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Chapter 1 Practice Exercises

Chapter 1

Practice Exercises


16. through s -3, 6d and s1, - 2d

In Exercises 14, solve the inequalities and show the solution sets on
the real line.

17. the horizontal line through (0, 2)

18. through (3, 3) and s -2, 5d

1. 7 + 2x 3

2. -3x 6 10

19. with slope -3 and y-intercept 3

3. sx - 1d 6 sx - 2d

x - 3
4 + x

20. through (3, 1) and parallel to 2x - y = -2

23. through s -1, 2d and perpendicular to s1>2dx + s1>3dy = 1

Solve the equations or inequalities in Exercises 58.

5. x + 1 = 7

` 7

21. through s4, -12d and parallel to 4x + 3y = 12

22. through s -2, -3d and perpendicular to 3x - 5y = 1

Absolute Value
7. ` 1 -


6. y - 3 6 4
8. `

2x + 7
` 5

9. A particle in the plane moved from As -2, 5d to the y-axis in such
a way that y equaled 3x . What were the particles new coordinates?
10. a. Plot the points As8, 1d, Bs2, 10d, Cs -4, 6d, Ds2, -3d , and
E(14>3, 6).
b. Find the slopes of the lines AB, BC, CD, DA, CE, and BD.
c. Do any four of the five points A, B, C, D, and E form a parallelogram?
d. Are any three of the five points collinear? How do you know?
e. Which of the lines determined by the five points pass through
the origin?
11. Do the points As6, 4d, Bs4, -3d , and Cs -2, 3d form an isosceles
triangle? A right triangle? How do you know?

24. with x-intercept 3 and y-intercept -5

Functions and Graphs

25. Express the area and circumference of a circle as functions of the
circles radius. Then express the area as a function of the circumference.
26. Express the radius of a sphere as a function of the spheres surface
area. Then express the surface area as a function of the volume.
27. A point P in the first quadrant lies on the parabola y = x 2 . Express the coordinates of P as functions of the angle of inclination
of the line joining P to the origin.
28. A hot-air balloon rising straight up from a level field is tracked by
a range finder located 500 ft from the point of liftoff. Express the
balloons height as a function of the angle the line from the range
finder to the balloon makes with the ground.
In Exercises 2932, determine whether the graph of the function is
symmetric about the y-axis, the origin, or neither.
29. y = x 1>5

30. y = x 2>5
32. y = e -x

12. Find the coordinates of the point on the line y = 3x + 1 that is

equidistant from (0, 0) and s -3, 4d .

31. y = x - 2x - 1


33. y = x 2 + 1

34. y = x 5 - x 3 - x

In Exercises 1324, write an equation for the specified line.

35. y = 1 - cos x

36. y = sec x tan x

13. through s1, -6d with slope 3

14. through s -1, 2d with slope -1>2
15. the vertical line through s0, -3d

In Exercises 3340, determine whether the function is even, odd, or


x + 1
x 3 - 2x
39. y = x + cos x
37. y =

38. y = 1 - sin x
40. y = 2x 4 - 1


Chapter 1: Preliminaries

In Exercises 4150, find the (a) domain and (b) range.

45. y = 2e


Composition with absolute values In Exercises 6568, graph g1

and g2 together. Then describe how taking absolute values after applying g1 affects the graph.

42. y = -2 + 21 - x

41. y = x - 2
43. y = 216 - x 2

44. y = 32 - x + 1

- 3

46. y = tan s2x - pd

47. y = 2 sin s3x + pd - 1

48. y = x 2>5

49. y = ln sx - 3d + 1

50. y = -1 + 22 - x

65. x 3

66. 2x
67. 4 - x 2

Piecewise-Defined Functions

68. x 2 + x

In Exercises 51 and 52, find the (a) domain and (b) range.
51. y = e

2 -x,

-4 x 0
0 6 x 4

-x - 2,
52. y = x,
-x + 2,


69. y = cos 2x


Composition of Functions
a. s + gds -1d .

b. sg + ds2d .

c. s + dsxd .

d. sg + gdsxd .

58. sxd = 2x,

60. x

61. x

g sxd = 2x + 1

g sxd = 21 - x

2sxd 5 1s x d

b. Express a in terms of A and b.

b. Express c in terms of A and a.

g sxd = 2x + 2

x 3

76. a. Express a in terms of A and c.

78. a. Express sin A in terms of a and c.

Composition with absolute values In Exercises 5964, graph 1

and 2 together. Then describe how applying the absolute value function before applying 1 affects the graph.

59. x

75. a. Find a and b if c = 2, B = p>3 .

2x + 2

In Exercises 57 and 58, (a) write a formula for + g and g + and

find the (b) domain and (c) range of each.
57. sxd = 2 - x 2,

In Exercises 7578, ABC is a right triangle with the right angle at C.

The sides opposite angles A, B, and C are a, b, and c, respectively.

77. a. Express a in terms of B and b.


56. sxd = 2 - x,


b. Find a and c if b = 2, B = p>3 .

In Exercises 55 and 56, find

g sxd =


74. Sketch the graph y = 1 + sin ax +


55. sxd = x ,

71. y = sin px

72. y = cos
70. y = sin

73. Sketch the graph y = 2 cos ax -

(2, 5)

4 - x2
x2 + x

In Exercises 6972, sketch the graph of the given function. What is the
period of the function?

-2 x - 1
-1 6 x 1
1 6 x 2


In Exercises 53 and 54, write a piecewise formula for the function.


g2sxd 5 g1sxd

b. Express sin A in terms of b and c.

79. Height of a pole Two wires stretch from the top T of a vertical
pole to points B and C on the ground, where C is 10 m closer to
the base of the pole than is B. If wire BT makes an angle of 35
with the horizontal and wire CT makes an angle of 50 with the
horizontal, how high is the pole?
80. Height of a weather balloon Observers at positions A and B
2 km apart simultaneously measure the angle of elevation of a
weather balloon to be 40 and 70, respectively. If the balloon is
directly above a point on the line segment between A and B, find
the height of the balloon.
T 81. a. Graph the function sxd = sin x + cossx>2d .
b. What appears to be the period of this function?
c. Confirm your finding in part (b) algebraically.

62. x


63. 2x

2 x

b. What are the domain and range of ?

64. sin x

sin x

c. Is periodic? Give reasons for your answer.

T 82. a. Graph sxd = sin s1>xd .

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Additional and Advanced Exercises


Additional and Advanced Exercises

13. Find sin B if a = 2, b = 3, c = 4 .

Functions and Graphs

1. The graph of is shown. Draw the graph of each function.
a. y = s -xd

b. y = -sxd

c. y = -2sx + 1d + 1

d. y = 3sx - 2d - 2

Derivations and Proofs

15. Prove the following identities.

1 - cos x
sin x
1 + cos x
sin x


1 - cos x
= tan2
1 + cos x

16. Explain the following proof without words of the law of

cosines. (Source: Proof without Words: The Law of Cosines,
Sidney H. Kung, Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 63, No. 5, Dec.
1990, p. 342.)

14. Find sin C if a = 2, b = 4, c = 5 .

2. A portion of the graph of a function defined on [-3, 3] is shown.

Complete the graph assuming that the function is
a. even.

2a cos u 2 b

b. odd.



(3, 2)


(1, 1)

17. Show that the area of triangle ABC is given by

s1>2dab sin C = s1>2dbc sin A = s1>2dca sin B .

3. Are there two functions and g such that + g = g + ? Give

reasons for your answer.

4. Are there two functions and g with the following property? The
graphs of and g are not straight lines but the graph of + g is a
straight line. Give reasons for your answer.
5. If (x) is odd, can anything be said of g sxd = sxd - 2? What if
is even instead? Give reasons for your answer.
6. If g (x) is an odd function defined for all values of x, can anything
be said about g (0)? Give reasons for your answer.
7. Graph the equation x + y = 1 + x .
8. Graph the equation y + y = x + x .

In Exercises 914, ABC is an arbitrary triangle with sides a, b, and c
opposite angles A, B, and C, respectively.
9. Find b if a = 23, A = p>3, B = p>4 .

18. Show that the area of triangle ABC is given by

2sss - adss - bdss - cd where s = sa + b + cd>2 is the
semiperimeter of the triangle.
19. Properties of inequalities If a and b are real numbers, we say
that a is less than b and write a 6 b if (and only if ) b - a is
positive. Use this definition to prove the following properties of
If a, b, and c are real numbers, then:
1. a 6 b Q a + c 6 b + c
2. a 6 b Q a - c 6 b - c

10. Find sin B if a = 4, b = 3, A = p>4 .

3. a 6 b and c 7 0 Q ac 6 bc

11. Find cos A if a = 2, b = 2, c = 3 .

4. a 6 b and c 6 0 Q bc 6 ac
(Special case: a 6 b Q -b 6 -a)

12. Find c if a = 2, b = 3, C = p>4 .

Chapter 1: Preliminaries
b. b changes (a and c fixed, a Z 0)?

5. a 7 0 Q a 7 0

c. c changes (a and b fixed, a Z 0)?

6. 0 6 a 6 b Q
6 a
7. a 6 b 6 0 Q
6 a
20. Prove that the following inequalities hold for any real numbers a
and b.
a. a 6 b if and only if a 2 6 b 2
b. a - b a - b
Generalizing the triangle inequality Prove by mathematical induction that the inequalities in Exercises 21 and 22 hold for any n real
numbers a1, a2 , , an . (Mathematical induction is reviewed in Appendix 1.)
21. a1 + a2 + + an a1 + a2 + + an
22. a1 + a2 + + an a1 - a2 - - an
23. Show that if is both even and odd, then sxd = 0 for every x in
the domain of .
24. a. Even-odd decompositions Let be a function whose domain is symmetric about the origin, that is, -x belongs to the
domain whenever x does. Show that is the sum of an even
function and an odd function:

27. Find all values of the slope of the line y = mx + 2 for which the
x-intercept exceeds 1>2 .

28. An objects center of mass moves at a constant velocity y along a
straight line past the origin. The accompanying figure shows the
coordinate system and the line of motion. The dots show positions
that are 1 sec apart. Why are the areas A1, A2 , , A5 in the figure
all equal? As in Keplers equal area law (see Section 13.6), the
line that joins the objects center of mass to the origin sweeps out
equal areas in equal times.












sxd = Esxd + O sxd ,

where E is an even function and O is an odd function. (Hint:
Let Esxd = ssxd + s -xdd>2 . Show that Es -xd = Esxd , so
that E is even. Then show that O sxd = sxd - Esxd is odd.)
b. Uniqueness Show that there is only one way to write as
the sum of an even and an odd function. (Hint: One way is
given in part (a). If also sxd = E1sxd + O1sxd where E1 is
even and O1 is odd, show that E - E1 = O1 - O . Then use
Exercise 23 to show that E = E1 and O = O1 .)



29. a. Find the slope of the line from the origin to the midpoint P, of
side AB in the triangle in the accompanying figure sa, b 7 0d .

B(0, b)

Grapher ExplorationsEffects of Parameters

25. What happens to the graph of y = ax 2 + bx + c as

a. a changes while b and c remain fixed?

b. b changes (a and c fixed, a Z 0)?
c. c changes (a and b fixed, a Z 0)?
26. What happens to the graph of y = asx + bd3 + c as
a. a changes while b and c remain fixed?

b. When is OP perpendicular to AB?

A(a, 0)

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