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How to prepare for the ACT Reading Test

General Information
The Reading section of the ACT compels you to rely on the text given and use your own powers of
deduction and reasoning to determine the answers to questions. Though questions may differ, the
most common provides you with a text or paragraph that must be analyzed through a series of
questions, checking for reading comprehension, information retention, and basic knowledge of terms
related to literature and reading. The test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions, each of them
related in some way to the process of reading or reading comprehension. When taking the test, it is
best to first read the questions assigned to the passage, followed by the passage. This way, you can
determine key points in the passage and save time searching for answers.

Types of Reading Material to Practice

ACT Reading selections are approximately equally drawn from these four subject areas. Be sure to
practice reading and understanding material in all of them.
Social Studies: The social studies portion will take information from anthropology, archaeology,
biography, business, economics, education, geography, history, political science, psychology, and
sociology. Although you do not need to be proficient in each of these areas, you should have an idea
of what each area covers and involves, to be better able to answer questions in these fields.
Natural Sciences: Natural sciences include anatomy, astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, ecology,
geology, medicine, meteorology, microbiology, natural history, physiology, physics, technology, and
zoology. These questions may require you to read and synthesize unfamiliar information. A basic
understanding of what each category might involve can help in answering related questions.
Literary Narrative or Prose Fiction: Questions in this category involve passages taken from short
stories, novels, memoirs, and personal essays.
Humanities: Humanities questions come from a wide variety of sources, including architecture, art,
dance, ethics, film, language, literary criticism, music, philosophy, radio, television, and theater.
These areas require a basic understanding of the humanities.

Types of Comprehension
Literal or Explicit
Literal or explicit comprehension requires you to synthesize information overtly stated in a text. This
requires being capable of finding information in a work and understanding given information, whether
it is written or provided in graphs and other charts.

Implied or Implicit
Implied and implicit comprehension require you to be able to go one step further; rather than simply
finding information and repeating it, implied or implicit information requires you to take the
information given, and determine your own conclusions based on the information provided.

Skills Youll Need

During the ACT Reading test, you will be asked to prove your understanding by showing you know
how to do these things:

Find the Main Idea

The main idea of a piece is found by asking what the overall purpose or meaning of a piece is.
Typically, it is best found (and delivered) by creating a single-sentence summary of the piece as a
whole. Asking what and why is also an effective technique to determine the main idea: what is this
about, and why is it being written? A persuasive essay, for instance, might have a main idea such as,
Breastfeeding is usually the best source of sustenance for a child.

Find and Understand Significant Details

To find significant details, search for pieces of information (facts, figures, or other solid points) that
reinforce or support the overall piece or paragraphs main idea. Understanding these details requires
a basic understanding of the main idea itself. If you understand the main idea, you will be able to
identify and comprehend the arguments and facts used to support it.

Determine the Sequence of Events or Actions

As you work to determine sequence of events and actions, search for both indicators of time and
indicators of action.
Indicators of time include words such as before, then, next, after, etc. Action words are verbs and
adverbs, and the actions must be applied to a perpetrator. As you go along, highlight any action
words, or time-identifying words or phrases.

Compare Ideas, Characters, and Events

The first step in comparing ideas, characters, and events is identifying these three story elements:
To identify an idea, search for a theme or main idea.
To identify characters, search for the main perpetrators of action in a story. Secondary and
background characters will also perform actions, but will not usually have significant roles or
To identify events, find the catalysts within a text: what event moves the story along? What event
irrevocably changes the main character? These are significant events within a story.
When you have identified these elements, you can begin comparing. The word compare is an
important distinction: to compare is to find like elements, while to contrast is to find disparate
elements. As you compare, then, search for commonalities among ideas, characters, and events.

Determine Cause and Effect

When you are seeking the cause and effect, there are several steps you must take. First, identify the
effect. This can be found by asking, what happened? There are some triggers words that may help
identify it, such as consequently, therefore, and the phrase, as a result.
When you have determined the effect, search back in the text, and identify what it was that caused
the effect. Was it a characters actions? The start of a world war? The onset of hunger? Essentially,

you are seeking the answer to why did this event happen? From there, you may be required to
locate additional effects of the single cause, or subsequent effects from the first effect (known as the
domino effect).

Gain Meaning from Context Clues

Using context clues is an excellent method to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. If you
encounter a word or phrase that is unfamiliar or confusing, identify the word, set it aside, and begin
searching the surrounding text. Using the surrounding text, the tone of the piece, and the general
information being presented nearby, what is the most likely meaning of the word or phrase? What
meaning best fits the rest of the piece? This method will provide meaning based on context clues.

Form Generalizations
Forming generalizations requires developing a statement about a group that is true of most of that
group (though not necessarily all). To create a generalization, you must gather a few things:
supporting facts, examples, past experience, and logic/reasoning. For instance, you might look at
cats and say your own cat loves playing with yarn. Your aunts cat loves playing with yarn. Cats are
often depicted as playing with a ball of yarn. From there, you can successfully make the
generalization that cats like to play with yarn.

Determine the Authors Purpose and Tone

To determine the authors purpose and tone, ask yourself two questions:
Why is the author writing this?
How does the author feel about this?
Answering why the author is writing a piece (to persuade, to inform, to tell a story, etc) will deliver the
authors purpose, while answering how he/she feels about the piece (academic/distanced,
passionate, angry, etc) will deliver the authors tone.

How to prepare for the ACT Math Test

General Information
The ACT is designed to monitor students learning as it ought to be at the end of the 11th grade. The
test consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and must be completed within 60 minutes. Though this
may seem a short time, this gives you a minute per questionwhich should be more than enough
time. To maximize your efficiency, look over the test once, complete the questions that are easy to
understand and solve, and then move on to the more difficult ones. This will allow you to deal with
the easy items first, leaving more time for the questions you may struggle with later.
You will receive three subscores on the Math section of the ACT. These scores will be derived from
your performance in three areas of mathematics, each of which consists of two sub-areas of math
instruction you have had in high school or before. Here are the six sub-areas and the percentage of
ACT questions that are posed from each sub-area.
Pre-Algebra 20-25%
Elementary Algebra 15-20%
Intermediate 15-20%
Coordinate Geometry 15-20%
Plane Geometry 20-25%
Trigonometry 5-10%
Within each of these sub-areas, these are the concepts with which you should be familiar. If there
are any that give you trouble, seek extra practice on them before you take the ACT.

Basic Operations with:
Whole Numbers
When a number has no decimal or fractional part, it is a whole number. Whole numbers are used for
counting and representing quantity. They can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided.
To add or subtract whole numbers, simply align the digits according to their place value and proceed
with addition or subtraction as usual. In addition, the numbers to be added are called addends, and
the result of the operation is the sum. In subtraction, the first number is the minuend and the number
to be subtracted is called the subtrahend. The result of the operation is called the difference.
Multiplication is simply repeated addition. When multiplying two multiple-digit numbers, multiply the
first number with each digit of the second number. The first number is the multiplicand, while the
second is the multiplier. Both numbers to be multiplied are called factors, and the result of
multiplication is the product.
Division is repeated subtraction or the inverse of multiplication. In 459=5459=5, we call 45 the
dividend, 9 the divisor, and 5 the quotient.
A fraction represents the value of a thing as a part of a whole. If we say 112112 of a dozen eggs, we
are referring to 1 egg being part of 12 eggs.

A decimal is another way of representing a part of a whole. The fraction 1515, for instance, can be
written as 0.2 in the decimal form. It is easy to convert a fraction to its decimal form: simply divide
the numerator by the denominator.
On the number line, decimals are the numbers located between whole numbers. The number 0.2 is
located 1515of the way between 0 and 1.
Integers are all of the whole numbers on the number line, including negative whole numbers, zero,
and positive whole numbers.

Addition: When the addends have like signs, add the integers as usual and copy their
common sign. When the signs are different, subtract the integers and copy the sign of the
bigger integer.

Subtraction: Change the sign of the subtrahend and proceed to algebraic addition.

Multiplication and Division: Multiplication and division of integers with like sign will result in a
positive value. Multiplication and division of integers with unlike signs will result in a negative

Place Value
Numbers are made of digits, which can be any of the numbers from 0 to 9. These digits each have
different values, depending on their location in the number. The digit 4 in the number 432 has a
different value as the same digit 4 in the number 102.45. In 432, its value is 400 (or 4 hundreds),
while in 102.45, its value is 0.4 (or 4 tenths).
To the left of the decimal point, the place value increases, e.g.: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten
thousands, and so on. To the right of the decimal point, the place value decreases, e.g.: tenths,
hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, and so on.

Square Roots and Approximations

The square root of a number is that number raised to the exponent of 1212. Thus, the square root of
25 can be written as 2525 or 25122512.
Another way to understand square roots is by understanding exponents. Five squared, or 5 raised to
the exponent of 2 (5252), means multiply 5 by itself or 55=2555=25.
The inverse of this is 25=525=5.
To approximate the square root of a number is to find a smaller number, which when you multiply it
by itself (called squaring a number), will give you the larger number.
A test question may ask for 625625. Try all choices given by squaring them and finding
which one equals 625.

Exponents are also called powers or indices. They can be positive, negative, or even fractions.
A positive exponent indicates how many times a number or base is multiplied by itself.

A negative exponent indicates how many times 1 is divided by the number:

A fractional exponent, 1n1n, indicates taking the nth root of that number.


Scientific Notation
Scientific notation is a special way of writing very large or very small numbers. It is also called the
standard form or standard index form. The rule is to write a number in two parts:
Write the digits first and place the decimal point after the first digit. Add x 10 to a certain power. The
power is the number of places that the decimal was moved to its present position. The power is
positive if the decimal was moved to the left, and negative if it was moved to the right.
Convert 123,456,789 into a scientific notation.
The correct answer is:


Two numbers are the factors of their product; such as 3 and 5 are the factors of 15. A number can
have several pairs of factors. For instance, the factors of 45 are 5, 9, 3, and 15. It is also correct to
say that 45 is a multiple of any of its factors.

Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Ratios are used to compare one value to another. They represent part-to-part comparison. They may
also represent a part-to-whole comparison in the same way that fractions represent a part-of-awhole. When two ratios are equal to each other, they are said to be proportional. The fraction 5656 is
in proportion with 15181518.
A box contains oranges and lemons in the ratio of 1:2. If there were 20 oranges, how many fruits
were there all in all?
The given ratio will help you solve that there were 40 lemons and that there were 60 fruits inside the
It can also be shown that the ratio of the oranges to the total was 1:3 or 1313 of the total number of

Linear Equations in One Variable

The terms in a linear equation with one variable have exponents of 0 or 1. There will be no fractional
powers or powers greater than 1. To solve an equation of this type involves simply isolating the
variable to one side of the equation and evaluating the constant terms.

Absolute Value and Ordering Numbers by Value

The absolute value of a number is always positive, because it is the distance of any number to zero
and distance, by convention, is always taken as positive. This property is stated as:

The following properties are also useful in solving problems involving absolute values:

|ab|=|a||b| |ab|=|a||b|
Another property of absolute values commonly used in algebra is given by:

Example: Solve for y in |y+17|=20|y+17|=20


When absolute values are mixed with inequalities, it gets a little bit trickier. Heres an example to
Find the values of x if: |x|<10|x|<10
This means that the distance of x is from 0, less than 10, and that x is any value within the interval (10, 10) but excluding -10 and 10.
Ordering the values of x, we write it as:

(There is more about this concept under the Intermediate Algebra heading.)

Elementary Counting Techniques and Simple Probability

Basic counting principle: If there are A ways to do one thing, and Z ways to do another thing, then
there are A x Z ways to do both things.
Example: How many ways can you mix and match 12 shirts, 5 pairs of pants, and 3 pairs of

Number of combinations = 1253=1801253=180

Probability: the likelihood that an event will happen is computed by dividing the number of ways an
event can happen over the total number of outcomes.
Example: The faces of a die are numbered from 4 to 9. What is the probability that the die will land
with the number 5 face shown?


Data Collection, Representation, and Interpretation

Charts, various types of graphs, maps and other visual representations of data may be used during
the test to measure your comprehension of such resources and your ability to interpret them. The
first thing to do is to understand what data is represented. Read the title, the chart headings, the
labels of graphs, the value of calibrations or numbers, and the scale in maps. The titles and
headings give the main clue. Graphs can be any type: line, bar, pie, pictograph, or scatter plot. It
helps to be familiar with the different types. Mastery in dealing with fractions, ratios and percentages
help a lot in data interpretation.

Simple Descriptive Statistics

Data is summarized using descriptive statistics. We describe the central tendency or central value of
a set of data by calculating the mean (average), the median (middle value), or the mode (the value
that appears most frequently). Data can be numerical (e.g., scores, height, population), or nominal
(e.g., eye color, gender). Here is how we determine the mean, median and mode:
Mean: Add all the given data. Divide the sum by the number of data points added.
Median: Sort the data in either ascending or descending order. Identify the middle number that is
the median. In cases where there are two middle data points (which is what happens when the total
number of items is an even number), add the middle pair and divide the sum by two.
Mode: Inspect the list of data and the item that occurs most often is the mode. A set of data can be
bimodal (two items occur equally often) or multimodal (involving more than two items).
The spread or dispersion of data from the central value is measured by calculating the range,
variance and the standard deviation.

Elementary Algebra
Properties of Exponents and Square Roots
Here are some properties of exponents commonly used in algebra:


a0=1a0=1 as long as a0a0

Properties of square roots and nth roots:

Familiarity with these properties will come in handy when simplifying radicals.


Using Substitution to Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

Algebraic expressions make use of variables or letters to represent an unknown values. To evaluate,
we substitute numerical values for their corresponding variables or letters.
Example: Evaluate b2+3bb2+3b when b=5b=5


Expressing Functional Relationships using Variables

Functions are special relationships where only one output results for every input. On a graph, a
vertical line will never cross a function more than once - this is also called the vertical line test.
Variables are used to express functional relationships.
In f(x)=x+3f(x)=x+3, the function f takes the input x to produce the output x + 3.
The domain of a function is the set of input values. The range of a function is the set of output

Operations in Algebra
The operations in algebra involve solving equalities and inequalities, working with exponents and
roots, factoring and simplifying, solving polynomials, linear and quadratic equations, and dealing with
functions, word problems and many other concepts.

Factoring to Solve Quadratic Equations

The standard form for quadratic equations is:

ax2+bx+c=0ax2+bx+c=0 where a0a0

One way to solve or find the roots (or zeroes) of a quadratic equation is by factoring.
Factor x29x+20=0x29x+20=0
In the equation and referring to the standard form, a=1a=1, b=9b=9, and c=20c=20.
What pair of numbers will give you acac when multiplied together, and give you bb when
added? ac=20ac=20and b=9b=9. By intelligent guesswork and lots of practice, you will get
the numbers -4 and -5, which when multiplied give 20 and when added give -9.
These numbers give you the factors: (x4)(x4) and (x5)(x5). Equating them to zero, you find
the roots or zeroes of the equation to be x=4x=4 and x=5x=5.

Intermediate Algebra
The Quadratic Formula
Some quadratic equations are not as easily solved by factoring, and x can be solved using the
quadratic formula which is given as:

Solving quadratic equations will yield any of these results:
2 solutions - when the value of b24acb24ac (called the discriminant) is positive; the graph
(which is a parabola) touches the x-axis at two points.
1 solution - when the discriminant is equal to zero; the graph touches the x-axis once (at the vertex
of the parabola).
2 complex solutions (no real solutions) - when the discriminant is negative; the graph does not touch
the x-axis.

Rational and Radical Expressions

Rational expressions are ratios of polynomials. Think of rational expressions as fractions with
polynomials in either or both the numerator and denominator. The following are rational expressions:

There is often a need to simplify rational expressions, and factoring is a very useful technique. The
second example, for instance, can easily be simplified by factoring:

The factor of (x+3)(x+3) is common in both the numerator and denominator, and cancels out,
leaving the simplified rational expression of:


Polynomials with terms raised to fractional exponents are radical expressions. Knowing how to work
with the radicals makes it easier to solve most equations of this type.
To get rid of a square root, cube root or nth root of a term, simply square, cube, or raise it to the nth
power. In equations, keep the balance by raising the terms on both sides of the equation to the
appropriate power.
Remove the radical in the given equation:

Find x in the equation given below:

When you come across expressions with radical denominators, there will be a need to rationalize
denominators containing radicals to arrive at the simplest form of your answer. To do that, multiply
the numerator and the denominator with the conjugate of the radical expression. Lets try an
Rationalize: 732732


Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

Absolute values in equations:
Specific values for the unknown variable in an equation with absolute values can be solved using
this property:

|u|=a|u|=a is the same as u=au=a




x=225x=225 and x=65x=65

Absolute values in inequalities:
The interval for the unknown variable in an inequality with absolute values can be solved using the
following properties:

|x|<a|x|<a is the same as a<x<aa<x<a

|x|a|x|a is the same as axaaxa
|x|>a|x|>a is the same as x<ax<a or x>ax>a
|x|a|x|a is the same as xaxa or xaxa


Sequences and Patterns

A sequence is a series of numbers or terms that follows a certain pattern.
A series is said to be an arithmetic sequence if the difference between two consecutive terms is the
same for all consecutive terms in the series. Shown below is an arithmetic sequence which has a
constant difference of 15 between consecutive terms.
5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110,
We can predict the nth term in any arithmetic sequence. Let us designate the first term as a1a1,
the nth term as anan, and the constant difference between consecutive terms as d. The formula
below is used to predict anan:

Example: Predict the 12th term in the sample sequence above:

The sum of an arithmetic sequence with n terms, designated as snsn, is given by this formula:

Example: Using the sample sequence above:

A series is said to be a geometric sequence if the ratio between two consecutive terms is the same
for all consecutive terms in the series.
If a1a1 is the first term, a2a2 is the second term, and anan is the nth term, the common ratio can be
shown as:

The term anan in a geometric sequence can be predicted using the formula:

The sum of a geometric sequence with n terms, designated as snsn is determined using this


Systems of Equations
Systems of equations exist if there are two or more equations given in relation to each other. A
system of two linear equations written with two unknown variables can result in 1 solution, infinite
solutions, or no solutions.
Graphically, a system that has 1 solution will show 1 point where the given equations meet or
intersect. A system that has infinite solutions involves two (or more equations), one of which is a
multiple of the other. A system that has no solution will show lines that do not intersect each other.
To solve for the unknown values in a system of equations is the same as finding the point where
both lines meet. There are 3 methods to do this by substitution, elimination, or graphing and it is
to your advantage to be familiar with all three. Some systems are easier solved using a particular
The Substitution Method:
1. Write the first equation in terms of one variable, say x. TIP: choose the simpler or shorter
2. Substitute the result from step 1 to the second equation. You will now have an equation
expressed in the xvariable. Solve for x.
3. Use the value of x derived from step 2, and plug it into any of the equations to solve for the other
variable, y.

The Elimination Method:

1. Inspect the equations to find how they can be combined to eliminate one variable. Take as an
example these two equations: 5x3=5y5x3=5y and x+6y=2x+6y=2.
We can multiply the second equation by 5:

Subtracting the new equation from the first equation to eliminate 5x results in:

2. From the resulting equation with only 1 variable now, we then solve the value for that variable:

3. Use that value, plug it to any of the equations and solve for the other variable, x.

The Graphing Method:

1. Graph each equation. For each equation, find the value of x when y=0y=0, and the value
of y when x=0x=0. With 2 points determined for each equation, you will be able to graph the
2. Determine the point where the two lines intersect. That is the solution of the equation. Parallel
lines will never meet, so there will be no solution to a system of parallel lines.

Quadratic Inequalities
An inequality that has a second-degree polynomial is a quadratic inequality. It can be written in a
form similar to the standard form for quadratic equations, but with signs of inequality:

Where a, b, and c are real numbers and a is not equal to 0.
While quadratic equations have roots as solutions, quadratic inequalities have intervals or solution
sets. The following is a simple method of solving a quadratic inequality:
1. Write the corresponding quadratic equation of the given inequality. For example, the
corresponding quadratic equation of x2+5x+6>0x2+5x+6>0 is x2+5x+6=0x2+5x+6=0.
2. Find the roots of that equality. In this case, the roots of the quadratic equation are -3 and -2.

3. Plot the points on the number line. You will find 3 intervals which are possible solution sets
for the given inequality. In this example, these are the intervals:

4. Test each of these intervals and find out which intervals will make the inequality true. Take a
number from each interval and plug it into the quadratic inequality. If the result makes a true
statement, then the interval is a solution set. If the result makes a false statement, the
interval is not part of the solution set.
From the first interval, take a random value of x=4x=4. Plug it into the quadratic inequality, and
you get a resulting statement of 10>010>0 which is true. This means that <x<3<x<3 is
part of the solution set.
From the second interval, take the value x=2.5x=2.5. Plug this value into the inequality. You will
get the statement that says, 0.25>00.25>0, which is false. This means that the interval
of 3<x<23<x<2 is not part of the solution set.
From the third interval, take x=3x=3. Follow the same process as above. You will get this
result: 30>030>0, which is true. Therefore, the interval 2<x<+2<x<+ is part of the solution
Finally, the solution set of the quadratic equality is x>2x>2 and x<3x<3.

You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide functions, as well as perform a special operation called
function composition. If f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) are functions, the following are the rules for operating
them mathematically:








Function composition: In this operation, the result of one function is sent through the second
function. A small circle is used as a symbol for composition ().



Take note that reversing the order of f and g yields a different result:


Mathematical modeling is a technique used to simplify a problem to its basic characteristics, such as
graphing or writing equations to depict real situations and draw useful solutions.
Familiar formulas, such as I=PrtI=Prt for simple interest on investments, are mathematical models
used for predicting unknown values given some known information. However, not all mathematical
problems have formulas, and we may need to derive our own through mathematical modeling. We
do this when we solve algebraic problems, for instance, representing unknown values with variables,
analyzing given information, setting up equations, and using unit models for generalization into
bigger dimensions. This entails a more comprehensive understanding of concepts and not merely
rote learning.

A mathematical matrix is an array of numbers in a specified number of rows and columns. Matrices
can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided and transposed. Matrices are named with capital
letters, such as A, B, C.
To add matrices, they must match in size, meaning the number of rows and columns in one matrix
must be the same as the number of rows and columns in the other matrix. Elements in the first
matrix are added to their matching elements in the second matrix.
Subtraction follows the same procedure as addition except for the operation.
Multiplication can be between a constant and a matrix, between 2 matrices, or between a matrix and
the inverse of another matrix.
Multiplication between a constant and a matrix is called scalar multiplication where the constant is
multiplied with every element in the matrix.
Multiplication between matrices is a bit more tricky. To multiply 2 matrices, the number of columns in
the first matrix must be the same as the number of rows in the second matrix, and the resulting
matrix must have the same number of rows as the first matrix and the same number of columns as
the second.
Lets consider multiplying Matrix A with Matrix B
Matrix A has m rows x n columns multiplied by Matrix B with n rows and p columns equals a matrix
with mrows and p columns.
The dot product is a concept unique to multiplication of matrices. It is found by multiplying each
element in the first row of Matrix A with each matching element of the first column of Matrix B, and
then adding these products together. This dot product becomes the first element in the resulting
matrix. The procedure is repeated for the first row of Matrix A and the second column of Matrix B,
then for the second row of A with the first column of B, then the second row of A with the second
column of B.
Dividing Matrix A by Matrix B actually involves multiplying Matrix A with the inverse of Matrix B.

Roots of Polynomials
Solving polynomials means finding the roots or zeroes of polynomials, or the points where the
function is equal to zero. The degree of a polynomial with one variable is the largest degree of that

Complex Numbers
Complex numbers are terms that are made up of real and imaginary numbers. Real numbers are
almost any number that represents quantity, such as 55, 9494, 66, and 7.987.98. Imaginary
numbers contain the unit i which is equal to 11. When i is squared, it yields a negative
number, a property that makes it unique.

Coordinate Geometry

Relationships between Equations and Graphs:

Points do not have dimensions or measure; instead, they show location. A point is usually described
by its cartesian coordinates, (x, y). Point (3, 5) is a point located in quadrant I, 3 spaces to the right
of the y-axis and5 spaces above the x-axis.
A line connects two points and extends infinitely in both directions. A line is one-dimensional and has
a slope. The slope is often described as the rise over run of the line, or the difference in y divided
by the difference inx. If the equation of the line is given, we can plot it by finding where it crosses
the x and y axes.
Example: Plot y=2x+3y=2x+3
First find the y-intercept. When x=0x=0: y=2(0)+3=3y=2(0)+3=3. The line crosses the y axis
at (0,3)(0,3).
Next find the x-intercept. When y=0y=0: 0=2x+30=2x+3, and x=32x=32. The line crosses
the x-axis at (32,0)(32,0).
Plot the 2 points. Connect and label them, then extend the line.
Polynomials are algebraic expressions with many terms and may consist of constants, variables and
exponents, but they can never have variables with negative or fractional exponents. The graph of
polynomials can be continuous or contain discontinuities, and the maximum number of turning points
is 1 less the degree of the polynomial. A degree-5 polynomial will therefore have 4 or less turning
points (maximum and minimum points).
The ends of even-degree polynomials (such as quadratic and quartic polynomials) are either both
up or both down. Odd-degree polynomials (such as the cubic and quintic polynomials) have ends
that behave differently. If one end starts from the bottom, the other end goes up.
The equations of circles have the general form: x2+y2+Ax+By+C=0x2+y2+Ax+By+C=0 and
the standard form: (xa)2+(yb)2=r2(xa)2+(yb)2=r2 where (a, b) is the center and r is the
radius. If the problem gives the equation of a circle in the general form, there is a need to complete
the square and rewrite the equation in the standard form before we can graph it.
Example: Plot the curve x2+y2+20x16y+148x2+y2+20x16y+148.


The center of the circle is at point (-10, 8) and the r=4r=4

Other Curves
The circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola have one thing in common. These curves are all conic
sections - they are created by making different slices through the cone with a plane. The equation for
an ellipse on the cartesian plane is given as:

The major and minor axes can be plotted using x=ax=a and y=by=b.
Unlike the ellipse, the hyperbola is an open curve; its equation on the cartesian plane is very similar
to that of the ellipse and is given as:

The vertices are at (-a, 0) and (a, 0). The curves approach but never touch the asymptotes defined
as: y=baxy=bax and y=baxy=bax.

Graphing Inequalities
To graph linear inequalities, you start much the same way as you would when you graph an
1) Determine the x and y intercepts, and plot them on the graph.
Example: 2x+3y<52x+3y<5.
When y=0y=0, we find the x-intercept to be x<52x<52.
When x=0x=0, we find the y-intercept to be y<53y<53.
(Take note of the inequality here because this is important when graphing).
2) Connect the points with a straight line. Use a dotted or broken line if the inequality is
either << or >>; use a bold or heavy line if the inequality is either or . As noted above, if y is
less than, or less than or equal the expression, shade the area below the line. If y is greater than, or
greater than or equal the expression, shade the area above the line. The shaded area represents
the solution set for the inequality.

The slope of a line is designated as m, and is defined as the change in y divided by the change in *x.
It is also described as the rise over run. The slope of a line can be determined if you know 2 points
on the line. Two forms often used when solving for slope or linear equations are:
The slope-intercept form:

y=mx+by=mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept

The point-slope form:

(yy1)=m(xx1)(yy1)=m(xx1) where (x1,y1)(x1,y1) is a point on the line.

The formula for slope when 2 points are known:


Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Two or more lines are parallel to each other if they have the same slopes. These lines will never
meet. Two lines are perpendicular to each other if the slope of one line is the negative reciprocal of
the other.

Distance, Midpoint, and Conics

The straight line that connects two points is called the distance between those two points. Using a
variation of the Pythagorean theorem, we can solve the distance between two points if we have their

The midpoint of two points is simply halfway between the two points. Knowing the coordinates on
both ends of a segment, simply add the two x coordinates and divide by 2 to get the x coordinate of
the midpoint. Add the two y coordinates and divide the value by 2 to get the y coordinate of the
Conics are curves formed when a plane cuts through a cone at various angles. Two conics are
closed curves (circle and ellipse), two other conics are open curves (parabola and hyperbola). The
general equation of a conic is: Ax2+Bxy+Cy2+Dx+Ey+F=0Ax2+Bxy+Cy2+Dx+Ey+F=0.

Plane Geometry
Properties and Relations of Plane Figures
Angles and Relations among Perpendicular and Parallel Lines
Parallel lines are two or more lines that have the same slope, are equidistant to each other, and will
never intersect. When two lines do intersect each other, they form an angle between them. The
angle measures the amount of turn in degrees. When that angle measures exactly 90-degrees, the
lines are said to be perpendicular. The slope of a line is the negative reciprocal of the slope of
another line that is perpendicular to it.

Properties of Circles, Triangles, Rectangles, Parallelograms, and Trapezoids

Circles are conic sections created by cutting a cone with a plane parallel to the cones base. The
ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter is pi, which is represented by the symbol .

The sum of all interior angles of a triangle is 180-degrees. In right triangles, the square of the length
of the longest side is the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides. This is also known as the
Pythagorean theorem. Triangles become significantly important in trigonometry, so it is worthwhile to
give them special focus in geometry.
The sum of all interior angles of a rectangle is 360 degrees and all angles are right angles. The
opposite sides are parallel and have the same measure.
Like rectangles, parallelograms have parallel opposite sides with equal lengths. The opposite angles
in a parallelogram are equal.
In a trapezoid, one pair of opposite sides is parallel, the other pair of opposite sides is not. It is called
an isosceles trapezoid if the lines that are not parallel have equal lengths and equal interior angles.

Geometric shapes undergo a transformation without resizing when they are reflected, rotated, and
translated. Without resizing, the shapes remain congruent to the original shape.
A rotated shape is turned around a center. A reflected shape is flipped about an axis or line. A
translated object is moved with all its points being moved in the same distance and direction.
They can also be resized but still remain similar to the original shape.

Proof and Proof Techniques

The if-then logic is one of the most common techniques to prove a mathematical statement.
Proving usually begins with a statement of the given facts. Definition of terms contained in the
statement to be proved are used to make and/or prove other statements. Properties, postulates and
theorems are all useful in reasoning to prove a mathematical statement.

Volume is the capacity that a solid can hold or the 3-dimensional space that it occupies. The volume
for the most common 3-dimensional shapes can be computed from the following formulas:
Cuboid: V=s3V=s3 where s = length of its side
Rectangular prism: V=lwhV=lwh
Cylinder: V=r2hV=r2h
Pyramid: V=13bhV=13bh

Cone: V=13r2hV=13r2h
Sphere: V=43r3V=43r3

Applications of Geometry to Three Dimensions

Solids with flat faces and straight sides are called polyhedrons - these are the cubes, triangular and
rectangular prisms, and pyramids.
If any of the faces of solids are non-flat, they are non-polyhedrons - such as the spheres, toruses,
cones and cylinders.
The surface areas and volumes of three-dimensional objects are often subjects of geometry
Aside from the volume and area formulas, there is an important formula from Euler about

F+VE=2F+VE=2 where F is the number of faces, V is the number of vertices, and E is the
number of edges of a polyhedron. For a few solids, such as the torus and the Mobius strip, this
theorem is not applicable.

Trigonometry deals with the study of triangles, the properties and measurement of their sides and
angles, and how these are used in solving many problems involving other shapes that can be broken
down into several triangles.

Trigonometric Relations in Right Triangles

Special focus is given to right triangles and their special properties. For ease and uniformity in
describing the right-angled triangle, lets name its parts:

One angle is 90 degrees, usually shown as a little square between the two short sides of the

Another angle, often called theta () in formulas, is the reference of how the sides of the triangle
are named.

There is a third angle, which may or may not be named in problems.

The length of the side opposite is aptly called opposite.

The length of the side adjacent to is called adjacent.

The length of the longest side is called the hypotenuse.

Studying trigonometry and the special properties of triangles is useful in solving unknown angles
and/or sides in triangles. Generally, if we know any combination of 3 angles or sides (e.g., 2 sides, 1
angle; 1 side, 2 angles), we can solve for the other 3 unknown angles or sides.

Values, Properties, and Graphing of Trigonometric Functions

The following are trigonometric ratios, or functions, of right triangles:







Modeling with Trigonometric Functions

This part of the test will measure your ability to apply and model trigonometric functions to solve realworld scenarios. Questions will not directly use terms as they appear in formulas, such as theta (),
opposite, adjacent, and hypotenuse. Instead, it may read like this:
How high is a building if the angle of elevation from an observer standing 56 feet away from the base
of the building is 48 degrees? The observer is 6 feet tall.
Sharpen your ability to grasp a problem. Make sketches. Label as you sketch. Match with the
appropriate model. Real life situations will not be as neat as the functions you are familiar with. The
height of the observer, for instance, does not go into the trigonometric formula, but it must be
accounted for in the final answer.

Trigonometric Identities
Trigonometric identities are true only for right triangles. Here are just some of the trigonometric
identities commonly used:

Opposite angle identity: sin()=sin()sin()=sin() (this is true for the other functions as
Double angle identities:


Half-angle identities:

Triangle identities, on the other hand, applies to all types of triangles, not just right triangles. These
identities are the laws of sines, cosines, and tangents. For ease in understanding, lets have a
common description of the sides and angles of the triangle. This is any triangle with interior angles
measuring A, B and C, and sides measuring a, b and c. Take note that A is opposite a, B is
opposite b, and C is opposite c.
Law of Sines:

Law of Cosines:

Law of Tangents:


Solving Trigonometric Equations

To solve trigonometric functions, be familiar with the functions and the model right triangle. To solve
for an unknown side or angle, you must know at least 3 sides or angles.
Example: A right triangle has one angle equal to 23 degrees and a hypotenuse of 50 feet. What is
the length of the opposite side?
We know three things - 1 side measures 50 feet, 1 angle is 2323 and another is 9090. Use the
function appropriate to opposite and hypotenuse.


How to prepare for the ACT Reading Test

General Information
The Reading section of the ACT compels you to rely on the text given and use your own powers of
deduction and reasoning to determine the answers to questions. Though questions may differ, the
most common provides you with a text or paragraph that must be analyzed through a series of
questions, checking for reading comprehension, information retention, and basic knowledge of terms
related to literature and reading. The test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions, each of them
related in some way to the process of reading or reading comprehension. When taking the test, it is
best to first read the questions assigned to the passage, followed by the passage. This way, you can
determine key points in the passage and save time searching for answers.

Types of Reading Material to Practice

ACT Reading selections are approximately equally drawn from these four subject areas. Be sure to
practice reading and understanding material in all of them.
Social Studies: The social studies portion will take information from anthropology, archaeology,
biography, business, economics, education, geography, history, political science, psychology, and
sociology. Although you do not need to be proficient in each of these areas, you should have an idea
of what each area covers and involves, to be better able to answer questions in these fields.
Natural Sciences: Natural sciences include anatomy, astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, ecology,
geology, medicine, meteorology, microbiology, natural history, physiology, physics, technology, and
zoology. These questions may require you to read and synthesize unfamiliar information. A basic
understanding of what each category might involve can help in answering related questions.
Literary Narrative or Prose Fiction: Questions in this category involve passages taken from short
stories, novels, memoirs, and personal essays.
Humanities: Humanities questions come from a wide variety of sources, including architecture, art,
dance, ethics, film, language, literary criticism, music, philosophy, radio, television, and theater.
These areas require a basic understanding of the humanities.

Types of Comprehension
Literal or Explicit
Literal or explicit comprehension requires you to synthesize information overtly stated in a text. This
requires being capable of finding information in a work and understanding given information, whether
it is written or provided in graphs and other charts.

Implied or Implicit
Implied and implicit comprehension require you to be able to go one step further; rather than simply
finding information and repeating it, implied or implicit information requires you to take the
information given, and determine your own conclusions based on the information provided.

Skills Youll Need

During the ACT Reading test, you will be asked to prove your understanding by showing you know
how to do these things:

Find the Main Idea

The main idea of a piece is found by asking what the overall purpose or meaning of a piece is.
Typically, it is best found (and delivered) by creating a single-sentence summary of the piece as a
whole. Asking what and why is also an effective technique to determine the main idea: what is this
about, and why is it being written? A persuasive essay, for instance, might have a main idea such as,
Breastfeeding is usually the best source of sustenance for a child.

Find and Understand Significant Details

To find significant details, search for pieces of information (facts, figures, or other solid points) that
reinforce or support the overall piece or paragraphs main idea. Understanding these details requires
a basic understanding of the main idea itself. If you understand the main idea, you will be able to
identify and comprehend the arguments and facts used to support it.

Determine the Sequence of Events or Actions

As you work to determine sequence of events and actions, search for both indicators of time and
indicators of action.
Indicators of time include words such as before, then, next, after, etc. Action words are verbs and
adverbs, and the actions must be applied to a perpetrator. As you go along, highlight any action
words, or time-identifying words or phrases.

Compare Ideas, Characters, and Events

The first step in comparing ideas, characters, and events is identifying these three story elements:
To identify an idea, search for a theme or main idea.
To identify characters, search for the main perpetrators of action in a story. Secondary and
background characters will also perform actions, but will not usually have significant roles or
To identify events, find the catalysts within a text: what event moves the story along? What event
irrevocably changes the main character? These are significant events within a story.
When you have identified these elements, you can begin comparing. The word compare is an
important distinction: to compare is to find like elements, while to contrast is to find disparate
elements. As you compare, then, search for commonalities among ideas, characters, and events.

Determine Cause and Effect

When you are seeking the cause and effect, there are several steps you must take. First, identify the
effect. This can be found by asking, what happened? There are some triggers words that may help
identify it, such as consequently, therefore, and the phrase, as a result.
When you have determined the effect, search back in the text, and identify what it was that caused
the effect. Was it a characters actions? The start of a world war? The onset of hunger? Essentially,

you are seeking the answer to why did this event happen? From there, you may be required to
locate additional effects of the single cause, or subsequent effects from the first effect (known as the
domino effect).

Gain Meaning from Context Clues

Using context clues is an excellent method to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. If you
encounter a word or phrase that is unfamiliar or confusing, identify the word, set it aside, and begin
searching the surrounding text. Using the surrounding text, the tone of the piece, and the general
information being presented nearby, what is the most likely meaning of the word or phrase? What
meaning best fits the rest of the piece? This method will provide meaning based on context clues.

Form Generalizations
Forming generalizations requires developing a statement about a group that is true of most of that
group (though not necessarily all). To create a generalization, you must gather a few things:
supporting facts, examples, past experience, and logic/reasoning. For instance, you might look at
cats and say your own cat loves playing with yarn. Your aunts cat loves playing with yarn. Cats are
often depicted as playing with a ball of yarn. From there, you can successfully make the
generalization that cats like to play with yarn.

Determine the Authors Purpose and Tone

To determine the authors purpose and tone, ask yourself two questions:
Why is the author writing this?
How does the author feel about this?
Answering why the author is writing a piece (to persuade, to inform, to tell a story, etc) will deliver the
authors purpose, while answering how he/she feels about the piece (academic/distanced,
passionate, angry, etc) will deliver the authors tone.

How to Prepare for the ACT Science Test

General Information
The Science section of the ACT will involve understanding basic concepts you should have covered
in high school biology, physics, chemistry, and earth science classes. The questions do not stand
alone, but will test your understanding of written passages and visual information like graphs and
charts. You will need to combine your understanding of science terms and concepts with reading
comprehension of scientific material in order to successfully answer the questions.
Since it is not necessary to memorize hundreds of science definitions or practice science concepts in
order to do well on this test, we will focus primarily on test-taking practices in this study guide. The
way in which you deal with the material presented is far more important than your specific scientific

The Types of Passages

This section involves three passage types: Data Representation (1216 questions), Research
Summaries (1822 questions), and Conflicting Viewpoints (68 questions). Like the other sections
on the ACT, there is no penalty for incorrect responses, so answer every question, even if youre
unsure of the answer.

Understanding Your Task

The name of this section is somewhat of a misnomer. While each passage will directly relate to a
science concept, doing well on this section requires very little scientific background knowledge. This
section is much more like a reading comprehension test than a science test. To do well on this
section, you will need to utilize primarily your close reading and analysis skills.
The same general approach can be used for each of the passage types on this section. You will first
articulate the main idea (What is this passage about?) before carefully making sense of any graphics
provided (What are the axes titles? Do the figures display any trends?) and then moving on to the
questions. It is extremely important that you carefully examine every piece of information included in
the graphics provided; many errors can be attributed to misreading a question or piece of information
When reading through the passages and graphs, jot down notes to help keep track of the
information presented and to give yourself visual markers that make it easier for you to find
important information when you start working through the questions. Practice taking notes while
analyzing passages so that you can avoid spending time rereading information youve already
examined. Remember, the real challenge in doing well on this test is accurately analyzing the
information presented while managing your time wisely.

The Challenge
The Science section of the ACT is always the final section of the test. The ACT test makers know
that students do not have infinite stamina and focus. They also have a good understanding of the
metrics used to gauge a students likelihood for success during his or her first year of college. They
place the Science section at the end because the Science section requires the greatest amount of
focus and concentration and they want you to face this section after youve already been drained by
all of the other sections. However, knowing this, you should have a good idea of whats required to
overcome this obstacle.
Practice taking the ACT under the same conditions as the actual testmeaning, set a timer for the
allotted amount, work through the section, and stop when time is over. During your first practice
exams, you may have trouble finishing every section on time. This just means that you have more
practice to do and strategies for you to refine.

Tackling the Three Passage Types

Data Representation
The Data Representation portion of the ACT Science section presents an introductory text paragraph
accompanied by a visual component, usually a graph, chart, or diagram. The introductory text will
describe a scientific concept or phenomenon, which is then further elaborated upon with the visual
While reading through the introductory passage, make a quick note in the margin that describes in a
few words what the main idea of the information is: Is this an experiment comparing results? Is it a
description of a particular concept? Underline any details that seem to be important within the
context of the paragraph, usually numbers, facts, or figures, but also any potential summary of the
research or experiment in question (think of a thesis statement).
Properly reading the visual component of the Data Representation section is paramount for success
on this section. Many questions will specifically reference a portion of the graph or diagram, and
answering the question correctly will be contingent upon your ability to:

read the graph

understand the graph

analyze and draw conclusions from the graph

In the absence of careful or close reading, analyzing the information presented is very difficult. Any
information provided in the question should be directly matched with information provided in the
graph or diagram. Questions will use expressions such as in Figure 3, Chart 1 states, and
according to diagram x. In every case in which an expression or phrase like this appears, place
one finger directly below the specific graph or diagram referenced, then proceed to find and focus on
the exact graphic with your other finger.

This is obviously a very trivial action to perform, but it is the first step in ensuring success on a test
that primarily focuses on assessing your ability to follow directions. Utilizing a strategy like the one
outlined, and making it a habit, guarantees that accidentally looking at or reading the incorrect graph
never happens. Employing a system like this will also save you time in the long run because you are
already approaching the section with a game plan in mind. And as always, strategies like this work
best when routinely practiced.
It is also important that you examine all of the labels and details embedded in the graph or diagram.
This includes, but is not limited to:

chart/diagram titles

axes labels/names (What is the dependent variable? What is the independent variable?)

increments of axes increase

keys/legends, units/dimensions

After examining and taking note of all of the labels and units, etc., move on to the information
presented in the graph or diagram, ensuring to note any obvious trends. Is there a
positive/negative/no correlation between the variables? In other words, as one variable
increases/decreases, does the other variable increase/decrease as well? Some questions will ask
you to draw conclusions from the trend present in a diagram and state where prospective data point
is most likely to lie. By already generating this information when analyzing the graphics, you will
have a very good idea as to what the answer to such questions will be.
Again, time management is crucial for earning a top score on the Science section, particularly
because of the difficulty in making sense of and managing all of the information that is presented to
After practicing, you are likely to find that the Data Representation portion is primarily an information
gathering and matching test. The test makers have spread a bunch of information across a few
diagrams or graphs, and it is your job to first read through and then find the connections across the
different diagrams. After doing this, your job will be to match the chart or diagram referenced in a
question with the chart or diagram itself and draw the proper conclusion from the trend present in the
As you gain familiarity with the specific types of questions asked, you will have a good idea of what
information is important in diagrams and graphs that you encounter, which will enable you to cater
the notes you take and trends you notice to the questions you are likely to be asked. This will
ultimately save you time that you can then spend to ensure you are able to comfortably read through
and answer questions in the other two passage types.

Research Summaries
The Research Summaries portion constitutes the largest portion of the Science section as a whole,
so it is wise to spend a greater amount of time familiarizing yourself with its makeup. This section will
present to you a series of experiments along with all of the information relevant to the experiment,
including the setup, data, and methods of experimentation. Just like the Data Summary section, it is
imperative that you read very closely and carefully, paying attention to all of the details included.

While not critical to your success on the Science section, a basic understanding of the scientific
method can help you assess and analyze the setup and purpose of an experiment.
The scientific method begins with an observation of a phenomenon or event that a scientist then
wonders about before developing a hypothesis, or potential explanation, along with predictions
relating to the phenomenon or event.
An experiment is designed, and the scientist collects data using objective measuring devices
before analyzingthe results and relating the conclusions of the experiment to the generated
If the conclusions verify the hypothesis, the scientist will ask another scientist to perform the same
experiment to further validate the explanation. If the hypothesis is not verified, the scientist may
formulate a new hypothesis and begin a new experiment to test it.
Along with the scientific method, it is helpful to understand the relationship between dependent and
independent variables. To draw conclusions about the relationship between variables in an
experiment, it is important that an experimenter can show causation or correlation between
variables. To accomplish this, an experimenter will need to control one set of variables while
changing one other variable and then examining the consequences of changing this single variable.
The variable that is manipulated by the experimenter is the independent variable and every other
variable in the experiment is considered a dependent variable (these variables depend on the
independent variable).
Conventionally, the independent variable is listed on the x-axis and the dependent variable is listed
along they-axis (though this is not always the case).
Always identify the dependent and independent variables in the experiments presented in the
research summaries section.
Similar to the Data Representation section, the Research Summaries section will include visual
components and text relating to the graphs. The same skills employed in the data representation
section apply here, and it is critical that you read and understand each of the drawings provided.
Look for, and note, any trends that you discover in your analysis. Underline and jot notes in the
margin when you encounter information you deem important.

Conflicting Viewpoints
Of the three passage types on the Science section, this is the most similar to a Reading
Comprehension test. In the Conflicting Viewpoints section, you will be required to read and analyze
two separate viewpoints relating to the same topic and then answer questions about the two
passages. However, understanding the purpose and details of the section can help you to perform
well on this portion of the test.
Given the question type, it should be clear that, for you to compare different viewpoints, it is
absolutely necessary that you first have a good idea of what those viewpoints are. Prior to diving into
any passage, you should always be of the mindset that you are on a hunt for information.
You are searching first and foremost for the main idea or argument presented in a piece of text.
Underlying this, you are concerned with the manner in which this argument or main idea is

presented. What is the tone of the language used? What is the supporting evidence? How is the
argument structured? Does the author appeal to your emotions or are objective details provided?
These are all considerations you should train yourself to be on the lookout for when reading any text
on which you will be tested.
Additionally, unless you are eidetic, it is highly recommended that you incorporate and refine your
active reading skills. This entails reading with a pencil in hand and actively engaging the text with
which you are interacting. Under timed conditions, it is most important that you focus only on the
details on which you will be tested, but in general, a text will be easier to read and understand if you
maintain an active dialogue with the text. This is not an easy skill to master, but the more time you
spend practicing this style of reading, the more easily you will be able to digest the complicated texts
you will be required to analyze when in college.
As you read through the viewpoints presented in this section, underline or make note of the main
idea/argument as well as any supporting evidence you find. Because you are going into the text
already on the lookout for this information, it should be easier to find it. But if you notice that you
have trouble deciding on what the important information in a passage is, there are many places to
practice doing just this.
After completing a passage, you should have a clear idea of what the authors argument is, and how
the argument is supported. You should have portions underlined and notes jotted in the margin that
enable you to quickly access this information when a question specifically references the author in
question. When reading through the second passage, utilize the same method of active reading.
Note the main idea/argument, how it is supported, tone, etc., but also keep in mind any similarities or
differences with the first author and jot these down as you continue reading. If you have trouble
keeping track of information, outlining or drawing a quick sketch attributing the viewpoints and
support to authors in different columns might prove beneficial. One of the skills that colleges look for
in prospective students is their ability to organize and make sense of interrelated concepts and
pieces of information, so refining your ability to organize information like this is not without worth.
Like the other sections, as you gain more familiarity with the style of both the passages and the
questions asked, you will have a much clearer idea on what to focus on as you read.

A Final Note
Practice and preparation play a crucial role in your ability to regularly perform well on tests like this.
Work through old examinations paying close attention to your weak areas and making note of your
most common mistakes. Continue practicing until you are confident in the system you have
developed to make it through each of the tests sections without worry about the time limit while
acquiring a majority of the information relevant to answering the questions correctly. The more time
you free for the questions that pose you the most trouble, the more likely you are to work through to
the correct answer and greatly improve your score.

How to Prepare for the ACT Test Writing Test

General Information
The Writing section of the ACT test involves more than being able to form sentences, spell words
correctly, and put periods in the right places. While evaluators will be looking for these things, too,
the main things they seek involve your ability to think, reason, and put thoughts on paper, in a clear
and meaningful way.
The test contains one question, or prompt and three reference passages. You will have 40 minutes
to plan, write, and review an essay that addresses the prompt, using evidence in the reference
passages. The three passages are different perspectives on the same topic. Evaluators will be
looking for how well you do these things in your essay:

evaluate and analyze the perspectives

state and develop your perspective

explain the relationship between your perspective and those given in the three passages

It really doesnt matter what your perspective is, just how well you defend it in your writing.
The desired essay skills are divided here into the four domains in which your writing will be scored:

Ideas and Analysis

Development and Support


Language Use

Within each domain, the evaluators will decide to what degree you accomplish several tasks. The
better you perform, the more points you will receive.
For example, one of the tasks in the Ideas and Analysis domain is to engage with the
perspectives you are given. The language in the scoring guidelines goes from a high of critically
engages with through productively engages with, engages with, responds to, and weakly
responds to. The lowest descriptor of performance on this task is fails to respond to. Your
performance on this task, and several others, will combine to form your score on this domain, which
will be between 1 and 6.
So, in this case, if you perform at the highest level on engaging and perform at that same high level
on the other three tasks in the domain, you will score 6 for the Ideas and Analysis domain. You will
get one score from each of two evaluators for each domain. The two scores will be added to form
your score on that domain, which will be between 2 and 12. This domain score will be one of your
four scores for writing. Note that the domain scores do not add up to the total score for writing. They
are used to arrive at that score, however.
Try some practice essays and see if you can incorporate all of these skills in your writing. You can
begin by writing without a time limit, but youll want to gradually work toward planning, writing, and
reviewing an essay of this type within a 40-minute window.
You can even use the official evaluator guidelines to score your practice essays. Youll find it here on
pages 61 and 62. This booklet is from the official ACT test site. Then, you can work on any areas in
which you struggle and prepare to write a great essay!
Wed like for you to know exactly what to expect and how you can prepare to do your best. Here, we
list the desired tasks in each domain and tell you what they mean in terms of your performance. For
every standard listed here, youll earn maximum points from evaluators of your ACT essay for doing
it thoroughly, fewer points for sort of doing it, and very few points if you mostly dont do it, at all. So,
strive for the highest level of performance on each task!

Domain 1: Ideas and Analysis

This domain tests your thinking and analysis skills regarding the three perspectives you are given.
Evaluators want to see how deeply you delve into those perspectives to see things that may not be
stated, but are just implied. You need to be exact and thorough in order to score well in this domain.

Engagement with the Perspectives

This is done by citing specific claims made by the authors as you present your views. Instead of
randomly making statements, build your argument using things the authors said in their arguments.
This doesnt mean you necessarily agree with them, but actively use the authors points to create

Nuance and Precision

Be specific in your writing, rather than making general statements. Again, delve deeply into specific
points, whether you are agreeing with them or pointing out fallacies. This is about
saying exactly what you mean, using precisely appropriate vocabulary.

Context in Analysis
You need to establish a context for your argument. This is done by sort of setting the stage for your
comments. To do this, be sure to present in exactly what circumstance the arguments of the
authors would be valid, invalid, etc.

Deep Examination
In the authors work, look for evidence of underlying reasons he/she feels that way about the issue.
Address any complexities you find that you think the author may not be considering. This requires
examining the authors possible motive for writing the piece in the first place. Furthermore, discuss
how you think the authors experiences and/or values contribute to his/her opinion.

Domain 2: Development and Support

This domain concerns how well you form your own perspective and the kind of support you provide
for it in your essay. Evaluators want to see how well you can take the perspectives of others and use
them to support your own or use your perspective to refute the ones of others. Youll need to dig for
statements in the given perspectives and use them specifically in your own argument.


In your essay, you cannot just make blanket statements and move on. Plan to present each of your
arguments, one at a time, supporting each with evidence from the text and your viewpoint. Keep in
mind that evidence from the text could include author statements that you believe are invalid or
faulty. Just be sure to back up your claims with your own evidence statements.

Clarity of Reasoning
As you write, analyze what you are proposing in an if-then manner. If what you say is true, does it
necessarily follow that something else you say will be valid? Are you sure of the connection and its
validity, in various circumstances and under various conditions? In other words, could a reader of
your argument see the connection easily?

Qualifications and Complications

Instead of just presenting each point in one context, be sure to mention things that could make your
argument invalid. These include conditions and circumstances, perhaps not mentioned by the
author. Dont be afraid to list one or two conditions under which your argument would not work. This
is evidence of your thinking and reasoning skills.

Domain 3: Organization
Organization is important during both the planning and writing of your essay. During the short (5minute) planning session you allow yourself, try to sketch out your main points and put them in a
reasonable order. Think about your approach to the essay and what you want to accomplish. Then,
as you write, keep the details in mind: How are you going to present a convincing, well-thought-out
argument? What strategies can you use to achieve your overall purpose? Add these details where

A good author has a strategy in mind when writing. You have been given the purpose for this essay:
to present your view on three essays written by others, so that part is set. But how are you going to
go about it? Essay readers will be looking for this strategy when evaluating your work.

Controlling Purpose
Be sure that everything you write in your essay speaks to your argument. Be careful to stick with the
task and not be tempted by a related subject. If it doesnt bolster your argument in some way, leave
it out. But search thoughtfully for things that do apply to your purpose.

Logical Sequence

Sequence in writing is part of strategy. How will you structure your piece to achieve the desired
result? You should present your strongest argument point first, or build to a climax by slowly going
from least impressive point to the most definitive one. You should allude to all of them in the
introduction, or at least mention that there are several or many reasons for the position you take.

Part of writing a convincing argument is being able to move from one point to another in a smooth,
seemingly uncontrived manner. A writer does this by making some sort of reasonable connection
between paragraphs. Dont just start every paragraph as if the previous one did not exist. The need
for smooth transitions could affect the sequence you choose, as well. Some things tend to be more
easily related or eased into with words.

Domain 4: Language Use

The final area in which the essay readers will evaluate your work concerns the actual words you use
and how you use them. Its not about how many million-dollar words you can write, but how adept
you are at using the appropriate word for each purpose.

Words to Enhance
Just sticking a long or complicated-sounding word in a sentence is not necessarily a positive thing.
Every word you use should further the impact of your argument. If it doesnt, choose another word.

Word Choice
Besides furthering your argument, your choice of words should always do one more thing: make the
argument absolutely clear to the reader. Use words that cannot easily be misunderstood and
say exactly what you mean. A tip: If you find yourself stressing over a word (thinking you can find a
better one), draw a light circle around that word and come back to it during your review. Sometimes
the perfect word will come to you a few minutes later as you reread. This is also a good way to keep
your thoughts moving and not get sidetracked from your overall purpose.

Style and Register

Your ACT essay should not be an example of how you would argue with your friends in a casual
setting. It should be a formal, academic essay, using proper English and avoiding the more casual
aspects of the language, such as contractions, pop culture expressions, and slang. Write as if you
were speaking to a professor you did not know and trying to make a good impression.

Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics

While one or two errors along these lines will not affect your score, many errors will impact it. Be
sure you know the grammar, usage, and punctuation rules, and that you check for errors in them as
you review. Prior to testing, its not a bad idea to review things that give many people trouble, such
as confusing words (accept/except) and use of a semicolon (;). There are many online sites
containing quick practice on these things.

Tips and Tricks

Any writing task is easier if you have spent time reading the writing of others. When you read
pieces written by good writers, you learn how they go about creating a masterful argument.
Be sure to look for examples of the tasks mentioned in the domains as you read and think
about how you can incorporate them into your own writing.

Practice making a writing plan. Even if you dont finish a complete essay each time, practice
taking a prompt and planning an essay addressing that prompt. Limit your planning time to 5
minutes or less, simply sketching it out on scrap paper. This is about the time limit youll need
to set for planning during the ACT test essay.

In addition to practicing the entire essay process, practice reviewing your own work. Find
some of those old essays from school to use for a new purpose! Again, limit yourself to 5
minutes for this, in preparation for the tests actual time limit. On test day, no one will tell you
to save 5 minutes at the end of the allotted time, to review, but you should do this. Practice
making quick work of the review process. You wont have time to make major changes, but
catching a mistake here and there could help boost your score.

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