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The teacher developed an activity in which she reviewed the vocabulary and structures
required for the activity. The students showed a good disposition as they participated actively in
the memory activity telling the sentences with the school subject and ordinal numbers
corresponding to their schedule.
Regarding the aspect of range it can be highlighted that the students showed the
domain of the basic vocabulary required for the development of the activity. The following
excerpt exemplifies the use of the key vocabulary related to school subjects and ordinal
numbers in a well-structured sentence.
Teacher. First- Friday. Ok, 30 seconds.
Student. The first class on Friday is Spanish.
Teacher. Very good.
However when it comes to a word they did not remember students showed a tendency
to recycle words from their mother in order to complete the sentence with the required word.
The teacher provides feedback to the student by correcting the word.
Student 1. The sixth class the sixth class
Teacher: on Monday is.?
Student 1: The sixth class on Monday ahmm the sixth class is Religion.
Teacher: No, thats not religion. The sixth class on Monday is Religious Education.
In the second place, concerning the aspect of accuracy it is important to recognize than
in general terms students manage the simple grammatical structure when participating in the

activity. They use the days of the week ordinal numbers correctly with the corresponding article
the , as the following extract shows:
Student. The fourth class on Tuesday is Math
Teacher. Let me see, mmm good, You have 2 stars
However in other cases, it was evidenced that some students tended to generalize the
use of the article the even when naming the day of the week or the school subject.
Student 1. The Wednesday third third is English
Student 2. The fourth class on the Thursday is The sports.
Besides, the extract above shows that some students do not have a command of the
simple sentence pattern required for the activity as they exchanged the order of the sentence or
the verb to be. For that reason, they asked directly or indirectly for peer support to make an
accurate sentence. In this sense it can be highlighted also that peer and teacher support was a
key factor to help them to overcome those difficulties.
Teacher. First- Friday
Student 2. The first class is
Studens. On
Student 2. The first class is on on Friday is computer science
Teacher. Good. But remember you dont say is on Friday ...on Friday, entonces one
Thirdly, in terms of fluency it is still evidenced that students used too much pausing
when expressing in the target language as they did not remember a word. In this way, they
indirectly asked for help to their peers.

Student 3: The third class () ..third class

Students: on
Student 3: The third () ehh third class on () on
Students: on Wednesday is English
Student 3: The third class on () Wednesday is English.
Also, there are some cases in which students switched the language to show hesitation
and anxiety as they dont know how to construct the sentence or to gain time to find the word to
complement the sentence. The following extract exemplifies the above mentioned.
Teacher. Third- Tuesday-30 seconds
Student 4. The third class on English is
Student 4. The third class on Tuesday is English
Teacher. No, Its Spanish. So, sorry
Subsequently, in another particular case a student appealed for help to the group by
speaking in Spanish.
Teacher. Fourth and Tuesday
Student 5. The fourth class on Tuesday isdigame rapidoo
Student 5. . The fourth class on Tuesday is Sports
Despite pronunciation is not a category to be analyzed in our research study we found
that regarding this aspect there was a tendency to pronounce the words the same as their written
way. When students did not know the pronunciation of a particular word they mispronounced it.
It happened especially with the days of the week and some school subjects words. Therefore,
the teacher provides the corresponding feedback to the sentence highlighting the mistakes on

pronunciation and repeating the words for students to get familiar with it. As the extract below
Student. The second class on Tuesday is Sports.
Teacher. The sentence is correct but the pronunciation of Tuesday is not. You said
Thurday and the correct pronunciation is Tuesday.

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