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Technical specifications

2016-1300 v.1.0

Contacts book management

Contacts book management

Project description & Technical

specifications Summary
(For Android)

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Technical specifications

2016-1300 v.1.0

Contacts book management


PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 3


USER ACCOUNT CREATION PROCESS ................................................................... 4




User account creation process ............................................................................................... 4


Cloud database creation ....................................................................................................... 4

USER CONTACTS BOOK MANAGEMENT................................................................. 5


App / Web portal available functions ...................................................................................... 5


Contact book management with App ..................................................................................... 5


Contacts book management with Web interface ................................................................... 6

ADMIN WEB INTERFACE ........................................................................................... 7

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Technical specifications

2016-1300 v.1.0

Contacts book management

1. Project description
My Contacts Book Management is an Android application (called MCBM) that allows a user to access
his contacts book smartphone everywhere and everytime.
After he registred on his own smartphone, a user can access his contacts book :

On any other smartphone by login the MCBM app with his own credentials. So he can
make outgoing calls and send SMS

On a web interface

Each user contacts book is stored in the cloud database. When the user log on any device or on the
Web interface, each user can :

Read a contact details

Modified contact datas

Created a new contact

Technical requirements :
MCBM app is working on http request. That means that datas are stored in the cloud database and
users can access to their datas with the app.

MCBM Appli is running on ANDROID

User / Admin web interface (Environnement : PHP, MySQL) for Chrome, Firefox, IE,

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Technical specifications

2016-1300 v.1.0

Contacts book management

2. User account creation process

2.1. User account creation process

MCBM Home page

Step 1 : Create Login (phone

number) / password

Step 2 : Fill form with your

account informations

2.2. Cloud database creation

A the end of the registration process, datas are updates in the cloud database :

Users table : Add the new user in the users list

Contacts book : Create a new entries for the new user contacts book with the Android
contacts book stored by the Android system

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Technical specifications

2016-1300 v.1.0

Contacts book management

3. User contacts book management

3.1. App / Web portal available functions
The contacts book can be managed :

With the App on any smartphone

On a web portal


Functions list

The following functions are available on MCBM App or web admin :

Contacts : Access to contacts book (read and modify)

Send SMS to a contact

Make an outgoing Call to a contact

Settings : Settings the application parameters (account, preferences, )

3.2. Contact book management with App


App main page

This document describes the first release for MCBM app. Thats why all future features are
described. But only the Contacts book function has to be developed. The others functions
are disabled in the user interface.

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Technical specifications


2016-1300 v.1.0

Contacts book management

Contacts book management in App

Contacts book list

A contact card edition

Displayed datas are extracted from the cloud database.

3.3. Contacts book management with Web interface

A Web interface is available for each user. After login with his credentials, each user can access to :

His account setting :

His Contacts book : Displays the contact book in a table

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Technical specifications

2016-1300 v.1.0

4. Admin Web interface

Admin can log the admin web portal with specific credentials :

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Contacts book management

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