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Michael Gregory Consulting, LLC

Turning Conflict into Opportunity


Address conflict in the workforce

Improve productivity
Enhance employee and customer

How to De-escalate and Resolve Conflicts

with Clients, Associates and Others

Michael Gregory speaks to CEOs and business

owners, who want to reduce conflict, improve
productivity and enhance employee and
customer satisfaction
I listened, learned, and laughed over what
seemed to be a very short time.
- Cathy Mitchell, Senior Manager,
Allen, Gibbs & Houlik, Wichita, Kansas
I attended, as a remote participant. Your
presentation was highly informative, energetic
and concise. I will definitely buy your new
book. - New York State CPA, ABV, CFF,
We got the best overall responses to your
presentation last week of any program we have
had in a long time!
Conrad L. Slate, Sr. CLU, ChFC, MSFS,
Knoxville, Tennessee
I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation. Courtney N. Mussatt, CPA, ABV, BKD, LLP,
Indianapolis, Indiana
Most pertinent to my practice. Very relevant
topic. Great knowledge - Marina Blosser,
Moss Adams LLP, Portland, Oregon
He is a 7! Extremely good presentation great
background info. - Mary Jo Cole, Program
Attorney, Minnesota Continuing Legal
Education, St. Paul, Minnesota |
1945 Sharondale Ave. | Roseville, MN 5513

Learn to center yourself first.

Control the two stinky twins of BO
(blaming others) and BS (blaming self)
Understand how to focus on the

How to Work with the IRS

Understand the IRS and how it works

Take the lessons learned about the IRS
and apply these to your situation
Focus on relationships, listening,
education and negotiation
Engaging Managers in the Training They Need
Managers are not evaluated on what
they do, but on what their employees
Build in customer satisfaction metrics,
quality, business metrics and employee
satisfaction metrics focusing on the
three mantras
Explain, demonstrate, guide and enable
Michael Gregory is an internationally-acclaimed
expert in the field of conflict resolution,
(business to business, business to government
[IRS] and within businesses). He provides high
energy interactive content participants can
apply at work, home and in their everyday lives.

To book Michael Now:

T: 612-399-6174

P: 612-399-6174

Professional Bibliography
Michael Gregory is an internationallyacclaimed expert known for his high-content,
high energy presentations with humorous
interjections and tools that that his audiences
apply immediately to real world issues.
Your investment in Michael pays off by making
it easier for CEOs and business owners to
attract, engage and win more customers
without digressing into conflict now more
than ever. Michael is the author of 10 books
including The Servant Manager: 203 tips from
the best places to work in America and
Peaceful Resolutions: A 60-step illustrated
guide to the art of conflict resolution.
Since 2011, Michael has led over 200
presentations with clients in the United States
and Canada.
Michaels keynotes are interactive and include
lots of how-to oriented content. He uses
stories, metaphors, examples and humor to
make his seminars and keynotes highly
memorable, practical and profitable for your
audience. Mike offers executive working
sessions, panel lunches, seminars and other
materials beyond his keynote addresses. He
offers a complete package and is committed to
his audiences.
He has spoken to attorneys, accountants,
judges, business owners, various professional
societies, academics, and others.
Michael is a professional member of the
National Speakers Association and is a member
of the NSA Minnesota Chapter.
Check out Michaels blog at related to recent
relevant profession posts. |
1945 Sharondale Ave. | Roseville, MN 5513

Why Hire Michael Gregory?

Your investment in Michael will pay off right
away by making it easier for your members
to de-escalate, center themselves, work
with difficult people, effectively listen, and
focus on issues. The result is improved
productivity, enhanced customer and
employee satisfaction and a much better
bottom line.
Mike has never given the same
presentation twice. He customizes his
programs based on client needs whether
that client is a corporation, association, or
institution. There is no cookie cutter. YOU
are the cookie. Mike will incorporate your
organizations theme, vision, values or
Mikes style is high energy, high content,
and high involvement. Mike wants his
audiences to feel, know and do something
differently when they leave his program.
He provides them with hard skills and new
strategies to address conflict. No theory.
No fluff. No bull.
First, Michael will visit with you before the
program and speak with whomever you
Second, Mike will design and deliver around
your desired topic so you know exactly what
you and your members need.
Third, well give you a free set of handouts that
you can reproduce for your participants. Many
speakers charge $15 to $50 if they provide
these handouts.

P: 612-399-6174

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