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Title = 'Fair play'

Genre = action, comedy

The main product is a film trailer for an action-comedy film. This
would also go alongside a film poster and magazine cover
advertising the film.
The magazines would be shown in stationery shops such as
WHSmiths and placed in the film section of the magazine aisle.
The posters would be shown in the entrances of cinemas, such as
Empire and Vue, so that lots of people can see it and it will be
detailed with actors, the name of the film and certificate to inform
my target audience.
I could also create a trend on social media, such as a Facebook
page for the child protagonist and Twitter hash tag, which will
help gain attention from a young target audience.
John Smith was a successful police officer for the Kent police force.
After a new, better cop was introduced to the force, Smith was
made redundant. 5 months later, as he is drinking in the pub he
gets a phone call telling him that one of his female companions
has been kidnapped by the new police worker, who is secretly
working for a weapons company to take over the world, and the
woman is the only person who knows how to build the weapon.
Whilst in the pub, Smith is talking to a young juvenile who he
then asks to recruit. The juvenile doesn't believe he is a cop and
so Smith shows him his fighting ability, which leads the juvenile to
say yes and the next thing he knows he is taken back to Smith's
house and given details about the kidnapping, which he thinks is
funny rather than serious so claps. This then sets off an explosion
10metres ahead of him and so Smith doesn't bother giving him a
gun. Smith and the juvenile now set out to find the location
and more information about the kidnapping.
Target Audience
My film is aimed at a 12-24 audience because I thought this would
be the most suitable rating for my film.

I took into consideration the idea that viewers younger than this
age may be frightened by the violent content that will be
displayed, such as guns, but it will have a comedy element which
helps make it less serious.
The age range of 12-24 are the ages of viewers which would be
interested in this type of film, also being an appropriate rating due
to there being no overly bad language and blood visible.
The child protagonist will be about 12-15 years old which means
that my target audience will be able to relate to them, but the
older character will be about 20-25 years old, which will make the
film seem surreal as these two characters wouldn't necessarily be
seen in normal life.
I would show my trailer in the cinema before films of the same
action genre. This is because it is the best my target audience will
be able to see it - Pearl &Dean's audience profile states 41% of
cinema goers are aged 15-24 years old.
I would also show it on TV, in between programmes as teasers
trailers (30 seconds) because it uses comedy and this will make it
suitable for TV audiences.
I could also show a longer teaser trailer (1min -1 min 30secs) on
YouTube. This is quite short so the audience will be able to watch
it before a YouTube video, and not skip it.
Media Concepts
Media Languages - my film trailer will be a typical action film trailer as I
will use weapons, strong characters, low key lighting, fast paced editing
and a variety of camera shots (low angle, pan, close up...)
To give it a USP, I will add a comedy element to it through the characters'
dialogue and actions, and also the weapons that one of the characters has
is super powers which adds a unique twist to the usual weapons seen in
action films e.g. guns and knives.
Institutions - Because my film trailer is for an action/comedy film, I
would create a production company name using onomatopoeic words, for
example SMASHIT STUDIOS or POW PRODUCTIONS. This would make it
sound comical and impart a fictional aspect to the trailer. For the logo
design, I would make it bold and use contrasting colours to make it stand
out and look like a superhero logo.

Representations - for the film trailer, the main character would be a

heroic adult male because it is stereotypically seen in action films that the
protagonist is male and strong. I would also have a victim (the person
who gets kidnapped) played by a woman as this is also stereotypical that
women are weak and can't defend for themselves. The other two
characters, child sidekick and the villain would both be male: young boys
are stereotypically seen as adventurous, and that men are seen as greedy
and powerful which would fit the character of the villain.
Genre - from my primary research I have chosen to combine the action
and comedy genres to make a hybrid film trailer. This was because they
are the most popular genres with my target audience (12-25yr olds) and I
think it is challenging in production (filming fight scenes for example) and
post-production (adding special effects to stylise the edit).
I would stick to the codes and conventions of these genres as I would use
violent scenes, open settings (well lit rooms and streets), funny dialogue
and fast paced editing to make it exciting for the target audience so they
will want to watch the full film.

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