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Love Story (Script)

Scene 1: the couple

[Jasmine walks into history class]
Mrs. Allback: youre late miss Flynn
Jasmine: I know, I know Iwell Ijust had to go do somethingsorry
Mrs. Allback: no more excuses now go take a seat.
Jasmine: yes maam
[Jasmine walks back to her seat and sees her best friend smiling at her]
Nicole: hey Jas what up why were you late?
Jasmine: Ill tell you later but let me see your notes before I get in trouble
Nicole: here you go. And dont forget to tell me
Jasmine: I know, I know
[fades to black, Jasmine and Nicole stop in the line for their next class]
Nicole: okso tell me
Jasmine: well lets just say I chatted with a person
Nicole: guy or girl?
Jasmine: guy
Nicole: named?

Jasmine: Dandre
Jasmine: yea but chill girl it aint that serious
Nicole: are you crazy? How did yall even start talking
Jasmine: well we were both rushing to our class and we bumped into each
other and everything got knocked over
[ they enter the classroom and are still talking]
Nicole: and
Jasmine: and we started chatting and he asked if he could sit with me at
lunch. The end
Nicole: you said yes right? Tell me you said yes!
Jasmine: of course I said yes but for some reason I have a feeling he has
something of mine
Nicole: well thats not good but lets get ready for class
[fades to black and goes to cafeteria]
Dandre: hey Jas, its ok if I call you that right?
Jasmine: as long as its alright for me to call you Dre?
Dandre: sounds good to meso where are we sitting?
[Jasmine searches for an empty table, finds one and points to it]
Jasmine: how about that table?
Dandre: sure by the way I have something I think you may want

Jasmine: what is it?

Dandre: ummyour journal and Im sorry but I couldnt help but read it
Jasmine: OMIGOSH YOU READ IT?!?!?!?
Dandre: yeaumm sorrybut I do love the picture you drew of me
Jasmine: you do?
Dandre: yeado you think you could teach me how to draw sometime this
week, cause I want to draw the most beautiful person in 9th grade
[Jasmine sighs]
Jasmine: surelet me guess Tianna?
Dandre: nonot at all itsyou
Jasmine: ohummthanks. Well lets get to eating we dont have much
time til free period
[Jasmine and Dandre finish their lunch and walk to study hall together]
[Dandre grabs Jasmines hand]
Jasmine: ummwhy are you holding my hand?
Dandre: I just thoughtwell if its uncomfortable then I will let go
Jasmine: no its ok im just not used to having a boy holding my hand thats
Dandre: oh so[Nicole shows up and cuts off Dandre]
Nicole: hey love birds

Jasmine: Nicole!!!! SHUT UP

Nicole: ohmy bad I didnt mean to ruin your date or anything.
Dandre: its alright but what we would actually like is to talk in private so
uhh can you leave please?
Nicole: sure whatever floats your boat
[Nicole leaves and winks at Jasmine]
Jasmine: waddya wanna talk about?
Dandre: how much I like you
Jasmine: u-u-u-u likeme?
Dandre: a lot
Jasmine: when did this start?
Dandre: in 7th grade
Jasmine: well why didnt you tell me?
Dandre: I was kind know scared
Jasmine: youscared thats shocking
[Jasmine chuckles to herself and then notices Dandre is getting on his
Jasmine: dr-dr-dre what are you doing?
Dandre: Jasmine Adrianna Flynn will you be my girlfriend please?
Jasmine: OMIGOSH!
[Jasmine faints]

Dandre: Jashey Jas thank God youre alright!

Jasmine: wha-what happened?
Nicole: you fainted and you were un-conscious for two hours
Jasmine: oh-wait a minute what are you doing here, Tianna?
[Tianna walks a little closer]
Tianna: I wanted to visit my best friend silly
Jasmine: I know I didnt get amnesia because last time I checked I hated
you and I still think I do so I would appreciate it if you would leave
Tianna: sorry no can do I have to talk to you alone
[Tianna motions everyone to leave]
Jasmine: what do you want?
Tianna: listen I know, you and I both know why you fainted and I
understand you were gonna say yes but now im gonna change your
answer. So hows that sound?
Jasmine: excuse me little miss but you cant change my answer and you
wont, matter of fact
[Jasmine yells out for Dandre to come in]
Jasmine: Dre to answer your question I will be your girlfriend
Dandre: yes finally my heart is complete
[Dandre runs up to Jasmine and kisses her fully on the lips and then
Jasmine: how you like them apples?

[Jasmine smirks]
Tianna: thats it you asked for it now im gonna make your life a living hell.
Hope you enjoy.
[Tianna stomps away with anger, fades to black]
[lights come back on and student narrators are on stage]
narrator 1: as the days have gone by Jasmine and Dandre
narrator 2: have gotten even closer
narrator 3: and Tianna has gotten even more jealous
[student narrators walk off stage]

Scene 2: the fight

[lights come on and we are in Jasmines room and she is texting Nicole]
Jasmine: hey Nic wassup
Nicole: hey so did he really kiss you on the lips?
Jasmine: yup and it was like so weird because you know how im always
uncomfortable with stuff like that, but I guess I was just so mad at Tianna
that I just let the fearless side come out
Nicole: well I like that side
Jasmine: I do to but Im not gonna use it because it might change how Dre
feels for me
Nicole: no it wont trust me I know so girl, so stop being a chicken and use

Jasmine: you know whatyoure right I will use it thanks girly thats why
you are my sister.
Nicole: you know girl well gotta go im bout to miss the bus.
Jasmine: k bye.
[Jasmine leaves her room and walks to school sees Tianna and her minions
and they approach her]
Tianna: well if it isnt Mrs. Williams.
Jasmine: awww is someone jealous that im taken by the guy you want?
[Jasmine starts walking up the stairs and Tianna pulls her down by her
Tianna: now what were you saying? Oh right nothing, thats what I thought.
[Jasmine gets up and smacks Tianna in the face and pulled her back by her
Jasmine: and you were saying? Oh right nothing. Now leave me alone. You
hear me?
Tianna: you know what, now youre about to see my crazy self.
Jasmine: if thats you without make-up Ive seen it already. Now im sorry I
have to cut this convo short but I dont want to be late for class. Bye
[Jasmine lets go of Tiannas hair and runs to class. Fades to black]
[lights come on and Dandre is in class talking with Kevin]
Dandre: Kevin, my man whats up
Kevin: nothing just thinking about Nicole, isnt she just gorgeous?

Dandre: dude your sister and Nicole are like best friends why dont you just
ask Jas to talk to her?
Kevin: because im a chicken to share info like this to my sister
Dandre: dude you two are twins yall shared a bed since yall were at least
Kevin: hey how do you know that? Oh wait I told you didnt I? oh well im
still a chicken
[Jasmine takes a seat near Dandre and starts talking with Kevin and
Jasmine: chicken about what?
Dandre: about telling you who he likes
Jasmine: awww Kev, why didnt you tell me? Wait is it that chick with the
braids or how about that girl with the glasses?
[Jasmine points at random girls in the class]
Kevin: its neither of them
Jasmine: well spit it out who is it?
Kevin: Nicole
[Jasmine screams and starts overreacting]
Jasmine: OMIGOSH youre in love with my best friend why would you tell
Dre that before me? Im your twin we share everything, like that bed ever
since we were ten. Thats it im telling her.
Kevin: NOOOOOOOOO please dont I wanna tell her myself, cmon sis leave
this one for me please.

Jasmine: fine whateveryoure so old school

[Dandre is walking to lunch with Tyson and his crew and Jasmine is
walking behind them without them noticing and overhears them talking]
Tyson: so does she really think you like her?
Dandre: of course she does I just did it because yall dared me too and you
all know I dont take down dares but I think[Jasmine screams and Dandre turns around]
[Jasmine punches him in the eye then runs away]
Dandre: Jasmine WAIT[Tianna walks up]
Tianna: awww what happened tell me all about it
[Dandre chases Jasmine and finds her standing behind her brother and
Nicole crying and hiding]
Dandre: NO! I need to talk to Jasmine!
Kevin: unless you want to get hurt Id suggest that you leave!
Dandre: coming from the boy who is afraid to ask Nicole out
Kevin: thats it
[Kevin rams Dandre into the lockers and Jasmine stops him]

Jasmine: STOP! I know what he did was wrong and I know that you as my
bro is trying to stick up for me but this is my fight and you know what he
aint worth it because if he is gonna do something stupid like that than that
means hes a boy and all the other guys who wouldnt do something like
that are men, so just leave this pathetic thing to rot as a loner.
[Jasmine walks past Tianna]
Jasmine: you can have you pathetic friend now, im done with him.
Tianna: you know you are very stupid right?
[Jasmine turns around]
Jasmine: how?
Tianna: because youre giving up your first boyfriend just because he was
acting like he liked you when he really didnt.
Jasmine: shut the heck up Tianna ok first of all he wasnt my first boyfriend
he was my second and second of all you act like you know what happened
because you obviously dont.
Tianna: awww what happened to your first boyfriend he finally got glasses
to see that youre ugly? And yes I do know what happened
Jasmine: first of all youre the one whos ugly because youre the one that
wears make-up all the time and thats hiding the beauty GOD gave you.
Secondly he died, my first boyfriend died and I survived. And lastly, what
happened? cause I wanna hear this.
Tianna: you happened gosh if you just wouldve listened to me when we
were at the hospital none of this would have happened!
[Jasmine instantly smacks Tianna in the face and soon a teacher comes]
Mrs. Jackson: WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Tianna: shes beating me up is whats going on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Jackson: is it true Miss Flynn?
Jasmine: yes its true and you know what I dont even give a darn if I get
expelled because everyone in this school are idiots except for the ones I
love and care for which dont include Dandre.
[Jasmine turns and glares right at Dandre]
Mrs. Jackson: well then youre expelled but let[Jasmine runs straight out of the building to her house]
Kevin: Mrs. Jackson would you like for me to tell you what the issue was all
Mrs. J: sure
[Kevin explains everything to Mrs. J then stage fades to black and they
leave while student narrators are on]
Narrator 1: well folks as we can see Jasmine is not a happy camper.
Narrator 2: if I were Jasmine I wouldve smacked the shiNarrator 3: now, now, we will not use that type of language in front of the
Narrator 2: im sorry but Tianna just makes me wanna choke theNarrator 1: no violence either!
Narrator 2: butNarrator 3: no buts!
Narrator 2: whatever!

[student narrators go off stage]

Scene 3: the secret

and the truth
[Nicole is walking home with Kevin to comfort Jasmine]
Nicole: soyoulike me?
Kevin: yes and I am not doing what Dandre did. Trust me
Nicole: of course I trust you and Ive ALWAYS liked you
Kevin: y-y-you have?
Nicole: yeaso is there something you want to ask me?
Kevin: ummm nowait yesdo you want to be my girlfriend?
Nicole: yes but umm we have a very serious problem
Kevin: what?
Nicole: Jasminewe both know she misses Dandre, maybe we shouldnt tell her
about us cause then she will feel like a third wheel
Kevin: but what if she finds out shell hate us
Nicole: no she wont.
Kevin: ok
[they arrive at the house and Kevin goes in the room first]
[Kevin comes in and screams then runs out]
Nicole: what happened?
Kevin: you go in and help herplease!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Nicole walks into the room and covers her mouth to stop herself from screaming
(the room is trashed)]

Nicole: OMIGOSH what happened to youre room?

Jasmine: I miss and hate him sooo much
[Jasmine runs to Nicole and cries on her shoulder]
Nicole: I know you do but remember the past has passed the future is to come
and the present iswell the present is a gift and thats all you need to worry
[Jasmine laughs]
Jasmine: kung fu panda thief
Nicole: see I knew I could make you laugh
Jasmine: thanks soummmdo you want to help me clean this mess?
Nicole: sure
[Kevin walks to the door]
Kevin: is it safe?
Jasmine and Nicole: ha ha ha yes
Jasmine: so I see you came to help us
Kevin: uhno not really
Jasmine: then why are you in here
Kevin: im going to Dandres house to here his side of the story so we wont have
to take this to court
Jasmine: butNicole: just let him do it so it can be done and over with so you can come back to
Jasmine: fine
[Kevin leaves]
Jasmine: there is no way im going back to that wretched school again!

Nicole: but I need you thereJasmine: no ifs ands or buts I aint coming back you hear
Nicole: yes mother
[she says sarcastically]
Dandre house
Dandre: yo wheres Jasmine is sheKevin: im not here to talk about her Im here to listen to your side of the story. Ok?
Dandre: yeawhatever
Kevin: so what is the entire story? From beginning to end.
[flashback of what Dandre is saying]
Dandre: ok so at lunch last week Tyson dared me to ask Jasmine out and act like
I really liked her well when we started hanging out frequently I began to like her
and develop feelings for her and she became part of my life but when Tyson
asked me if she really thinks I like her I said yea she does and I was about to say
but I think I like her too but she cut me off and she didnt get to hear everything.
[flashback over]
Kevin: ohhhok I understand but I think even if she heard everything she would
still be mad
Dandre: why?
Kevin: because you went along with the dare and made her think you really liked
Dandre: but I DO like her
Kevin: I know that but that was after you spent a few days hanging out with her.
Dandre: true how bout I make it up to her by throwing her a surprise party for her
birthday, it is in five weeks
[Kevin throws his hands in the air]

Kevin: youre brilliant! I could hug you!

[Dandre comes in for the hug but Kevin backs away]
Kevin: I said could
[Kevin leaves the house stage lights fade to black then comes back on with the
student narrators on stage]
narrator 1: so apparently Dre is telling the truth
narrator 2: I doubt Jas will believe especially because hes a boy
narrator 3: narrator 1&3: im a boy and theres nothing wrong with me?
narrator 3: if ya say so
[student narrators walk off stage]

Scene 3: the secret

and the truth
[Nicole is walking home with Kevin to comfort Jasmine]
Nicole: soyoulike me?
Kevin: yes and I am not doing what Dandre did. Trust me
Nicole: of course I trust you and Ive ALWAYS liked you
Kevin: y-y-you have?
Nicole: yeaso is there something you want to ask me?
Kevin: ummm nowait yesdo you want to be my girlfriend?
Nicole: yes but umm we have a very serious problem
Kevin: what?
Nicole: Jasminewe both know she misses Dandre, maybe we shouldnt tell her
about us cause then she will feel like a third wheel

Kevin: but what if she finds out shell hate us

Nicole: no she wont.
Kevin: ok
[they arrive at the house and Kevin goes in the room first]
[Kevin comes in and screams then runs out]
Nicole: what happened?
Kevin: you go in and help herplease!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Nicole walks into the room and covers her mouth to stop herself from screaming
(the room is trashed)]
Nicole: OMIGOSH what happened to youre room?
Jasmine: I miss and hate him sooo much
[Jasmine runs to Nicole and cries on her shoulder]
Nicole: I know you do but remember the past has passed the future is to come
and the present iswell the present is a gift and thats all you need to worry
[Jasmine laughs]
Jasmine: kung fu panda thief
Nicole: see I knew I could make you laugh
Jasmine: thanks soummmdo you want to help me clean this mess?
Nicole: sure
[Kevin walks to the door]
Kevin: is it safe?
Jasmine and Nicole: ha ha ha yes
Jasmine: so I see you came to help us
Kevin: uhno not really

Jasmine: then why are you in here

Kevin: im going to Dandres house to here his side of the story so we wont have
to take this to court
Jasmine: butNicole: just let him do it so it can be done and over with so you can come back to
Jasmine: fine
[Kevin leaves]
Jasmine: there is no way im going back to that wretched school again!
Nicole: but I need you thereJasmine: no ifs ands or buts I aint coming back you hear
Nicole: yes mother
[she says sarcastically]
Dandre house
Dandre: yo wheres Jasmine is sheKevin: im not here to talk about her Im here to listen to your side of the story. Ok?
Dandre: yeawhatever
Kevin: so what is the entire story? From beginning to end.
[flashback of what Dandre is saying]
Dandre: ok so at lunch last week Tyson dared me to ask Jasmine out and act like
I really liked her well when we started hanging out frequently I began to like her
and develop feelings for her and she became part of my life but when Tyson
asked me if she really thinks I like her I said yea she does and I was about to say
but I think I like her too but she cut me off and she didnt get to hear everything.
[flashback over]

Kevin: ohhhok I understand but I think even if she heard everything she would
still be mad
Dandre: why?
Kevin: because you went along with the dare and made her think you really liked
Dandre: but I DO like her
Kevin: I know that but that was after you spent a few days hanging out with her.
Dandre: true how bout I make it up to her by throwing her a surprise party for her
birthday, it is in five weeks
[Kevin throws his hands in the air]
Kevin: youre brilliant! I could hug you!
[Dandre comes in for the hug but Kevin backs away]
Kevin: I said could
[Kevin leaves the house stage lights fade to black then comes back on with the
student narrators on stage]
narrator 1: so apparently Dre is telling the truth
narrator 2: I doubt Jas will believe especially because hes a boy
narrator 3: narrator 1&3: im a boy and theres nothing wrong with me?
narrator 3: if ya say so
[student narrators walk off stage]

Scene 5: Tianna's plan

[Stage sets up as Tiannas room]
Tianna: ok give me the deets girls
Tiannas follower 1: well they got back together
Tianna: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Tiannas follower 2: yup it turns out that you were like totally wrong he really did
like her
Tianna: but shes ugly and her fashion sense is like 1800s
Tiannas follower 2: I actually think shes pretty and I just like totally love her style
ofTiannas follower 1: shut up you nitwit
Tianna: if you guys think shes all cool then yall go hang with her I
dont have time for your lollygagging ok
Tiannas followers 1&2: we are so sorry we werent thinking, please forgive us.
Tianna: whatever. Now, help me make a plan to break them up
Tiannas follower 2: break who up?
Tiannas follower 2: ohhh
Tiannas follower 1: im sorry T for her behavior remember she was dropped on
her head as a baby
Tianna: Whateverjust keep an eye on her I think shes eating eyeliner.
[fades to black; student narrators on stage]
narrator 1: uh-oh Tiannas making an evil plan
narrator 2: [talking to audience] now do yall understand why I wanna choke the
shiStudent (narrators)1&3: LANGUAGE!
narrator 2: geez I was gonna say mess
narrator 3: sure you were

Scene 6: Tianna's plan

in action and the truth
comes out
[Tianna and minions enter on stage at school]
Tianna: ok, do you have the duck tape?
Tiannas follower 1: yup
Tianna: got the ropes?
Tiannas follower 2: totally!
Tianna: excellent!
[Tianna waits for Jasmine at her locker]
[Jasmine walks to her locker and sees Tianna there]
Jasmine: what do you want?
Tianna: nothingget her girls!
Jasmine: what the!
[Tiannas followers tie and tape jasmine up and stuff her in a locker]
[soon the halls start filling with people and Dandre stops at Jasmines and find
Tianna instead]
Dandre: Why are you at Jasmines locker?
Tianna: because I wanted to give you this
[Tianna leans in and kisses Dandre Qing he tries to pull away]
Tianna: how did you like that?
Dandre: I HATED IT!!!
[all of a sudden Jasmine busts out of the locker ripping the tape of and untying
the knots]

Jasmine: WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM TIANNA?!?!?!?! Why cant you except the
fact that im dating him and youre not?
Tianna: because when we were in grade school and middle school you got
everything and I hated you for that so this year I decided youre not getting
anything and then that stupid dare happened!
Jasmine: what are you talking about? I never get what I want I get what I deserve
and you know what you need???
[Jasmine punched Tianna in the eye and then in the stomach]

Jasmine: hope I punched some sense into you cause thats what you needed!
[jasmine storms out of the school then runs home then hides in a shrub then she
overhears something]
Kevin: hey when are we going on our first date?
Nicole: on a day Jasmine is not mad and not PMSing
Kevin: what is PMSing mean?
Nicole: nothing sweetie nothing ha-ha
[Nicole pecks Kevin on the lips and Jasmine jumps out from the bushes]
Kevin: Jas im sorJasmine: you know what save it for someone who cares!
[Jasmine runs home and Nicole and Kevin stand on the sidewalk looking
[fades to black they walk off narrators walk on]
Narrator 1: dang Jasmine is just going through
Narrator 2: I knew she was going to find out about them

Narrator 3: yeah
[narrator 3 starts giving narrator 2 double takes]
Narrator 2: okaywhat are you looking at
[narrator 3 looks away]
Narrator 3: nothingummm is it getting hot in here or is it me?
Narrator 1: I think its narrator 2...I mean umm
Narrator 2: Okay then
[in jasmines room]
J&Ks dad: jazzy wazzy whats wrong?
Jasmine: none of your dag on business!
J&Ks dad: Excuse me who do you think your talking to?!?!?
Jasmine: sorry im just upset aboutfailing a quiz yea thats why im mad
[jasmines tries to play cool]
J&Ks dad: fine if you say so
[J&Ks dad and jasmine walk out of the room]
[jasmine walks to the park and Nicole is there]
Nicole: Jas wait up!
[Jasmine runs away to the swings]
Jasmine: leave me alone retard!
[Nicole stops following]
Nicole: Im sorry okayit was my ideato not tell youcan we talk please?
[jasmine gets in Nicoles face]

[Jasmine punches Nicole in the stomach and pushes her to the ground and the
police are around the corner and the saw]
Officer: Put your hands up where I can see them
[jasmine turns around and puts her hands up]
Officer: now walk slowly away from the body
[Jasmine walks to the squad car and the officer calls an ambulance]
[the ambulance comes and the officer gets in the car]
Officer: okay what happened?
Jasmine: she betrayed me and I hurt herphysicallyand got my revenge
Officer: okay well since I know your father, your not going to jail but you will go to
Jasmine: I bet you I wont!
Officer: either that or community servicewith the elderly
Jasmine: fine!
[fades to black they go offstage narrators on]
Narrator 1: dang Jasmine is just mad
Narrator 2: yup and she handles it with violence
Jasmine (from backstage): I heard that!
Narrator 3: whatever, so narrator 2 are you busy this Friday?
Narrator 2: excuse me?!?!
Narrator 3: nothing
[fades to black]

Scene 6: Tianna's plan

in action and the truth
comes out
[Tianna and minions enter on stage at school]
Tianna: ok, do you have the duck tape?
Tiannas follower 1: yup
Tianna: got the ropes?
Tiannas follower 2: totally!
Tianna: excellent!
[Tianna waits for Jasmine at her locker]
[Jasmine walks to her locker and sees Tianna there]
Jasmine: what do you want?
Tianna: nothingget her girls!
Jasmine: what the!
[Tiannas followers tie and tape jasmine up and stuff her in a locker]
[soon the halls start filling with people and Dandre stops at Jasmines and find
Tianna instead]
Dandre: Why are you at Jasmines locker?
Tianna: because I wanted to give you this
[Tianna leans in and kisses Dandre Qing he tries to pull away]
Tianna: how did you like that?
Dandre: I HATED IT!!!
[all of a sudden Jasmine busts out of the locker ripping the tape of and untying
the knots]

Jasmine: WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM TIANNA?!?!?!?! Why cant you except the
fact that im dating him and youre not?
Tianna: because when we were in grade school and middle school you got
everything and I hated you for that so this year I decided youre not getting
anything and then that stupid dare happened!
Jasmine: what are you talking about? I never get what I want I get what I deserve
and you know what you need???
[Jasmine punched Tianna in the eye and then in the stomach]

Jasmine: hope I punched some sense into you cause thats what you needed!
[jasmine storms out of the school then runs home then hides in a shrub then she
overhears something]
Kevin: hey when are we going on our first date?
Nicole: on a day Jasmine is not mad and not PMSing
Kevin: what is PMSing mean?
Nicole: nothing sweetie nothing ha-ha
[Nicole pecks Kevin on the lips and Jasmine jumps out from the bushes]
Kevin: Jas im sorJasmine: you know what save it for someone who cares!
[Jasmine runs home and Nicole and Kevin stand on the sidewalk looking
[fades to black they walk off narrators walk on]
Narrator 1: dang Jasmine is just going through
Narrator 2: I knew she was going to find out about them

Narrator 3: yeah
[narrator 3 starts giving narrator 2 double takes]
Narrator 2: okaywhat are you looking at
[narrator 3 looks away]
Narrator 3: nothingummm is it getting hot in here or is it me?
Narrator 1: I think its narrator 2...I mean umm
Narrator 2: Okay then
[in jasmines room]
J&Ks dad: jazzy wazzy whats wrong?
Jasmine: none of your dag on business!
J&Ks dad: Excuse me who do you think your talking to?!?!?
Jasmine: sorry im just upset aboutfailing a quiz yea thats why im mad
[jasmines tries to play cool]
J&Ks dad: fine if you say so
[J&Ks dad and jasmine walk out of the room]
[jasmine walks to the park and Nicole is there]
Nicole: Jas wait up!
[Jasmine runs away to the swings]
Jasmine: leave me alone retard!
[Nicole stops following]
Nicole: Im sorry okayit was my ideato not tell youcan we talk please?
[jasmine gets in Nicoles face]

[Jasmine punches Nicole in the stomach and pushes her to the ground and the
police are around the corner and the saw]
Officer: Put your hands up where I can see them
[jasmine turns around and puts her hands up]
Officer: now walk slowly away from the body
[Jasmine walks to the squad car and the officer calls an ambulance]
[the ambulance comes and the officer gets in the car]
Officer: okay what happened?
Jasmine: she betrayed me and I hurt herphysicallyand got my revenge
Officer: okay well since I know your father, your not going to jail but you will go to
Jasmine: I bet you I wont!
Officer: either that or community servicewith the elderly
Jasmine: fine!
[fades to black they go offstage narrators on]
Narrator 1: dang Jasmine is just mad
Narrator 2: yup and she handles it with violence
Jasmine (from backstage): I heard that!
Narrator 3: whatever, so narrator 2 are you busy this Friday?
Narrator 2: excuse me?!?!
Narrator 3: nothing
[fades to black]

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