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Thyroid Physiology

Anatomy Control of Thyroid Function

2 Lobes united by Isthmus (anterior to 2nd , 3rd Tracheal cartilage)

Blood Supply
Superior Thyroid Artery Inferior Thyroid Artery
External Carotid Artery Thyrocervical Trunk
Closely related to Closely related to
External Branch of Superior Laryngeal Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Thyroid Hormone Actions
Nerve ↑ O2 Cons umption
Venous ↑ Mitochondrial size, number, enzymes
Superior Thyroid v. Middle Thyroid v. Inferior Thyroid v. CVS
Superior Poles Lateral Poles Inferior Poles ↑ HR, SV, CO
Empty into IJV Empty into Brachiocephalic v. Respiratory
↑ RR
Histology Renal
↑ Blood Flow, GFR
O2 Carrying Capacity
↑ RBC mass
↑ 2,3-DPG (Shift Hb-O2 curve to Right)
Protein Metabolism
Stimulate cellular uptake of a.a., Protein Synthesis
Lipid Metabolism
↑ Plasma levels of FFA
Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism
↓ LDL Receptors ↑ LDL Receptors
↓ Cholesterol ExcreƟon ↑ Cholesterol ExcreƟon
↑ CirculaƟng Cholesterol ↓ CirculaƟng Cholesterol
CHO Metabolism
↑ Rate of Intestinal Glucose Absorption, Uptake of Glucose
Vitamin Metabolism
Hepatic conversion of Carotene → Vitamin A (in Liver)
In Hypothyroidism – Accummulation of Carotene (yellow discoloration)
Growth, Tissue Development
↑ Growth, Maturation Bone
Nervous System
Normal CNS Neuronal development
Enhance Wakefulness, Alertness
Enhance Memory, Learning Capacity
Required for Normal Emotional Tone
↑ Speed, Amplitude of Peripheral Nerve Reflexes
Female Male
Follicular Development Spermatogenesis
Maintain Pregnancy
Follicular Epithelium Skin Changes
Follicular Cells (Principal cells) Parafollicular Cells (C Cells) Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism
Produces Thyroid Hormones Secrete Calcitonin (Ca2+ regulation) Warm, Moist Skin Dry, Thick (non pitting edema),
Pale staining Extra Heat Production (due to Scaly Skin
• Thyroxine (T4)
• Triiodothyronine (T3) Larger than Follicular cells excess thyroid hormones produced ) Accumulation of proteins,
Inactive Active Solitary cells or small clusters of cells polysaccharides, hyaluronic acid,
Squamous Low Columnar chondroitin sulphuric acid
Promotes H2O retention | Medicine

Thyroid Hormone Synthesis Metabolism of Thyroid Hormone

Uptake of Iodide (I-) in exchange for Na+ Normally Deiodinated in Liver, Kidneys, other tissues
(stimulated by TSH) Of the Circulating T4

• 33% converted to T3
Oxidation of Iodide to for m Active Iodine
• 45% converted to rT3
(by H2O2)(catalyzed by Thyroid Peroxidase, TPO)
↓ T3 T4
Active Transport of Iodine Acts ↑ Rapidly (3-5X ↑ Potent) Metabolically Inert
across apical surface of Follicular cell Greater Affinity to Nuclear receptors Prohormone
↓ than T4
Active Iodine + Tyrosine Residue of Thyroglobulin Molecules

Mono-iodotyrosines (MIT) Inhibition of 5’ Deiodi nase
Di-Iodotyrosines (DIT)

Uptake of Thyroglobulin into lumen of Follicle
Lining of Iodinated Tyrosine Residues

1% of Stored Colloid are removed daily

100% of Stored Colloid are removed when gland is very active (depleted)

Results in Plasma
• ↓ T3
• ↑ rT3

Secretion of Thyroid Hormones

Under influence of TSH, colloid droplets (consisting of thyroid hormone s within
thyroglobulin molecules) are taken back up into follicular cells by pinocytosis
Fusion of colloid droplets with lysosomes causes hydrolysis of thyroglobulin
Release T3, T4
About 10% of T4 undergo mono-dei odination to T3 before it is secreted
The released Iodine is reutilized
On average (per day)
80 ug of T4 are secreted
13 ug of T3 are secreted

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