Hadith Source Reza

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Muhammad Reza Risnaldi

Hadiths Definition
Hadiths are collected reports of what the Prophet Muhammad said and
did during his lifetime.Hadiths also means is one of various reports
describing the words, actions, or habits of the Islamic prophet
Muhammad.The term comes from Arabic meaning a "report", "account" or
"narrative". Hadith are second only to the Quran in developing Islamic
The hadith based on spoken reports that were in circulation in society after
the death of Muhammad. Unlike the Qur'an the hadiths were not quickly and
concisely compiled during and immediately after Muhammad's life. Hadiths
were evaluated and gathered into large collections during the 8th and 9th
centuries, generations after the death of Muhammad.
Rules or step to make hadiths
The two major aspects of a hadith are the text is the report , which
contains the actual narrative, and the chain of narrators with the isnad,
which documents the route by which the report has been transmitted. The
isnad was an effort to document that a hadith had actually come from
Muhammad, and Muslim scholars from the eighth century until today have
never ceased repeating the mantra "The isnad is part of the religion - if not
for the isnad, whoever wanted could say whatever they wanted."[7] The
isnad means literally 'support', and it is so named due to the reliance of the
hadith specialists upon it in determining the authenticity or weakness of a
hadith.[18] The isnad consists of a chronological list of the narrators, each
mentioning the one from whom they heard the hadith, until mentioning the
originator of the matn along with the matn itself.
The hadith also had a profound and controversial influence on
moulding the commentaries (tafsir) on the Quran. The earliest commentary
of the Quran by Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari is mostly sourced from the
hadith. The hadith was used in forming the basis of islam law.

Hadith level
1. Sahih
Sahih states the following requirement in order for a hadith which is not
Mutawatir or can be acceptable ,robust and trusted

Sahih it mean best translated as "authentic". Ibn Hajar defines a hadith that
is Sahih lithatihi ,Sahih in and of itself as a singular narration conveyed by a
trustworthy, completely competent person, either in his ability to memorize
or to preserve what he wrote, with a muttail ("connected") isnd ("chain of
narration") that contains neither a serious concealed flaw (illah) nor
2. Hasan
Hasan is used to describe hadith Whose authenticity is not as wellestablished as that of Sahih hadith, but sufficient for use as (religious)
Ibn Hajar that defines a hadith is hasan lithatihi with the same definition a
Sahih hadith except that the competence of one of its narrators is less than
complete; while a hadith is hasan ligharihi that is determined to be hasan
due to corroborating factors such as numerous chains of narration.
3. Da'eef
Da'eef is the Categorization of a hadith as "weak". Ibn Hajar Described the
cause of a weak hadith as being classified as "either due to discontinuity in
the chain of narrators or due to some criticism of a discontinuity narrator.This
Refers to the omission of a narrator occurring at different positions within the
Isnad and is Referred to using less specific terminology with.

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