Macbeth Vs Ken Arok

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Literature is an object of study, it can also be studied in comparing
between 2 or more another literary works. The comparison need to be
developed with roughly the same amount of space for each side of the
comparison. Of course, in comparing the literary works, it has not only
differences because it comes from different culture and period, but also it
has similarities. How could we find the similarities? This case will be
discussed on this paper.
Comparative literature, of course, compares; but what?. I believe the
what? is never to be answered for certain nor for all.

Every literary

comparatist, I further believe, should be allowed the freedom to choose

his what, so long as he is comparing and is dealing with literature. He
may choose, if he likes, to compare two authors or two works (or even
only parts of two works), two literary schools or movements, two versions
of translation or two pieces of criticism; he may concern himself with a
special genre, style, form, theme, motif, tradition, or any other topic; he
may study literature in connection with another art, with sociology,
anthropology, psychoanalysis, linguistics, religion, philology, or with any
other branch of human expression; he may cross the frontier of his clan,
his nation, his continent, or his hemisphere; and he may also cross the
boundary of one period, one dynasty, one age, one century or one bigger
section of time. And if some scholars should choose to establish another
school of comparative literature anywhere in the world, they, too, must be
given this freedom to choose their what. But once they have chosen
their subject matter, let them be prepared to compare, directly or
indirectly, what they think is comparable if they want earnestly to become
So, here I want to compare the motif of 2 well-known literary work.
Why choose motif? Because in these 2 works, the most striking similarity

is in its motif. Motif is the smallest part of theme which appear again and
again at the literary works. Thera are many similarity especially the same
motifs that appear in literary works in each ethnics. What is the reason of
the similarity? Did this literary works grow up in the same time or they are
influence each other? Or is there the role of diffusion theory.
Machbet was a play that written by William Shakespeare. This play
was from England, this plot and settings so influenced by England at that
time that still believed about black magic or witch, and in this play still
take setting in castle. While Ken Arok is a play that written about brave
robber that afraid by everyone.

Before I compare these 2 literary works, it is much better if I rewrite
the synopsis. Here are the brief synopsis of Macbeth and Ken Arok :
Synopsis of Macbeth :
Macbeth and Banquo, leaders of the Scottish army, meet a group of
witches who prophesy the future. They address Macbeth as Thane of
Cawdor and King of Scotland and tell Banquo that he will be the father of
kings. The two men try to learn more, but the witches vanish. Messengers
arrive with news that Duncan, the current King of Scotland, has made
Macbeth Thane of Cawdor. The first part of the witches prediction has
come true. In Macbeths castle, Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her
husband telling her of the events that have just transpired. She resolves
to follow her ambitions. A servant announces that Duncan will soon arrive
at the castle, and when Macbeth enters, she tells him that they must kill
the king. Duncan arrives, and Lady Macbeth invites him to spend the
night. Macbeth has a vision of a dagger, then leaves to commit the
murder. On his return, he tells his wife how the act has frightened him.
She replies that he needs more courage. They both leave as Banquo
enters with Macduff, a nobleman, who discovers the murder. Macbeth and

Lady Macbeth pretend to be horrified and join the others in condemning

the crime.
Macbeth has become king. Duncans son, Malcolm, is suspected of
having killed his father and has fled to England. Worried about the
prophecy that Banquos children will rule, Macbeth and his wife now plan
to kill him and his son, Fleance, as well. As Macbeth leaves to prepare the
double murder, Lady Macbeth hopes that it will finally make the throne
secure. Outside the castle, assassins wait for Banquo, who appears with
his son, warning him of strange forebodings. Banquo is killed, but Fleance
Lady Macbeth welcomes the court to the banquet hall and sings a
drinking song, while Macbeth hears news that Banquo is dead and his son
has escaped. About to take Banquos seat, Macbeth has a terrifying vision
of the dead man. His wife is unable to calm her husband. The courtiers
wonder about the kings strange behavior. Macduff vows to leave the
country, which is now ruled by criminals.









demanding more prophecies. Apparitions warn him to beware of Macduff

and assure him that no man of woman born can harm him, and that he
will be invincible until Birnam Wood marches on his castle. In another
vision, he sees a procession of future kings, followed by Banquo. Horrified,
Macbeth collapses. The witches disappear, leaving him on the heath,
where his wife finds him. They resolve to kill Macduff and his family as
well as Banquos son.
On the English border, Macduff has joined the Scottish refugee. His
wife and children have been killed. Malcolm appears with British troops
and leads them to invade Scotland. Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking,
haunted by the horrors of what she and her husband have done.In another
room in the castle, Macbeth awaits the arrival of his enemies. He realizes
that he will never live to a peaceful old age. Messengers bring news that
Lady Macbeth has died, and that Birnam Wood appears to be moving.

English soldiers appear, camouflaged with its branches. Macduff confronts

Macbeth and tells him that he was not born naturally but had a Caesarean
birth. He kills Macbeth and proclaims Malcolm king of Scotland.
Synopsis of Ken Arok :
Ken arok is play written by Saini K.M. Ken Arok is tragedy play that
has same motif with Macbeth that was written before, it take place in East
Java, Kediri Kingdom, with the ruler is Kertajaya. The story is started the
action of Ken Arok, when he fools some guards who pass through over the
jungle and kill them. Of course, because of the title is Ken Arok it tells
about the life of the notorious Ken Arok, he is a leader of robber in Kediri,
on Tumpel region, his group is known to be like bad gangsters who is very
cruel, they commit themselves to kill people, to ransom some gold, and to
rapes innocent girl. This notorious criminal event is heard to Kertajaya, the
King of Kediri try to catch him, he gives an ultimatum to the priest if they
cannot catch Ken Arok, they must worship him as a supreme god, and of
course, it seems that the priest does not like the situation, they have been
angry because of the kings act that Ksatriya is more exalted than
Had forced and got ultimatum from the King to end Ken Arok crimes.
Mpu Pamor and Mpu Sridhara, Brahmana priest plan to meet Mpu
Loghawe, they want to ask help to Ken Arok. Instead of capturing Ken
Arok, they create a plan that King doesnt know. Mpu Lohgawe decide to
teach Ken Arok to be an humble man, in order to change his mindset and
stop doing crimes anymore. They also find another solution to offer Ken
Arok as the knight of Tunggul Ametung, the chief of Tumapel village and
also kings the most favored subordinate member, and then they plan to
convey it to Tunggul Ametung, and arrange a meeting in Akuwu Tumapel,
Tunggul Ametung castle. After that, Lohgawe with Mpu Sridhana, and Mpu
Pamor comes to jungle. They convince Ken Arok to stop their activities
around Tumapel with any covenant. Ken Arok agree with Lohgawes
persuasion, and became to be chief knight of Tumapel .

The story continues, when Ken Arok learns about law codes, He saw
calf of Ken Dedes, Tunggul Ametungs wife and he admires with her
beauty. Lohgawe tells him that Ken Dedes is raneswari mowen and the
man who married with her will be King. Because of the propechy, Ken Arok
plan to take kris from Mpu Gandring, Mpu Gandring tells that kris is not
finished yet and it need more time. Losing his mind, Ken Arok stabs Mpu
Gandring when Mpu Gandring is starting to ask the purpose use of kris.
Before die Mpu Gandring curse the kris and said that Ken Arok will die with
his own kris and it will continues until seven victims. After killing Mpu
Gandring, Ken Arok has a plot to kill Tunggul Ametung, as the chief guard,
he uses his authority to give a time to rest for Kebo Ijo. Hearing shout,
Kebo Ijo come to see the scource, but Ken Arok stabs him and make him
as the suspect of murdering Tunggul Ametung.
Because of his authority as the chief of Tumpel Guard, He
proclaimed himself as King of Tumapel village, change the name of
Tumapel Village become to be Singhasari Kingdom. To fulfill his throne and
the prophecy, he marries Ken Dedes, and declared himself as Sang
Amurwabhumi and Batara Guru. This raising Kingdom absolutely treats
Kediri Kingdom, because it is declaration of war. The power of Singhasari
cannot be hold anymore, with vast number of death of Kediri armies and
general, and also the progress of Singhasari while approaching Kediri,
Kertajaya kills himself. And it gives Singhasari total controls over Java.
A few years later, to maintain his reign, and eliminate suspicion of
Anusapati, son of Ken Dedes and Tunggul Ametung, Ken Arok sends him
to learn as Buddha Priest, in order to, give Anusapati chances no kill him.
Ken Arok also has concubine Ken Umang. After few years, Singhasari
people upset with the condition of their kingdom and complains to
Anusapati. Anusapati also has revenge because he has known the true
father, and his true father died because of murder. Anusapati have one of
Batil villager to stabs Ken Arok with kris Mpu Gandring. After the death of
Ken Arok, Anusapati becomes the true heir of Singhasari and declares as
King of Singhasari.

After knowing the synopsis both of the plays, I will try to compare
these two literary work based of the similarity though the same motif. I
have analyzed this play, and I found seven points which can be discussed.
They have seven similarity motifs. They are : murder, join murder, role of
woman, supranatural, crime, deception, and tragedy. I will try to explain
each of its part and give the quotation

to amplify my analysis of this


Strating from the first motif, it tells about murder. In Macbeth murder
becomes one of motif because from the plot we know that Macbeth is the
key of murders, in scene I, he kills his uncle, King Duncan, to gain the
thorn of Scotland. Actually he has buried his mind to kill the king, and
brings his mind back. But Lady Macbeth poisons his mind to fulfill the
prophecy as it written in act 1 scene 5.

The second motif that has similarity is about the role of women.
We find it in both of them.
The third motif that has similarity is about supranatural. In
Macbeths play, it involves the supranatural because it includes the three
witches who predict Macbeths future. Those three witches of the play
represent the supranatural. They foretell that Macbeth will be a King.

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