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Mary, June 13 2015

Jun 13, 2015 |
Koyari, Aruba June 13, 2015 11:38AM | The Virgin Mary appeared in the Chapel at Koyari during the 5th Joyous Mystery and in the 5th Hail
Mary. The apparition took approximately 10min.
Message of Duty and Grace
To all My children, a very special blessing on this date, when Saint Anthonys feast is remembered. Hes always been a great saint. To all

his devotees, he can comply with your wishes and he even prays for all who deviate from the path of God.

My children, did you remember to pray as you should? The sign of the Cross has to be done the way that I have taught My little Visionary Valerie. Also I protect
you with My true light, which descends upon your heads and goes to the soul of your feet. This is to protect you against all the attacks of evil.
My children, I love you very much. For this I want to protect you with My precious mantle which is filled with light. Let the Holy Spirit stay in the world to break
all evil, because life isnt easy anymore and there are of lot of deaths on their way.
Do more works of charity for your loved ones. Did you remember to pray for all the sick and for the elderly who are in loneliness and who are not being visited?
My children, how many of you have saved those whove deviated and who are not on the correct path? Mistreatment has increased and many people are doing
wrong things hiding.

Many of you dont want to ask for forgiveness and you neither accept that sins happen every day and also you blacken the names of those who are innocent. Why
do you need to tease each other? That hurts me a lot. Dont do this anymore, My children. There are many beautiful things that can be done. The most beautiful
gift is to see you convert from the heart. Do marvelous works and with a lot of love.

Open your hearts and say that you want to go forward. If you say no, you will completely stay behind. Dont forget that I and My Son Jesus know everything that is
happening to you. There is more sadness than joy. That makes me think more on you. As your Mother, I will dry your tears from your faces. That is when you will
receive a divine smile again. Come closer to My heart and I will embrace one and all. I would like to say how much I love you.

Run to get your seal, the cross of salvation, before its too late, because the world is in great and heavy danger.

Of your Mother, the Virgin of Grace of Aruba, who loves you forever.





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