Soal Ukk Binggris Kelas3 Ke 2

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A. Chose the correct answers by crossing a, b, c or d!

1.There are tourists . in the beach.

a. drink
b. eat
c. read
d. swim
2. all right in Indonesian is
a. yakinlah
b. baiklah

c. tentu

3. Dont hunt animals in the . !

a. sea
b. lake
c. river

d. maaf

d. forest

4. A : here are some bread for you ! B : ..

a. youre welcome b. of course
c. all right

d. thank you

5. There are orange juice, coffe, ice tea in the

a. canteen
b. school
c. room
d. mosque
6. The students have breakfast in the canteen when having
a. study
b. break time
c. do sport
d. do prayer
7. Our grandfather is . than our father.
a. younger
b. smaller
c. oldest
8. go to the cold waterfall !
a. may
b. will
c. lets

d. older

d. could

9. Faridz likes omelet. Omelet means .

a. sate
b. bakso
c. telur dadar

d. roti

10. Mrs. Rahma is a nurse. He works in.

a. school
b. rice field
c. hospital

d. library

11. The colour of our flag is read and.

a. black
b. white
c. yellow

d. blue

12. do you live? I live on Kutai.

a. what
b. why
c. where

d. when

13. The sixth month is.

a. april
b. may

d. july

c. june

14. Ali always helps his father every morning before school. He is a boy.
a. diligent
b. lazy
c. stupid
d. beautiful
15.Your never do something everyday. You always sleep on the bed. We must say .

a. what a clever you !

b. what a diligent you !

c. what a lazy you !

d. what a smart you !

16. A buffalo is . than a goat.

a. big
b. bigger
c. more big
17. We perform prayer in the .
a. hall
b. supermarket

d. biggest

c. mosque

d. clinic

18. Could you show me . The museum is ?

a. what
b. when
c. who
d. where
19. Whatdo you to school? At 6 oclock?
a. time
b. month
c. date
d. day
20. A place is for studying the student is named .
a. the school
b. the hospital
c. the market

d. the hall

B. Complete the following sentences!

1. A: How many days are there in a week?
B: There are ___________ days.
2. The colour of blood is ____________
3. The students have flag ceremony. Today is _________________
4. Today is Wednesday, yesterday is _______________
5. It is a ______________
6. I live _______________Jalan Musi 1
7. We can hear the music. Because we have _________
8. Rabbits like to eat____________
9. Cow, tiger, cat, are the name of _________________
10. A: Os apple a kind of fruit?
B: Yes, _________________________
C. Answer the following questions!
1. Mention four vegetables to make a soup?
2. What time do you go to school every day?
3. Mention 3 colors of the traffic light?
4. Mention 3 kinds of fruits?
5. Mention four animals that eat meat?

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