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Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga

Kota Mataram

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris
: III (tiga)

Alokasi Waktu

: 90 menit

Berilah tanda silang (X) pada salah satu jawaban A, B, atau C yang dianggap paling benar pada lembar
jawaban yang telah disediakan!
1. Where are you sleeping?
I am studying
a. In the bedroom

b. In the kitchen

c. In the bathroom

2. Where are you taking a bath? I am taking a bath .

a. In the bedroom
b. In the kitchen

c. In the bathroom

3. Mother is cooking in the

a. In the bedroom

b. In the kitchen

c. In the bathroom

b. In the living room

c. In the dining room

4. Look at this picture! It is ..

a. Bathroom
b. Living room
c. Bed room

5. We are having dinner in

a. In the bathroom

6. We can find pillow, bolster and blanket in

a. In the bedroom
b. In the kitchen

c. In the bathroom

7. What is this shape? It is

a. Square
b. Triangle
c. Circle
8. What are these? These are ..
a. Three circles
b. Three triangles
c. Three hearts
9. What is lingkaran biru in English language? It is ..
a. Blue square
b. Blue triangle

c. Blue circle

10. How to say 2 segitiga merah in English language? It is

a. Two red triangles
b. Two brown circle

c. Two green square

11. How to say bolehkah saya pinjam bukumu in English language?

a. May I know your name?
b. May I borrow your book?

c. May I sit here?

12. How to say bolehkah saya duduk di sini in English language?

a. May I sit here?
b. May I go to the bathroom?

c. May I bring you that book?

13. You want to go to bathroom

You want to ask permission
What do you say?
a. May I sit here?

c. May I borrow your rubber?

B. May I go to the bathroom?

Ulangan Umum Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 201

2011/2012 | Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3

14. Rijal

(permisi, bolehkah saya meminjam pensilmu) ?
Linda : yes, of course.
The correct expression for asking for permission above is
a. May I bring you that pencil?
b. May I borrow your pencil?
c. May I lend you a pencil?

15. You can count the book.

The meaning of count in Bahasa Indonesia is
a. Membaca
b. Menulis

c. Berhitung

16. Translate this sentence into English!

Dia (laki-laki) bisa membaca
a. He can read
b. He cannot read

c. She can read

17. Translate this sentence into English!

Dia (perempuan) tidak bisa masak
a. She can cook
b. She cannot cook

c. He can cook

18. Look at this picture! She can .

a. Dance
b. Sing
c. Run

19. Look at this picture! He can

a. Dance
b. Sing
c. Run

20. Cristiano Ronaldo is an athlete.

play football.
a. He can
b. He cannot

c. She can

21. Can-sing-i
The correct arrangement is .
a. Sing can I
b. I can sing

c. I sing can

22. Nizam: Where is your address?

: ..
a. I am nine years old
b. It is in pagutan

c. My name is Marwa

23. Where do you put the pen?

a. It is on the table

c. Yes, of course

b. May I borrow your pen?

24. Can you open the door please! (agree)

a. Sorry, I am still using it
b. I would love to, but I cant
25. Can you switch on the fan please! (disagree)
a. Sure
b. Yes of course

c. No, I am sorry

26. What are you doing? I am ..(menyapu)

a. I am washing
b. I am sweeping

c. I am cleaning

27. Activity that we can do in the class is ..

a. Fighting
b. Studying

c. Washing

28. The teacher asks us to (membaca) the poem

a. Read
b. Write

c. Listen

c. Yes, of course

Ulangan Umum Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 | Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3

29. Look at the picture! What is she doing?

She is ..
a. Using a computer
b. Playing the piano
c. Drawing
30. Look at the picture. What is he doing?
a. Eat
b. Drink
c. Read
31. This part of school is .
a. Library
b. Canteen
c. Classroom
32. Teacher : Marwa, Put the books in the
Marwa : yes, sir.
What is the meaning of Library?
a. Perpustakaan
b. Ruang kelas

c. Kantin

33. We buy foods in the

a. Canteen

c. Teachers room

b. Library

34. Teacher: Nizam, please put those books in my desk in ruang guru. What is ruang guru in English language?
a. Canteen
b. Library
c. Teachers room
35. You can find this thing on the wall in the classroom. You need it to know days and date. What is it? It is a .
a. Calendar
b. Chair
c. Desk
36. What is this? It is a ..
a. Rubber
b. Ruler
c. Sharpener
37. What is this? This is a
a. book
b. bag
c. pencil case
38. Translate this sentence into English language!
Ada 10 ruang belajar di sekolahku
a. There are ten classrooms in my school
b. There are ten teachers rooms in my school
c. There are ten auditoriums in my school
39. Translate this sentence into English language!
Ada 25 meja belajar di kelasku.
a. There are twenty five tables in my class
b. There are twenty five desks in my class
c. There are twenty five chairs in my class
40. How to say Ruang kelas ku selalu bersih in English language?
a. My classroom is always clean
b. My classroom is always dirty
c. My classroom is always noisy

Ulangan Umum Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 | Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3

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