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Book Report Form, Grades 5-8

DATE DUE_________________

Reader's Name_______________________

Parent Signature_____________________

Title ______________________________
1. When and where did the story take place (setting)?

2. List the Principal Characters and briefly describe each.











3. Write and define new words you've seen in this book.







4. What do you think are the most important incidents in the development of the story?
Beginning: _____________________________________________________________
Middle: ________________________________________________________________
End: __________________________________________________________________
5. Completely explain your satisfaction with the book's conclusion

6. Would I like to read another book by this author? _______ Explain


7. What is the theme of this book (lesson) and how does it apply to this book?

8. My overall opinion of this book


9. Here is a least a paragraph about the book that I have not told.

Record this on your Book Reports I have Completed sheet. (Which is given out the first day
of school.)
10. Here is an appropriate picture for this book (a book jacket that I myself have
designed and I'm proud of it.)

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