Advanced Statistical Physics: Problem Set 1

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Advanced Statistical Physics: Problem Set 1

1. A fluid is described by 3 thermodynamic variables, e.g., T , V , N , where the

symbols have their usual meaning. This system can be studied in 8 different
ensembles. For an ideal gas, calculate the relevant thermodynamic potentials
in terms of their natural variables.
2. The potential energy of a classical anharmonic oscillator is
V (x) = ax2 + bx4 ,

a, b > 0,

b << a.

Obtain the leading-order contribution of anharmonic terms to (a) the average

position, and (b) the specific heat.
3. Consider the spin-1 Ising model. Use mean-field theory to obtain the critical
exponents , , 0 , . How do these compare with the corresponding values for
the spin-1/2 Ising model?
4. Consider the nearest-neighbour Heisenberg model
~i S
~j , S
~ = (Sx , Sy , Sz ), S 2 + S 2 + S 2 = 1,
H = J

in a magnetic field ~h. Obtain the critical temperature in mean-field theory and
the critical exponents and 0 .
5. Consider the Landau free energy with a cubic term:
G(m) = a(T T0 )m2 /2 + bm3 /3 + cm4 /4,
where a, b, c > 0.
(a) Sketch G(m) for typical values of T and identify the free-energy minimum.
(b) Show that there is a first-order transition at T = Tc . Obtain Tc .
(c) Find the magnetization discontinuity at the transition.

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