have the life you want to have if only you stop lying. Nothing else will work. Just stop
lying. That is the only price you have to pay for the life you want to have. Believe me, nothing
more is required of you.

August 10, 2013
If it is true that you lie, you die, then it is also true that if you stop lying, you will live.
It is important at this stage that you understand the difference between living on the Highway to
Heaven and living on any other highway. Once you understand that difference, then you will
understand the meaning of the walking dead.
In my lying days, I was a walking dead. I thought I was living but in fact, I was dying.
What was killing me was lack of knowledge. Gods people perish for lack of knowledge. I did
not know who my enemy was; the one who was preventing me from becoming the person who I
imagined and dreamt that I was meant to be. That enemy seemed to be everywhere I went setting
up invisible road blocks and barricades to stop me from getting what my heart desired.
Now I know that my enemy all along was the father of lies. He was responsible for everything
that had gone wrong in my life from before I was born until the moment I figured him out.
The lies I told and the lies that were told to me overpowered me. And what the lies did is this:
they robbed me of my God-given ability to receive love and give love. You cannot live on the
Highway to Heaven until you know who love is so that you can receive Him and pass Him on.
Love is real. He is a living being. To receive love, all you need is to believe in Him i.e. that He
exists; and believe that what He says is true.
Like I said earlier, love and lies cannot co-exist. They cannot ever live together. Only one of
them can live inside of you. Once you welcome lies into your life, love departs. Once you
welcome love into your life, lies depart.
Living on the Highway to Heaven is all about re-claiming the gifts of the Spirit that my enemy
ruthlessly and violently robbed from me. The robbery began long before I was born. The gifts of
the Spirit as I told you before are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
humility and self-control. Nine wonderful gifts which, if I can have in good measure pressed
down and overflowing, I can have a life that is exceedingly, abundantly more than I could ever
imagine or ask.
These gifts can only be re-claimed progressively. That means that you claim love first, then joy,
then peace etc until you have self-control. I do not yet know what will happen to me when I have
re-claimed all these gifts fully but I know that whatever will happen is soooooooo amazingly
good that it is something worth dying for. Since death to me at this stage is really not much of a

choice, I choose to die for these gifts. There is nothing else worth dying for in my world. At this
stage, I have successfully re-claimed love. Love is the center of my life. Since the move, I reclaimed joy. Now I am in the process of re-claiming peace.
The first three gifts: love, joy and peace, are for me when I deal with myself. Patience, kindness,
goodness and faithfulness are for me when I deal with others. Humility and self-control are for
me when I deal with God.
I can only imagine what I will feel like when I see myself fully endowed with those gifts. If I am
so happy and complete now.what will I be then? Only God knows and that is why I have
given my life to Him so that He can make sure I get there. But you know what, I will never get
there really. I am living on the eternity clock. This is a never-ending quest in which I just keep
getting more and more and more and more of all these gifts every day forever. I truly will never
be the same again. I am being transformed into someone I cannot wait to meet.
For those of you, like me, who have children and those of you who want to have children, there
is a very, very important point for you to grasp here. The point is that your success in re-claiming
the gifts of the Spirit is the success of your descendants. The lies you refuse to tell; your children
will not tell. The lies you agree to tell; your children will tell. The lies are always the same. Only
the situations change. Same script; different cast.
Look at your parents and ask yourself whether you are truly any different from them. Your
resemblance to your parents goes deeper than the physical. It permeates to the emotional,
spiritual and psychological realms. Do not be deceived. What you choose to do today affects all
of your descendants. No man is an island.
I used to look at my mother, who, when I first met her, was a village mad-woman. I would ask
myself how she could have gotten like that. About 5 months after I left the labour ward having
had my 3rd born child, I found myself in a hospital room under the care of the same psychiatrist
who was treating my mother! Lo and behold! What the.? That was the greatest aha moment
of all aha moments ever. To see yourself in the same pit that you used to stand outside of looking
in on your mother, or father, wondering how she or he got there and why she or he cannot just
climb out!!!!
That was the day I knew just what had happened to my mother. She had given her hope, dreams,
expectations, values, everything she had in her, to the world. She thought that the world could
produce a man, woman or thing that could satisfy her. That thought, which was a lie, had
established itself, engraved itself in her mind so strongly that it took hold of her life and brutally
destroyed it.
Such a thought is what is commonly called, a stronghold. That stronghold is what had got me to
the same place as my mother. I know you dont want to even hear this because I didnt; but the
truth is that strongholds are inherited. As surely as they took hold of your ancestors minds, they
will take hold of your mind. The question is whether you have within you, the will that it takes to
break a stronghold. You can choose to either be killed, have all your God-given gifts stolen from
you and destroyed by a stronghold, or you can choose to break it and live. My ancestors

obviously took the former choice and going by the state of the world today, I can see that even
today, majority of us are taking the former choice. Strongholds exist for only one purpose and
that is to kill, steal and destroy.
At that moment, when I saw myself becoming exactly like my mother, realizing that my beauty,
my law degree, my law firm, my money, my employees, my children, my mum, my siblings, my
properties and assets, my everything worldly could not save me; and then imagining my children
falling into the same cycle I had fallen into, is the moment I decided that it ends with me. The
thought that any of my children would ever lose their minds like me and like my mother before
me ad infinitum, sobered me up completely and I gave up the fight.
From that day on, I decided to live and die for a better me. I decided then to be one of the ones
who others who fell for that stronghold could turn to. I signed up for duty in the Army of the
Lord. I am a soldier in the army of the Lord. My orders are to go out and tell everyone I know
what the Lord has done for me and lead everyone who is willing to listen, to find Him so that He
can do the same for them.
Summary for This Lesson:Give up lies for the sake of your children.
Tip for this lesson:Look deeply into the eyes of your child (or any child that you know and love) and ask yourself
whether you are willing to die for that child.

August 10, 2013
You will never get onto the Highway to Heaven until you stop lying.
Let me just tell you again that human power is useless against lies. If you are sitting there
imagining that you can stop lying by your own power and succeed, my friend, am sorry to tell
you that that is a lie. If you cannot see that that is a lie, dont worry, soon enough, you will come
to that realization.
For me to stop lying, I first had to go through an extremely painful process. It was so painful that
I cried for at least a whole month non-stop. Have you ever been able to do that? It is not by
choice. I just woke up crying, got dressed for work crying, then paused for as long as it took to
get out of my room and get into the car and drive out the gate. Then I would cry all the way to
wherever I was going. If I was going to the office or to court or to a meeting I would stop crying
for long enough to compose myself, then go and do whatever it was I needed to do and then as
soon as I got back in the car I would start crying until I got to wherever and continue the cycle.

Then at the end of the day I would cry all the way home and then stop crying, get into the house
and cook and sit and eat with the kids and get them into bed and then I would sit in my room
crying until my husband came home and then I would get out of the room and go serve his food
and then go sit with him as he ate and talked and then I would wait until I was sure that he was
happy with what I had done and then I would retire to bed and cry myself to sleep. I did all this
on my 9th month of pregnancy with our 3rd child.
And my husband felt nothing. He chose to be completely oblivious to my pain.
He told me that he was not happy because I did not do those things even though he knew that I
was already doing more than enough. When I started doing them, on top of everything else, he
then told me that he never told me to do them. He was just helping me to know that it was my
role to do them. And if I chose to do them, I should not assume that he would do anything in
return. That was when I picked up point numbers 7 and 8 in lesson two on forgiveness.
I sincerely believed that what I was doing would save our marriage for the sake of our 3 lovely
children. And I kid you not, no one but Jesus could have convinced me that I was in actual fact
being destroyed by a stronghold that had taken root in my mind as it had done to my mother. I
had every argument, defense, explanation, justification, excuse, debate point, discussion point,
reason, whatever, to convince me that I was doing the right thing. Extracting that stronghold out
of my mind was a job for Jesus.
When He came into my life, He eventually showed me that I was, for all intents and purposes, a
battered wife. I may not have had the physical wounds to show it but my husbands words and
actions stabbed me so deep, I could literally feel them cutting into me like a knife, hence the
uncontrollable crying. The pain was invisible, but to me, it was real. I dont know how to
explain it. All I can say is that whoever coined the phrase back-stabbing would know what I
mean. No matter what I tried to do, I could not get myself to stop crying. I could not see what
was happening to me but I felt it and it hurt so bad yet it did not make sense!
Only those who knew what was going on with me knew what I was going through. The rest of
the world thought I looked so beautiful pregnant and wondered at how I didnt put on weight
during pregnancy and I just smiled and said it was by the grace of God. And that, my friends, is
the truth. It was only by the grace of God that I made it out of that furnace. Gosh it was hot like
hell!! I laugh now when I imagine that that was me.
When I went to the labour ward to have my baby, as I lay there alone waiting for each
contraction, I refused to cry. I refused to feel the pain. I told Jesus that if He could go through
what He went through at the cross, then I could do this. I can confidently say that out of my 3
children, the birth of my third born was the easiest.
So it is not that I am being dramatic saying that lies are that powerful. I know exactly what it
took me to stop. And by human standards, I was a good girl people. Everyone who knows me
can tell you that by their own standards, I am good. Good in every way; by human standards.
God has blessed me with a kind, generous heart and I love people. The me I used to be once
wrote a blog titled mind boggling. That blog gives a good enough picture of who I used to be.

If that was me, and I had to endure all that for refusing to stop lying, I hate to imagine what the
rest of the world has to endure. I mean, if what I went through was not hellwhat do
people go through in hell? I dont want to know and that is why I am writing this blog. I will
obey God even if it kills me because I know that only He has the power to raise the dead.
The reason I had to go through all that pain to stop lying is because I just could not believe that
the lies I and my ancestors had told and the ones that had been told to me and my ancestors were
the ones that were threatening to destroy my life. Are you finding it hard to believe this awesome
truth? Well then you do know what I am telling you.
I used to think that I did not have to stop lying. It sounded too bizarre and ridiculous for the Holy
Spirit, I mean the Holy Spirit, to come and tell me that if I just stopped lying I would be fine.
Something like the way you could tell a lame man to get up and walk. What do you mean, get up
and walk?! Is it really truly that easy and Ive been limping around like this for years?
The irony here is that what I was thinking was too easy to be the solution was in actual fact more
difficult than what I thought was difficult and which I was therefore willing to do. Gods wisdom
truly is foolishness to the world.
I do not wish the pain I went through on anyone and so I beseech you please, take precaution;
life is not a rehearsal; I got off easy because, like Job, I was already a good person who knew
God before He sent satan after me. From this moment on, purpose to stop lying and ask God to
help you.
You need Gods help because you do not even know what or where the lies are in your life. I
have discovered so many lies around me that I never saw before. They are so many because they
are lies which were told from before I was born. On the Highway to Heaven I began to discover
who my parents and ancestors really were. All the questions I had about what happened to my
mother and my father and whatever else I did not understand about my heritage started to get
answered. The lies surrounded me. Everyone who was ever entrusted with my upbringing and
welfare had at some point lied to me and some even betrayed me.
There is no human being, not even yourself, who can tell you who you are or show you what to
do in this world to be genuinely happy. There is no one like Jesus. None. I have searched and
searched and searched and I have found genuine happiness only in what Jesus tells me to do. It is
the story of the Potter and the clay. No clay can mould itself and no clay can be moulded by
other clay. There is only one Potter people; only one Potter.
I thought my search for God had ended when I met my husband. He presented to me a picture of
a God-fearing man. One who knew God and served God. I thought to myself at the time that
from him, I would get to really know where this God I had been searching for all my days in
Sunday school, church-hopping and youth group and philosophy and atheism could be found.
Obviously that was God telling me the role of that guy standing next to me (lying, and saying I
do) in my life because the truth is that I did in fact get to find my God through him; just not in
the way I imagined at the time.

I was very nave then and I still am nave but I take that as a compliment. I do not ever want to fit
into this world and be satisfied with what it has to offer. My happiness comes from being a child
of the Most High God and from telling the truth in obedience to Him even if it hurts. I know that
the truth cannot kill me. No. The truth sets me free. My future is in Gods hands. His plans for
me are to prosper me and to give me hope and a future. I am assured of that.
Summary for This Lesson:Destroy the lies before they destroy you
Tip for this lesson:Stop lying; be still and let the truth take over.
August 12, 2013

I will never forget 5th March 2012. That was the day I came face to face with my husband when
he came strolling down the stairs to find me waiting near his car at a block of flats in Langata.
When I had called him earlier, he had told me that he was in Nakumatt. I was convinced that he
was lying to me. He had lied to me many, many, many times before. In fact, he had lied
throughout our marriage.
I never checked up on him at all before this day and in fact, I knew nothing about anything when
I was standing there at around 10pm and said, David, I thought you told me you were in
Nakumatt? And he responded and said, I am going there now!
I later discovered that the person from whose flat he had emerged was his 20-something year old
receptionist. I also later discovered that he had been having an affair with her and she had
replaced his previous receptionist who he had been dating, according to him, from before we
were married.
On that day, I was at our home in the evening reading a novel I enjoyed. The novel was about a
broken marriage. Needless to say, I did not get to finish it because what I had been reading as
fiction became my real life. Prior to that day, I would never have believed that my God-fearing,
Seventh day Adventist, religious church-goer of a husband was an adulterer and in fact felt no
guilt or remorse whatsoever about his affairs.
He assumed that by the time I found him at his girlfriends flat, I knew everything. That night he
transformed into a monstrosity. He followed me home and the first chance he got he ranted and
raved at me telling me essentially that I was an obstacle to his happiness, burdening him with
responsibilities that he never bargained for. Other than that, I was nothing to him. I found it hard
to believe him.
In the course of the days that followed I was told things like:-

1. When you told me you didnt trust me, I just laughed because I never asked you to trust me!
2. I dont know why you keep calling her a receptionist. You like looking down on people. I
dont know why you think youre so special just because you are a lawyer. She respects you so
much! She has never attacked you in any way! I am not like you, I treat everyone the same.
3. I do not believe in marriage or love.
4. I married you to please my mother. People used to tell her all the time about how even though
I have succeeded financially, I will never amount to anything because I am not married. After I
got married, they used to say ok hes married, but why dont they have kids. After we had a
daughter, they used to say ok hes got a child, but he doesnt have any son. After we had our first
son, they stopped talking and now my mother is happy.
5. Ok so I commit adultery, even you lie. The Bible says that all sins are the same.
6. Dont think you are cleverer than your mother. That Bible you keep reading all the time
carrying it around with you is what will drive you mad like her. The Bible is just a guideline.
7. She was so distressed when she found out that I was married. I could not just break up with
her like that. If I tried, she threatened to kill herself. I had to do it slowly. Thats why it took me 9
8. When we had our daughter, she had promised that she would be the one to give me a son.
When you then had our first son, she was so distressed that I had to send her to America to
In addition, I found all the emails my husband had been exchanging with his previous
receptionist and read through them all. I was unable to recognize the 19 year-old boy of a
husband of mine writing those emails and some of the things I read there were just unbelievable.
I got to know his current girlfriends phone number and just as well, it turned out that the last 5
digits of her number were identical to the last 5 digits of his number. How romantic! On those
evenings when I would sit there, 9 months pregnant, watching my husband eat the food I had
cooked and waited up to serve him after coming from work to make him happy, he would be
texting her. I would sit there just praying for sanity as I watched him texting and turning the
phone away from my line of sight somewhat like an excited 16 year old.
Sometimes when we were asleep late at night, she would call. I suppose she knew then that their
affair was no longer a secret. I was usually awake because I had a baby to take care of. If he
didnt pick the call, I would go look and see her number on the phone and wonder what the call

could possibly be about other than just to let me know she was around. I also wondered what she
was doing awake. Other times, if he was awake, he would actually pick the call and go out of the
room to go talk to her and then come back to bed!!! Can you believe this?!
I did not believe that this was the same person I was married to and I still think, no, something
somewhere went wrong one day and he lost his mind and then he was in the process of making
me lose mine too. It was a competition to see who would enter the asylum first. Thankfully, I had
previous experience in dealing with mental patients because I once tried to live with my mother a
short while after getting her off the streets and I almost lost my mind then.
In August of that year, the receptionist posted a picture on face-book of her pecking my husband
on his forehead and when I told him off about it, my nephew, who I was raising, being the one
who had showed me the photograph, and I had been trying hard to prevent him from finding out
about what was happening because he was sitting a national exam that year, he retorted by saying
it was just a peck!
Obviously I had gotten married to a polygamist and I didnt know. His bloodline must have never
featured a monogamous man probably for millions of generations. The enemy we fight is lethal.
Had my husband been straight with me from the beginning and told me what his intentions really
were in marrying me, if I was still interested, I would have drawn up a contract to ensure that I
would have equal rights and that our co-wives and co-husbands would be selected by mutual
From 5th March 2012 to 17th September 2012 when I was admitted in hospital under the care of
my mothers psychiatrist, my life was spiraling at full speed to a grand finale of me ending up
like my mother.
17th September 2012 was the final time that I pleaded with my husband to stop his affair with his
receptionist. I really had no better title to refer to her with. He did not even explain to me what I
was meant to call her. Her role at his office is to sit at the desk at the entrance right next to the
front door and pick up calls and welcome visitors into the office.
I was at the admission room and my husband was there with me. Our recently born baby was still
breast-feeding at around 5 months. I was losing my mind. He knew that. In a lucid moment, I
said, David please, just get rid of that girl and let us fix our marriage for the sake of our
children. The answer I got shocked me into delirium. He said, I cant do that! If I did that she
would kill herself. Imagine someone killing themselves using my name. I could never live with
that! The next thing I knew, I was groggily waking up the next morning after being tranquilized
that night. God Almighty!! That was me!

I could have died that night. No actually, I died that night. The me who woke up the next
morning was completely lucid and alive to the following facts:
1. Whatever lay ahead in life was bigger than the battle of the titans.
2. I was not fighting human beings. I was fighting against spiritual wickedness in
high places. My husband and his compatriots are just vessels. (Knowing this, I
am so thankful that I am not like them!)
3. The battle is the Lords.
4. God is never out-numbered or over-powered.
5. My enemies are under Gods firm control.
6. Anyone who strikes me, strikes what is most precious to God.
7. GOD HAS A MONOPOLY OF POWER. Yes people, all power belongs to God.
Even your enemies are empowered by God.

I never communicated at all with my husbands girlfriend. She knew me well. She had even been
to our home for my sons birthday party. The same with his previous receptionist/girlfriend.
When I left him, it was very clear to me that the receptionist was the one he wanted to be with.
They clearly deserved each other. He had told me that she is special and makes him happy. He
was renting her flat for her and educating her in university. He even used to buy her flight tickets
to go see her mum from my aunts travel agency!
They continued their affair openly with no shame, not caring about the havoc they were causing
jeopardizing the future of the children of the home they were breaking by mistreating the woman
who was responsible for the care and nurturing of those children. I was so sure that as soon as I
left he would move her into our home, which I had spent millions re-decorating in the hope that
we could start afresh and make things work. To facilitate that, I left him everything and only took
what was evidently mine, including the kids, obviously.
It came as a shock to me when, after I left, he then said that the receptionist meant nothing to him
and he was going to get rid of her! After a while, she disappeared from his office. What am I
missing here? Is it not a tad bit late to be thinking of working on a dead marriage? When I
decided to end our marriage, I took our wedding bands and disposed of them in a burial
ceremony which symbolized to me that our marriage was dead and buried and I told him as

much. When the person who hurt you insists on remaining the same after you have changed,
there really is nothing that can be done to make any relationship with them work out.
It saddens me to imagine that people can joke with the life of another human being in such a
callous way. Can a man really destroy the mother of his children for fun?! His wife, maybe. But
the mother of his children? Was that affair purposed only to destroy me?
When my husband went about soliciting happiness from other women, what did he tell them was
wrong with me, his wife? My best guess is that he must have told them the same thing he told me
about them. That I was so obsessed with him, I threatened to kill myself if he did not marry me;
so I trapped him! God Almighty!!
My husband shamelessly walked around the town I was working hard to build a home and career
and raise my children in, defaming and slandering me to his peers and to the young women who
hold PHDs in sexual immorality and everyone else associated and connected with this crowd in
which he found his happiness.
On this quest to show women that I can help them find happiness, I have no choice but to clear
my name in the process.
Summary for This Lesson:Marriage can kill but the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you. Marriage is
worth the risk. But only when God is before you.
Tip for this lesson:Trust only God.
August 13, 2013

My life changed in that hospital bed under the care of my mothers psychiatrist. He
did not do anything spectacular. Just his presence was enough. He was probably the
one who was most shocked about what he was seeing. You can just imagine him
trying to understand how my mother could have passed on the madness to me! Of
course he did not tell me he was shocked but it was obvious even to me. I think he
and I are the only 2 people who would understand just how shocking it was to see
me becoming just like my mother.

I had never seen such a thing in my life, or rather, I had never quite grasped the
meaning of inheritance until that day. That was my inheritance from my ancestors.
That was what they left me to deal with. I almost followed in their footsteps. God
Almighty!! Thank God that almost doesnt count in this case!
In this world you can become so distracted by all the things around you that you
never stop to ask yourself who you are and what you are doing here.

I had only known my husband for about 10 years. He could never take the blame for
what had happened to me. Somewhere in the back of my mind, from even before
we were married, I knew that. I think that was what saved my life. Gods people
perish for lack of knowledge and that small piece of knowledge is what saved my

The world had not distracted me enough to take away everything I had learned in
my 38 years of being alive. I know you will find it hard to imagine that all you need
is to know that no one is to blame for your situation in order to be saved but that is

If you get nothing else from me, I pray to God that you at least get that sentence
and let it be engraved in your mind for as long as you walk on this earth.

NO ONE IS TO BLAME FOR YOUR SITUATION. Doesnt matter what they did or did not

Women who live on the Highway to Heaven do not blame anyone for the situations
they find themselves in.

The courage it took for me to STOP wanting my husband to get rid of his
receptionist or someone to do something to make him stop really did not come from
me. I did not have that courage. The courage to stop looking outside of me for the
solution to my problem and start looking inside of me I know is not human courage.

Only the Holy Spirit could have done that to me or for me or however you want to
look at it. A shift just happened and suddenly I found myself contemplating a
solution on my own with no one else around. Although there was a time previously
that I actually contemplated suicide, it was not an option that I took seriously

By the time I ended up in hospital I was convinced that my husband loved me

enough to listen to me and do the right thing. I just needed to find a way to make
him listen to my cries for help. I stayed in hospital for 3 days and from the day I left
until now, I occasionally find myself wondering what would have happened to me if I
kept on thinking that there was a way of getting my husband to listen to my cries
for help and trying to find that way. That way never came and it will never come.
Thankfully, I do not need it to ever come.

And let it be clear that it was not my husband who was refusing to listen to me. He
listened but he could not do anything. That is the truth. He could not do anything
because He couldnt. It is that simple. There is no reason, explanation, justification,
argument or whatever that could ever be given for him being unable to do anything
that could satisfy the minds of all of us in this world.

There are some questions in life that have to be left unanswered. Do not bother
yourself with asking why so and so is like that or why she cant see or why he cant
do. It doesnt matter. People are just who they are and there is NOTHING you can do
about them but let them be. If you have a problem, deal with it yourself otherwise
you will end up in a spiral spinning fast and hard into oblivion. Let everyone live
their own lives. God has given each and every one of us the free will to decide what
to do with our lives.

I had to get to a point where I realized that my help.my only source of

help.was not my husband or anyone else. My help had to come from me
and it had to come from me hearing my own cries and instead of waiting for
someone to come and help me, I had to help myself. It is you who has to hear your
own cries. Even those who love you cannot help you. They can listen, suggest, cry,
moan, weep, finance, whatever but they cannot help you. Only you can help you.
Life is that tough and you have to live with it.

I was rehabilitated in that hospital room. When I realized that I had to help myself, I
just sat there quietly just watching what was happening around me and asking
myself what my options were. How could I help myself? How do I get myself out of
this situation? What is my future going to be like? What will happen to my children?
How, what, who where?? I had many, many, questions.

The Holy Spirit led me to accept that my husband was who he was and he was not
going to change for me. That was never going to happen. He would change for
himself only. It was then, at that point of accepting that my husband would only

change for himself; that in actual fact he only cared about himself; that is when I
realized that I NEED TO CHANGE. I need to stop doing something. Something that
was killing me. I NEEDED TO CHANGE FOR MYSELF!!! It was not about him at all. It
was all about me. Can you see that?

This lesson my dear readers, is the MOST IMPORTANT LESSON YOU WILL EVER
LEARN IN LIFE. That is if you do not know it already. If you are experiencing any kind
of problem in your life, the solution lies ONLY in you changing yourself. The solution
is not anywhere else. It is within you. It is you who has to stop doing something or
start doing something. Do not look on the outside; look on the inside.

Women who live on the Highway to Heaven do not try to change their situations;
they let their situations change them.

Hear me ladies, please. This is important. Now I never worry or get anxious about
any situation I find myself in. What I do is ask God to use the situation to change
me. And it works wonders. I am changing and becoming a force to reckon with. The
truth has a sense of joyous fearlessness, letting go, careless abandon, call it what
you like, that beats any experience of pleasure that this world could ever offer

It is hard. I know it is. Very very hard. To get to that point in life where you give up
and surrender and exclaim and say, ok so I only have myself?! Its only me?! As in,
this life is mine alone?! I am in it all by myself?! Nobody, can live it for me?! It is just

Dont resist the truth. Let the truth be told and let yourself hear it and let it set you
free. IT IS ONLY YOU. THIS IS YOUR LIFE. Let your life change you, dont try to
change your life. Your life is there to change you, not vice versa. Do not try to
change your life. Please dont try that. You change. And I guarantee you, you will not
be disappointed by what you get. At the very least, you will be singing hallelujah
forever and ever amen.

After repeating that truth to myself over and over and over again, I then entered
into a nostalgic mood of asking who are all these people around me? How do I relate
with them? I dont matter to any of them then considering that I am here alone! If
its only me, then can I just do whatever I want without caring about anyone other
than myself? The answer there is yes. You can do whatever you want without caring
about anyone or anything around you and just live for you. You can make any choice

you want to make, just be ready to live with the consequences. Every choice you
make, has consequences.

God is that good. He lets you do whatever you want. Being God, it really doesnt
matter what you choose to do or not to do. He is, was and will always be God. He
has an endless supply of people to create forever and ever amen and if you destroy
yourself, he will just create someone else to do what you couldnt.

You are not God and you destroying yourself makes no difference at all to this world.
Gods purposes will be achieved, with or without you. The truth was there from the
beginning, it is there now and it will always be there. You can never do anything to
destroy the truth. If you try to destroy the truth, you are the one who will be
destroyed. Lies destroy you, they cannot ever destroy the truth. The truth stands
firm like a mountain, like the sun, like the moon, it is never shaken, never moved.
Like the sky, it towers above and beyond everything that is, was and will be. The
truth reigns supreme. Lies are many. They are like roaches in a dirty kitchen.
Roaches will never take over a kitchen no matter how many they become. This is
the state of the world today.

Do not try to change the world order and think that just because everyone else is
doing whatever, it is okay for you to do whatever. We can destroy ourselves and
God will still be God. One day, whether in your life time or at your death, you will
come to realize just how insignificant you are and just how important it is, ONLY TO
YOU, that you begin to do the right thing because if you do not do it, you end up
dead. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
You wait and see. It will happen. It will happen because, ALL of us are in it ALONE.

Whenever you want to make a choice, try to be sure of what you are really getting.
Do not be deceived into thinking you are getting pleasure when in fact, you are
getting pain. This world has a sickening way of deceiving people into thinking
pleasure when it is actually pain. Then people get into making some incredibly
selfish choices that destroy them and their descendants for decades to come.

Read about King Solomon. The wisest man who ever lived and the choices he made.
And how his father, King David, left Solomon an inheritance to deal with. Read also
about Samson; the strongest man who ever lived. The choices he made and the

To live on the Highway to Heaven, you have to be able to make choices that will not
destroy you. There is a way that looks right to a man but it leads to death.

Summary for This Lesson:-

You only matter to yourself. When and if you die, you die alone. Life will and must go
on forever, with or without you.

Tip for this lesson:-

Think about YOU. Who are YOU? What are YOU doing? Stop thinking about ANYONE
ELSE. Remove the log from your own eye before you try to remove the speck in the
eye of another.
August 13, 2013
I consider it to have been the greatest privilege ever accorded to me by anyone
when the Holy Spirit, out of great love for me visited me in that hospital room and
slapped me hard across my face and told me to GET MYSELF TOGETHER!

I am special. I know that now and I shudder to think why the Holy Spirit chose me
out of all the other patients admitted in that hospital. Why save me? What does He
want from me? What will happen if I make one wrong move again? Oh God! Anyway,
thats not the point. The point is that I was chosen. The rest is not for me to know. I
was chosen because God had an assignment for me when he created me and the
Holy Spirit made it clear to me that my assignment must be completed. God must
complete the work He started in me.

You see, because God is God, He can choose who to save and who not to save. I
have pleaded with Him many times to save my husband. Yes, I have. I love my
husband. He is my husband. I have no intention of divorcing him. He is the father of
my children. I want him to be saved. I want him to change like me. I want a fresh
start. I am on his side even though it may not look like it. I can look beyond the
foolish things he did and how he almost killed me. I truly can. The things he did do
not matter now that I have changed.

It sounds crazy but from where I am now, I clearly needed him to do those things.
How else would I have gotten here? This perspective only comes to those who can
understand and know that he did not know what he was doing. He still doesnt. But

it is ok with me. I consider him my learning instrument. God has taught me

everything I know now, through my husband. It is not just about my husband. I dont
want anyone to go to hell. Sometimes I may feel like they should be in hell but when
all is said and done, heaven is a place where seeing the faces of some people who
you think deserved to go to hell is part of the joy.

Women who live on the Highway to Heaven are ready and willing to pop open the
champagne when the prodigal sons and daughters finally come to their senses and
stop dining with pigs and return home to their Father. The first in time are the last in
line in Heaven.

The process that goes on in your mind in order for you to bow down to God is like
getting a camel through the eye of a needle. Just imagine what you have to do for
that to happen. The amount of thinking it would take. And you cannot consult; it is
you, not anyone else, who has to get that camel through that eye of that needle.
You look at the camelthen you look at the needle and what else is there to
think about? It can never be done right? People just cannot take that amount of
thinking. By the time they get to one minute of thinking about all the lies that exist
in their lives and how those lies can be undone, they give up. The reason my mind
was under attack is because my enemy knew that I have an exceptional mind. I can
see the world differently from others around me. Isnt that how mad people are?
They have peculiar minds.

It is a very sad state of affairs that we are in. The lies have become so many that
every human being alive today cannot imagine surviving without lying. We now
believe that we have to lie to survive and that in itself is a lie! We have been going
round and round in one big circle, from cycle to cycle, from the beginning of time
and for all those trillions of years, we are still lying to ourselves that we need lies to

I got my camel through the eye of the needle. It took a lot of thinking and
contemplating and wondering and worrying and.I mean, it was a struggle.
Thankfully I was so desperate that I was willing to try anything at all. Thankfully,
what I tried, worked like magic. I have told you how I did it. It was not easy. When I
try to imagine how my husband would do it, I go blank. Can you see yourself doing
it? You can do it. Its not easy. But even what you are doing now is not easy. Is it?

Not by power or might but by the Holy Spirit. You dont have the power but you can
make a choice that will give you the power. God is on your side, even though it may
not look like He is. He wants to save you so badly but His commands cannot be
broken, even by Him. He keeps His Word even if He has to die for it to stand true.

He can save anyone as long as you are willing to choose to listen to what He says
and believe it to be the truth. If you are not willing, He is unable. This is the only
thing that God cannot do. By His own will, He made it that way.

He only wants those who want Him as He is and not as they would like Him to be. I
do not want anyone who does not want me as I am and only as he would like me to
be. So I understand God. If I am not good enough, its ok. Find someone else. The
wonderful thing about God is that He is more than enough. He is El Shaddai. Gods
love for me is incomparable. I go to Him for everything. I learned to talk to Him
about whatever it was that I needed to tell my husband which if I told him was a
completely wasted effort. God actually heard me and He always told me what I
needed to do so that the discomfort I had would go away. Being loved by someone
who knows you better than yourself is wonderful. It is heavenly bliss.

I am not claiming innocence. I hope that is clear. By Gods standards, I have fallen
short by light-years; in many ways. The Holy Spirit told me that a fornicator cannot
complain about adultery! That is the truth. A door is either open or closed. All you
need is a foothold on that door and you, and your descendants are done. My
willingness to change was greatly motivated by precisely the fact that I was willing
to accept my own sins, confess them and repent of them. If I couldnt do that, how
can I expect anyone else, and especially my husband, to do it? But I am not waiting
for my husband to change. I am letting the situation change me. The situation can
remain the same. Doesnt matter anymore whether it changes or it doesnt change.
Life goes on regardless and I am living with it.

My ancestors left some wide open doors in my life which I now have to close. The
doors are closed very easily. You just have to choose to be different. You just have to
see what happened to others before you and say, no, not to me. I will not end up
like that and so I will not do the same. You cannot do the same and end up different!
That is a big fat lie! You reap what you sow.

The difference is not in how you sow but in what you sow. If you sow maize, you will
reap maize. Doesnt matter if you sow one seed or ten or thousands, in rows or
columns or circles or whatever manner you want to sow them. There are some rules
in this world, which were not made to be broken. You reap what you sow is one of
them. Take it or leave it, it is the truth and it will not budge no matter how much
effort you put into trying to break it. Do not be deceived. Save your energies for
more productive ventures. Those ventures are there and they will give you what you
are looking for.

You will still reap maize as long as you sow maize, no matter how you sow it. Dont
be deceived. You hurt others in pursuit of your own pleasures and you will get hurt
too and the pain will be yours alone. Do not think that those around you who are
doing the same or who love you so much they will stand by you no matter what you
do will take the heat with you. The pleasure was yours and the pain will be yours,
ALONE. Sin is pleasurable but only for a season.

You cannot get away with it. No one ever did and no one ever will. You will get what
is coming to you and as much as you think you can take it, the truth is that without
God, you cannot take it. Even your loved ones cannot take it. The force with which
your sins come back to you! You need to be there to get it. I could not believe how
my few sins had imploded and exploded on me so suddenly, without warning! It is a
pathetic, pitiful sight to watch your loved one paying for their sins, their own and
the inherited ones, and not be able to help them. I have been there; on both sides.
Watching and being watched. I know.

Whatever happens to your loved ones who will not listen should not lead you into
despair. They were Gods gift to you and whatever their purpose was in your life will
still be achieved. Trust God. He can do the impossible to imagine things. Hallelujah!
When God helps you, He does not take you out of a situation, no, He takes you out
of sin. And when God helps you, you will never be the same again. He takes you to
another level all together where, like Joseph, you completely forget your suffering.
Suffer now and enjoy later or enjoy now and suffer later. Its up to you.

Let go to let God. He will mesmerize you with what He can do. Watch Him work on
you, renewing and transforming the way you think, while you are still living. It is the
best life you can ever have. And you do not have to die to start afresh. You can start
afresh any time you decide to. It is your choice to make.

I have made my choice. I am starting afresh, with or without my husband, it shall be

done. In Jesus Name, it shall be done. I will reach my destiny. I am alive today by
the grace of God and that grace truly is amazing. I wake up every day thanking God
that I am alive and well and saved. Its going to be a wonderful life. My better days
are ahead of me. God is not a God of nostalgia.

Summary for This Lesson:-

The choice is yours to make.

Tip for this lesson:-

Dont think yourself wise, no; think yourself foolish, only then can wisdom reach
August 13, 2013
You have to be so determined to be different and not to end up like your ancestors that
you are willing to die for the sake of seeing the difference that your ancestors never
made. I hope you got that point. It is important. I am changing so that I can see who my
mother could have been, had she changed.
When you choose to change, you are venturing into the unknown and the unknown is
very, very, uncomfortable. You are going into something that no eye has seen and no ear
has heard. Something that God has kept aside specially for those who love Him.
You have to allow yourself to change. Its hard because you are so used to being you but
its the same as you did when you were a child: learning to sit, then stand, then walk,
then talk. Weve all been there. You do not have to imagine the bliss of being a child. You
have experienced it and survived it. Go for it. You are still there. You are still learning.
You are a work in progress. You can only progress if you change. Change you, not him or
her or them or it. Change you. You have to be like a little child. They just sit, and walk
and talk, and climb and grow.they just change and they believe that the change is good
for them even though they dont understand how. And they change no matter their
The unknown is like a fornicator deciding to stop sleeping with an adulterer, not because
adultery is wrong, but because fornication is wrong. Yes, I had to decide that the
foundation of my marriage was all wrong and it started with fornication, not adultery. My
marriage was built on sinking sand and, it sank! Not surprising.
You have to dig deep inside yourself to the source of the problem and pull it out hard and
painfully. The problem is in you, not anywhere else. It is you! Once you know that, and
you want to solve the problem badly enough, you will be willing to take the pain of
extracting from you, the source of the problem. To extract the source of the problem, you
must reverse the process that got you there in the first place and start afresh.
Separating from my husband was not easy. It never is. Most people are not willing to start
again. They just want to persevere and hide and pretend that its ok. That is why so many
marriages are so messed up. Nobody wants to accept the blame for getting us to where
we are today. Not the men, not the women. The truth is that whoever takes the blame,
has to be the one to change and heh!! Me, I change? Let him/her change first, then I will
think about it! In the meantime, our children are growing up and ending up just like us.
When will this stop?

It stops with me. I will not hide and pretend that everything is ok. It is not ok. That is the
truth. I admit that I did some things that were wrong and I am willing to take the blame
for allowing us to get to where we are now.
Women who live on the Highway to Heaven are always willing to take the blame because
their Saviour took the blame for everything when He had done nothing and He was
beaten, whipped, stabbed, mutilated, cut up, thrashed, nailed, jeered at, insulted,
abused, mocked and crucified when He had done nothing AT ALL.
Now imagine the Spirit of such a man living in you. What can you not take? You can take
it. Tell them to bring it on. Yes, it is your fault. While you were working, you didnt cook.
You didnt sit and eat with the children. You lied. You didnt go to church. You gloated.
You looked down on people. You this. You that. You whatever. Its ok. I could take it and I
did. And am still standing. It was my fault. I got myself in there. And I got myself out.
Many people believe in God. But few are the number of those who believe God. I believe
that every word that is written in the Bible is true. For most of my life, I have been
searching for the truth. Who knows where the truth is? Gosh, the day I realized that the
truth is in the Bible, I was flabagasted. How? What is it about the Bible that is the truth?
Well I really cannot explain it to you. You just have to experience it for yourself. The
Word of God is alive and active, sharper than a double-edged sword. The Word is a spirit.
It permeates into your mind and does things in there much like medicine. A doctor
prescribes some pills, you take them and they go into you and voila! Problem solved. It is
the same with the Bible except that the Bible heals you through and through body, mind,
spirit, soul, everything. From the inside, out.
Being able to write about my experience in my marriage, like the way I had written mind
boggling is one of the things I have had to do to heal myself. I believe it is a big part of
the reason that I survived my marriage. Yes, it is still all about me and it will never be
about any-one else, ever again. Not even about my children. They can take it. I am their
mother. Superwoman is their mother. What cant they take? If my husband looked at me
and saw that I was capable of increasing my level of responsibility and become a
combination of a boss, a working mother, stay at home mum, full time house wife, taking
care of my family and his family and whatever else he so desired, and ON TOP OF ALL
THAT, endure the pain of him sleeping around, then I must be superwoman!!
People see you as you really are. Even the ones who hate you and especially them. They
are in your life for a very special purpose. They tell you who you should be. Listen. They
know. They tell it like it is. Dont hear them; listen to them. They are telling the truth.
You should be all that. Yes, you are in fact all that they expect you to be. Be it. Dont hold
it against them. Just be it and let them see it. It will burn them inside to see you be that
which they say you ought to be and you appear not to be. Imagine that! I am becoming
superwoman. But not for him. For me.
Do it for you, not them. Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. Love
your enemies and do good to those who persecute you. I listened to my husband and I
knew that I needed to become better in some way. I just did not know what way that was

until I decided to be different from my mother and even his mother and left that hospital
room and my whole past behind me.

Summary for This Lesson:Dont be afraid. Change is safe. You can always change and if you do not like the change, you
can change again. Its child-like fun to change. Go on, try it. Take the blame and change.

Tip for this lesson:Listen to everything your critics say about you no matter how they say it. They hold the key to
who you will become if you change. Change to become that which they say you are not and
should be.

August 13, 2013
No human being can satisfy the insatiable hunger for love that people demand and expect
from each other. I did not know what my husband wanted from me! I even went for Luo
classes believing that maybe if I spoke Luo as well, he would hear me! Now that I have
changed and found what I was looking for without him, I see what my husband was hungry
for, making all his monumental demands on me. It is so clear to me that I could not have
done anything for him to be satisfied, equally as much as he could have done nothing for
me to be satisfied.
What I wanted him to do would not have ever been enough. Not ever. My demands were
equally as impossible to meet as his were. The way he must have seen it is that I wanted
him to die for me. And thats true really. He told me that he needed his happiness to
survive! I had no idea what that meant at the time but now I understand fully. We were at
a place where, according to him, what I wanted, would kill him by taking away all
meaning from his life and according to me, what he wanted, would kill me by taking away
all meaning from my life! Stalemate! Someone had to give and that someone was me.
I had to choose between my husband and my life. I chose my life. I have no regrets. I only
have one life but husbands, I can have many. I am sure that is exactly what he told
himself when he decided to go shopping for a second wife. He must have said, I only have
one life but wives, I can have many. And off he went. He started, I followed. I am his wife.
I am entitled to equal rights with him. The same basis on which he makes decisions about
our marriage is the same basis on which I make decisions about our marriage.

The truth is that we want to see something different but we do not want to be the
difference. We need a change in our lives yet, we do not want to change. We want
everything else, anything, whatever, to change while we stay the same. As surely as you
will not change is as surely as your life will not change. Be very clear on that when you
say that you cannot, will not, wont, dont want to, change. When you refuse to change,
you will find yourself in many different situations, but your circumstances will always be
the same.
The reason the hunger my husband and I had is so big and desperate and uncontrollable is
because it is for something equal in size. Can you imagine something as humongous as
what you feel inside of you that you are unable to satisfy? Are you longing for a job? Or to
be rich? Or a spouse? Or children? Or to be healed? Or for your kids to behave
themselves? Or for your wife or husband to just do this or that? How much sex, money,
food, alcohol, etc will it take to satisfy that hunger? Can you please stop and listen for a
minute?! Stop whatever it is you are doing. Stop it! It will never satisfy you. It will kill
I want to tell you here and now that that big hunger for what you just dont know how to
get can be satisfied.
Gods love is so wide, deep, long, immeasurable that trying to get a human being to satisfy
it is foolishness at its best. I was foolish to think that my husband could satisfy my need
for Gods love. My husband knew that I could never satisfy the hunger he had in him and
so he looked for anything and everything he could find to diminish me and justify what he
was doing. And most men would agree with him. And I do not blame them. It is true, the
hunger is greater than anything anyone can ever imagine. It is huge.
We all have it by the way. It is not just men or just women or just who. It is in all of us
regardless of sex, age, education level, whatever distinctions the world claims there to
be. We are all the same on this one.
That hunger is a hunger that has suffered an identity crisis since the beginning of time.
Nobody seems to know what to do with it. Nobody understands it. Nobody knows what it
is. Its hard to explain it but when you look at what kinds of messes people are making of
their lives today, you will see what I mean. People are out of their minds, drinking,
smoking, taking drugs, joining gangs, committing heinous crimes, raving, driving at
obscenely high speeds, visiting and working in brothels, adulterating, fornicating,
overeating to obscene obesity, making pornography of all types, swinging, killing
themselves and each other, I mean, its that huge. This hunger! It has led people to
I am here to tell you that what we hunger for is God. Thats why the hunger is so
unbelievably huge. But can you just imagine that God is bigger and greater than that
hunger? He can satisfy it. He is infinite. Nobody can take His place in your life. Nothing
can take His place in your life. When you try to fit a person in Gods place, you will either
kill that person or she or he will kill you. One of you will die. If you try to fit a thing in
Gods place, goodness gracious me, what you will get is the height of madness. Youve
seen it.

I am also here to tell you that Gods Word is true and it is in the Bible. Read the Bible and
pray about this hunger. Pray long and hard. Tell God what you need. Ask Him to satisfy it.
Trust Him. If you really beg for it and you are willing to change and you have tried
everything you can imagine and nothing worked so that you genuinely want His help and
no one elses, AND YOU ARE NOT LYING, and you are persistent and when you can say: You
Lord are all I have, you give me everything I need, my future is in Your hands, and mean
it, He will satisfy you.
You have to beg because He is God and you are not. His ways are not our ways and His
timing is perfect and He knows everything. You cannot get His help easily. I told you what
I had to go through. I begged for months; crying uncontrollably. He will help you if you are
willing to walk behind Him. Not in front or beside Him. Behind Him. You have to agree to
follow Him. You have to let Him go before you and patiently wait while He prepares you
for the journey ahead before you set off. When He goes before you He prepares the way
for you. He levels the mountains and makes a smooth road for you. Humble yourself
before the Lord and He will lift you up. God does not tolerate any rivals. You must be
willing to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and do everything the
Bible says you should do.
Women who live on the Highway to Heaven have begged God and He has answered them
and they have no doubt that He satisfies.
When I left the hospital room where I was rehabilitated, I changed my physical
appearance. God told me to, and I did. No more excuses about how I dont like make up,
styling my hair is too cumbersome, I will shop when I travel, I dont like shopping etc. I
started wearing make-up, cleared my wardrobes of everything old and drab and gave
them away, shopped for new things, started taking myself for pampering every Saturday
morning: massage, body scrub, mani-pedi, facial; the works; started growing my hair,
which I am now plaiting. Filled my bathroom with body sprays and perfumes and even
bought foot cream!!!
I explored the salons and spas around where I lived and would treat myself often with a
treatment or other. I did it all for me. I, as in me; I did it and I did it for me. That point is
important. You do it for you. Not for him or for her or for them. No, for you. You do what
you want for you. It is only you who knows what you want. If you want someone else to do
it, you have to compromise on timing and quality and many other things. Now I just love
myself the way I want to be loved.
I became lovely because I had found love. And I found it, in me. I loved me. Loved me. Its
almost like a song. Can you sing it? I love me, I love me, I love me, I love me, I love me, I
love me. Any tune you want. And sing it every time you want to hum something.
The best way to love yourself, is to love yourself. I think you get me now right? Ok, look;
before, I wanted someone to love me the way I wanted to be loved and sat there waiting
for the love I wanted to come from someone. Thats what I was doing that was killing me.
Thats what took me to that hospital room. I was looking for someone to whom I would
matter enough. Someone who would be there for me always. All the time. No
compromise. Perfect timing. Always exceeding my expectations. Someone who would die
for me. If someone is willing to die for me, me, the fornicator, liar and whatever, then I

matter enough to them, dont I? Yes, I think thats the formula for measuring how much
you matter to someone. I was looking for God, but I thought that He was human. No
human will ever satisfy your need for God. Only God can satisfy that need. The minute
you realize that, you are saved.
Saved from needing something you cannot ever get. Saved from asking for something no
one can give you. Saved from searching. Saved from lying. Saved from hiding. Saved from
wondering. Saved from dying. So when I tell you I am saved, this is what I mean. I am
home. I have reached. This is it for me. Jesus is it for me. I am satisfied.
Summary for This Lesson:Look inside and identify the hunger within you. Pray and read your Bible and you will be saved
from the horrible effects of spiritual starvation.
Tip for this lesson:God can only satisfy a hunger that can kill. That is the hunger to look for.
August 14, 2013

Every last Saturday of every month from

3.30pm-5pm, starting Saturday 31 August 2013, I will be holding chat sessions for
those who are reading this blog to come and meet together and chat about the

At the sessions, I will meet with you, tell you more about me and answer any
questions you may have for me.
For those who cannot make it, do not despair, I will let you know whats happening.
For those who can make it, do not despair, you will not be named or shamed. I do
not keep secrets about myself but I greatly respect the privacy of others who
entrust their secrets to me.
I am here to help. Come and let us reason together. With Gods help, I can help you.
Let us discuss the truth about the lies. Let us agree on what we can do to save our
marriages (the ones we have and the ones we dont have) and our children from
being destroyed by lies.

Women who live on the Highway to Heaven, live on the bottom-line. The bottom-line
is where the truth is. Let us get to the bottom-line together and see whats there.
This is the adventure of your life-time. Do not be left behind.
This is an open invitation. Anyone who wants to come is welcome.
Men are most welcome. We need you. Yes, we do. Honestly, we do.
Critics are welcome. We need you. Yes, we do. Honestly we do.
Non-Christians are welcome. We need you. Yes, we do. Honestly we do.
Please send me an email confirming your attendance. Venue and dress code will be
communicated later. Oh yes, we have to have a dress code. I want to see drop dead
gorgeous people at the sessions. It is going to be fun.
Life is meant to be fun, lots of fun.
Entertainment for kids will be arranged so you can bring them if you like. Transport
by air, land or sea can be arranged if needed and if the numbers allow.
This blog is not about me and my husband, it is about me and my God. If you think
my God is awesome, then dress to impress this awesome God. I love dressing to
impress God. Consider these sessions a date with your Maker and if you have to
borrow an outfit and make-up and all, you do it!
God before us, we shall succeed and make this world a better place to live in.
Imagine a world where people tell the truth always. Religion and denomination do
not matter. God is our God; all of us together. Thats how come we are here
Do I hear anyone wanting to sponsor the sessions? Please email me if you like my
blog and can help with anything.
Our own Heaven on Earth. God can do it for us. He wants so much to do it for us.
We cannot do it but God can do it. All praise and honour and glory to Him because
He is the one who is able. Not us.
It starts with us believing and saying YES, it can be done. Let us do it for us. Not for
anyone else. For US. We deserve it. We are the ones who are here now. Let us
change for ourselves, not for an imaginary future generation.
Woohoo!! The Year of Jubilee is here and its happening in Kenya!! I knew there was
something special about this country of ours. Let us be the first nation to welcome
the truth in, around and among us.
Hallelujah! God is GOOD.
Summary for This Lesson:A lot more can be talked about than that which can be written about. This world is
ours. Let us take possession and responsibility for all that is ours. Let us choose
truth over lies.

Tip for this lesson:Just come as you are. Just be ready for change because God, will change you.
August 15, 2013
I am really looking forward to the chat session coming up and preparations are already
under way.
At that session, the quorum necessary is only 2 people. I will definitely be there and I
know it is Gods will that I am. If one other person shows up, we will be able to do what is
required. God only needs a minimum of 2 people to attend a meeting of minds and do
something spectacular.
The focus at the chat session will be on our minds and what we can be able to do with
them, if only we refuse to lie, no matter what. I will go first and am sure when you see
what happens to me, you will be falling over each other to give it a try then we can pair
up everyone and do it all over again together. I told you it will be fun. Child-like fun.
This is what life is all about; mind games.
The journey that I am on, on the Highway to Heaven, is a journey as deep within myself
as I can go which I am sure is to infinity and beyond! I am hoping that at least one other
person is willing to join me in this journey because I cannot go alone. The minimum
number required is 2 people.
I have put my hope and trust in Jesus to make the quorum and maintain it for as long as is
needed for us to reach our goal of getting people to change their minds and agree to stop
lying and tell the truth. I know that I will not be disappointed. Jesus is a crowd puller.
The idea is for me to expose myself to a battery of questions about myself and to answer
the questions as truthfully as possible, making every effort to be completely honest. The
other person/people will be the ones asking the questions.
I have never met anyone as open as me when it comes to talking about life. Actually I
believe that my openness is the secret weapon God inserted in me when He created me
and it is the one that caused the Holy Spirit to come running to my rescue in that hospital
God is light. In Him, there is no darkness at all. God is looking for someone who will not
scatter off like a cockroach when the lights come on. He is looking for someone to be the
light that shines brightly in the darkness that this world has become. Someone who is
defenseless and willing to take the blame and be accused of anything because it is when
we are weak, that He is strong.
I am so open that when my sister-in-law heard about what was happening in my marriage,
she said that the thing that would destroy our marriage was my big mouth. That was what

my husband told me she said and he emphasized just how emphatic his sister was when
she made that declaration to demonstrate that I was the problem, not him.
I was shocked but by that time, I had heard so much of that kind of reasoning, I was
quickly able to understand what she meant and am sure that by now you understand what
she meant. And you might agree with her. I do not know what too much talking is when it
comes to telling people about what I have experienced in life. I am like a little child on
that. You know how little children are so open to the point of embarrassment? I am like
that about myself. I enjoy being honest. I love the feeling it gives me to tell everyone
about what I saw!
Women who live on the Highway to Heaven know that talking is what God wants them to
That is why He has always used messengers and prophets. He inspired people who could
talk to write the books of the Bible which some people are unable to read from cover to
cover because it is too big. Jesus could talk all day until the people He was talking to
were hungry and exhausted! Look at how pastors and teachers of the Word behave. Some
of them talk us to sleep and others talk us out of church but they are all talkers.
God wants us to tell about what we have seen and heard. In fact, He expects us to do
that. Obviously some level of decorum and civility is required but as obscene as the world
is, avoiding being graphic can be a tough call. Even just talking about the crucifixion of
Jesus rouses some unpleasant emotions on the listeners.
According to my sister-in-law, my reaction was the problem, not my husbands actions. I
was in a tight, tight corner. The blame fell squarely on me. I was the woman of the home.
It was my duty to ensure that my home is intact. Even the Bible says that somewhere,
doesnt it? So because I was the woman of the home, my husband could do whatever he
very well pleased and it was up to me to ensure that whatever he did was kept private
between just me and him and no one else knew about it. I hope you can see just how
chaotic a mind that can reason like that really is.
How can sleeping around with other women be private between you and your wife? But it
is, isnt it? We dont talk about it, do we? Do wives talk about their husbands sleeping
around? No. Never. Everyone else can talk but no, not the wife. She has to protect his
dignity as the father of her children whereas he can do whatever he pleases with her
dignity as the mother of his children. I was expected to understand that. I just couldnt.
Thats why I had to give in. The pressure was too much for me.
I dont know how many times my husband repeated that statement about keeping the
problem private, saying it in so many different ways and each time leaving me in ?!@#!!!
He called his sleeping around our problem. For instance, he could ask me whether so
and so knows about our problem. And then if someone he was complaining to about me
not performing the wifely duties I used to perform told him that perhaps he needs to do
right by me so that I can reciprocate, he would say that the problem between him and me
is private, just between me and him and if I ask him to do anything he can choose
whether or not to do it. That was his prerogative. He could not understand why I changed
when I found out about his affairs!

I was supposed to continue doing what I always did because anyway, nothing had changed
except for me knowing something I did not know but which was still happening when I did
not know it and I still did those things that I was now refusing to do!
Maintain focus please.
Are you seeing just how long a sentence I have to write to describe how a lying mind
thinks? What we want to do at our chat sessions is to shorten the answers to questions
about life. By doing so, the explanations, justifications, excuses, arguments, debates and
discussions, in other words, STRONGHOLDS, that I am unable to identify on my own, can
be identified in the presence of God without whom such a venture would be futile.
In the process, you will help me become more open than I already am; imagine that. Me,
being more open than I already am with you? What does that mean? How much more open
can a mind be? Might I then be able to tell you things about yourself that you never told
me? You just never know. I dont want to guess but I think this is an experiment that you
do not want to miss.
A simple question like: How old are you? Has become such an issue to deal with that
people dont want to be asked that question! Why? Think about this particular question.
Whats wrong with people knowing your age? If you are a person whom such a question
makes uncomfortable, you should be able to picture the strongholds that go through your
mind when you contemplate an answer to that question. Even if for you the question is
not private, you have an idea why some people are private about their age. Can you see
the strongholds?
Do you realize that there are some people who actually believe that when they sleep with
others who are younger than them, that makes them younger? And so for them the age
question is such a problem because they dont know their age or rather, their age is
determined by the age of the person they are sleeping with?!
My assignment is not an easy one but it is one that is very easy for me because God has
given me everything I need, to do His will. He has given me a spirit of power and of a
sound mind. And so, I can do this.
Try me.
Summary for This Lesson:Talking is your God-given right and do not let anyone take it away from you. Just say what you
need to say. God will protect you as long as you are telling the truth.
Tip for this lesson:Practice talking to yourself about something private as if you are praying. How does it feel to
talk? It should be liberating. If you cannot talk to anyone about it, tell God. He already knows
August 15, 2013

The courage that it takes to stop telling lies can only come from God because lies are
protected by a very scary monster of a mother called SECRETS.
I for one know that I have believed that my secrets can kill me. What about you?
We all have secrets and they are scary. Talking about your secrets takes a lot of courage.
The fear they instill in you is humongous. Almost as humongous as that hunger for God
that I told you about the other day.
The strongholds that I have erected around my secrets are formidable. As I write this
lesson and contemplate telling you what else there is about my marriage that will shock
you, the strongholds are racing through my mind like formula one cars. The biggest
stronghold of all is the question: what will people think?
So far, I have been thinking that I have been able to break that stronghold, having
mustered up the courage to tell everything that I have told so far. However, now I realize
that I have not broken it because that stronghold works by giving you other things to talk
about and convinces you that you do not need to talk about the very thing that you know
is the worst of it all.
In this lesson you will hopefully come to realize that secrets can indeed kill you and the
only way to stop them is to talk about them.
I myself am a student in this lesson. I read through the previous lessons that I have
published so far and I was fine with the content because I knew that there was something
I still had not told you about. Now am imagining telling all and I can feel the jitters. I am
imagining that someone might kill me. Not that I might die. No. That somebody
somewhere will be unable to take me telling what I am about to tell and will then plan to
harm me. If I make it to telling you, you will see exactly what I mean.
Because I am such an open person, private conversations are forums in which I can tell
you anything you want to know about me as we get to know each other. It is going public
that is the problem for me. To achieve that, what I do is tell people about my secret in
private and convince myself that the people I have told are the same as if I had
announced it on television because those people will no doubt talk about what they heard
from me.
The day my husband met his current girlfriend, he told me about her. He told me about
how pretty she is. How she is a half caste and, he told me quite a lot about her. I can
remember that. But I cannot seem to remember what else he said specifically, what I
remember is that it was to the effect that she was from a poor background and she is
intelligent and he felt sorry for her and he had decided to give her the job. I remember
that he did not at that time tell me his secret which I then later found out, which was that
he wanted to date her and he did. I remember very clearly that her name was very
difficult for me to remember and if we were talking and I happened to want to say her
name, he would have to remind me her name.
Now you can see from that, where me and you are right now. I have told you a lot about
what happened in my marriage. I have told you enough for you to be convinced that there
cannot be anything else that I am not telling you. But I am telling you now, that there is

something else I have not told you and my not telling you that something else will ensure
that you do not quite remember the other things that I have told you.
This is how the mind works. I hope you are still remembering what I said about the chat
sessions being about me and my God and not me and my husband. The two are
intertwined so closely that I am finding it hard to separate them without having to tell you
that thing that I have not told you. I need to separate them because I want to be honest
and truthful with you but am scared of what will happen when I tell you.
The fear I have now is equal to the fear my husband had about telling me about his
feelings for the new receptionist. He told me all the reasons that made him feel the way
he felt, but he did not tell me about the feelings. He stopped short. He took a short-cut
and convinced himself that he had told me all that I needed to know and the rest was
none of my business. Yes, he told me, during a lecture he gave about the history of his
love life, that since I had gone and got myself into things which do not concern me and I
want to know the truth, he will tell it to me. This was after he discovered the discovery of
his emails with the receptionist he had replaced.
Lies, are half-truths. I told you before that there is no lie without some truth in it and
that is why lies are so difficult to detect. You have seen the manner in which our
government deals with grand corruption. That is what I am talking about.
Lies corrupt, contaminate, violate the truth in such a way that when you look at the
truth, you cannot believe it! It is like looking at Jesus on the cross and being told that He
is God. Lies always start with the truth because the truth is the foundation of everything
that exists, even lies. They start with the truth and set about covering it up.
Imagine what was going on in my husbands mind when he was talking to me about this
new receptionist he employed. I did not ask him about her. I did not even know about her.
He volunteered the information. He chose to come and tell me about her. Why did he do
that? He did that because the truth that he was covering up was hurting him and he just
had to at least tell me some of it so that he could get to a level of lying to me that he
could live with.
This idea that he had formed in his mind that he should come and tell me about the new
receptionist worked as a defence and also as an attack. It was a double-edged sword. It
was what he would later use to tell me that the receptionist has been through so much
hardship in her life and when I found him at her flat, he had gone there to talk to her and
nothing more. He shouted at me asking me whether it was possible that in the time it
took him to get out of the flat and walk down the stairs after I had called him when I
arrived at the flats and lied to him that I was unwell and needed him to come and take me
to the hospital, he could possibly have been sleeping with her. It was around 10pm at
night and this man is in his receptionists flat and his defence is that he went there to talk
to her about her problems. When I asked him what problems those were, he said that I
have such a big mouth, he could never tell me. The problems were between just him and
her only. How could I not lose my mind? How could such secrets not kill someones wife?
The secrets between a married man and his lover are secrets that can kill. Thats not
even the problem. The problem is that the secrets will not kill anyone else but the man

and his lover if only the rest of us can tell the truth about what we saw and heard. Did
you get that?
Dont worry, I will get you exactly where I want you to be when I tell you about my God
and what He did for me in my marriage and which convinces me that am special enough to
have come back from the dead because my specialty is opening up minds to the truth.
If I do not tell the truth about what I saw and heard and just keep quiet, I will be
jeopardizing the lives of many, many people. I know that. But imagine I still find it hard to
tell this secret. And when I do, you will understand that the balancing act is a tough one. I
have told quite a few people but I still need to just let the whole world know about it so
that I can find peace within myself.
I told you that I am on my husbands side and that I love him. This is the truth. It will be
very hard for you to believe that when you read what I have to say but in time, you will
see. I want my husband to get saved badly enough to tell the truth and shame the devil.
People can impute any motives they want as to why I am telling all this but I can honestly
tell you that it is out of love for those same people.
Before I get to it, let me tell you about something that happened recently that convinced
me that God is the one who wants me to tell you about this secret.
I travelled to Mombasa with my kids last Friday; after the airport fire. Our flight was at
2pm and it was over-booked, which was not surprising. We got on the flight and took our
seats: me, my 3 children aged 6, 3 and 1 and my helper. Then there was a delay and then
the cabin crew announced that 6 people needed to volunteer to get off the flight and
travel on the later flight at 3.30pm. The truth was that there was a lady and her children
who were missing seats on the flight and she had completely refused to get off the flight
and take the next one. It appears that she felt that she was entitled to fly because she
had children travelling with her and so those who already had seats, needed to disembark
and let her travel. The choice that was given to us who had seats was that we either
volunteer to get off, or the flight would be cancelled. We had just about 10 minutes to
make a decision because if the flight did not leave within that time, the pilot would be
violating some law because he had been on duty since 4.45am that morning.
I weighed my options, just like everyone else and amazingly, I, a mother of 3 decided to
get off. The others just stayed put. But its understandable because me getting off meant 4
free seats whereas anyone else getting off meant just 1 free seat and we did not have
time. It was an emergency of sorts. When I imagined the flight being cancelled and us not
getting another flight because flights were already problematic with the recent fire, and
then I imagined what I would tell my 3 beautiful, wonderful, excited kids about why we
did not go to Mombasa when we got back to the house, I made a quick decision and just
told my helper and my kids to get off the plane and we did. None of the kids complained. I
watched how that event unfolded and I knew that God was talking to me about something.
I wondered whether this was those times a plane crashes and you appear on the news
telling about how you got off at the last minute and had a near death experience which
then changes your life. Other people talk about it for a while and then we all go back to
the same old thing. No, it wasnt like that at all. You will see why. Be patient with the

The plane did not crash, it arrived safely. I had a friend who was travelling on the same
flight. She is a recently appointed judge and when I spoke to her later, she told me that
everyone on the plane was shocked by what I did and they were desperate for me to know
how thankful they were that I had saved the flight from being cancelled for their sakes
and taken my kids off the plane so that another woman and her kids could travel thereby
neutralizing the justification that had been used to threaten their future. The JUDGE! Are
you hearing me? God is our judge. He spoke to me through that Judge and He told me that
me and my children would be blessed mightily for what I did on that flight.
Just keep reading, you are about to see that I am truly a woman of God and that my God
is God when your mind likens what happened on that plane with what I am about to do
and what happens next. I am letting God be the judge. Letting go to let God. Dont judge
the truth, let the truth judge itself. You will be pleasantly surprised.
There is a GOD and HE DOES NOT SLEEP. I am proud to say that He is my God. I am also
proud to say that I am doing what I am about to do for Him. This is where my story
separates from being about me and my husband and becomes about me and my God.
Brace yourselves. I am about to do exactly what I did on that plane. God showed me that
the consequences of what I am about to do will save the future of many, just like it saved
the future of those on the plane who were just about to get their flight cancelled, if I had
not walked out.
I have no idea how those people ended up on the same plane as I did but God knows.

I have no idea what my husband will do when he reads this, if he reads it, but God knows.

I am scared to death to do this, but I fear God more because I live by His grace alone. I
fear only Him.
Its a long story, let us go to the next lesson.
Summary for This Lesson:Everything you ever wanted in life is within your reach if you can just stop waiting for
miracles and learn to read the signs by choosing truth over lies.
Tip for this lesson:Take courage my friend. There is no power greater than God. He is bigger than anything and
everything. He will fight it all and give you victory. Trust Him.
August 24, 2013

I took a break from the writing.

Now I am back with more vigour than when I started.
When I started, my healing from the last time I was in hospital had not been complete. I was not
aware of that until I found myself taking my children and going out to look for my husband.
The reason I was looking for him is because I needed him to apologize to me about what he had
done to hurt me.
I believe that if someone gets hurt by something I have done, what matters is not to justify the
thing that I have done but to appreciate the fact that someone got hurt by what I have done. I
believe that in any relationship, if one party gets hurt by anything the other party has done, an
apology is called for no matter how justified the party hurting the other may believe his/her
actions to be.
I still got no apology at all. I gave him the choice of either talking about what had happened
between us and apologizing for hurting me, or taking me to the hospital. He chose the latter.
I stayed at the hospital for a day during which again the Holy Spirit visited me and told me, yet
again, that I need to let go of my husband completely and deal with myself. Thankfully, the
medical care I received at Nairobi Womens Hospital, helped me recover very quickly and I am
now quite clear as to what I have to do to be able to satisfy the need for an apology as an
alternative to getting it from my husband.
In addition to the pampering that I go for religiously, I now have to attend counselling sessions
during which I can be helped to deal with the trauma I have suffered. I intend to do this for as
long as it takes for me to move on and never think or imagine that my husband will ever
apologize and not need him to.
I am strengthened by the knowledge that nothing happens outside of Gods will and He knows
that I need to go through this experience of being wronged by someone and not getting any
apology. It is not easy when the person is so near in proximity yet so far in belief system.

Well, I will not let that lack of an apology hold me back from what God has called me to do. I
believe that it is in fact a necessary thing for the work that God has placed in my hands since I
left hospital. It is important for me to have experienced all what I have experienced in my life to
be able to relate with other peoples experiences.
The chat session I had invited you to on Saturday 31st August 2013 at 3.30pm to 5.30pm is
still on. I will be hosting it at the church I attend where they have a multi-purpose hall and are
willing to let me use it for free and it is available on short notice. The church is located along
Riara Road. It is called Calvary Worship Centre and is part of the International Pentecostal
Holiness Church.
On that day, I will launch an organization that I have decided to form as a trust called The
Highway to Heaven. The goal for this organization is to help women live happier lives by
holding group support sessions like the one we shall start on 31st August 2013.
In these support sessions which will take place every last Saturday of the month, I will share my
story with the audience and take questions. I will also collect views from those present on:1. What is ailing our society in regards to womens personal happiness within or outside of
2. How can women change themselves and find satisfaction elsewhere other than in trying to get
others to change or wait for others to change?
3. What kinds of activities and services can be put in place to enable women enjoy their lives e.g.
affordable counselling therapy, life coaching, home management services, affordable pampering,
rescue centres, financial empowerment, etc?
As a woman who has been through a lot of adversity, being from a broken home and now having
my own home broken, and yet still finding happiness in my life, God has qualified me for the job
ahead. God is before me and I know that He already has all the funding available for us to get
this organization up and running and changing the lives of Kenyans.
I believe within myself that if women can all purpose to change and stop lying to ourselves and
to each other about anything, we can all find love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, humility and self-control.
If all women acquire these qualities, the men will have no choice but to follow suit and then we
shall reach our destination on this Highway to Heaven.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the launch.

Dress code is come as you are and bring a box of tissues because the first thing we have to do if
we are to succeed in changing our country is to accept that we ourselves who will be present at
that meeting are the ones who need to change. We shall not be discussing other people.
It is not easy being able to turn the spotlight on yourself and decide that it is you who needs to
change. The box of tissues will come in handy for yourself and for whoever is near enough to
borrow some.
It is a day to look forward to. God before us, we shall enjoy ourselves and end the session
laughing our heads off about just how easy it is to change the world!
August 26, 2013

Isnt it just the Mighty Hand of God that can lead you to the place where you need to be, to be
able to tell the truth? I am ready, willing, able and available to tell the whole truth about myself
from as far back as my memory can take me up to now.
Come to the group support session on 31st August 2013 at Calvary Worship Centre, along
Riara Road, from 3.30pm to 5.30pm and listen to the truth being told as you probably have
never heard it told before in public.
My experience in my marriage is not the exception; sadly, it is the rule. Someone once told me
that I sound like a broken record when I narrated my story to her. She is of my mums generation
and she was shocked that such a young, beautiful, hard working, son-bearing woman like me
would be suffering mistreatment in my marriage! As in, she was ok with the idea that after say 20
years of marriage and child bearing and letting myself go, being mistreated would be normal and
I could just live with it.
It is my firm belief that the reason why we have so many dysfunctional families all around us
and no one willing to take responsibility for the mess is because of the lies we tell and secrets we
fight so hard to protect. Lies and secrets: these are the enemies that I am waging war against in
my quest to get people talking about their marriages and their homes. I believe that in actual fact,
there are no secrets about what is happening in peoples homes. Rumours abound and the truth,
as formidable as it is can never be suppressed.
Why do we go looking for answers in all the wrong places? It is because lies and secrets
surround us and prevent us from looking in the right places because of the fear instilled in us by
the lies and secrets passed on for many generations. Fear has been said to be False Evidence
Appearing Real and I agree with that.
I believe that documenting the truth on this subject will at the very least help us to help each
other and at most, it can ensure that in the next generation, happiness in marriage will be easily

attainable because enough of us will have chosen to live truthfully and the fear instilled by lies
and secrets will have been diminished.
Gods purposes will be achieved, with or without anyone who will not listen to Him. It is your
choice. God is God. He doesnt have to choose. He just does what He wants and nobody can
question Him.
My husbands affairs have never been secrets. How can anyone in their right mind imagine that
illicit affairs are secret? How can they be secrets?
Reputation is important to my husband. He is worried about his reputation and what my speaking
out will do to him. Even I have wondered whether my speaking out will adversely affect me in
any way. I have however surrendered that issue to God and decided to take the bold step and
speak out. If God is for me, who can be against me?
Did my husband ever worry about his reputation when he was busy committing adultery? No, at
that time, his reputation was intact. It is only now that his wife is talking about it that his
reputation is at stake. How can we live like this? What kind of sense does such an argument
make? Is it common sense or rare sense? No, I think it is nonsense!
Summary for This Lesson:There are no such things as secrets when it comes to sexual immorality and its effects on
Tip for this lesson:Your reputation is only as good as your secret life.

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