S2 2014 342734 Chapter1

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Ngrayong Sandstones Formation is one of the generative reservoir in

Indonesia. It has produced the hydrocarbon since 19th century. About 150 MMBO
was exploited from its sandstone formation which is probably 75% of basin
production (Ardhana, 1993).
Ngrayong Formation outcropped in Madura Island is characterized by
mixed siliciclastic carbonate that gradually change from siliciclastic dominant in
the lower part to the calcareous rock dominant in the upper part. In this area, sand
is uncompacted which results an excellent reservoir quality.
Ngrayong Sandstone is considered as one of the prolific Tertiary formations
accommodated the potential hydrocarbon which is extended from Madura Island to
East Java region and also one of three formations acting as the reservoir rock in
North East Java basin. For Middle Miocene Ngrayong Sandstone, the primary oil
and gas exploration target in the East Java and Madura onshore areas is the
Ngrayong Sandstones.
Since oil and gas seepage have been presented in Western Part of Madura
Island, Ngrayong Formation become more impressive for further research. These
seepages are the proof of potentially working petroleum system within the
subsurface and economically reflecting the prospect for detail exploration. To be
successful in detail exploration and effective exploitation, the more understanding
precisely about characteristics of Ngrayong Sandstone as well as geological
condition from West Madura are one of the research keys and must be thoroughly


Problem formulation
For the Western Part of Madura Island, there are no many open researches

in that area as supplementary data for academic research of relative topic,

particularly for hydrocarbon exploration as industrial research purpose. Hereby, to

be part in successful exploration phase the research using outcrop data was
conducted to unravel for further researches.
This research comprehensively focused on the fundamental reservoir
properties from surface outcrop data such as porosity () and permeability (K),
texture (grain size, grain sorting, and grain shape) and geological conditions of
focus area such as lithofacies, and depositional environment from lithological log.


1. To identify the characteristics of Ngrayong Sandstone in Western Part of
Madura Island such as petrophysic properties (porosity () and permeability
(K)), and physical properties (texture grain size, grain shape, sorting, grain
packing; mineral composition)
2. To identify the deposition environment of Ngrayong Sandstone in Western
Part of Madura Island. The potential sandstone as reservoir can be


Location of study
The research area is administratively located in Western Part of Madura

Island lying from Sampang to Bangkalan Regency of East Java Province. The total
area approximately covers 1500 Km2 from E11239'39.6" & 652'30" to 11315' &
714'34.8" (Figure 1.1). There are three quarries where the measured sections were
conducted for this research.


Limitation of research
This research focused on the studies of characteristics of Ngrayong

Sandstone such as porosity () and permeability (K) in Western Part of Madura.

This research elaborated the result from outcrop data collected from Sampang until
Bangkalan Regency (Western Part of Madura), measured stratigraphic section,
lithofacies and petrographic studies of surface sample.
The identification of characteristics Ngrayong Sandstone studied by
microscopic analysis of thin-section samples was integrated with stratigraphic

section for defining and clarifying the reliable interpretation of depositional

environment. From depositional environment, lithofacies were also characterized.
Furthermore, the result of petrophysic studies and granulometry analysis helped to
quantify and qualify the formation and ultimately the potential reservoir was also
Indeed only four types of data and analysis such stratigraphic section,
petrophysic, petrography, and granulometry were used in this research. Due to the
limitation of research budget and time the other analysis such as SEM, XRD, and
paleontology were not conducted. Moreover, during the field research outcrops of
Ngrayong Sandstone were not found in northern part of study area because of road


Research outcome
The outcome of this research is an understanding of potential reservoir

targeting for hydrocarbon exploration and some results as following:

1. Reservoir characteristics were theoretically identified such as petrophysic
properties porosity (), permeability (K) and physical properties such as
texture and mineral composition.
2. Lithologies were ideally deciphered and interpreted so depositional
environment will also be determined.
3. Use as the extra information for further and relative research both academic
and industrial purpose.


Previous research
There are several researches that are considered to have relationship with

this study. Some previous study areas may be the surrounding area but the idea is
still focused on Ngrayong Formation. Thus, the researches as the following can be
the base for supporting this research.
1. Ardhana (1993) conducted one research about depositional model for the
early middle Miocene Ngrayong Formation in the East Java Basin which
emphasized paleogeographic controls and lithofacies variation. The study

highlighted the distribution and the geometry of reservoir facies in the

undrilled portions of the East Java Basin, where there is the potential for
large quantities of trapping hydrocarbons.

Figure 1.1. Location of study area (Western Part of Madura)

2. Indonesia Basin Summaries (IBS) (2006) gave the overview of regional
geology, petroleum system, and petroleum play in North East Java Sea
Basin and North East Java Basin.
3. Sharaf et al. (2005) elaborated stratigraphic evolution of Oligocene
Miocene carbonates and siliciclastic in East Java basin. They stated mainly
about three main stratigraphic intervals namely Kujung, Tuba, and
Ngrayong. Kujung (carbonate mound and off-mound) is represented by a
high-energy, extensive, shallow-marine carbonate facies that grades
laterally into deep-marine off-mound sediments of calcareous mudstone and
chalk for Lower Kujung and shallow-water carbonate deposition was
restricted to faulted topographic highs for Middle-Upper Kujung. Tuban
(mixed carbonate-siliciclastic) consists of widely exposed shallow-marine
mixed carbonate and siliciclastic and poorly exposed open-marine shale and

chalk facies. Ngrayong (siliciclastic) represents a period of regional

siliciclastic influx and progradation of tidally influenced deltas and grades
into turbidites, basinal shale, mudstone, and chalk.
4. Endharto (2004), whose studies focused on the depositional system of
Western Part of Madura Island, interpreted that depositional environment
was influenced by tidal, so-called tidal flat-shelf deposition system (littoralshallow marine environment).

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