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§ ie matter how’small Fyne ancy g Coa] tsa TaN (qe Me\Vl reel tela} si om] Emme) ee eat CUM all lee Lo Reliability is the ability to be relied on or depended on, as for accuracy, honesty, or achievement. A reliable organization is one which can be trusted for its products, services, and hard work The pressure for companies to be increasingly cost-effective and competitive in Enterprise markets has created a new awareness of the importance of continuous improvement as a strategy that can drive significant improvement in financial results and move on the path of beinga reliable organization. A reliable organization not only performs in routine circumstances but also performs in hostile orunexpectedcircumstances, Reliability is one of our core valuesit simply means. “We shall make sure that the products and services we offer and the commitment we make to our stakeholders are most reliable. In all our actions and behaviours, we shall be perceived and seen asareliable company” Dear Emcoite, this newsletter brings you an insightful read on developing andinternalizingone of ourmost cherished values ‘RELIABILITY’, = Editorial Team Cover page: ‘Aplumb bob, small but avery useful device used since the Pre-Ancient Egypt civilization to ensure that upright constructions are vertical. Its the most reliable device even today and Is used at construction sites across the globe. The time has changed but the RELIABILITY of Plumb bob remains unchallenged. Editorial Team (Co-ordinator + MUpin + Neha Shah We thank alll the Emeoites for their direct or indirect + Neeraj Yadav contribution towards the GLOW magazine and we + Umesh Doshi Plant Co-ordinators look forward for the some in future, Des + Prashant Umbare n&Layout | gayparman Please post your suggestions / feedback ot Sunil Sathe Pa venaiey Pravin Maskar ena Forintomstcreueven ony Reliability Reliability Words of Wisdom DearFriend, Words of Wisdom Tousat EMCO, Reliability is an aspect of trust:adeep- seated belief that expectations are met, desires fulfilled. The benchmark of stakeholders in our processes is thankfully very high and we have not ‘only managed to live up to these high standards ‘through our unstinted commitment to excellence but ‘also exceed their expectations on many occasions. ‘Any product or service taken or accessed outof EMCO. bears this stamp of Reliability and we would like Reliability to be seen as synonymous with ourname Reliability is a quality that is earned; it cannot be bought. And EMCO, over the past few decades, has consistently tried to earn this most valuable of attitudinal asset ina very concerted and dedicated fashion, There are no shortcuts to processes ensuring Reliability. All it takes for theft to happen is, security staff becoming slack, even if for a few minutes. Their being vigilant atall the other time becomes irrelevant. Being alert, being careful, has to happen every step, every moment of the way. Reliability is one of the foundations of teamwork or co-operation. It allows people to work together, with each person doing what he or she does best, knowing that friends, family, or co- workers are taking care of other tasks. This means every individual is reliable and the links between us established through our processes are extremely reliable so that as EMCO, we are always considered reliable In simple words, Reliability should be as assured and co day. istent as night follows day, day after Together, let us march forward in our journey through consistent Relial Allthe Best! Rajesh Jain Chairman. Enhancing System Reliability Through ‘INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY’ Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other ake ‘Reliability’is one of our core values. This needs to be ingrained into the fabrics of all our systems and business processes, be it the HiR processes, the Manufacturing processes, the Marketing processes, the pracesses involving our suppliers and ‘customers, and so on. Fortunately, the advancements in IT, which are within our reach, can be deployed objectively to Reliability Integrate all the above processes to raise the bar of reliability of our brand. Only thing that we need to focus upon is to harness the power of Information Technology and align it to our business = processes, to enhance the overallreliability of brand EMCO. Followinga simple yet powerful principle ‘always give people more than what ‘they expect to get, about two years back we had embarked upon some IT initiatives toserveas > Business Enabler » Business Driver » Strategic Decisions Supporter > CostCentreto ProfitCentre Today we te pros tosharewihyoulsome thelayinatves taken ancthe I) el) OTT ainsaccrued out of these through this theme article on Reliability’ 1. Adoption of latest technology ‘Server Consolidation & Virtualization’ and’Cloud Computing’ > Server Consolidation and Virtualization: We adopted the concept and did the server consolidation and virtualization using Hyper-V technology which has considerably lowered the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by increasing the efficiency of server resources and ‘operational changes, operation management cost has reduced. Nowadays, Server Consolidation and Virtualization is playing 2 major role on saving with improved system availability and business continuity » Cloud Computing:’Cloud Computing’has become abuzz ‘word in today’s era. We adopted this concept to deploy ‘ollowing applications on cloud which has improved data accessibility and lowered down the total cost of ‘ownership. > Project Information Retrieval System (PIRS)’ for ‘our Projects Division which has the following features &benefits * Central Repository ofall Projectrelated data like ¥ Email\Communication Design & Drawings (with version control) Customer Vendor Documents ¥ Provisionof Restricted Access ¥ 24 x 7 availability of project related information ¥ Ceniralrepository of information > Board Documents Digitization + Boardof Directors’ meeting elated documents ike ¥ Company Balance Sheet and P& L Other Related documents and communications ¥ Paperand printing costissaved Documents can be viewedon Laptop and -Pads with offline facility ¥ Safe andsecureaccess contra} 2. Automation Projects ‘We have taken lot many initiatives to do automation for Reliability ‘multiple business processes which has considerably helped in our business process and increased efficiency. Some of these areas follows > Transformer Design Digitization + IBMFileNet’aDMS solution- Features & Benefits ¥ Centralized repository of designs ¥ Version controlling with approval facility ¥ Design searching facility enables faster retrieval ¥ Uploaded more than 2 Lac design documents ¥ 13 identified major parameters based searching facility ¥ Paperand printing costis saved ‘Hard copy document maintenance and manual searchingis eliminated > Automated Drawing Serial Number Generator ¥ Manualregister isdiscontinued Saved designer's time on searching the register ‘as sameis available online ¥ Eliminated possibility of duplicate drawing serialnumbers > Online Tender Enquiry System (TES) ¥ Tenderenquiry recording Proactive and reactive mails with escalation for Tenderdue ¥ Accessible over internet with secured and controlledaccess Integration with SAP 100% enquiries are getting uploaded Y Generates mote than 42 MIS reports for lenquirylife cycle ¥ Comprehensiveand interactive dashboard 7 MIS reports can help in taking strategic decisions Opportunity lossis minimized > TES-SAPintegration ¥ Avoided data entry duplication work < Reliability ¥ Dataintegrity + Complaint registration acknowledgement and > Online’C Form’ Tracking System closure confirmation mail to customer though ¥ Conttalized’C For information with access to SAP allauthorizedusers + Increased customer delight ¥ Tracking and follow up through mails and v Timely acknowledgement of customer SS history updates complaints ¥ Accessible over internet with secured and > Refundable Deposit Attachment Provision in SAP contvaled access Deposit Receipt / documents attachment in EY Brought controlon pending‘C Form collection SAP enables to search and view details of | [me INR 350 Cr Corms collected during last deposits paid oy ‘months ¥ Instantaccess torelated deposit documents i ¥ Auditable history anddocuments avaliable ¥ Searching timereducedsignificantly ¥ TimelyLegal compliance ¥ Helpsto get refunds on time > oo ‘Compliance Management System (ECMS) > Purchase Register generation time reduced from ¥ Timelylegal compliance with tracking faci 4 days to2his ¥ Proactive andreactivemails with escalation ¥ Increased efficiency due to cycle time ¥ CAPRand knowledgebase available on delayed eguction ett > Non-SAP Applications Improvements ¥ Traceability of the legal compiances with > HRMSPortal- Online Separation, Training history tal ¥ Online Separation process and Training ¥ Online Instantavailability of compliance details, Management ¥ Web-based application with secuted and Activity initiationandreminder mails contoledaccess > PerformanceManagement System Transformer ob Card + Online in-house developed application deployed Online maintenance of in-process records with features tke Smart inteligence based on the standard 7 BSUKRASetting &evaluation parametersand tolerance ¥ Competency mapping, Career Planning ¥ Auto mail in case of deviations to Design / ¥ Value index Quality Departments + Auto generated confirmation malling ¥ Online / real time information canbe viewed by + MIS generation ‘customers, designers, quality team, etc EMCO is the first company to implement this 4.1. & Dand Team Building innavative initiative ‘Team built with expertise in followingareas: > Automated e-Birthday Greetings to Emcoites ¥ Certified 3d Auditor for!S0 27001 -Satish Kulkarni ¥ Auto birthday greeting mail from Chairman tov ITIL Certification for IT services Management - Ravi individual Emcoite Agrawal ¥ Createspositiveenerey ¥ Team Building - Departmental tours to Alibagh, ¥ Savingon paper cost Matheran Timely release of greeting message obviating Weekly Review Mechanism for SAP, IT Infra & ‘need forhumanintervention Software Team ¥_ Noneed to keep track of the birthday events ¥ Monthly Departmental Meeting to address various > Online Appreciation -Any to any issues sharinglearnings ¥ Online Appreciation nomination process and -¥”Trainingson Tplatfoislike mailing SAP system flow, LAN & WAN Networking, SAP ¥ Greates positive environment Infrastructure Setup, SAP Service Marketplace - ¥ Timely recognition enhances employee Issue Handling Information Security motivation Seminars attended to keep up with the edge -Cloud Single Sign On Portal Computing, 10 Conclave, Big Data, Mobility, Storage. ¥ Domain integrated single password to access Google Apps, etc ‘approx30 applications Besides accruing financial savings tothe tune of INR 1.42 Cx, ¥ Need nottemember multiple passwords during the last two years. the above IT initiatives have ¥ Savesusers time greatly contributed towards improving the systems and processes reliability and providing a base for accumulation and fast retrievalof business data, ai imgeevamoert tater IT offers vast potential for improving sustainability of business through improving system and process »'SAP Improvements faeiac niece eet secre Per meee me oe ce a ‘communication through SAP EMCO Team IT ¥_ Easyaccess to WeEmco portal Investigating The Problem Of Air Gaps At Core Joints In 3-phase Power Transformer Due To Core Leaning Technical Article eras This paper presents a case study discussing about the possi COO Eee eeu crae Ca es ae The investigation involved studying some discernible pattern of variations in test results observed during no-load loss test in different phases at different excitation levels and establishing its co-elationship with the abnormalities in the core, Construction of core: ‘The core is built using 3 to 5 sizes of laminations joined together to form amagnetic circuit of transformer. The yoke limb laminations are joined together. lahilebuiling the cove, precautions ar taken to ensure hat joints are made to be free from any abnormal air gaps to ensure uniform distribution of fux throughout the core. This ensures the cote tobe free from abnormal hotspots due to localized pockets of flux concentration, If there ae ar gaps 2 care joints of if joins are stggere, fx from limb laminations does not necessarily flow in the corresponding yoke laminations but may fllw air path. As reluctance of ‘the air path is high, flux crowding at corners takes place uibih results in increased magnetizing cutent to maintain theflue Ideally the gap-less core faints at corners. have notch between limb & yoke laminations of about 15 1020 mm as shown infigre CASE STUDY-1 ‘Transformer rating: 160MVA,220/132/1 1kV,3-phase,YNaQd11, Autotransformer, As per intemal quality checks, tests were performed at different stages, viz. before-connection, after connection, & before tanking etc. Test results were satisfactory. During final testing no-load loss and magnetizing current results found as below (Table-1). No-load loss measurement: No-load losses constitute a very small part of the power rating of the transformer. Since these losses are independent of the load and are constant over the lifetime of the transformer, they represent a sizable operating expense. Therefore, accurate measurements of no-load loss ‘ magnetizing currents are essential to evaluate individual ‘transformer performance accurately, the no-load loss measurement is carried for verification of the design calculations and demonstration of guaranteed parameters, However, the test results also give very useful clues about ‘the overallhealthiness of magnetic crcuttand windings. Causes leading to higher no-load losses or no-load current: 1) Abnormal alr gaps at core joints. 2) Presence of shorted turn around the core &inter-turn shortingin thewinding 3) Formation of loops in paralle! strands of winding Conductors due to shorting or wrong brazing of conductors during interleaving, 4)Defectivecorematerial 5)Looseness in clamping of laminations. This paper illustrates two cases of the results noticed & analyzed. 3) Measured % excitation current at different excitation was inowder. 4) Trend of excitation current for 3 phases was litte bit doubtful, as the RO current was found lesser as compared to YB & BO, which are normally found to be equal in caseof delta connection. 5) Excitation current at 90% & 100% excitation are almost same and comparable with the results of similar unit However, the excitation current at 110% excitation increased by almost 2 times fama | compared to similar unitresults, 6) Excitation current of YB was found increased significantly, which is supposed to be same or a a ee | Fiat EY 8 he [= mas po ofa | am [a [aes aa #0 [ase [aioe [7 [oar lesser as compared toWO current ‘The observations from test results: 1) The no-load loss measured is within the guaranteed limits, ie. 23,.0kWmax. 2) Trend of wattmeter readings was also normal, e. one wattmeter reading turned negative at 110% excitation & total loss is equal to the algebraic sum of all 3 wattmeterreadings. Reliability Looking at observations made for lasses & total ‘excitation current it was clear that winding is healthy but looking at trend of excitation current some abnormality was suspected in core. This matter was further investigated, Detailed Analysi Investigative tests conducted for further analysis, 2) Magnetic balance test results were found satisfactory. b) Phase by phase excitation test carried out at 100% ‘excitation for all 3 phases. Test results were as below Reliability leaning of RO limb during handling as As seen in Fig. 1 there is absence of notch (Table-2). shown in Fig-1. prace | Exctaton | Excation Current ase ae Interpretation of testresults: The trend af excitation current forall 39 did not fallow the normal trend, ie. R & BO currents should be approximately equal, whereas YB current lesser as compared to extreme phases, Above test results show abnormal trend, ie, almost 24 ‘times current in RO, compared to BB excitation current. Looking at results, some problem was apprehended in limb. Finally, in order to verify this, it was decided to Un-tank the core-coil assembly for visual inspection. Interestingly, some abnormal air gap was noticed at a top core joint as a result of geen con Cartage | scan between limb & yoke laminationsand abnormal alr gap cbservedat corners. This was the cause for abnormal excitation current and it ‘would have resulted in hot spot in core in service. To rectify this, top yoke laminations were removed and ensuring verticality of the limb, the top yoke was filled again. The job ‘was re-tested and the results were found satisfactory as shownin Table-3, pee cee ee eee CASE STUDY-II ‘Transformer rating details: 160MVA,220/132/1 1kV,30,YNa0d] Auto transformer. ‘As per schedule of internal quality checks, tests were performed at different stages and test results were satisfactory During final testing no-load loss, magnetizing current of the wattmeters right from 90% excitation gave the impression of some abnormality in the core. Detailed Analysis: ‘Same as above in CASE-I, experimental tests for analyzing the fault, phase by phase excitation test carried out at 100% excitation for all 36, Test results are as tabulated results were found as below (Table-4). below (Table-5). Ter Interpretation of test results: ‘eeteen | acme comet amp] Bstaten[wonartvang] us | || From the test results I is construed that there — re rd re cc oe efor Seo af ree por [too Prer ear Peer} 00 ai Ralimb, $10 [un| v2 [es es [on si fse| 930 In order to ‘The observations from the testresults: 1) The trend of wattmeter readings was found abnormal, RB wattmeter showed negative readings tight from 90% excitation, 2) Trend of excitation current drawn by 30 was abnormal. YO current was very less whereas RO & BO currents Increasedabnormally. 3) Excitation currents at 90, 100 & 110% excitation increased 2 to 3 times, compared to similar unit results. However, the absolute value of this current verify this, the core-coll assembly was un-tanked for visual inspection. Interestingly, some abnormal air gap was Roticed at 3 top core joint as a result of leaning of RO limb during handling as shown infigc2. The core was rectified and the ob was re-tested, Theresults were foundin order as shown in Table-6. Figure-2 Freee was in order. = Looking at the observations made for total | Sea’ cian | exetston carat in Amps | Staten | wate Rene | Tu losses & total excitation current it was evident i ae aaa oes pe m1 that winding ishealthy but the tend of al 3g [Maz Tastee | tae Tae ear} excitation currents & negative readings of one [—s49—[ siz soe eon — [35] For lenny Cage ne Cicer ec Seu Enea defects in the core during works testing Tables ame | exam | Smngn cot | cM, | wanna wang Tai | Ce | it eae} eee Technical Article 42"™ National Safety Week Celebration 4"-10" March, 2013 See 42nd National Safety Day 2013 Reliability Reliability eo fie Toh hogi, Nai 'B ‘To foster Occupational Health and Safety culture at EMCO, the eee eee ad 42nd National Safety Day was celebrated across all EMCO ME Eee eee an locations Thane, Baroda, jalgaon ,Dadka, ProjectsSS, TL Sites). 42nd National Safety Day 2013 It was a moment of pride for all Emcoites when our President HR De ne Car and Corporate Affairs Ms. Meenakshi Jain launched an audio of a ee ee Safety Anthem for EMCO on the occassion of the National Safety Dayon4thMarch 2013. Dee ara eee ee eee Objective ofthe safety anthem: xm the Cine that OMSAS isa vital component for EMCO andisa safe place to werk and enfance corporate image aud inculcate safety culture no ondy within te organization but eee absocascade towards society and our stakeholders Feedback from dignitaries | wholeheartedly congratulate all EMCOites and the management of EMCO for celebrating the 42nd National Safety Week 2013 with las of vigour and enthusiasm. 1am happy that during the Safety Week 2013 celebrations at EMCO Thane, several contest were organized, Participation of employees in such events enhances their morale and confidence and improves their belongingness tothe organization. | was impressed by the skit organised by the employees during the valedictory event. The Choreography | for the Safety Anthem organized by the company during the function was unique and interesting event and I congratulate EMCO for coming out with such a enthralling safety anthem demonstrating a high value safety leadership .On behatf of NSC and on my own behalf, | wish every EMCOite a very safe and healthylifeshead. -V.B, Sant Director General (National Safety Council) The 42nd National Safety Day celebration at EMCO on 4th March 2013, of which | was lucky to be apart of, was a well organized function with clear and transparent commitment of the respective Directors, Senior Managers and the employees of EMCO. The launch of the new safety anthem, in line with our | Indian tradition and the introduction of MrSafety was’perfect’. The involvement of a celebrity who made Uslaugh our’hearts our and making people enjoy the function was awesome. Its indeed an event that | vill cherish throughout my life. =Russil Kumar General Manager - Health, Safety & Environment (Mumbai Intemational Airport Pvt.Ltd) | Ican say all Emcoites listening to me as a part of audience were very humble anddecent. Safety anthem | y was excellent and specially the lyrics which has personally movedme with respect to suraksha. It was my life time experience which will be unforgettable - Mubeen Saudagar Mimicry artist & standup comedian (Comedy cicus femme) Cole TeM eed ew Mar] =11-16) Projects Completed ) Tanstormer successtuly charged im } 2204 End days successfully charged at Khadka J} 220KV switchyard at 400/220 kv Lonikand- Sub-station successfully charged S fe J) 187 MVA.400 kv Single Phase Spare ICT successfully charged at Lonikand Substation J} Successful completion of circuit Gwalior-Agra 765 kV SC Line Physically Completed the Meerut-Ara 765 kV SCTL Major Orders Bagged Domestic > Gita Power Infrastructure for2 x 150M Power Plant in Gujarat - 2 nos, 200 MVA, 15.75/235 kV GT, 1 no. 45, MVA,220/6.9KV ST, 2n0s.31.5MVA, 15,75/6.9kVUAT of valueRs.13.8 Crore > CLW - 17 nos. 6500 KVA Loca Transformers valued at Rs.17.17 Crore > MPPTCL - 6 nos. 63 MVA, 132/33 kV Power Transformers of valueRs.11.42 Crore > Bank Note Paper Mills - 14 nos Distribution Transformers of various ratings of value Rs.2.6 Crore International » 2.x 66 MVA, 132/33 kV Power Transformers of value Rs. 4.99 Crore from Ahmin Technology & Power systems: Ind, Nigeria Reliability 80 MVA, 132/33 kV Power Transformer of value Rs. 3.98 Crore from berdrola, Spain 3 x 30 MVA, 220/11kV Power Transformers of value Rs. 6.22 Crore fromNCCLtd. Zambia 2x 250 MVA, 220/33 kV Power Transformers of value Rs. 11.78 Crore fromNCCLtd, Uganda ‘125MVA, 330/132-88/11kV & SOMVA, 132/88/33kV_ Power Transfarmer of value Rs. 14.31 Crore fram ZESCO_ Lid, Zambia 3 x 20MVA, 65/11kV Power Transformer of value Rs.3.6 Crore from Copperbelt Energy Corporation PLC, Zambia ‘125MVA, 330/132-88/33KV & SOMVA, 132-88/33kV_ Substations of value Rs. 34.86 Crore from 2ESCO Ltd, Zambia Reliability Water Crisis - In Indian Context JATER is one of the precious gifts bestowed by nature to the human being. Water isa vital part of ‘our life, Our economy, our environment and our day-to- day lfestyleneed waterto flourish ‘The urban man from metropolitan city ike Murnbat rarely ‘thinks of the importance of water, Whenhhe needs water, all he has to dais to turn on the tap, The only time the urban folk become aware of the importance of water is when there is @ drought and the water supply is hampered. if water fationing becomes 100 stringent, they may find themselves in a worse position than the rural ‘man who may have 2 steady supply of water ‘rom his well. Water is important to the mechanics of the human body, The bady ‘annot work without it, just as a car cannot tun without gas and oll. In fact, all the cell and ‘organ functions that make up our entire anatomy and physiology dependon water for their functioning, In the late 1950 world renowned Engineer Harvey ‘Slocum, who built the Bhakra Dam was asked at 2 press ‘conference to name three major problems that India ‘would face by the end of the century. He replied ‘Water, water, water. Siocum prophecy tumed into gospel truth ‘and we can witness today demand for water exceeds Congratulations ! supply. If the next world war happens it may well be ‘triggered by water scarcity across the continents. Ithas been already found that the world is suffering from water shortages. Increasing demand for water with rapidly growing rate of population, inadequate rainfall, uncontrolled use af water and climate change are some Of the reasons behind it. As per the study done by the ‘National Geophysical Research institute (NGRI) points to ‘the rapid depletion of groundwater in metropolitan cities like Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai, ‘and predicts that in ‘three years, Hyderabad willbe bone dry. ‘Though in the alarming situation we are aware how essential water is to survival, it is astonishing how ‘wasteful we are with it Alter all, what Water is worth asks someone who is being lost in the desert of to an Indian Farmer? Water is @ key component in determining the quality of ‘our lives. Today, people are concerned about the quality of the water they drink. Although water covers more ‘than 70% of the Earth, only 1% of the Earth’s water is available as a source of drinking. Yet, our society continues to contaminate this preciousresource, ~ Sunil Sathe Ms. Chitrika Agarwal, Daughter of Mr, Kailash Agarwal, whois @ final year student from Belgaum based KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, bagged the 1° National level Runner up award for presenting her paper & table clinic at 17° National Dentsply - Indian Dental Association Student Clinician Conference held inKolkata recently. She presented her table clinic on "Subsurface Caries - Unearthing the unseen’. She also received life time membership of SCADA (Student Clinician American Dental Association). She was felicitated by KLE University Registrar- VD. Patil, Principal - Alka Kale & others. Award at National Level Programme Pe Exe ar Reged Eye Emeralds 64" Republic Day Celebrations at Various EMCO Locations Group discussion on various topes Sharing outcomes of group siscusion Closing of HR condave ge. . Celebration of World Environment Day at Thane per Nnavguatin af Tee Patan by “lee Plantation by Encoites Eco Fey produ xbiton by halesh ain CO enro Vel fe Clea ey tM Lan welcoming ou He Srovistave tam NSC adress Free saping distibution tou vi. visa vnaNhartn NCB Cairo igh “Anatenese eit vtonmest © mf mcotes Reliability Reliability few) Its an initative to trigger a behavioral change or plant a positive thought to bring about a ‘behavioral change. The sessions are a mix of learning and fun with activities like team building games, learning videos and experience sharing. Al the sessions have a theme which is the focus of the session. We have conducted sessions on themes like, ‘Beyond the Confines, ‘Team Building, Out of the Box Thinking’ ‘and look forward to conduct many such sessions, cA, ncitesnsug at Joo Teka reting cites about Emeztes enjoying the sesin and ‘Saturday Ki Pathshala by Rigg the Bol cance of Paola pau Vere Central Ground, Thane | Date-11th-12thMay, 2013 | 10 Teams Day 1-5 matches were played in the knock out rounds of Day 1 and Tafo SFE. Meters and Trafo TRE directly entered the semifinals Day 2- Aqualifying match forthe semifinal position 2 was played between Corporate 2 and Transformer Manufacturing; Transformer Manufacturing emerged as a winner. The semi finals were played between Trafo SFE vs Meters and Trafo TRE vs Transformer Manufacturing: Transformer TRE and Transformer SFE wos the tnaist inthe nail biting final Transformer SFE emerged as innerof€PL 2013 Man of the Match - Yogesh Dongre Man of Series -Umesh Ken \ Seren Etienne rere Er) pion i RN reer ed eee Pr caoteae ete See etsy eee en eae Petia Whether itis sad, mad, glad or bad, PTE Ler) ee ened Peay ee encod PSone ts fies ene ee eo De Er eens foe rei aes Sn eee ecu Du ese Cr aE Poeog tic Poa em Pi NG ROE ue ener ess ee era CE neo? ey Tee eo Ped eee The purpose is not to teach but av Seer Brain teasers 2) Name any word that becomes shorter even when youadd2 moreletters toit? 3) Name a7 letter word, from which if you take out 4 letters, youwillhave 1 left? 4 add 5 to 9, and get 2. The answer is correct, but how? 5) went to Paris, lent to Egypt, Ihave been toNew York and | will be going to Rome. And all this! doby simply sitting in a corner. Who am I? (Hint - think aboutaletter) 6) It walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three legs in the evening. Whatis it? 7) Atnight they come without being fetched. By day ‘theyare lostwithout being stolen. What are they? 8) The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it never uses it and the person who uses it doesn'tknow they are. Whatisit? ayy ("SIS UL (L PIO a Aa LOL sn pue unpe ue se s89|0ma uo sqeM fae (vewom so) ue (9 "dues (5 “wd 00:2 198 ja noK pue A103 snow 5 Phe WE 0% 51 AUN (p ‘BUDAWIS (€ "VOUS {2 'spIEMPEG peas uays asuas Sayew! plOM raWo AiR 1 Fill in the small squares with words which agree with the following definitions. fae ‘What bargain hunters The fre ofthe gomut enioy palm Auten, what we all shouts be acknowledgment day dream ‘Such and nothing more A talon Abid pigeon ‘Opposed to less Part of your heas What this puzzle is [river in Russia ‘An animal of prey To govern ‘The closeof aday fn aromatic plant Toelude Afist ‘The plual of is Toagree with Tocutivate Partof a ship ‘Abar of wood orion one What artists learn to do Exchanging Fastened Tosink in mud Found on the seashore Atoy Reliability KOU UNM a(t] a0 YI meme (ieel cle | Pa RU clas through hard work done with CITT molars MoCo Dear €mcoites, t Seat frie Fa oi at Ata oar | AA, Ie, Be fea AT TAT II “Niramal mann jann so mohi pawa; mohi kapat, chhal, chhidrana bhava.” -Ramcharitmanas Lord Ram says that Reliable persons only can attain him;he also discards persons full of fraud, deceit and fault Reliability is a combination of trustworthiness, dependability and truth. Itisa quality of athing virtue ofa person and goodwill of an institution. It means we are what we claim; and vice versa, It is one of the foundations of team work and cooperation. Itallows people to work together relying fully on team mates. Reliability is generated through hard werk done with dedication and devotion. Its an accumulation and essence of the good work done devotedly and consistently over significant period of time. Reliability and goodwill go hand in hand, Once you are reliable your goodwill is high. If your goodwill is high then you are more reliable. Reliability is must for the growth of an institution and of a person, The tellabllity of products can be so high that it may become a global brand, e.g Colgate, Bisleri, Xerox, TATA. A new born low cost Indian ait so reliable that i considered synonym for on time performance. The teliabilty of what Abdul Kalam saysis sohigh thatits blindly accepted. Reliability is an essential ingredient in mutual relationships both within the fa institution grows faster where the value of “Reliability” isrecognizedin act and deed, ly and institution. An “Reliability” is also defined as the ability of a person or system or institution to perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances, as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances. Tulsidas Ji says “Dheeraj, Dharam, Mitra aru Naari, Aapat kaal parkh yehi chari’, It means it is only in adversity that the reliability of your patience, righteousness, friendship and wife is tested. A reliable person sticks with his institution; and sinks and swims with it in times of adversity and prosperity. He never leaves it in lurch. Thus reliabilityisakeystone of the character of aman, quality ofa thing and goodwill ofan institution. Deepak Khandelwal President - Projects Division | 18 THE REASON BEHIND OUR EXISTENCE FOR 5 DECADES Sel LU } A IN LAST 10 YEARS Pere ae) Se Ce usa) Vv Bt) teen) : Paes) SUCCESSFULLY SHORT CIRCUIT TESTED 315MVA, 400/220/33kV AUTO TRANSFORMER IN THE YEAR 2011 AT KEMA, HIGH POWER TEST LAB, ‘THE NETHERLANDS, IN FIRST GO WORLD'S FIRST 315MVA, 230kV GENERATOR TRANSFORMER SUCCESSFULLY SHORT-CIRCUIT TESTED IN THE YEAR 2010 AT KEMA, HIGH POWER TEST LAB, ‘THE NETHERLANDS, IN FIRST GO MANUFACTURED eee La A esse IN LAST 3 YEARS Ages ath ae ls aka) DSS Re Kg ROLLOUT ary aes MORE THAN 4 MILLION METERS SUPPLIED é . WORLDWIDE It's the Trust & Reliability shown by our valuable customers REGIONAL OFFICES im on 413-422 Devika Tower 20372, 0m Tower Plot No.5, Raed No. 28 No, 1st Foc, Behind Canara bank, 6, Nehru lace 2nd Foot, 32. Chominsee Rood ‘naw Inu Estate Tih Goss Malleswaram New Geri 110019 woteata70007" ‘Trane i) 400 508 engaur'50 003. NDIA Tat 91-11-4780 0000 7a 991-33-3250 664 Tet 9 1-22-4040 4500 ‘el #91-80-3272 2003, nit ene detnizemcninalacom Email emcasencoinlom mal emcabangaloresemcoinlacom

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