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a. What kind of communication existed between Caleb and Catherine?

I believe that Caleb and Catherine had a cold communication or having less
communication and its bad for married couples. They should have been very open to each
other in whatever circumstances it may be. They talk less often until it came the time that
they were suspicious of both parties. They lack authentic communication or deep,
straightforward and sincere talks. It resulted to their marriage being shaken until the test of

b. What were the disagreements that existed between the couple?

The major disagreement was Calebs selfishness of buying a boat instead of helping
Catherines mom with the medical bills. Moreover, Calebs habitual use of pornography in
the internet made Catherine more frustrated. They were too personal that time and their
only solution is to end their marriage after not liking each ones attitude towards one

c. How did their functions affect their relation (as husband and wife, lovers)?
Caleb being a fireman, he was so busy with his call of duties that he needs to be
available anytime of the day. While Catherine was very busy as well in the hospital that they
have less time for each other. They were preoccupied by different things. They started to
quarrel and mistrust one another.

d. Was there crossing of boundaries as the two continued to quarrel? What were these
They were not forgiving and understanding couples. Caleb and Catherine often
prioritize what they feel more than doing what is right or what they should be. They have bad
feelings toward one another and it resulted to hatreds. They were very unfaithful to one
another and very mistrusting.

e. What non-values were presented by the couple to one another as they continue their
disgust with one another?
Caleb and Catherine didnt give importance to their relationship as husband and
wife. They prioritize more other peoples pieces of advice rather than sincerely talking to one
another and trying to find solutions to their problems. They were very believing what they
hear and suspecting what they see. They should have loved one another by showing
commitment to their marriage and didnt flirt with other guys (for Catherine). I wonder if they
placed God at the center of their relationship, I guess they will be blessed and guided
properly. It will be easier for them to understand each other more than their hatred for each
f. In the process of following the 40 simple acts was Caleb sincere or not? Where in the film
showed that he did care for Katherine? For their relationship?
At first, I believe that Caleb wasnt sincere at all and he only followed his dad due to
the pressure of problems shaking their relationship. But as the time goes by and as he moves
toward the last few days, he realized the worth of the advice. He also thought of the reason
why his parents were back in their normal relationship. Everything changed when he proved
his love for Catherine by prioritizing the need of his wifes mom more than his desire of having
a boat.

g. What about you, what did you do when boundaries crossed? Were there simple acts that
youve done in order to win back the relationship? How did those acts help? How has your
values affect the way youve been relating with you family members and/or significant
I can remember that one time I have
answered back my parents due to some
misunderstandings. I do hold grudges and that
was the time I have released them all. I thought it
was the most perfect time to tell them all but I was
wrong. I crossed boundaries and hurt my parents.
They asked me if they were bad parents. They
asked me if what I like that they have not given
me besides my needs. I was lost that time. I admit
that I was wrong too. In order to win back the
relationship, I first examined the wrong things that
have happened. I prayed to God and asked for
his guidance and forgiving hands. I was thinking
that what would happen if our relationship will be
cold. My life would be miserable. Maybe I was just
tired that time and I was thinking of too many
things aside from the problems inside the house. I
was too judgmental then. I was selfish that I didnt
think of the welfare and feelings of my parents. I
was like a non-values oriented person. I was more than an animal that time due to my bad
attitude. After reconciling my mistakes, I have been forgiven. They felt my sincerity and I was
happy that with His help, nothing is impossible. I believe that He is the most powerful and that
prayer is the most effective tool in communicating with thy Father.

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