Biotechnology Final Exam

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Biotechnology in Animal Breeding

Final exam
30 points (5 points x 6)
Answer all the parts in the question

1. Which part(s) of the cell do you find DNA. What is PCR. Steps in PCR. Uses of PCR.
Components of PCR reaction. With significance of each component.
2. What are transgenic animals. Different methods of obtaining transgenic animals. Advantages
and disadvantages of transgenic animals. Write in detail about the microinjection method.
3. what are knock out animals. What are their specific uses. Write down briefly how you can
generate the knock out animals.
4. what is genetic marker. Write about microsatellite markers. How are microsatellite markers
formed, detected and advantages over other forms of markers. What are the properties of ideal
genetic marker.
5. write about the steps in cryopreservation of spermatozoa in detail.
6. write about somatic cell cloning. Differences between cloned animals and normal animals.

Animal genetics conservation

Final exam
30 points (5 points x 6)
Answer all the parts in the question


Write about surveying, monitoring and characterization in detail

2. Define inbreeding and effective population size. How do you define related animals in
breeding for practical purposes. What are genetic variation and the evolutionary forces
causing genetic variation in detail.
3. What are markers. Write the significance of markers in conservation genetics. What are
the different DNA based markers we use in conservation genetics and their significance.
4. Dr. Dessalgn has allotted 100,000 Birr for the conservation of boran breed in amhara
region. With this budget constraints tell me how you are going to proceed with the
conservation of the breed. Please elaborate the plans in detail.
5. Describe in detail the movement and exchange of breeding animals and germplasm
through history in detail.
6. What does Nagoya protocol and explain what it covers. What is world intellectual
property organization. Write its functions and areas it covers in AnGR technology.

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