Linux Readme PDF

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This machine has been configured with a Linux virtual machine (Ubuntu 14.04),
accessible via the VMWare icon
on your Windows desktop. The virtual
machine has been setup with a number of basic applications you may require for
course work, or you may just use to learn about Linux. The following software
packages are already installed:
1. gnu tool chain (gcc, make, etc.)
2. oracle jdk 8 (java, javac, etc.)
3. apache2 (http webserver)
4. apache tomcat (java servlet container)
5. mysql (relational database)
6. php
7. nodejs including npm (node package manager)
8. git (version control)
9. python 2.x and python 3.x (python and python3)
10.libreofffice (document editing)
11.maven (java build tool)


To log into the Linux virtual machine follow the steps below:
1. Locate the VMWare workstation icon on your desktop and click to start
VMWare workstation.
2. On the Workstation window locate the Library panel (see image).

3. To the right of the Library panel you should see the option to power the
virtual machine (see image).

4. You should see the login screen as shown in the image. Click on the Ubuntu

, to open the desktop manager option pane.

5. Select a desktop manager of your choice (see image).

6. After choosing a desktop manager you should be returned to the logon

screen as in step 4.
7. Enter uoitstudent into the password field.
8. After a few second you should now see the desktop. Congratulations you
have logged in as the default user.


To change the default password follow the steps outlined below:
1. Open a terminal or console window
2. Type the command :
3. This will prompt you to enter a new password.
NOTE: When entering the password nothing appears on the
console as the password is hidden, however you inputs are been
4. It would prompt you to reenter the password entered in step 3, if both
passwords match then the password will be changed otherwise it prompt
for a password again repeating steps 3-4.


If you do not want to use the default user account, you may create your own user
account(usually with your banner id). In most Linux distributions a user that
belongs to the sudo group can run commands that require root privilege by typing
the command sudo before the command they want to execute. However a user
must belong to the sudo group before they can use sudo in this manner.
1. To create a new user follow the steps outlined below:
2. Log into the default account with the new password you created in the
previous section.
3. Open a terminal window
4. Type the following command:
sudo adduser BANNERID
Where BANNERID is your banner id like 100568890. This will create the new

NOTE: if this is the first time you have typed sudo in the current
terminal session it would prompt you for a password. Enter the
password for the default account, that is the new password
entered in the previous section.
5. In the same terminal type:
sudo passwd BANNERID
And follow the on screen prompt as in the previous section.
6. To allow the new user do things like install software, you will need to add
them to the sudo group. In the open terminal window type:
sudo usermod -a -G sudo BANNERID
Now the new user can run commands using elevated privileges by typing
sudo before the command.
7. There are also a number of other groups you may need to add the new user
to, for each of the groups simply type:
sudo usermod -a -G GROUPNAME BANNERID
These groups are: adm , cdrom, dip, plugdev, lpadmin, sambashare
So for instance to add the new user to adm you should type:
sudo usermod -a -G adm BANNERID
8. To see all the groups the user belongs to type:
sudo groups BANNERID
9. You can now logout of the default account and log back in using the newly
created user.

This section contains useful information about each installed component.
NOTE: These applications are not enabled by default except for
java which does not need to started or stopped.

Root Password (9Z0WnYDf0CLA), Port (3306)

Port (80)

Port (8080), Installation Directory ( /opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.24 )
Start tomcat server:
Stop tomcat server:

Installation Directory (/usr/local/lib/jdk1.8.0_45)

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