Student Acknowledge Form Current F2015

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Laboratory Policies and Safety Protocols

Acknowledgement Form
I ( N a m e o f S t u d e n t ) Anirban Das
have read and understood all the laboratory policies, safety protocols,
and responsibilities as a st udent, which have been outlined in Sections
, , , and  of the Engineering Laboratory Policies
and Safety Protocols Reference Manual, when using the
for the course ( C o u r s e
undergraduate laboratory ( R o o m # ) ENG3050
I ( N a m e o f S t u d e n t ) Anirban Das
Sections , ,
hereby accept the te rms and conditions set out in
3, and 4 of the Engineering Laboratory Policies and
Safety Protocols Reference Manual and verify that I may subject to
suspension of laboratory privileges, dismissal, or le gal action, if
violation of any of the policies and/or protocols outlined in the manual
is found.
Student ID#:


Signature of Student:
Signature of Teaching Assistant:

October 9th, 2015

To be retained by faculty member. Student should make a copy for herself/himself.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act (2002),
and will be used to ensure that all students are aware of laboratory policies and safety protocols at UOIT. Questions about this
collection should be directed to the Manager of Administrative Services, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science,
UOIT, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4, (905) 721-3268.

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